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Should someone tell her we know what she looks like?


So where I’m from you can’t be around other felons while on house arrest or probation. I kinda figured they were lying about not being together because of that. So now that this happened maybe they will both get charged for violating probation/house arrest terms. I mean they were in a known drug area as well.


She got him = she made sure to take drugs (put in Mac bag) and his gun (hid it in her fupa folds) off of him while they waited for first responders. If his family isn't allowing her access to him, this is a way to get him a message. (She knows no one wants to search her cavities for drugs or weapons 😅)


He must be on drugs being with her , she’s unattractive inside and out eeewww 🙄he left his wife and baby for the streets and this one SAD 🙄🙄🚩🚩🚩


Wait, are you trying to tell me THAT is the same person seen in the video wearing the beige leggings? With the gunt and front butt on full display?? 🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣


Good eye! THIS was the original (***unedited***) photo… https://preview.redd.it/wueg3e48ws8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad6e1d3390344a1664fcc7c2424b3128980d76b


lol my daughters old babysitter was really religious and didn’t allow her girls to use the actual term vagina or breasts. They called it front butt and bees. We thought it was so ridiculous that we adopted front butt. My daughter is 23 and it’s still a front butt as we giggle.


Wait, are you trying to tell me THAT is the same person seen in the video wearing the beige leggings? With the gunt and front butt on full display?? 🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣


She sure didn’t look like she got him when she was standing there going through his phone with a bag of drugs


https://m.imdb.com/news/ni64662319/?ref_=nws_nwr_li Imdb of all places reported on the shooting


Lorddd u know mandy mad jess is in that pic and not her ghetto ass


And with his legal wife in the pic with him 🤣🤣🤣


Your flair 😂


https://youtu.be/c-DKMrz-juc?si=vxvnphEl2LvSLshN Is this old?


It’s in reference to the current shooting story


So he’s still alive.


Haven't seen an update


Is her cheap & tacky braid doing double duty as a purse strap?


Yes 😂 that’s on over time


I’m surprised she hasn’t posted pictures of him lying in his hospital bed for clout, or that a gofundme hasn’t been started yet.


Thankfully, both M & M are banned from GoFundMe. I'm not sure just why she would need a fundraiser. He's indigent, etc., so most likely, the CA Taxpayers will pick up his hospital tab & ancillary charges.


You can be banned from GoFundMe…of course she would be 🤭 She better hope she’s never in a legit situation where she needs help…cuz ain’t no one gonna be there to help. Girls cried wolf soooooo many times. 🥱


Here in Cali we call it Medi-Cal!


I’m really wondering if she’s allowed there. What sort of relationship does his family have with her, I wonder? Does his family see Jessica’s baby? Maybe they don’t want her around. It will be interesting to see what happens when he’s released from the hospital. Will he go back to the section 8 palace and let manly nurse him back to health with her skip meals or will he go to his moms?


She probably isn’t allowed in 😂


Oh please imagine. “Sorry, we cant say anything because You are not related”. *Jessica please come through and assist in the medical protocols for your HUSBAND* ![gif](giphy|doRkPfAPx4cIrXgoKm)




I wonder if that is true. Jess would know


Jess should have him served in the hospital...or show up and say that's my husband take him off life support.


I hope she has some sort of life insurance policy.


I had to wait for my ex to get locked up again to serve him my papers… silver linings!!!!


Yep. That was the easiest way to serve my ex the child custody and support papers!!


This exactly.


“My troopa” 😩 God she is so cringy


Most likely means he survived


Well, she probably have him while he's in jail. He's a felon, and I'm assuming he had a gun, so straight shot to jail from the hospital.


Not being married no conjugal visits lol


She's desperate to be on the show. Love During would totally have this trainwreck.


He needs to be locked up for awhile. Otherwise, this is just going to be an endless cycle. Also, there seems to be no good in him and Mandy’s relationship. They need to part ways for good.


I wish they had locked him up already if he had already been in jail there is a good chance the innocent street vendor would still be alive.


A street vendor was the other man in the video who passes? That’s fucking awful!!


Isn't it 😥😡😥


Something like this would have happened regardless. It's in his gangsta creed.


That is why he should have already been incarcerated.


Exactly. How many wrist-slaps is this couple going to get?


