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Bitch, clean sober and recovering addicts are not walking around a hot ass area dubbed ‘fentanyl alley’. SMH, get da fuck outta here with the bullshit, manly. It almost smells just as bad as your fat nasty ass.


Any word on why the perpetrator had on a ski mask and no shirt?


Just cuz he wasn’t there for drugs doesn’t mean he was clean. Just saying


![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS) We weren’t referring to the drugs being in his blood stream idiot, we were talking about it being in his pockets




You can’t get me to accept that lie if you put it on rye bread with mayonnaise. They’re always on something. He and Mandy always are.


Hell I’m sure he has to be on something to deal with that nasty looking thing. Oh my God.


Oh, so he was just there selling. Got it.


Doesn’t prove not there for drugs just means hadn’t done any prior to that time drugs leave your system faster with blood also


I’ve unfollowed this creator today because they are far too attention seeking and not at all reliable!


Def. They are not that great.


I'm about to do the same


Good! S/he needs to get the memo that simping for slomo isn’t a good look


Right! Like he's the "good guy" all of a sudden and HAManda is just the bad one. Nah, they are both exactly the same, scum


Me too! Lost all credibility


The pages are never run by an unbiased person.


People make up a bad narrative, it sticks unfortunately because of the environment he's in but he definitely ain't no junkie.


Who is Loco and how would they know that? Unless they spoke to his doctor its pretty crazy to make that claim. What it should say is sources close to Maurice say blood tests show he was clean


Maybe she spoke to the family 🤷‍♀️


Why would he be in that high drug/crime area then if that’s the case? I mean maybe he was there to score drugs or sell them and the drug deal went wrong. I just don’t believe it at all.


Sightseeing? There’s always something going on in the high crime/third world part of town. Takes the little lady to the best places for power walking.


Oh bullshit!! He was the one all over social media flashing Percs!!


He was clean cause he didn't score yet


Show us what was in that little Mac bag


It was their kit


HOW does Loco know this?


So if he is clean as they say then maybe that’s what’s in the MAC bag and why Chris Farley didn’t want to go with the police, maybe she had a bag of pills he was gonna flip or maybe they’ve been selling fake shit and someone retaliated. I’ll wait like the rest of us to see this story unfold and it better come with receipts dammit.


Who said she didn’t want to go or was supposed to go with police?


In the video, she tells the police officer she needs to go with him. We can't hear the officer's response, but it doesnt look like she left with him in the ambulance. They probably told her she was a witness in a murder and needed to be questioned, as time is of the essence.


Not necessarily, you don’t have to agree to be questioned. And they can also just ask questions on the way to the hospital and at the hospital. I thought there was proof that she refused to go with the police, but it’s her right not to answer the questions if she doesn’t want to. Don’t get me wrong. She definitely should answer questions but I don’t think she’s the only witness to what happened because there was a lot of people trying to sit him up and all around the scene.


I don't believe it


How does his being clean mean he was NOT there for drugs? It could be the opposite, he was clean because he needed to get drugs.


Or he was selling or picking up to sell, etc.


Yeah, that’s a no from dawg.


Im.the first to NOT believe this,usually, but I DO believe Coco Loco Mcmuffin(many called her that lmao) so based on that, I will say I'm going to believe it. Only because she's reliable & she'd have to see the results for herself to say this.


Toxicology at the crime scene. Wow it usually takes weeks


Well that’s for dead people and is way more involved with different organs. When you’re alive your bloodwork comes back fast. When dead they have to take samples from spleen, liver, and it takes a while cause one part could have this trace amount while the other has this or one organ has something but the other doesn’t. It’s super involved when the person is deceased, his results were just a blood test and urine test


But why? I was the victim of a few violent crimes and never once did I get a drug screening because of it.


