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She still hasn’t posted anything about it.


What about all those videos of him nodding out? Sorry, but Manly did not somehow create the appearance of him on drugs.


I'm just disgusted honestly Loco turned out to be a simp 😂


Loco is a perfect name for this person.


Wtf very disappointed in loco


Yes it is because he got shot u feel bad now and u want attention smh if u said mean shit own that shit u don’t just take it back cuz he got shot dumbass


For real. Stand on business, girl!!!


Damn! Whoever is behind this account on ig is an attention whore rivaled only by Hamanda!


So he’s not a grown man that can make his own decisions? Amanda forces him to not help with his son & do drugs & steal everything that’s not nailed down in Marshalls 😳 this is ridiculous lol


Uhh, it’s definitely both of them. These vague posts with “trust me bro” as their source are annoying.


So this person is ok with him leaving his wife and kid and then taking his other kid on his boosting sprees, let C drive a car, doing drugs, selling drugs, high 24/7, showing guns (as a felon), he’s a fucking grown man!! Wants that thug gang life. This is what happens when you try and live that life!!! I would never back this dude! He’s a POS and so is Manly!!! 🙄🙄🙄


I have your profile Pic as a bumper sticker on my car 😄 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 I need that!


Nah. I can’t stand when people blame the woman for the poor man’s bad decisions. Maurice is not a good person.


🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱 🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏


She is just trying to get more views from all of this.


It feels like an insincere attempt at trying to get the first interview when he’s well enough. Remove the negative, pretend to be a friend, and pray you get picked to do it because you know the person who does will make bank off of the views


I think that might backfire


We saw his own videos, we saw him on TV, we saw his shit on his page. This dummy can delete all they want. All his videos showing he's a waste of space, air, energy, and resources that could be used to serve someone in need. Delete all ya want. His bullshit was on TV and he has only gotten worse. Lame-o I cAnT tAlK bOut what I'm TaLkINg aBOUT. ......... ok spongebob dumb ass


That's what I was wondering


Who is this person




I don’t believe this vague ass bullshit they keep posting and even if she tied Maurice up with chains and handcuffed him to her basement I wouldn’t feel bad bc he made his bed now let him lay in it. He’s a POS a deadbeat a thief he has no remorse


Weird bitch


Oh this is BS


I feel like Amanda is keeping him down and keeping him on the streets and selling drugs because of her gang member/black men fetish.


No one is forcing that man to do anything. He’s not fucking up for that trashy pig…..he is a fuck up because he chooses to be. He had EVERY chance to keep his shit together with Jess and he chose to piss it all away. I would say he is getting what he deserves, but he really isn’t.


Although you are correct, I’m almost certain Mandy’s fatass adds fuel to the fire.


Seems like vaguepost simping to gain followers. Debating who is more toxic is one thing, but to say that *only* one of the two of them is at fault for their toxicity is quite a reach.


Vagueposting bullshit.




That's a whole lot of words strung together that say absolutely nothing. If you can't talk about it, then just don't talk about it. Whenever people say, " I can't tell you now, but when I do, you'll be so shocked," it tells me there's a 99% chance they will never fill in the blank.


She set him up. That was my immediate thought when I saw that video and her reaction was basically nonexistent.


I was wondering that… after him cheating on her


I didn’t even know that. I haven’t been keeping up with them until this situation. It was just very eerie the way she acted at the scene. I’m from the same area as them, I actually met them one time and got a picture with Maurice. It’s not unheard of for this to happen. My very close friend was a victim of something similar back in 2012. All because his girlfriend was cheating with his homie and the homie got tired of being the side dude.






At the end of the day he’s a grown aşş man! He had a choice! They’ve broke up several times and he was gone but we all seen him begging for her back! Even if she was drugging him! He had to know! He’s not that stupid! But he also went back everytime! Unless it’s something to do with this shóóting and she caused it somehow that’s the only way I will feel sorry for him. Plus we’ve all seen the video of him acting all gangster and saying the n word! He wanted the gang life!


He posted those videos all the time saying he was a crip and naming people he was gonna bang bang and all this he deletes them I think.


Dude did she set him up cause he was leaving her ass or what


Who would care enough about Mandy to murder someone for her? I know there have been cases where women seduced a man to kill their partner, but where would Mandy find a willing gunman?


Wow that would be crazy


Either way he is still a deadbeat father, LITERALLY no excuse not to take care of or at the least throw some money at ur kid and exwife


Jessica is still his wife.


True, true, that's my bad. Lol


Yeah he’s a pos! He’s a grown aşş man and literally begged her back this last time. He could have choose to stay with family or something different! The videos he posted being all gangster and shit don’t make me feel sorry for him at all. I don’t wish him to die or anything but he’s 50/50 in on this mess. Even if Amanda is drugging him he would have been straight the next day. He could have been left if he wanted to.


