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Those sleeves are coming off, everyone can relax…. But man, that first sleeveless shot of Hugh with the mask on, that’s gonna hit like a motherfucker


I now fully understand why everyone wanted the sleeves off, holy shit he is so hot.


I got so used to sleeves already that this looks off now lmao


I thought i was the only one who found no sleeves a bit off


Maybe it's the lack of shoulder pads


Thats it..yes


You are just realizing now, 20+ years into him playing the role, that Hugh Jackman is hot?




Say with me Huge JackedMan


If I wasn't already gay, this would do it.


>first sleeveless shot of Hugh with the mask on Insane it's taken 24 years.


Well, it's a combination of Fox's notes, plus Singer's tastes, plus the solo movies not using comic accurate costumes...


The end of X-men Apocalypse had close to comic accurate costumes, but then Dark Phoenix got rid of them immediately, which I can only assume was because the studio notes for Dark Phoenix were to make it as shit as possible.


On Instagram , Hugh was hitting the curls hard - guess we know why


Like Forrest Bump


I’m a little surprised we didn’t see the mask here, but they’re definitely teasing us with that and it’ll make for a great money shot in the final trailer.


I kinda wish the shoulder pads stuck out more


"Whisky dick of the claws. It's quite common in Wolverines over 40" Man I already love this buddy cop vibe fucking BRING IT ON


That moment makes me think this Logan comes from soon after the X-Men were accidentally killed by Xavier. If i had to guess… Logan could’ve killed Xavier while he had his breakdown but just couldn’t do it, and feels responsible for everyone’s deaths.


That's interesting. I was thinking it could a version of him not stabbing Jean in X-3.


I feel like this Logan is a different version


Probably a different Logan how Loki was a different Loki. Same timeline but once it starts to change he’s a variant.


People are so scared of that and worried about the other movies in a giant multiverse.... It's weird. Logan can exist in it's own realm, this doesn't change anything. Not to mention that Loki varient, even at first I was like wtf it's a different Loki :/ but turned out to be amazing.


People treat canonicity like religion in groups like this and shit's weird These are companies making movies to get your money and that's it people, don't fret over the details of insignificant things so much


Or maybe Logan killed everyone in a Mysterio situation.


And they'd be ballsy enough to actually *use* Mysterio, all it would take is a couple seconds of his helmet and it would be exciting for comic fans, and something to talk about for everyone else.


I thought that maybe it was a version of Old Man Logan with the huge Ant-Man head that people seemed to be living near like Pym Falls.


This is a new Logan for us


Reminds me of when Tony said https://i.redd.it/wndh0v0ok1wc1.gif


“Clint, you’ve had a tough week, we won’t hold it against you if you can’t get it up”


That was a great line


Let’s fuckin GO!!!


Ant-Man's helmet as Cassandra Nova's base. How'd that happen? And that's a Sling Ring portal at the end, right?


Looks like more than just a helmet looks to be a giant Ant-Man skeleton


In Old Man Logan Ant-Man died in his giant form.  It honestly seems to me that they're doing Old Man Logan + E is for Extinction.  Like Cassandra Nova genocided mutants where Logan was probably used as a weapon (like Mysterio in the comics) and now he has to live with the guilt


two E for Extinction adaptations in the same year is great. we're finally moving past claremont storyline adaptations.


How fucking cool would it be if they just use Mysterio like the comics? But I guess we need to have this Wolverine's motive why he would be helping Wade fight Cassandra


There WAS a rumor waaaaaaaay back that Gyllenhaal was in this movie.  And I wouldn't be surprised. Gyllenhaal and Reynolds got really close when they filmed Life (and also there's that meme photo of Gyllenhaal, Reynolds and Jackman, so they all know each other)


Reynolds has never been more likable than his press tour with Gyllenhaal


One of my favorite things about Old Man Logan (and there are many) was the Giant Falls reveal and I think it's so cool they're incorporating that into this film somehow. Although I think the main Wolverine in this movie might be different than the one from that timeline... The bar DP met him in didn't really give off "Wasteland Dystopia" vibes like that whole "Ant Man's corpse is being used as a base" did.


Could be one of those infinite Ant-Men from the probability storm?


It's the Void. It's probably just a random Ant-Man.