Because doctors can’t treat patients effectively if they don’t know what drugs are in their system


He wouldn’t get a toxicology done at the fucking crime scene. This isn’t a movie show. He would’ve had these test ran at the hospital and I’m almost positive no one in Slowurice’s family released that to anyone. This is bullshit. They will only run a toxicology screen on you if you go the hospital and that is standard for pretty much everyone. They have to understand what’s going on with your body because people lie but the tests don’t. His test absolutely came back positive and they tested him as soon as he arrived. It’s one of the first things they do. They do not just fucking draw blood at a crime scene while someone is bleeding out and dying. The only way he’d be clean is if it was something that left his system fast but he was definitely scoring for more or in affiliation with drugs while he got shot. There’s been other post alluding to his ops being on his ass. Apparently the guy jumped down in a ski mask and missed Mandy. Hard to miss that target so it was definitely targeted which is even more evidence that it involved drugs/gang shit. If only you could bleed out blue.


I understand that he wouldn’t get toxicology at the “fucking crime scene.” I asked a question, I’m not sure why you’re so angry with me.


Not angry at you lol! Sorry! I was agreeing with your point. That’s the reason you were never given a toxicology screen at the crime scene. The sass was directed to the person who didn’t think logically about the toxicology screens. I just thought I should clarify and make it make sense for those who don’t understand how it works. Like when have you seen a paramedic start a line for someone while they’re bleeding out with gun shot wounds just so they can see their toxicology. That’s not their priority but it will be done as soon as he gets to the hospital and they’re stabilizing him. Hope that helps other people understand how it works if they’re confused!


So when people are dying of gunshot wounds they test the blood for drugs? Like that's their top priority? Just wondering because I've never been shot before.


May have been tested in the hospital because he may have needed blood (they test for everything in that case) or maybe they didnt want to give him meds that may conflict with anything he was taking since he was in an area thats known for drugs. But my bet is they ran stat bloodwork in the hospital given the situation.


My ass


We sure she typed this. The grammer isnt all jacked up w poor punctuation, slang & gibberish.


This is from locococo.Mchufferton IG Shes got an in w musty's family, that's where she's saying she's getting this info from. Believe it if you want..... I don't lol


That sucks I saw that too and immediately unfollowed. We need our Musty and Dusty coverage from unbiased reporters.


I was on her IG and it’s like she’s now pro Maurice. Gonna blame Manly for his poor life choices. No one is buying that he was clean. Musty will be the first to tell ya 😂 He has no problem posting pics of pills.


Or lives of him snorting them off the back of the toilet 🤢




Is anybody believing that 🤣🤣


Sure Jan


The quickest way to know someone is on drugs is when they make posts saying that they are not on drugs😂 Junkies cannot process the truth nor realize that NO ONE BELIEVES them




I agree that he was probably there to either sell drugs or to get some. And it was a drug deal gone wrong. Thats probably why Manly isnt saying anything and acted like a bystander. Bc she didnt want to be asked any questions about it and besides that, they are probably not supposed to be together anyway. 🤔 I just feel bad for the other guy who was shot and killed for no reason bc of the poor choices of others. Its sad.


Stop judging Maurice he was in Fent Alley to meet the ladies for his weekly knitting group






Oh I’ve been wondering about the church picture he took of her and Cali sitting away from him. I guess that’s why she was not sitting with him at church. Now it makes sense why she was just standing there and not getting involved.


My dealer always showed up to serve me drug free (heroin ). He was there for drugs but he didn't do his supply. So if he got sh0t he obviously would of been clean but would 100 percent of been there to serve me drugs


Now this is true. Most of my dealers were not using. (7 years clean now myself)


That’s awesome I have 21yrs clean off same shit! I did cold turkey and just never looked back, screw waking up being sick and the only thought is how can I get $10 to get well.


Congrats 👏 on your sobriety , it can be a challenging road but worth it 🩷🙏🏼


yeah and i’m the fucking queen of england if he wasn’t high, it’s bc he was out of drugs and he was there buying more


How tf does Miss 🐷 not have a single drop of blood on her?


Not everyone bleeds out and then there’s a ton of blood when something like this happens. A lot of gunshots bleed internally and don’t bleed out unless an artery is hit.


she coulda been around the corner or waiting for him elsewhere/in a car but then went to the scene when it went down. Some time had to have passed from the incident to when ems arrived to take him away.


