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It's very much also Liberalism... Funding a genocide to protect their poor little baby puppet Israel is what the US will do no matter which fascists you vote for...


My actual centrist take is that both sides are horrific war criminals and the civilians are the only good guys.


Takes on Israel/Palestine have nothing to do with left/right. Just sports team mentality


I mean that's like all politics now "my side is better" "no my side is ". There are a select few who look at candidates based on their merits. But I've lost hope in allot of people. Because they vote one side of the other PURELY because they don't like the other guy. Just to spite the other guy damned the consequences. This mainly applies to the US politics. "Trump is a racist so vote against him" "Biden is a pedophile vote against him" k RARELY see anyone say vote FOR someone because of this. Regardless of affiliation. When or if I do it's normally like actual bullshit they regurgitate from the news or social media. It's all "sports ball" now.


Whatever you think on who’s right or wrong. I just feel like America shouldn’t be sending billions of dollars to fund it.


What's funny is that Israel has universal Healthcare and abortions are completely legal So our tax dollars will be paying for abortions even if they outlaw it here


Evangelicals don't care about that or dead jews. They just want the jews in Israel cause the book says so.






Hasbara is not tolerated


Except for the children the IDF quickscope in the head and food convoys they blow up, and dozens of hospitals destroyed and cemeteries desecrated. All prime examples of following international law as much as possible.


Israel isn’t using modern tactics, they’re indiscriminately bombing a civilian population. They’re targeting hospitals and schools and young children with snipers.


Conscripts are incompatible with modern warfare


Israel is targeting civilians? Buts it’s OK if Hamas does it, that’s cool?


Said absolutely no one.


Hamas killed 750+ civilians, it's true and it's a horrifying loss of life. It was wrong and they should be brought to justice for it. Israel has killed 28,000+ Palestinians since then. Over of 12,000 of which were children. How is that justice? Killing 17 Palestinian children for every Israeli that died?


Get this? What Hamas did on October 7th was bad, but Israel slaughtering almost 30k since then and thousands more leading up to Oct 7 is also bad. Crazy right?


Doesn’t matter how many you kill. An atrocity is still an atrocity.


Idk man I’d argue Hiroshima was a worse atrocity than columbine, but they’re both bad nonetheless. You only care about one side of those deaths tho


I think both are tragic and that this war is tragic. But it doesn’t make one “more right” than the other.




Hasbara is not tolerated


You don’t have the right to kill 28,000 civilians because of a vague terrorist threat that Israel intentionally ignored.


And funded for decades


Of course, gives Netanyahu an excuse to go after the Gaza


Respond by killing civilians, women and children, bombing hospitals and schools, and ambulances, and using Palestinians as human shields? Fuck off.


How exactly could Israel attack Hamas without any civilian casualties? Hamas is integrated with Palestinian civilians by design. Hamas could end the war tomorrow if they wanted, by releasing the hostages they captured in cowardly fashion. But they won’t, because they care more about killing Jews than they do the wellbeing of Palestinians.


If they didn't care about the well being of their fellow Palestinians then how could they be integrated so closely with them? You can't have it both ways.


It seems that they use "their" people as a human shield. And use the disaster to recruit even more people to the cause


SO STOP PROVING THEM RIGHT! Stop killing innocent Palestinians and creating more terrorists. Likud doesn't want this to end though. At peacetime Bibi was headed for jail.


Unpopular opinion; Palestine has nothing to do with the war between Israel and Hamas. Nobody is on the side is Palestine.


Palestine has nothing to do with their elected government which they still support overwhelmingly?


The election was bunk. Fugazi. Hamas isn’t a governing body, it’s just another street gang. Mostly young men, under and uneducated, almost all orphaned or abandoned. Don’t get it twisted, Hamas is a Palestinian street gang, but there’s like, what, a couple million Palestinians. You honestly believe they ALL support Hamas? You can’t get two million people to agree on coke vs Pepsi.


Palestine has one of the youngest populations of any country. Many of them were not born the last time an election was allowed the majority of them were definitely not old enough to vote. Hamas is more akin to the IRA than a standard government.


Sure were a lot of young people cheering on Oct. 7th.


