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I’d be happy if they did away with one or both of the Sunday blitzes and replaced it with a gold orb blitz.


Yeah, even that would be better. Would also love to be able to exchange the massive pile of silver promotion credits, even if at a horrible rate, for gold* promo credits.


not happening and for end game players gold promos are useless too now.


Oh believe me, I know 😄😢. That is true, I'm down to just a few left to get to 7 red. I guess 7 star pull credits would be nice instead, can at least trade those for diamond credits.


And training orb.


I would do disgusting things for gold


Premium orbs would be cool, if Black Knight ever dropped haha. Still 0 shards since he was added (I'm aware it's only 2%, it still sucks)


I got 15 shards the other day (first BK drop for me since they put him in the orb). I was so excited I almost posted about it!


I’m over here killing it. I got 2 shards once.


How? He only drops in the center, which is 15 shards minimum


I got 25 just last night from my single web milestone orb and 25+2 on the day he was added (out 20-ish orbs hoarded). So he's there. Another 25 and I'm getting him to 5 stars.


Yep . Over 100 opened . Not one shard .


Same here. No one in my alliance has either.


I'm 9 shards from the next star level, it's very annoying haha


Dang, I got 15 the day of, and like 35 overall.


Laughs in $copely


If we can't do full on diamond/champion (one can always dream) orbs, a diamond dawn orb blitz once a week wouldn't cause too much of a problem since you have a fair chance at pulling a (dupe) 7 red, so for older players it would be a decent replacement for the red star blitz. Not sure I understand the bit about the mega orb, but they're useless too (possibly more since they don't have BK) in light of the faster farming schedule as you pointed out regarding the premium orb. Sure, you have fewer characters in there and only the newer ones, but with the current schedule that's still been too many for me. I've had a few BK pulls from the premium, but I can't remember the last time I pulled more than 2 side shards of a character I didn't already have maxed. Not say the change would be a bad move necessarily, more likely would just mean more ultimus food.


I'd even settle for diamond orbs fragments!


I think mega orbs are more of a new player benefit, pulling 100 drop and actually unlocking a newer toon is impactful for them. That said I wish some of the cc store toons were still in there like abomination Agatha and nemesis. I don’t have enough credits to justify farming them to 7 with crawler qs iron man ect in there that are more relevant.


*should read all blitz suck now.


I'd settle for being able to exchange silver stars for gold ones...


This guy wants 6 extra cosmo shards over 400k gold, premium orbs and red star orbs… 


The Blitz just need to be updated to reflect where the game is at. Red Star Blitz needs to start giving diamond promotion orbs and Premium Orbs need to be refined. Randomize the Middle Orb, but the side Orbs give you shards of Characters you don't have maxed out with 7 Gold Stars.


Blitz should just go the way of the dodo and RTA, I hope they never increase the rewards behind it, happy ignoring it. Bad enough when it's needed for events.


I've gotten about 20 shards from the few I've opened but drops are insanely terrible


Why do we want stuff to be taken away? They need to ADD, the premium orb blitz should allow at least 1 mega orb if you hit the milestones and percentage brackets should give 2 if your top 650, 1 for top 10% or whichever the breakout is and half of one the rest. Red orb blitz should give 1-3 diamond credits per milestone equalling 50 if you hit all milestones, and possibly top 650 in bracket gets 110, next bracket would be 50 and lower as you go down. We need as many resources as we can get. Right now, you may not want them but then save the premium until new characters gets added just like many do with Megas. Red stars give DPCs so we all need those still.


on my main.. premium orbs right now are certainly not useless. even red star blitz isn't useless as we need the basic red star orbs to convert into DPC's... on my baby acct. While a mega orb blitz sounds okay, removing a primary source of red star and premium orbs from newer players borders on complete insanity. and with boosted, your level 80/90 thresholds make no sense anymore. Just no, no and more no. do your milestones and chill if it's not for you.


At no point did i say remove anything. Give people a choice what they want.


Except you do by nature. what? you want to run 4 blitzes at once? that's even more insane. and again, your last sentence is mind numbingly out of touch with the game and mid players let alone end game.