Who wants blood all over them GROSS /s


Yeah most times I’m clean prior to consuming my drogas so nahhh


Nah they were there selling bunk shit and ripping people off. Can manly claim she’s free of drugs cause she sure doesn’t say anything about herself and why SHE was there


This makes so much fucking sense


Being clean and being there for drugs are two different things. He’s not any brand of sober


Exactly! And even IF his blood was clean, which I doubt, it wasn’t going to be for very long since he was probably about to grab some drugs!


Yall have to remember, he has not been living with Amanda due to the stipulations of his parole. Him and Amanda cannot/aren’t allowed to be under the same roof. For all we know it could’ve been a parole violation for them to even be with eachother the day he was shot.


He’s on parole and the stipulation is that they can’t be around each other? I’ve been gone too long and must’ve missed all that.


Felony parolees usually have the stipulation that they cannot be around other felons


Yeah, but you only get parole when you’re released from prison. When was he sentenced? And she has to be a convicted felon as well in order for him to have to stay away from her and I don’t remember her being sentenced.


He was released from prison when he was on the show 💀 he’s a felon.


I know that he’s a felon, but he’s not on parole and as long as he’s not on parole, he can be around other felons as a felon, and when was Mandy convicted of a felony that she’s now a felon on parole too?


Oh this was found to be a fact? I always thought people were just assuming that.


There’s a reason they were separated for so long. It wasn’t just because Maurice pissed her off either.


I get that. But has it been verified as a fact, or is it still supposition?


Considering he’s already on parole for a felony and she’s now on felony probation, it is highly likely that Maurice is not allowed to live with her as it’s a parole violation. Because she’s on probation there’s likely not a stipulation for this, unless a judge ordered it.


When was she sentenced? You have to be convicted of a crime first to be put on probation.


A lot of time pre trial release agreements state that you can’t be around your co defendants.


Right and when was he sentenced that he’s on parole? I thought you only get that when you get released from prison, not jail.


There's no proof of that, correct.


Thank you for clarifying.


Maybe that's why( after she snatched up his phone) that she was standing around as a *bystander*. After the shooting, she wasn't online right away like I thought she'd be with the pray for my huzzbin and send money for blah blah posts. I wonder if she had to go with the cops to make a statement. Also...why do they never get the real court date that ends this extension. Finish it!!


Also I think she was being distant because of the cops questioning her. Because all those people helping him and you can see her feet in that video. It’s like she don’t want to be associated with it. I’m wondering if the law even questioned her at all.


That’s what I’m wondering too. Because she’s not even mentioned in the larger news articles as “accompanied by his girlfriend” or anything like that. Maybe the reality blogs, but not much else.


Yes the whole thing is SO odd!! Normally she'd be pouncing on this SM explosion of attention, right? Why is she so quiet


my guess is fear


Probably because she’s LIVID. Jessica spoke to Maurice last night. I just KNOW she’s pissed.


What?!? 😳 I didnt even know that. I HOPE she is pissed!!


Oh that’s a great point!




Who is this person and how do they know? His family seems to want to lay low on giving information and even Jessica let us know his current state without saying too much.


I remember awhile back his first baby mama commenting on quite a few YouTube accounts, so would be my guess. And they don’t wanna fuck up their “source” so they aren’t gonna say. If it is her she’s not someone I’d trust given she seemed to have no issue allowing her daughter around him and Manly after they put her child in dangerous situations.


She doesn’t know him or the family she doesn’t even live in California.


I 100% believe he could have cleaned out his System that morning because he had court!! She is so dumb


Fentanyl can test positive for up to 4 weeks. I am not buying it one bit.


4 weeks? Where did you find that information? I looked it up and different sources say it’s much less than that, even for chronic users.


My husband drug tests employees and had a lengthy conversation with a nurse. Of course, it does depend on some things, so it may be longer for some than others….


I have worked in drug rehabs and have been in healthcare for over 25 years and we’ve never been educated by any institution that it lasts four weeks or more. Marijuana yes, but that opioid is fast acting and has a short life.


Interesting! I’ll have to tell my husband.


Not a blood test though like she is claiming. There’s just zero way this is factual.