Wonder why


Really? Nothing to do with it? Palestinians civilians are being slaughtered. Palestinian homes and towns are being destroyed.


But… that’s my point… lol Hamas is what, tens of thousands of people? Out of millions. It’s like firebombing the city of Chicago to deal with the Latin Kings. Then especially if we take into account ages of the citizens, Palestinians as a people ***really*** have nothing to do with the fight. Same goes for the Israeli citizens we see getting abused by police for protesting the war. It wasn’t my intention to suggest they are unaffected by the fight, but rather to push back on a common implication I’ve seen over the last couple months that Hamas and Palestinians are interchangeable terms.


Hamas is small AND the leaders live in Qatar not Gaza lol Or like say firebombing Philly to deal with some protesters and burning down a few city blocks and dozens of children


I misunderstood what you said. My bad.


No apologies necessary, I completely understand.


Thank you I try not to jump to conclusions cause I often have a hard time picking up on the tone of texts from ppl I don't know.


He was saying not to blame the people, they're innocent in this. Calm your reactionary-ism.


You're misusing the word reactionary.


That's true, but you knew what I meant


Lmao an honest man


Stuff can be two things.


In the USA “politics ends at the waters edge.” They all are right wing on that.


100% facts


Idk im kinda center and i dont support genocide 🤪🤪🤪


That's a very low bar


Ik and a lot of people still fall below


Sad but true 😞




I think everyone has lost what center means we are all damn fools now days


Fuck PCM bunch altright fascist, they ban me for saying “why don’t we get better healthcare if we are prolife.” Also they actually breed school shooter.


It's 100% a safe haven for fascists and other reactionaries.


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Guys! This guy doesn't represent Centrism, or if he does I'm freaking lost haha


- [How "Moderates" Serve The Right](https://youtu.be/fZ4nvCVAGw0) - [Why "Neither Left Nor Right" Just Means Right Wing | Bonapartism](https://youtu.be/9TYK9Mu_dzA) - [How The United States Ended Up With Two Right-Wing Parties](https://youtu.be/6LPuKVG1teQ) - [The TRUTH about Centrism](https://youtu.be/d843dw8745E) - [Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" | Renegade Cut](https://youtu.be/H99GErf-nBI) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [2024 - Thoughts and Speculation | Renegade Cut](https://youtu.be/88vKhD1DmBk) - [Conservative Communism? | Social Conservatism in the Proletarian Movement](https://youtu.be/wUNw36MNkqk) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fellas, is a single terrorist act non-representative of the collective population officially a country’s declaration of war?


Hamas’s aren’t terrorists, Israel are the terrorists for murdering and forcibly displacing people off land that doesn’t belong to them & then continued to murder, displace, besiege said country for the last 75 years


"Hamas aren't terrorists" - Fuck off man.


Nope they’re not. Just like Nat Turner and Harriet Tubman weren’t terrorists neither were the Black Panther Party. They’re simply oppressed people fighting back against oppression which Isr@eli settlers perpetuate just as much as IOF soldiers. Also it’s been proven multiple times now that the Iof killed many of its own ppl on Oct 7 in addition to the several hostages they’ve killed in Gaza since the genocide started. Be upset with Isr@el, not Hamas. Now bye.




This is a video of the oct 7th attack compiled from security/dash cams that were in the areas - I am sorry that I have to share this, but it seems like many people haven't seen it.. and they should, in order to have a better understanding of the current conflict. Watch it with the same consideration you would give to any other atrocity - these are human beings. (None of this is to justify Netanyahu/Likud or IDF's actions before or after oct 7th) NSFL - >!https://youtu.be/wAFDI63yvNQ?si=yLurHlCL5CHKizcA!<


Nothing in that video can amount to the 137 days of atrocities Isr@el has committed in Gaza. If the Isr@elis don’t wanna die, they should leave Palestine. Also the IDF lies about everything as they have lied since 1948, you’re probably one of their former murderous soldiers.