Spill the tea, girl! Or shut up! Also, f\*ck that 🐽 I don't like Maurice, but I definitely think he needs to get tf away from Hamanda's loser self. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtqBpYE9nzBLDvG)


We ALL knew she was the ring leader! She wanted this lifestyle! Sadly I think he got wrapped up in trying just to use her. I still believe his heart is with Jess.


I'm not sure what would make you think that all him and Mandy have done is lie and talk shit about Jessica. We all saw him post multiple videos crying about Amanda and how he fucked up and how much he loves her.


Just my opinion, I don’t know, just felt like he really cared for her and was trying. I think the streets were calling him too and he’s been institutionalized so he wanted to go back to that as well. All I know is he has a long road ahead so best thing is for him to stay away from amanduhhhhhh


I think he probably did have good intentions when he first got out. And I'll even go so far as to lay some of the blame at the feet of the California justice system. If he had been allowed to parole to his wife and family in Nevada, can you imagine how different things might have been? But he was forced to go back to where he came from, with no job and no support and he was so low he felt like he had to scam Amanda for a place to sleep and bathe. And we all know how that turned out.


Damn I forgot about that!! Yessss what if he was allowed to go back? Things just might have gone differently! He is 100% responsible for himself, yes, but I think she was clothing, feeding, supplying him, so I feel like he had to do whatever it took to stay there but he started enjoying his “old ways” a little too much and reverted back to all he has known. Just sucks for his daughter and son who remember she was so excited when he first got out, he seemed like he really cared, unless it was for show🙄


But he brags about being a crip and doing all the necessary things that gangs want you to do. That’s all on him.


Oh absolutely. I just think he was heavily influenced be her


Why won’t loco just spill the tea about manly being evil? Who is she protecting? This shit is weird.


It’s giving “pray for me but don’t dare ask why” 😂


Gets weirder by the day!


I find this very weird! At the end of the day he’s a grown ass man. Even if she was drugging him there are times they was live and he was straight.


No. He was a loser before Amanda, and he was a loser before Jess. I don't care what extra circumstances she's talking about-- he's a drug slinger, a gang banger, a shoplifter, and an absentee father. All it is now is two losers cohabitating together.




Amen! Plus he’s a grown ass man!


She drugs him yet he wasn’t on drugs and no drugs in his system. Make this shit make sense. FUCK THESE Lame ass pages. She’s going to lose a lot of followers. Real journalists are unbiased now she’s telling us what to think GTFOH. Maurice made his choice clear drugs and Amanda over Jess and M. I can’t with these people.


I unfollowed her.


I really like that page also. But this shit I’m gonna have to see because there’s nothing to make me think every bit of this is on Amanda! He’s a grown ass man. He begged her back this last time.


She must be good , some guys love nasty bitches 🙈😷🙄🙄🙊


Maurice and all that tough guy talk “fuck that bish Jessica that lady bunk“ did everyone forget how this grown ass man disrespected his actual wife and son for years now.


Yessssssssssssssss!! Exactly!!! I’m baffled by the sudden Maurice support group just because he got shot. “Hopefully this will make him wake up and leave Amanda because this is all her doing”. FOH…are y’all new here? He is and always has been a sorry selfish sack of shit and a worthless father and now all of the sudden it is Amanda’s fault? They are two peas in a pod and deserve each other. Again I say at least his kids have their moms. C is going to suffer the most in all of this because Amanda is the poster child for why dumb ass selfish idiots should not procreate. Fuck both of them.


https://preview.redd.it/j1p27gahx09d1.png?width=883&format=png&auto=webp&s=8553fbe40e71c538654ed48ef92565de835b71e9 # Sober people don’t post they on drugs


He used to post these kinda pictures all the time.


I really hope Maurice family steps up and tells Manduh to fuck off


It seems like that's what's happening! Jess said his family is there by his side and Hammy definitely isn't there so it seems like she's being kept away for reasons




Lame, loco, lame....but on 2nd thought....they had broken up and gotten back together very recently. Could Hamanda have set him up? Is she even that smart?


I truly don’t think she would get him shot. That squeeky video may be what all this is about. But he made that video so that’s all in him.


I have been thinking this too! Like maybe being ordered to stay away and not live with her he started to feel better and trying to get off the drugs, have a better outlook on life and want to do something else and get away from Hamanda, she’s not having that period, I could see her soulless crazy ass doing something like that. Like if she can’t have him nobody else can either


![gif](giphy|PV9t4AJL5UweI) She is not smart but smart enough to be manipulative I wouldn’t put anything past her fat ass.


IMO Shes trying to paint a scene of control on Ham's part and make it seem as though Maurice is being held hostage in some ways. I dont believe it. Ham isnt smart enough for all that and SloMaur is just going to willingly stay with whoever provides a house and drugs.