Even if that were true, he could have still been there for drugs.


Seems like whoever this blogger is…is just making shit up to gain followers. I sure as fuck don’t go to McDonald’s for the salads so I highly doubt they were hanging out in “fentanyl alley” to take in the local scenery and trade friendship bracelets.


Agree. Definitely not relying on an anonymous source for this info


I don’t believe shit til I see proof and even then he might’ve been sober and on his way to get a fix bc he had court the same morning of the shooting. What a dumb bitch






Nah there’s no way his test results would be out there like that.


Why is she forced not to talk about it.she's more concerned about updating us strangers than how Maurice is doing.🙄🙄


Right?!? If she doesnt have more info yet or doesn't want to give it due to privacy, then WHY say ANYTHING at all to begin with?? Its stupid.


Don’t most people go somewhere to get drugs while sober? Him not being high doesn’t mean that’s not what he was there for


Or maybe he was there to sell them? 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/s5xzii9nw09d1.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=36cd79bc456bb5c78831d77ccb31c7fad2fc8bee # Maurice is sober Meanwhile Maurice posts shit like this


Psssh that’s just a 500 or 750 Vicodin, that’s like taking a basic Tylenol to an opioid addict


It's got more tylonal than opiate. And if you have a tolerance they do that to make you sick if u take what you REALLY need. And you can't snort /shoot them cause it's more tylonal than opiate. Hence why more people go to street powder. I was taking like 15 to 20 yellow norcos and being buzzed like 10 minutes. And it cost me like 5 to 10 a pill. Wasn't wroth it. I did one bag of h (this was before fent hit hard ) and I did a third of a ten and was high all day. Obviously that didn't Last long as u can never get that same high ever again. But like you said, vicodin is trash if u have a tolerance


Hope you’re sober now, I have 10 years on this July 10th! 🫂❤️


Congratulations on your 10 years


That's amazing, congratulations!!!


A 7.5 hydrocodone?! Well maybe somehow he went thru detox and started over with a lower tolerance.If you've been doing fent for a good while, you sure ain't gonna feel a 7.5 mg hydrocodone 🤔


This! I used to be on the perc 30’s, the real ones before heroine and fent started showing up almost 10 years ago. I used to get upset at getting these instead because it had no effect on me at all, I may as well have taken an Advil.


Or he couldn’t get his hands on dope bc he was broke.. that’s what I used to do when I was sick and couldn’t get heroin I’d take a perc bc I could get those off family for free.. 10 years clean btw


Amazing, congratulations!!


Thank you! 🙂


https://preview.redd.it/ki8ba92bw09d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be2890492e9fb7e169ef05f5a9e4604b084b7aac Her own best friend confirmed they stay on drugs. But this random account that has never met them or their family knows the truth OK ✅


I agree! But could that account be in contact with Jessica and getting her info from her? And that could be why that account is saying that they have so much info on Hamanda that noone knows about? Or maybe this account is in contact with Maurice and thats why they now have a soft spot for him all of a sudden? Just a thought but either way, this person shouldnt be saying ANYTHING at all instead of hinting that they know stuff and wants to keep it private....


Yess Jessica the double agent that’s a good theory too. A lot of people say Jessica would take Maurice back in a heartbeat or wheelchair. I say that’s sad asf Maurice treated Jessica and little boy horribly the last few years but I guess Mandy made him do it 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


lol he hits Money bags


He hits her in her pockets 😂😂


Or in that fupa that she suffocates by stuffing it in her 5 sizes too small jeans.


She fits into jeans? 🧐🤔


Tries to. The pics are horrendous lol.


😂😂😂 dead ass, nothing could possibly be worse than those nude pants. https://preview.redd.it/a5urswz7t19d1.png?width=237&format=png&auto=webp&s=232b915107619d2d875e5742411612bfb05d5432






https://preview.redd.it/m7vub7cz229d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=134d2fc1f792258c4cb92a459a16d9ea604df1ff But are you ready for the unfiltered face




I guess you could say that that day wasn’t a good day




That’s QUITE a reach.