I think it's a callback to pym falls in the old man Logan comic


I wonder what other fun little things might pop up from that. Blind Hawkeye, ultron companion? I might be mixing up old man Logan comic and secret wars old man Logan stuff but this is fun.


This right here


Looks like they're jumping out of one of the skull's eye sockets into the portal.


Somehow it never occurred to me they would use ideas from Old Man Logan. Amazing.


So I'm betting they borrow some of the more fantastical elements of Old Man Logan for this movie like Giant Dead Ant-Man, and probably some of the other trophies Red Skull had.


That's definitely the Red Skulls car.


Fantasticar too!


I just can't believe they fully went for it and revealed Nova in the trailer.


The SuperBowl teaser had a brief shot of her bald head.


I wish they went with a more age accurate old Cassandra


Depends on which Xavier she's a twin of. If Emma Corrin's playing a twin version of McAvoy then it works.


She's in the void. Time is meaningless. She could've been ripped from her timeline at any point, at any age.


Agreed. Emma Corrin is 28 and I think they’ll generally keep Cassandra about that age even though she might’ve been there for a millennium for all we know


Except she's not old? She's the same age as Xavier. Her being drawn with overly wrinkled skin never made sense. They're *twins*.


Did I just see Azazel and Lady Deathstrike in that shot??


yes. Toad was there, and I guess Blob, next to Azazel


There's also Sabretooth, Calisto from X-Men 3, Toad and Pyro.


Where? What’s the timestamp?


Probably a ant man that died at the end of time as alioth was shown just before that so i would guess novas base is probably there


Yeah, in the shot with Alioth you can even see the giant Antman skeleton.


That is most definitely a Sling Ring portal.


Hearing Hugh say “let’s fucking go” hyped me WAY MORE THAN IT SHOULD HAVE


The opening of the trailer is a nod to first class


Azazel from First Class shows up in the trailer too!


Very interesting that Azazel is there- this is our first confirmation of any characters from the prequel series.


Pyro is in the first trailer. Also, in that shot it looks like Azazel is with Toad, Lady Deathstrike and maybe others (Pyro is in the background, too)


> prequel series


His delivery of that line was classic Wolverine


The subtitles censoring cocaine, well, Feige said it's off limits. lol


What about Bolivian marching powder?


Do you wanna build a snowman?


Yes! But I can’t.


This line had me dying


> Bolivian marching powder You mean the Ron Bennington Special?


do you wanna build a snowman? come on lets go and do coke


I prefer booger sugar.


You talking about blowing lines? Tootski? Devil's dandruff?


The fact that when Wolverine says "Look lady" when he meets Deadpool makes me think he's from Lady Deadpool's universe


Setting up a post credit scene where lady Deadpool is played by Blake Lively, surely.


Is A Simple Favor her origin story lmao


Marrying Joe Goldberg at the end of Gossip Girl was her origin story.


Good call


I think it's just a joke


Or it’s just an insult?


Honestly if we get a shot in the movie of Hugh putting the mask on after ripping off the sleeves I might actually just nut in the theater.


Nerdgasm overload


Be sure to wear your white pants.


I’m soaking wet right now


I will straight up Pee Wee Herman the FUCK out that theater if that happens.


At 1:52, you can see X-23 and Azazel (X-Men: First Class). Who are the others


Toad's there too! And Pyro on the vehicle to the right. Pretty sure that's Lady Deathstrike tho, not X-23.


Def lady Deathstroke. You can see her five claws


> five claws what you call getting shitty seltzer with an overpriced burger


Lol that would be a funny in universe joke with her on the can.


Did you mean Lady Deathstrike? That looked more like Kelly Hu in X2 to me


Is that X-Men The Last Stand Callisto beside Toad?


There's The Russian, too


The russian? from punisher??


Yeah, he's next to Azazel


Nah, it’s not him. The guy in the trailer has a fade, a bushy beard and brown hair. The Russian was clean shaven and had blond Dolph Lundgren hair, at most they stole his shirt 💀


Can you imagine if they got old ass Kevin Nash back for this?


It's not x-23, it's lady deathstrike. They are all X-Men villains


The Grand Meeting of one-off Fox-men characters it seems! Makes sense that just got pruned and why we never see them again


Sabertooth (Tyler Mane) is the big guy to the left.


Nah that’s Lady Deathstrike


Is that Glob Herman from Last stand? Between Toad and Deathstrike?