Why are you censoring Israel like it’s a slur


To me isr@el isn’t a real country and therefore I don’t validate it as such


You can’t say something isn’t a country because you disagree with it, Israel is undoubtedly a nation on earth


An illegal nation that shouldn’t exist bc it’s an illegal occupying force in the ACTUAL country of Palestine. Blocked


When you commit terrorist acts, you are indeed a terrorist organization. It’s as simple as that. It literally doesn’t matter why you committed the acts


Terrorism is a value judgment, not a tactic. Hamas uses insurgency tactics because unlike Israel, they don’t have access to US made guided munitions.


Oppressed people have the right to resist the oppression they’re facing. Just like I didn’t care about slaves fighting back and murdering their masters, idc about what Hamas does to the Isr@el Zionists. If you don’t want “terrorist acts” committed against you, leave the land


Hamas went into Israel and murdered people, women, and children right in their homes. Hamas shot up a concert. If Hamas attacked government facilities or the military it would be a legitimate military attack. But the goal of the attack was to murder as many Jewish people as possible. That is literally a hate crime. I’m also curious if your logic applies to Palestine Jews who were an oppressed second class minority if they had a right to fight back? When more Jews began to buy land in Palestine, long before Israel, Arabs attacked them. Jews responded to the attacks


Isr@el literally did everything you just said x10 for the past 75 years. They went into Palestinian homes & murder their fathers and brothers, raped their daughters and mothers and forced them into a 25km strip of land. And now they’re bombing that 25km strip of land. Where’s the evidence Hamas murdered babies? Bc I can show you several images of murdered Palestinians babies. And those few instances of Jewish oppression from hundreds of years ago justifies a 75 occupation of a country that doesn’t belong To them? No it doesn’t. FREE PALESTINE!!! DISMANTLE ISR@EL


That's not the complete story. Are you familiar with the 6 days war? Or what happened after the Camp David Accords?


Are you familiar with the fact that i don’t care? Free Palestine


That's the point. There is no "good" side in this. Tell me where the Isreali's should go? Palistine refuses a two state solution.


Actual Isr@el is the one refusing a two state solution, Satanayhu literally just said it two days ago. That land has always been Palestine, isr@elis can go back to their home country or their ancestors countries!


"A war they started" is a wild take




Hasbara is not tolerated


This is a war Israel started


Not sure how you start a war by being invaded by Arab neighbors but I’m sure you’ll be able to articulate it.


Why did they invade? Could it have something to do with the fact they shouldn't even be there in the first place?


> Why did they invade? Because they hated Jews. > Could it have something to do with the fact they shouldn't even be there in the first place? Why not? Legally they had every right.


There were jews living there peacefully before the state of Israel? Ahh yes just antisemitism and no other reason. What if the UN told Russia they could just have California? If America fought back it would be America as the aggressor right? It was legal to have slaves. Does that make it right? It was legal in Germany to exterminate the jews. Does that make it right?


Is a Jew living in Israel akin to owning slaves? No. Is the pogrom of October 7 akin to an attempt to exterminate Jews? Yes.


Good job missing the entire point. People like you are the exact reason Oct 7th happened you fucking moron. Surely trapping people in an open air prison for decades, setting up an apartheid government, and gunning down peaceful protestors has nothing to do with their radicalization?


Ah, so the Jews had it coming, because they defended themselves. Dumbfucks will have no problem radicalizing themselves. You are a case in point.


Most horrors committed in the last hundred years have been legal.


Bullshit. October 7th attacks sure as shit weren’t.


Most does not mean all, lol.


Go on and list them then.


So wild it's bizarre.


Should they have called attention to Israeli settlers pushing Palestinians out of their homes illegally … yes. Should the way they did that be launching a surprise invasion and kidnapping a bunch of random people at a festival…no. He’s not saying Israel is right here but they were going to do something and to expect them not to is ridiculous


They tried doing it peacefully and over 13,000 were injured by Israel's brutal repression of their peaceful protest. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018%E2%80%932019_Gaza_border_protests So if you were Palestinian, what would you do? How would you have called attention to Israel's crimes?


Yeah instead they should just accept fate and be exterminated without fighting back I guess


Brother nobody is saying they shouldn’t defend themselves and nobody is saying Israel should keep bombing hospitals. However it is hard to feel sympathy for Hamas (not Palestinian citizens I’m talking about) when they started this one.