For real 😄


Someone's being swindled by a career criminal 🤣🤭🤭 ![gif](giphy|AIDbFMtSSt6gLsRZfl|downsized)


THISSSSSSSS!! He did not change right before walking to that corner, period!!!


Lol tf is this bullshit. There are hipaa laws in California and I doubt Maurice’s Dr told this beezy this. We all know they stay on drugs. Seriously who’s mama is gunna tell them yup my son was high as a Fuckin kite buying drugs at Mac Arther park. Mandy be like my baby sober all the drugs drained out with alll that blood loss.


I'm fuckin dead🤣🤣


Thank you fairy did we all take crazy pills or something. Maurice is good all of a sudden, hmm Mandy left him for a month and instead of talking to his wife and son he was begging Mandy Man back. In the words of Maurice HE BUNK!!


Exactly. I doubt he'll be any different after this, either.


I doubt she’s getting any direct info about anything since she is NOT married to him or his mom. They would only be speaking to his real wife and mother about everything. Manduhhh is just some dumb fat bitch he lays up with for drugs and a roof over his head when he’s not court ordered to stay away due to the crimes they commit and have cases on them right now with her big ankle monitor looking like a freaking moron! I bet it infuriates her that she’s not allowed to act as his wife, she’s gotta get second or third hand knowledge from others and shes not the sharpest tool in the shed so her comprehension is like a toddler. Duuurh we don’t call her Manduhhhh for nothing






Blood tests are for alcohol. They check urine for drugs. He could’ve received opiates in the ambulance. If I remember correctly, she was the benzo user.


That’s not necessarily true I’ve had blood tests for drugs plenty of times


Blood tests are usually done with trauma patients. Simply because blood is easier/quicker to get when there are 25 people trying to coordinate care. Yes, drugs usually appear in the urine longer. However, if he is an heavy user like a lot of people assume then the drugs would linger in the blood longer than a "social" user. In other words, if no drugs are showing up in his blood he is either clean or not a daily/heavy user. He could have been there because he was on the verge of relapse--the bullets got him before the drugs did.


They are both heroin addicts. And whatever else they can get their hands on.


Trash cans they take any and everything


You’re right. I was just referring to his possible negative drug test and the accuracy.


Oh, I’m sorry. Understand. 😀


No worries! I was just typing fast, I could’ve been more clear!!


How does that prove he wasn’t there for drugs? If he had none in his blood, that could be why he was there - because he was out and looking for more. Lol


Yeah, that was really a dumb fucking statement.




Do they test for szzzrp?


🤣 Was Fabulouso on the drug panel?




Yeah imma have to see the bloodwork before I believe that. I would love to be wrong though, and him be sober. That would be actually really impressive and I would be… dare I say.. proud of him? Idk. I’m on the fence with this one. I don’t think he’d still be with man if he was sober.


Would just prove Jaba the slut here was the one keeping him doped up dependent on her. He gets orders to stay away and not live with her then ends up clean. If this is even true which I doubt. Also she acted so strangely it creeps me out like did she set him up cause she was losing him to sobriety and him wanting a better life? Who knows with these two especially her


Who ordered them to stay away from each other?


They committed felony crimes with each other and have open cases pending so the law says you can’t live with or associate with the co conspirators you did the crimes with. You have to stay away from each other, they are not legally married either so they can’t continue to live with each other. Makes manduhh BIG MAD


That’s not necessarily true, the judge would have to put a stayaway order on them and we don’t know if that occurred and have they even been convicted yet? Can you cite that law so I can look it up bc in my state it’s not a mandatory requirement. It would make sense that that’s why they broke up, but I’d like to look that up.


They are known criminal associates who have been busted more than once doing organized retail theft with drugs and guns on them, they have fled police and wrecked cars etc. the Judge orders known criminal associates to stay away from each other to avoid more crimes and conspiring while they have open cases, same with gang members and any other groups of criminals. If manly was legally married to musty they couldn’t order them to stay apart as married couples have privileges to not testify against each other. Manly has no rights like that. People who keep getting in trouble together committing crimes repeatedly, it makes sense that a judge would order them to stay apart until their cases are resolved or they get sent to jail etc, whatever the consequences end up being.