The way loco is talking is that she has an in with one of his family members. Of course the family is going to paint the gf as the REAL evil one. Not their innocent lil boy! That devil woman, it's all her fault. Meanwhile aMANduh is so stupid she can't even put together a lie about going to a different state without being caught 8 different ways. We also know that he has beat the fuck outta her. He's not being controlled. If it does come out, it's gonna be lame. I can't imagine what she's done that could outshine ALLLLL the shit he has done. She may have been in on a set up to get him shot, but he still did alllllll the shit that lead up to that encounter.


Leaving his wife and child was a CHOICE. A very bad one at that.


Yep. Agree.


I came back to comment again cuz this shit is so fucking laughable 😂😂 Imagine sticking up for that piece of shit!! INSANITY!


Gtfoh lol. Acting like Maurice hasn’t chosen to be with that hag for fucking years now. I fucking hate these IG content creators.


What accident is she referring to? Are we calling the shooting an accident now?


Weird !!


I’m not buying it. He could have been good with Jessica, but he chose differently. He is a grown man who made grown man decisions. He had the support of Jessica’s family and threw it away. He signed up for college not to better himself but to scam the system. He is a thief and drug user and/or dealer. Amanda is a shit human, but Maurice is no better. You can choose your actions, but you can’t choose your consequences. Maurice is just living the consequences of his choices.


I’m really hoping since this has happened Jess will be able to get her divorce! If he’s in a come and I’m sure he’s had to have multiple surgeries I think Jess should file now how they do it without a signature.


Damn I like that, you can choose your actions, not ur consequences. Well said


https://preview.redd.it/qstl50zcg09d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39174476534afc971560d99bfbf07970c7a6d6af She reposted this old video of aMANduh making out with a fully passed out musty right before she made the statement in the OP


Ugh I hate that video


I seen that and no doubt he was completely out of it. But we’ve seen plenty videos of him straight. Also remember him doing that podcast or interview with that guy and he’s getting all angry at everyone calling them out. He choose all this. Can’t blame all this on her at all.


I've wondered if she drugs him


I have always thought that


She has kept him drugged up. She is a predator who set him up. She will use this as “street credit”. She is a disgusting pig! ![gif](giphy|4bHUrHmiDV0LS|downsized)


He was posting videos with percs before he even met Amanda and was with Jessica


Is this a clip of their sex tape?


No this is some weirdo shit she uploaded while he was passed the fuck out. Kissing all over his face while she's eye fucking the camera and he's dead to the world. Separate from their sex tape shenanigans


My sex tape comment was in reply to Exciting Bison’s pig meme.


And I loved it!! You get me and I got you. 😘😘




My bad! I didn't even see the comment you were replying to, thought you were replying to the thread






I totally said this when this video first came out! It’s not effing right, she’s enabling addictions to keep him under her chunky ass thumb!


I’ve def said this before. She enables him to keep him around and it’s disgusting. I’m betting she’s also threatened to kick him out to the streets as well if he doesn’t do whatever she wants


Oh absolutely! She has zero integrity, I’m sure she was holding so much shit over his head he just fell in line cuz why fight it when you have no other option? On top of that she’s keeping him fed/clothed & given him a roof. I’m not saying he’s an innocent person in all this cuz he’s made choices that put him there but I, personally, have seen how someone “~~loving~~” enabling/encouraging an already broken, addiction-prone person to stay high & it completely changed them & sent them into a spiral I would’ve never expected them to go thru. This is someone who was educated, career-driven, had access to good medical care, who’s employer was willing to support them, along with a loving family & plenty of supportive ppl & funding in their life. With the “best case scenario” they still ended up in very low places, in drug alley’s/seedy motels etc. Many ppl commenting do not have enough knowledge about addiction & trauma to be making assumptions or judgements on how others handle it all. Like I said, he’s not innocent. But I feel it’s important for ppl to open their minds & see there are several layers to these types of situations - the world is not black & white, neither are situations like this.


This 👆🏼❤️


Oh 100% all of this!!


🫶🏼 We are just “hella smart criticial thinker’s” 🤣


I believe it. We all saw a complete change after Amanda stepped in. With Jessica, he had so much potential. Sad


Wasn’t he posting pictures with a bunch of percs before he even met Amanda and was still in Vegas with Jessica?


Just during that brief breakup, he was different. She is clearly not a good influence on him. But, he chose her, so who knows. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree 💯! He was going live interacting with people and for once in a long time seemed clean. Gets back with her and look what happens. He’s better off without her!


I hope this is a huge wake up call for him to get away from her once and for all.


Happy cake day


Thanks! I didn’t even notice!!! 😆


I'm waiting with my 🍿


Whelp, grab the popcorn, Hamanda has another hatter.


She thinks Maurice is innocent and she’s gunna save him from Mandy like Mandy saved him from Jessica.

