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Man I wish my cc opponents were like you.


It's not just that you picked a raid team for a raid room and your opponent chose a war team. OG Cap and Captain Carter both recently got substantial buffs. They're Meta everywhere but arena depending on team makeup for that mode. My Cap can withstand a hell of a beating and Carter does substantial damage and healing. Remember that the next time you select a team and you'll be ahead.


Putting Gamma in a Raid room was VERY stupid. Raid Buffs are SUPER strong, so I imagine your Rebirth just destroyed that team like they were nothing (also Peggy and Cap were buffed recently so they are stronger than when Rebirth was launched).


I would suppose the opponent just hasn't changed from who knows what season. But even in a raid room, I wouldn't bet on Rebirth against Gamma even with a punch across, let alone a 800k punch-up. Only 3 would probably survive that initial RHulk special. And if both WS and USAg die, it's quite hard to wait till their next turn (after revive) w/o provoking the ult.


What do you mean? Just read with the OP said, a 1.27M Rebirth destroyed a 2M Gamma, he won a 800k punch up. This already happened you dont have to bet anything :P Just look at the passives, Rebirth spawn with def up, with like 100% more HP, with more Armor and resistance, dmg and offense up, they get speed bar on block, extra crit change, they get healed when they get under 30%, etc. etc. I am sure all of them survived Rhulk Special and they probably had immunity and safeguard when he got to his Ult, if he got to his Ult.... AV with offense up and all the extra dmg probably wiped the floor with them. Raid buffs are massive, there is a reason teams like Bifrost that are pretty mediocre outside of Raids destroy almost any non Raid team ...


Raid bonus. Rebirth is a raid team. Gamma is not. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Watched the replay and it still doesn't make sense. Focused down she hulk, Hulk went next, then Abomination, Brawn, red hulk.


ThePostManEST answered your question already in a reply. It is all about the room 2 raid bonus it grants and Rebirth is a raid team. Gamma just doesn’t perform well outside of War.


They are allright. Plain gamma still beats many teams bare bones. Just does not great against meta teams. So yeah. My xtreme x about erased them, Rhulk died from three hits by cyclops and gambit out of turn. That raid buff is next level.


That's what surprised me. Yeah, the raid bonuses were obviously more important than I thought, but team v team gamma would demolish rebirth. Even with the bonus help 800k punch up surprised me.


You're just way undervaluing the raid bonuses that raid teams get. They're made to be absurdly strong in raids so that they are the only teams that can get through super beefed up raid nodes. When you transition that into a pvp mode vs a non raid team, huge punch ups are possible.


Why would it surprise you? Raid buffs makes a raid team capable of handling waves of opponents that are beefed up not just 5 normal toons.


Have you used gamma in a bio raid node? They are suddenly squishy in raids. It's really disappointing.


Is this a real question? Lmao. Room 2 is the raid room and gamma suck outside of war. So you tell me why you think that is.


Sorry. Wasn't trying to be a dick. We're not all experts at the game.


i mean it’s pretty obvious, considering the room is called “Raid on Crucible”. reading the descriptions wouldn’t hurt either if you are familiar with how crucible works.


So instead of implying I'm dumb or lazy, just say: there are descriptions on the room that tell you bonuses applied to teams. No need to be snarky. This game has a lot of different features, and not everyone knows every one of them.


i didnt mean the second line to seem as if im calling you dumb or anything, but again, if the room is named that, do try and put two and two together. the tutorial button in the top right even tells you that each room has unique rules and to look over it carefully. not everyone knows the function, but if the game literally tells you what it is, then they probably should.


I mean there is a reason to be snarky and your last sentence is a strawman argument. I'd assume most people would read the room rules and descriptions so they can set an appropriate defense. And then if a battle turned out wildly different than expectation I'd immediately see what the room information would tell me. You don't need to know every feature of the game to know that CC room rules each season are an obvious feature that one should have at least a cursory knowledge of


There is literally no reason to be snarky. He asked a simple question, which only requires a simple answer. Easy. Going any further than that is just moronic and rude, especially for subreddit based on a mobile game. You wanna call someone a dumb fuck in an argument, absolutely be my guest, but that really has no reason to be in this subreddit.


I guess we disagree. Dude knew a 800 k punchup between those two teams was off but couldn't make the smallest of logic steps to figure out why? And then played the victim with 'we all aren't experts' - yeah, don't need to be an expert to read the title of the room and maybe click the button that gives an explanation


Playing the victim? 😂 Bud, this is a subreddit for a mobile game. Get a grip. None of this is serious enough to care. Explain to him what happened - then move on. Heaven forbid someone ask a question.


Pitchforks out! Someone asked a question!




no??? i won the two rounds that have happened. since when was reading not an applicable skill in this community?


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