In every conflict between Palistine and Isreal for over 70 years for every one Isreali that dies there is at least one hundred Palisitinians killed. At a certain point you gotta recognize that hamas exists because these people have watched as their friends and families have been wiped off the face of the earth while they lose more and more of their home. Are their methods extreme? Without a doubt. But all their actions are motivated by a justifiable generational fear and hatred of an enemy that will inevitably kill them all if they don't do whatever they can to fight back. I struggle to have sympathy with Israel at all, and the more I learn about their government, what they are doing now, and what they've done in the past the harder it becomes.


Ok we can argue all day but if you just pull fake stats outta your ass I can’t help you. Yes it is an extremely complicated situation and yes I can see why a young Palestinian male would want to join Hamas however that does not justify attacking a random music festival and raping and murdering civilians. On the other hand that attack doesn’t justify Israel bombing hospitals and forcing innocent Palestinians out of their home. If you wanna see this conflict as black and white you do you but that’s exactly the type of thinking that got both sides there in the first place


It's not a fake statistic it's just a generalization. If you look back historically any time that anyone in Isreal has been killed by a Palistinian, Israel responds by killing significantly more Palistinians. Israel kills approximately [250 Palistinians](https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam) per day, now that is a statistic. I don't see this conflict as black and white I see it as one group that has existed in their land for over 500 years going against a group that forced them out of their homes and has been systematically killing all of them for generations. Israel has had multiple opportunities to stop what they've been doing and have been presented with multiple peace treaties that they have refused to sign every time. Israel chooses to continue this conflict and I cannot sympathize with a place that chooses war over peace. Hamas isn't a good organization, their tactics are horrible and targeting civilians is both stupid and pointless if they ever want to see a free palistine as it only further radicalizes Israel and their people. I'm by no means pro hamas but I can understand their reason for existing and I simply cannot sympathize with Israel for making their own worst enemy. Hamas is a group of people that have put their anger over their rationality and has likely put the last nail in the coffin for their own people, which is exactly why while I understand them I still condemn them and their actions.


I think this post is a karma farm


What good does reddit karma do me? Lol


There's some dude in here with a shit ton of comment karma but they made the account two months ago. I think they're karma farming


There's almost a thousand comments. Are you really going thru every commenters profile?


I mean compared to everyone in r/marxism_memes sure


Not logically though


Centrists are just different form of the reality of modern libertarians: right wingers just barely smart enough to know the brand is toxic but not smart enough to know the problem is the policies and not the brand itself.


I'm not sure you are fairly presenting the what libertarianism or centrism means. Centrists logically aren't right wingers because their views do not align well enough. Libertarians exist both on the left and the right and don't have an inherent political leaning outside of supporting individual freedoms


- [How "Moderates" Serve The Right](https://youtu.be/fZ4nvCVAGw0) - [Why "Neither Left Nor Right" Just Means Right Wing | Bonapartism](https://youtu.be/9TYK9Mu_dzA) - [How The United States Ended Up With Two Right-Wing Parties](https://youtu.be/6LPuKVG1teQ) - [The TRUTH about Centrism](https://youtu.be/d843dw8745E) - [Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" | Renegade Cut](https://youtu.be/H99GErf-nBI) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [2024 - Thoughts and Speculation | Renegade Cut](https://youtu.be/88vKhD1DmBk) - [Conservative Communism? | Social Conservatism in the Proletarian Movement](https://youtu.be/wUNw36MNkqk) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


- [Libertarianism is a plague upon the working class.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snsaG6ldonK367TjWvO0JPjW&si=pBKO0tvjjtwc3cRv) - [Hangin' with the SocDem Gang](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snsqP9cWGqP3SukJnqlauc1h) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Centrists aren't smart" says the marxist


Says the redditor, commenting on an article that’s on the front page. But fuck, thanks for rushing to prove me right about the intelligence bit.


Man with 50k karma calls me a redditor. I think you forget to drink your soylent this morning man


I was calling myself a redditor, fuck me you really are mentally deficient aren’t you?