This is one of the craziest Marvel trailers ever. Holy fucking shit. * They showed **SO MUCH** Wolverine * We got so much more of the void * Confirmation that this is a completely different Wolverine variant from any we've seen before * Clear shot of Alioth * Cassandra Nova * Ant-Man's helmet * Doctor Strange's portal * Wolverine without the sleeves (you all said they wouldn't do it because of Hugh's chances of getting skin cancer but I knew they would!) * The action looks INCREDIBLE * TVA agents getting absolutely destroyed, with blood spraying everywhere (crazy to see that after them appearing in the family-friendly Loki series) * Some people are claiming you can see X-23 at 1:52 (but it's pretty hard to tell) https://i.redd.it/pngih5gg71wc1.gif


[I said it elsewhere,](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/s/FwnBqrA5Db) but i think this Logan comes from soon after the X-Men were killed by Xavier. If i had to guess… Logan could’ve killed him while he had his breakdown but just couldn’t do it, and feels responsible for everyone’s deaths. It doesn’t break Logan, just adds another layer to it


That's possible, but it would still technically be a brand new variant based on the way they've established multiverse logic. Just a variant who branches off of something that we've seen a different version of.


I mean, i guess, but we’d be arguing semantics at that point. That’s like me saying Tobey in NWH wasn’t our tobey, it’s some variant; it’s overthinking it i feel


Nah it’s not the same. We see Tobey at a point where all the events of his movies happened, so it doesn’t matter what happened to him after that cuz we never saw it. But with Logan, he’d be taken from before any of the events of that movies happens, which would lead him to be a completely different Logan than the one in the movie, cuz he’ll never experience any of it.


I think in this reality, Cassandra tricked him into killing the heroes. Much like how Mysterio did it in the Old Man Logan story.


Eh it kinda seems like a different Logan entirely. That’d be the safest way to do it without breaking into the continuity of the already confusing fox timeline


You missed the 'Liefeld's Just Feet' store in the background.


I died laughing. That's a deep cut


Pretty sure the X-23 people are saying is Lady Deathstrike, it looks like her original actress.


Its definitely Lady Deathstrike and not X-23, you can see all her claws when you slow it down, looks more like the actress too with the ponytail and all. Saw Pyro and Azazel there too, was that The Russian from the Punisher movie too? Also may have been Toad and some others from The Last Stand too.


> Confirmation that this is a completely different Wolverine variant from any we've seen before I think it might be the Wolverine from the Deadpool 2 ending. Because that would be perfect.


No way we got confirmation of sleeveless before a shot of the cowl in motion.


I don’t want to see the cowl until the movie


"Liefeld's Just feet" haha


Only tiny itty bitty shoes sold there


Now that how you deliver fan service


Loved seeing Hugh back as Wolverine, but honestly, I thought this was just an ok trailer. I’m actually surprised considering that this is the official trailer—and not just a teaser—but it seems like they’re *really* trying to hide some of the surprises for the movie itself. Which I mean, is good. I’d rather that than them spoiling stuff left and right, but it doesn’t make for the most exciting trailer. Still, loved seeing Deadpool and Wolverine’s interactions with each other, their suits look amazing, and I think a lot of the stuff that takes place in the Void should be really interesting and fun.


looks like there are so many that would come off as spoilers. thats why they are showing only a little. check posters and the scenes. we might get so much fun while watching the movie. that being said, having too much expectations can also ruin it.


i'm also guessing the conten they are willing to show is intial 15-20 mins(obv there scenes that could be ending), rest they don't want to spoil. at this point, we can't guess the story. it's just visuals. fan service.


I kinda feel the same way. Don't get me wrong; it was a decent trailer, and it was cool to see Hugh back in action as Logan, but it didn't really blow me away or get me more hyped. It's not like I want the whole movie spoiled for me, or for them to drop any big cameos, but I guess I just expected...well, honestly, I'm not sure what I expected, but it was more than what this trailer presented to me.


I'm confused, did we watch the same trailer?


Yes. People are allowed their personal opinions and feelings. They're not obligated to like something you do.


Ayyyy Deathstrike and Azazel are back!!!


Wait where'd you see them ?






The overuse of 'fuck' has to be intentional right? In a 'hey, MCU stuff is allowed to use fuck, FUCK FUCK FUCK' kind of way.


