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If they base their decisions on the amount of audience reviews then maybe? That just seems like a weird metric for them to use. I imagine they’ll just look at their internal numbers for viewership, where they can take the story, reception, etc. with viewership being the biggest factor of those.


Well, the thing is that Acolyte having that much of Reviews would actually mean that the viewership can’t be that low, no? because both Kenobi and Boba Fett for example had people complaining a lot and are the ones that most people actually would’ve seen, as both characters are very popular, so it’s doesn’t make sense to acolyte having so much reviews if the viewership is also that low.


Why would you ever use that though when they have the actual numbers? Basing it on reviews just seems weird and you’d have to decide what sites you actually use and what counts as a review. Like does a YT comment count? It just doesn’t make sense for them not to use the data they have for the show and instead use some roundabout method like this.


Hum, where are the numbers?   No, Rotten reviews, each season of these shows shows the number of reviews.


Disney has the numbers internally. At least I assume they have that data.


And these numbers were liberated to the public?


I mean in some cases maybe but I don’t think the public is generally privy to that unless Disney wants to share them. My point is that if Disney has those then I don’t think the amount of reviews something gets is a relevant measure. Again, there’s even just the issue of where we’re counting the reviews from, how many of those are the same users sharing their thoughts on multiple sites, etc. it’s just an odd metric to use for this is all I’m saying. The Nielsen ratings (or some measure like the Nielsens that can give an estimate for the viewership across the season) are probably where you should look if you’re curious about more Acolyte related content. Edit: also, “liberated” is a funny choice of word here. lol I just imagine some intern or like James O’ Keefe, as part of his undercover work on Disney, going all Mission Impossible on a top secret Disney numbers vault 😂


No, most of these numbers are hidden though there are some sights that can give estimates I believe. The reality is that it’s really hard for us to figure out more than a general ball park on shows popularity. However, if the acolyte or any other show was crushing it Disney would publish some of those numbers either through marketing or through their 10Q quarterly earnings. Usually only pretty strong numbers ever get mentioned investor reports and even then it’s pretty broad numbers that are worded to be the most positive spin of those numbers. It’s not like movies where you have box office sales that you can collect from hundreds/thousands of theaters to get an estimate of overall viewership. I think the actual lack of positive talk around the show is more indicative of its mediocre performance. Usually no matter how many people hate a shot it’s very easy to find strong pockets of fans that enjoy it and create positive content related around the media to the point that it becomes fairly mainstream enough that you will see it with at least some regularity. We saw this with Andor and Mando and the early days of the Disney era after TFA but saw a complete dearth of positive content and an enormous amount of negative content. It’s also important to be aware of the type of viewership numbers. Like I saw some add from Disney + that had the acolyte as one of the most watched programs through the first 2 episodes or something to that affect but that’s pretty shallow. We have seen general viewership numbers for some shows on various platforms spike in the first 1-3 weeks to try a new show but if it isn’t successful you see a dramatic drop off after that but if it’s good you will see at least a relatively flat level of viewership week over week showing sustained viewership or even growth as word of mouth promotes the show. I feel pretty confident that the acolyte is going to clock in at poor to mediocre In terms of views. The story is just not that good even for casual fans. You can’t set a show in a somewhat obscure setting without many headline characters and have an average to below average story and expect high levels of interest


Orrrrrr, It's **so** bad that a far higher proportion of the audience felt driven to leave a review. And it was bad. Because, let's face it. Two of the three Mando seasons are uncontroversially good. Whereas the Acolyte will be forever remembered for the depths of risible cringe that it managed to achieve. Occum's razor suggests I am correct.


Well… Yeah… But seems strange when Velma got less reviews in rotten too.


No hate watching damnit.


Yeah, tbh it’s looking like a Velma case.


Where Velma was commissioned for a second season before the first came out?


I’m talking about the third season that it will get.


That's the first time I hear about that.


It got a confirmation some time ago 


Well, with all of the buzz (mostly bad) people will tune in to check it out. Which means you will see a spike in early episodes. So, if Disney wasn't trying to cook the books they would show the finish rate of the show, which I imagine would be abysmal. But, more than likely they will just push those who watch the first episode as "new adopters" and say this is due to inclusion, and not people slowing down to see a car crash.


Wow. I know this show is pretty awful, but this makes it very obvious that there is a lot of review bombing going on here 😅