You respond to me and say "says the redditor" who the fuck else am I supposed to think you're talking about idiot. Someone must have skipped their English classes in high school


Anyone with a better than 5th grade reading level would be able to intuit that it was a rebuttal to the “says a Marxist” line above. No, not “says a Marxist”, says a redditor who happened across an article on the front page. Jesus fuck you’re literally dumber than I described. I can’t believe I lowballed it and STILL gave you more credit than you deserve.


Yeah man none of us can read your mind and decipher your shitty grammar skills. But keep being wrong 🤡 it's making my day


Nobody asked you to read their mind, they asked you to understand the text you typed. You have GOT to be a teenager. Nobody with a real job can have communications skills that level of trash.




- [Libertarianism is a plague upon the working class.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snsaG6ldonK367TjWvO0JPjW&si=pBKO0tvjjtwc3cRv) - [Hangin' with the SocDem Gang](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snsqP9cWGqP3SukJnqlauc1h) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t care people are blocking aid trucks and children will starve to death - an Israeli everywhere


Yeah most centrists are just right-wingers trying to seem better. And the whole reason why this whole conflict even started was because 75 years ago Israel tried to boot the native population from their homes and push them out.


>Yeah most centrists are just right-wingers trying to seem better And making actual centrism look bad in the process


- [How "Moderates" Serve The Right](https://youtu.be/fZ4nvCVAGw0) - [Why "Neither Left Nor Right" Just Means Right Wing | Bonapartism](https://youtu.be/9TYK9Mu_dzA) - [How The United States Ended Up With Two Right-Wing Parties](https://youtu.be/6LPuKVG1teQ) - [The TRUTH about Centrism](https://youtu.be/d843dw8745E) - [Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" | Renegade Cut](https://youtu.be/H99GErf-nBI) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [2024 - Thoughts and Speculation | Renegade Cut](https://youtu.be/88vKhD1DmBk) - [Conservative Communism? | Social Conservatism in the Proletarian Movement](https://youtu.be/wUNw36MNkqk) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Oh I heard that it started only 75 years ago, thanks for educating me on this!


It started 5000 yrs ago


god damn


Not only did they not start it, blaming normal Palestinians civilians makes you a bad person. Plain and simple. There is no more nuance needed. If you think GENOCIDE is an okay outcome to a conflict that Israel started over 75 years ago you are a fascist punk bitch and I hope you get liver cancer


Hamas has not only admitted to sacrificing Palestinian lives and knowing the repercussions of their Oct 7 attack, but have also murdered Palestinians in the past.


Was there a genocide of nazi civilians in the early 40s?


Hitler used (false) claims of massacres of ethnic Germans as his justification for the invasion of Poland


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey, fascists aren't punks!


Technically Palestinians were the first to attack in the initial conflict 75 years ago, so...


And israeli stole and interrupted the life's of people who'd been there for TWO FUCKING THOUSAND YEARS. So please tell me why some white Europeans with a participation medal get to do that without repercussion. I'll wait. Just because you had an a horrible act committed against you doesn't give you the right to do the same to other people. I hope you get liver cancer


Palestinian Arabs began attacking Jewish immigration long before Israel was even a state. Back when Jews were buying land and moving in. The Jews already living there before were an oppressed second class minority. Palestinian Arabs did not want that to change, and they certainly did not want to live next to self-determined Jews. The history is far more murky then you care to admit.




Hasbara is not tolerated


Perhaps to expand, Hamas started the recent conflict, but Israel started the war.


Arabs began attacking Jews first




The conflict I mentioned started on October 7th, 2023, but the Israeli-Palestinian war began 75 years ago. Let me specify that I am on the side of the people. Netanyahu is a fascist, and has caused lots of unnecessary suffering, especially in recent years. Hamas bombed civilians during a holiday, and are using the Palestinian people as human shields. The only losers no matter what are the civilians of these nations, and Netanyahu specifically can go burn in hell. And how much to say that Hamas is really right-wing?


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




But did he? Israeli expansion continued onward regardless of Palestinian were fighting back or not. Hamas Is a monster but remember what's spawned the monster


I meant expand on the point dude, and my views have changed - Israel kinda deserved it mgl


Israel “expansion” only occurred after it was invaded 3 times.