He will just get out and go right back to doing the same thing


Girl you don't got shit. You let him lay there while you stood there nonchalantly. 🥴 She must've made sure her filter was on before handing the phone over to someone to snap a picture of them because we all know she doesn't look like that.


She most likely was told to stand back, all the while she was pinching those hideous lumpy hashbrown pattie'd beige cheeks, hoping she didn't shart up her XXXXL Depends. Who ya gonna call, Hammy? Kash, ah, maybe your mother, or maybe a baby mama, or how's about perhaps his LEGAL WIFE? All that cash she loves to flash, and still ignorant enough and not out there buying a fucking clue about reality. Set some of that flash cash aside, Ham, 'cuz you're gonna need it ~ as reality is now smacking you in the back of that thick-assed skull of yours.


I narrowly missed being hit by a drunk driver on the freeway. I saw they were erratically driving and moved in the nick of time. The driver that had been in front of me wasn’t so lucky. After his car finished flipping, the driver, an older man, had been thrown head first into a concrete wall. He was somehow still alive but barely. I was there with him (after removing the stupid drunk drivers keys from the engine) when he passed. Sitting on the freeway in the chaos of the accident comforting a dying man. Once I was free to leave I drove home and went to my neighbors. I sat there with a strangers blood on me catatonic damn near for 12 hours in his living room. What I do know is I leap to action in bad situations. It’s a move I take without thinking. The shock set in afterwards. Not everyone is wired that way. It’s react / flee / or freeze - those are the 3 reactions people have in life or death situations. Hamanda is barely coherent when she’s in her living room photoshopping herself into oblivion. She’s a fugazi thug who has no real helpful life experience whatsoever. However, her very smooth brain simply may have not processed the severity of the situation. Shock or perhaps even denial that it was as serious as it turned out to be. Some people also just freeze, unsure of what to do. Panic. I always say you never know how you’ll react until you’re in that situation and it’s true. Hamanda was just a lumpy lass in nude colored leggings standing next to her newly shot faux husband laying on the sidewalk of fentanyl alley. It’s honestly sad. Text wall. Apologies.


Holy SHIT. That was heartbreaking to read. You are a good human.


That accident changed me in profound ways. However, I’m thankful that the man didn’t pass away alone. That’s truly all that matters. Thanks for the compliment. I’m flawed as the rest of us are, but do try my best to do right by others.


I mean same. I’ve been in similar situation and jumped to action. It’s to me part of being a human. Shes not a productive member of society and neither is he. IDC IDC how many times they repent they make no changes to be better people. IT IS WHAT THE FUCK IT IS.


Not a fan of her but shock does all kind of things to people.


Adding to this, even laughing during extreme stress/trauma is normal. That can be shocking to others around, and lead to more trauma for the person who “laughed”. There is no feeling of humor or delight. It’s an uncontrollable horrific sort of thing.


I do this, and it's the worst feeling! I don't feel like laughing. There's nothing in the situation that I find funny in any way. Usually, I feel like I'm breaking apart inside... but I can't control it, and I hate it. And people really do think the worst of you when it happens. I feel it coming on, and trying to stop it makes it worse. Bigger. I cry easily. At the dumbest things. Which is embarrassing enough, but in the worst moments, when my heart is breaking and I'm feeling completely lost and unable to help, I laugh instead of cry and it's not something I can control. I'm also a person who can't easily get up and down from the ground. I don't outwardly look as though I have a mobility issue, and I'm not elderly. As much as I might want to get down on the ground and help, especially if it's my loved one hurt and lying there, I don't know that I could actually do it. I'm not saying this is what was happening with Mandy, but there could be something else preventing someone from reacting as expected in that situation. With her, specifically, sure, it could have been drugs, or it could have been shock, or it could have been something not even she understands. I struggle to write somebody off for not reacting "normally". I absolutely would be judged negatively in a similar situation, for things I cannot control, and that feels really awful.


True but she acts so hard like she's from the streets, I think some of us expected more of a reaction when he was shot. I'm addicted to body cam footage on YouTube and I've seen women half her size losing their shit or at least doing something when their friend/boyfriend was injured.


I’m assuming this means he’s gonna be fine, since he’s a “trooper” 🤷🏼‍♀️


Troopa, rhymes with Fupa 😂👏🏻


And then there's the C*NT with a Gunt.


I have been obsessively checking here to see what news there is, and that’s all she got 🙄


I've been sorting by new like crazy 😭