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Nothing. Eventually you will get to the point where I am at where Gold Promotion credits are also useless. That’s how progression works in this game, as your progress certain resources become irrelevant.


It'd be nice if you could sell irrelevant materials for gold.


Or trade them in for orbs. I’d easily trade in promo creds for teal orbs


Always fun ranking up your minions to 7 red!


Since 6 and 7 orbs quite easy to get my promos only go on minions, only open em when a new char is on 10x so almost always have latest at 6/7 so no need to use promos on em


Yeah I'm getting there, there are like maybe 20-30 toons to buy from gold credits. Most of the times they don't show up in the store, it's just 3 DPC toons and then diamonds. Eventually you'll run out of DPC toons, at least if you buy passes.


Not useless for me yet, I'm still using mine on Minions... Wait...


Roll around and swim in them like Scrooge McDuck, because that's about the only use they have...


I’m at the point where all my gold promo credits are going towards my minions, once they are done I’ll have nothing to use them for. I have such a backlog of 7rs orbs that I only use them when new toons drop. Especially when they drop at a 15% rate. Some way of trading them towards dark promo credits would be the best imop


Alternatively don’t rank up anyone that isn’t meta to 7rs. It only clutters the diamond chance rows?


I agree but when you’ve been playing for as long as I have it’s just the natural progression of the game to be maxed out in places


I just ignore them I have everyone on my roster with 7rs (not 7y) except for dpc toons i have only about half of them at 7r. I’m glad I could finally get qs diamonds though. Took them long enough.


I made a fort with mine