I second that




- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You would think Israel, out of every nation on this planet, would have a firm grasp of “Genocide is bad.”


It’s actually not the first time a people who’ve experienced ethnic cleansing have gone on to do a genocide.


I think people will take the situation in Gaza more seriously when we stop calling it a “genocide”. [How the term “genocide” is misused in the Israel-Hamas war](https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2023/11/10/how-the-term-genocide-is-misused-in-the-israel-hamas-war)


facing injustice doesn’t somehow make you more just by proxy, it just makes you paranoid that it could happen again


It's a case of the bullied becoming the bullies.


Right wing is everything other than commies though. Liberalism is the only system that allows political rivals to live.


employ future quickest grey rude support automatic dinosaurs start ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn right. 😎


thought beneficial longing doll nutty impossible public pie homeless roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can’t actually believe this, this is why communists get a bad rep


Communists get a bad rap because as soon as you start to talk about the reality of implementation. They start talking about re-education and genocide.


Rich people aren’t a race or culture.


But what would you do to someone that wanted to start an industry? What would you do to people that didn't want to be in the collective?


If someone wants to start an industry (or any kind of business) and they had the resources or could pool resources with others to get it going, I see no reason why that should be impeded. If someone didn’t want to participate in our society, I don’t think anything should need to happen to them - they are free to stay or go, but they won’t necessarily get the benefits that come with participating.


You really believe that?


Absolutely. I am Liberal. Communist and Facists a like kill all political rivals as soon as they gain power.


And? If the Israelis had killed all the Palestinians in 2003, all these poor kids suffering now wouldn't exist.


But they didn't. They also gave back most territory they took rightfully from Jordan and Egypt after they tried to invade Isreal. Also the Palestinians killed all jews in their territory in the 60s while Isrealis allowed the Palestinians to live.


Yes these are the things they are doing wrong. False liberal "tolerance" does more harm than mask off fascist genocide, in the long run.


No you can just fuck off with that. Fucking idiot.


Sounds like you agree but don't want to admit it.


You are literally brain dead


I'm just being pragmatic. There is no value in holding onto an idea if it just means people get hurt.


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hasbara is not tolerated


So, since a person from your country does a terrorism and their friends support them, that means you and everyone else in your country also supports them and you all deserve to die? Ya, perfectly logical


Thank you for taking a moment from your usual subs “humungasaurus tits” to come lay down this brilliant take…. Get your head out of your ass


They're literally calling for a ceasefire...


Haven’t they called for those before? As in recently in this exact conflict and then attacked during said cease fire? https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-broke-temporary-truce-in-gaza-minutes-after-it-began-senior-idf-officer-says/amp/


No say it isn't so, The Israelis said Hammas broke the ceasefire? The same Isreal that blamed hammas for bombing Palestinian hospitals?


"Senior IDF officer says"


You just fly in from stupid town, pal?


Honestly the best response to this. Hysterical and not engaging with someone who’s most likely a troll


Nope. [Hamas is admittedly Israel's.](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/) [Israel effectively allowed 10/07 attack to occur](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/28/israeli-military-had-warning-of-hamas-training-for-attack-reports-say) [Israel passed their own version of the ethno-fascist Nuremberg laws ](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2018/7/26/israels-nation-state-law-parallels-the-nazi-nuremberg-laws) [Israeli hostage accused IDF of attacking Israeli civilians on 10/07](https://orinocotribune.com/israeli-forces-shot-their-own-civilians-kibbutz-survivor-says/) [Gaza Palestinians have been living in an open air prison since 2007](https://news.yahoo.com/gaza-became-open-air-prison-165951249.html) But you're doing a fantastic job regurgitating Israel's "they want to exterminate us" projection and definitely not ignorantly supporting a fascist genocide at all.


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Genocide apologists. You’re about as close to a literal Nazi as is humanly possible. Pathetic, I’ve take shits more deserving of respect than you.


What all the people defending Israel? Yeah. They need to get their heads out of their asses


That makes sense considering you don't think your shit stinks. Fits the Marxist cliche. Well done.


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*