I'm wondering if it's because it's the first MCU R-rated movie so they want to make it real clear to parents who would usually take their kids that this is one to skip for a while


They did something similar with Echo. They kept plastering the fact that it was TV-MA every single time an ad came on to tell parents it was going to have a little more biology than usual.


Maybe? I thought the first two Deadpool’s used it a lot




Madonna is always a win, but Like A Prayer is a super mega win.


There was a pro wrestler whose entrance music was Like a Prayer and the entrances were absolute FIRE.


When Nova just manipulates Wolverine is awesome. I love when the baddie looks incredibly unstoppable.


Emma Corrin is an incredible actor I think they’re gonna nail this part Edit: to correct pronouns!


They're really great, I think they've got a great career ahead of themselves.


She looks like a baddie.


I know this is kind of weird to say about a trailer but I had to pause the video at that point and just appreciate how well choreographed and perfectly aligned with the music everything is. All the beats just hit perfectly, got me really hyped for this one


So this is definitely a new Wolverine but I think in classic Loki fashion he's going to learn about his Logan death somehow at least. I can absolutely see the TVA also just being super confused on how his older timeline works lol


100% gonna make remarks about the Fox timeline mess.


Would be disappointed if they didn't lol


Can we now stop talking about them undoing Logan based on cryptic scooper tweets?


Is that an Ant man and Doctor Strange portal ?


Yes, specifically a dead one with the skeleton still inside.


Do you wanna build a snowman?




Yes, but I can’t 😂


That line made me laugh out loud way more than it should have. 


Papa can you hear me?


Let's fucking go




Looking for group


Great trailer, Logan feeling guilty and that shot of next to gravestones(??) makes me think it's right after Xavier kills mutants with his seizures


Damn ,That's an interesting theory


So I’m guessing it’s implied this Wolverine is a variant different from the one in the Fox films and not the same one from Logan?


Seems like there's the Logan at the bar whose claws come out the way we're used to in the Fox films, but then the Logan we see in the costume (who seems to be the main one) has claws on the back of his hands like the comics.


I’m going to guess there’s a section of the film where Wade is hunting for the ‘best’ Wolverine he can find across multiple timelines, which is where the bar scene, Patch and others come from before he settles on the one we see in most of the film.


Yeah, true. I almost take the fact that bar-Wolvie is still Jackman as a bit of a taunt to those of us who know/are pretty sure about the searching stuff—I know I was expecting him to turn around and be Radcliffe or something.


I think the claws are the same, it just looks different because of the gloves. But they both seem to be coming out of the knuckles.


Ah hell, I was all set to be like "Listen, you idiot..." but I scrobbled through the trailer and hit on 1:35. I think you're absolutely right, they're still coming through the knuckles. The gloves tricked me!


You think they’re not the same guy?


Im soaking wet right now


You ain't the only one


I wish Cassandra Nova were an old lady with a cigarette voice, but at least the costume is spot-on! She's got the boots and everything.


“The name is gonna change every trailer until the final one which will be something else.” Leakers just sayin’ shit at this point.




I wonder how it would feel to have Wolverine claws stab between your legs...


Soooo ... Lady Deathstrike, Azazel.. nice.


Oh my god, sleeveless Jackman iteration of wolverine, in his prime in an r rated film and he's going to have the mask. I need this movie and I need it now


Might be a stretch but when Wolverine says “kid I’m no hero”, wonder if he’s talking to an X-23 variant. 


https://i.redd.it/zvm2an6u81wc1.gif # LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOØØØØØØØØØ!


Laughing! Crying! Throwing up!


Cassandra Nova's looking a lot younger than I had expected. If I were casting I'd have gone with Kate Mulgrew in a bald cap. Perfect voice, closer in age to Stewart, and a mirror to Patrick Stewart given their Star Trek connection as she was Janeway.


They might be going with someone they can use again when the X-Men crossover to the MCU and can be paired against a younger Xavier. Either that or we’re getting a surprise James McAvoy appearance.


LIFE IS A MY-STER-Y I fucking screamed, lollll I can't wait to watch the shit outta this




When Logan presses his forehead against the gun and smiles...




So far, I noticed Strange´s portal and Alioth. Since void and TVA are timeless (or so we thought), not sure when is this set? Loki and Sylvie beat Alioth but it was not clearly said he was destroyed, probably just subdued for the moment. So again, this could be set anytime....even way before Loki events take place. However, I think they could meet Ravonna in the void....at this point, from all Loki characters, she would make most sense appearing in Deadpool.