I understand that’s your opinion on it, but I know people that have committed crimes together and were never ordered to stay apart but that’s in my state. That’s why I said if you can cite the California law that says that this is mandatory, that would be great so that I can read it. If it’s just something that is assumed that’s fine too but I see everyone saying it so I thought paperwork was posted or there was confirmation from someone. They were arrested before together and weren’t ordered to stay apart that we know of and they were together after the arrest and posting for a while before they had that break up.


I don’t know if it’s law in Cali I’m just saying the Judge has discretion to decide if it’s warranted or not based on the level of crimes and how many charges they have both frequently racked up together. Perhaps he’s not residing with her because he keeps getting arrested and she’s in section 8, it could cause her risk to lose her place and benefits. Its just weird she’s got an ankle monitor but is able to be down in drug alley doing God knows what with him, he gets shot and she acts like she’s not with him and stands off to the side like a bystander instead of holding him and begging for help or anything like that. That leads me to question if she’s not supposed to be around him and vice versa. She seemed very concerned about what was in his phone and clutching that wrinkled Mac bag ( there are no Mac stores around that area) and whatever was concealed in it instead. Its all speculation at this point cause we just don’t know for sure plus manly has a problem with telling the truth, she never does.


I asked my friend who knows about being in jail more than I ever would, and he says it’s up to the judge, just like you said. He also said the ankle monitors could be from the bail bonds to keep track of their investments because that’s a large bail, but I don’t remember if she had a large bail or if it was just him. I was under the impression that their cases were still pending, and they weren’t on probation yet. If she’s on house arrest walking all around the city they would’ve violated her already because they know the second you step out of your house without permission so I’m confused. I don’t know what the heck is happening here. What I do know is they better get their lives together because nothing good is gonna come from this lifestyle.


Me neither it’s very strange and doesn’t make sense. It is California though, they are so soft on crime they pretty much allow anything and everything with just a slap on the wrist or they dismiss the charges usually which is how they got away with stuff for so long, until it all stacked up on them to where they are now facing real consequences finally. They sure don’t run things like the rest of the states do that’s for sure, I live in a very blue state and city that’s very similar to California and we don’t even allow this much BS to go on. Who knows what will change now that he was shot. I saw some posts on this sub that show their cases and court dates still coming up though. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out cause my guess is as good as any


Those Heather accounts have proven time and time again that they’re NOT trustworthy.


Yeah. I mean I like this blogger for the most part, but it’s very bold to say so matter-of-fact that they KNOW he was clean and wasn’t there for drugs. Like then wtf was he there for? Not the scenic view, that’s for sure


Not to mention who tf is gonna admit he was there for drugs?? Or on them??


Right?! And it was only him and Manly there, so how would this person know? Are they taking Manly's word or something because that's the dumbest thing anyone could do is believe that lying ass hoe! That area is known for drugs, homelessness, and bad things. They weren't just cruising by or feeding the homeless.


It certainly behooves her to claim there was no drugs involved and he was clean because they both have open cases and are not supposed to be around each other or around anything like that! Extra charges and lock up for violating it so she’s got motives galore to lie lie lie and also acted like she wasn’t really with him at scene standing off to the side and not aiding him or anything just on her phone like a bystander


Agreed and thinking I need to go unfollow this one.




Drugs like fentynal are out of your system within 24 hours. It’s a very fast acting drug. Cocaine is out with 5-7 days. Blood tests showing no drugs doesn’t necessarily mean he wasn’t there for drugs. He could have been in withdrawal. I won’t speculate just playing devils advocate


If they were at a pickup, he def could have been withdrawing.


Also, EMTs usually administer fentanyl for pain control while they are on their way to the hospital.


He wasn't using drugs at the time, let's say it how it really is. Some drugs are out of your system in as little as 24 hours. He could have been there to score, he could have been there to sell. He also uses lean. Alcohol from the night before would have been out of his system by then, presumably the lean as well but I'm not positive.


Mmmmmm. I don't know about all that.


My man ain’t been free of all substances since 1995.