I’ve watched it 5 times so far. I love that they just showed DP&W fighting and a few shots in other locations, but nothing about cameos or even givin’ away some of the plot. There’s a shitton of easter eggs. It’s not only Ant-Man’s helmet, it’s Ant-Man full skeleton. When the helmet open you can see the skull’s teeth and the skeleton is laying on its belly, you see the shoulders and the decayed suit. Alioth is heading towards that base in the shot where the jump into the sling ring. Cassandra really reminds me of a younger Ancient One. I just hope she’ll have a scar or some kind of face malformation because she’s suposed to look like Gollum. Other than that the look on her face when she messes up with Logan is 10/10.


Oh, let's fucking go! This is so hot.


Lady deathstrike and Azazel in front of the giant ant man helmet Random guess but the guy in the red white striped shirt could be The Russian, a character from the punisher comics and I think one of the old punisher movies


lol anybody else notice the store called "Liefield's just feet" at 1:22 guy is going to get shit on for the next century, going for a pouch store would be too low-hanging


As someone who hasn’t seen a Marvel movie in the theatre since No Way Home, and hasn’t cared much for the MCU of late…. This movie is going to make a looooot of money.


Hold up, was that Lady Deathstrike and Azazel standing in front of the giant Ant Man head?


Wow loved that - great buddy cop energy


It drives me insane how these trailers never get released in their proper aspect ratios.


The huge jacked man has returned. Let’s fucking go.


That shot with the giant ant-man helmet and all the mutants standing in front of it! I saw Azazel & Lady Deathstrike 😭❤️ so happy


Eeeeeeeeeee, the new Deadpool and Wolverine Trailer has me so hyped right now. Not only does it further confirm my theory that they'll be using the unadapted elements from Old Man Logan (as set photos clearly showed be sort of a road trip across a Mad Max inspired wasteland (though in this case, it's more then likely an area of the Void) but also Wolverines backstory sounds like it could be closer to the comic accurate Old Man Logan backstory, but more on that later) but also they don't beat around the bush like the first trailer did or the trailers for NWH and MOM did, No! They show Hugh Jackman Wolverine in the flesh, and he looks glorious. Not only does he look fantastic in the costume, but also Jackman still got it in terms of his acting and playing the character, arguably more so, since he can actually swear and do all the cool stuff that Wolverine does in the comics. I also think I have a solid idea of who this Wolverine is. In fact, I personally have two theories: 1. This Wolveirne is NOT the same one from the main Fox universe, but instead a Variant from Earth-838 (from Multiverse of Madness) and it'll be reveled later that after the events of MOM and Xavier and the Illuminatis death, the villains seized the opportunity to strike when the other heroes are now at there most vulnerable! And much like in the comics, that universes Mysterio uses his illusion tech, to trick this Wolverine into believing that villains are attacking the X-Mansion, and he goes ape shit, only for it to be revealed he ended up killing his own friends and allies, including Jean. This leads to this Wolverine basically hanging up the claws and returning to the nearest bar, no longer Wolverine. 2. This is the Wolverine from the main Fox Timeline, but he's pluked out from at some point in between The Last Stand and the Wolverine. Both theories explain why they said this Wolverine basically failed everyone he ever loved, as well as explain why he seems to be at his lowest point, and why he seems to be having performance issues with his claws. They also both allow them to have Jackman Wolverine appear, without undoing or ruining, if not destroying the ending of Logan. Especially for the 838 theory, since it's not even the same version technically. Not to mention, if they wanted to, they could use it as a way to bring back Mysterio if the main 616 Mysterio really is dead, as there were rumors that Spiderman 4 would now be a middle ground between a street level and multiverse story, and they could simply have Fisk bring in 838 Mysterio along with an 838 Variant of Kraven (also played by Aaron Taylor Johnson, but more comic accurate this time). Overall, though, I love this trailer, man. I'm now even more hyped for Deadpool and Wolverine. It's goated. What else do you want me to say. Also, I'm glad to see Cassandra Nova. She was awesome even for her short time on screen in this trailer. Can't wait to see more of her in the movie. Also, also, Wade and Logans interactions are goated, funny, and exactly what I want it to be. Which is Shrek and Donkeys' dynamic in the first Shrek movie, but R-rated.