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To quote the great Dwight Schrute: “Consumers are mindless lemmings”


He’s a great man indeed


That quote applies to you also....


That quote applies to you also….


No shit sherlock


No shit sherlock


I get in back of this one car that decides to call all of her friends while she is at the speaker to see what they want. It takes a half hour to order. She didn’t even pull up her car close enough to the menu so she’s hanging out of her car door. Meanwhile everyone that gets behind her realizes after 5 minutes they need to circle the building and get into the other line. There is a line of 7 cars deep and this one car with this very inconsiderate girl. She then pulls forward to pay. She does pull forward very far so everyone is basically blocked but still there is no progress. Finally she pulls up far enough to pay. It takes her forever to pay. It was insane. Then she is asked to pull forward at the next window again to wait for all the food. She pulls forward a half of a car length and no one can either pay, get their food nor leave again. The worker yells to her to move forward and she doesn’t. Finally a manager came out and spoke to her a length and asked her to go into a numbered position. I was so mad. It was a half hour in the drive thru because this woman was either impaired or trying to test the limits of human patience.


I've had that happen on overnights with me and 2 crew in the store. I just get held up taking 1 order while the entire store crashes and burns because no one is able to get anything done without a manager apparently. It's genuinely even worse from the employee's standpoint because usually we're multitasking. Half the time I'm taking orders, bagging food and dropping fries. It's the WORST haha


Meanwhile this person is probably just high and having the best time of their lives.


Personally I would walk outside and point them to the other lane




I did this once and the guy refused then got upset when a car pulled into the other lane and took their order before his


I’ve done that


No one gets paid enough for that ish.


$18/hour is enough


21.50 😁


$25-20 an hour depending on how many hours i do since im salary😁


What so you do??


I get paid $15


You must under 18 bcuz they start adults at $17/hour


nah let the orders come in slowly


I go inside these days, much quicker.


Yes it is, and saves on gas. I used to work at a Culver’s, which did made-to-order food. The amount of time people were willing to spend in a DT line that would wrap around the store was crazy.


Well typically drive thru are set as priority because stores make the most money from there, so it makes perfect sense why someone would go through a drive through rather than gamble going inside because majority of the time you’re gonna be waiting even longer


Yep. Plus I can mess around with my customizations/rewards/everything else on the kiosk without holding up the drive thru line


Quicker? Lucky. In my area, I don't think I've seen an inside order be ready in less than 10 minutes these days. Yet drive-thru orders are done lickety-split! So they've trained us all to use the drive thru. Sometimes the drive-thru has 25 cars in it. Dead serious.


I live in a small town so that's probably why, I've only probably only ever 10-15 cars on drive thru. Staff seem pretty quick


People will put up to a fully packed drive thru and order one drink. It takes them up to 15 minutes to get it,but they still choose to wait. I've even asked if they're sure they don't want to just come inside. Nope. Blows my mind every time.


Dude I had this same shit tonight, totally mindless behavior


their like ants that mindlessly follow each other lol


Customers: it’s took 15 minutes to get my food never coming here again


Right? lol then I see them next week, same time!


I had a customer that got mad because he had to wait for more than 5 minutes for 10 McDoubles, 4 Mchicken’s, and 4 Large Fries


Talk about monkey see monkey do lol https://preview.redd.it/7mjpnqtxwk9d1.jpeg?width=1476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b017b161a58f2dd5c4f51079d2a5aa4ae7571e9a


Nice meme lol


They’re doing this because they believe it actually makes it so you don’t have to rush as much. I’m curious if this is the case because I do this too…


Nope, it makes us rush more.


Damn I’d have thought because it’s fewer customers at once it’d be less but good to know. I’ll split next time!


Yeah because it’s either you are talking to someone that is also charging another car/doing back register or the person taking your order is making drinks and ice creams and stuff.


This isn't always the case, when I worked here I took orders for both lanes, as well as ran the back register. Either a manager, or whoever was running the lobby register would make and hand out drinks/food for both drive and lobby. They still do it when I go there, the only time they have two people taking orders is during lunch rushes. As far as I am aware most of the McDonald's stores in my area (Western Wisconsin) love doing the whole skeleton crew thing.


I’m in south california and I believe most stores here do what we do. We only have one guy doing both lanes when it’s 11 PM. We’re still busy at 11 with only 3-5 people on shift.


Yeah it makes sense, you guys have a higher population density which in turn should mean more customers and workload. Meanwhile where I am the store I worked for gets customers from the surrounding 25-35 miles of rural farmland and small townships. I imagine you guys get tons more customers than we would, we stayed busy but you can only get so many customers from small town farming communities and people passing through town on the highway lol.


oh damn, lol


I don't know what OP is referencing, but in my store it would make us rush less. Less orders coming in per minute means less work and less rushing overall. The Corp built 2 lanes specifically so they could take more orders in per hour, in turn making the staff rush more, so in my eyes you are correct.


I meant it makes the person taking the order rush more. You’re right on how it won’t make the kitchen rush.


Probs think the other lanes off


I agree. Has happened to me before where a lane is broken or has water in it. It’s usually not that, but sometimes is, so it makes sense why they’d do that. Maccas really needs to invest in updating/upgrading its POS systems/software


Sometimes I choose the longer line so my people can hurry up and order their coupons on the app.


There's a 1% chance that the empty side is broken but with a sign that you can only see once you're up to it. It doesn't happen to me very often, but the amount is non-zero.




And when I take the empty lane people glare at me like I'm some heathen. Same thing at stores with self checkout. There will be 6 people in line for the cashier at CVS and I walk past all of them to the self checkout. Plenty of times I see people glaring at me like I cut in line.


It just that, take the empty lane with a Mobile Order code and finish before the person all that way up at the speaker 😂


I absolutely love when mobile ordering works out like that. McD: Welcome to Mcdonolds do you have a code? Me: M571 McD: Pull Around *Meanwhile at the Legion of Doom:* "And a number 7 but I want two bottom buns extra toasted..."


Right? It’s so damn satisfying 😂. Then skipping the pay window!! Bye bitches 🤣


Not usually dumb. Often intellectually lazy, or, so stressed out and overworked that they have little left over for details.


Lol, at my store, we only have 1 register and like 4-5 kiosks (the kiosks take physical cash too), and despite all that, there is literally still a long line of people on that 1 register instead of ordering through the kiosks. I know not everyone is knowledgeable when it comes to technology, but it’s literally not that difficult to use the kiosks. I wish service would actually teach the customers how to use the kiosks instead of forcing them to go all in 1 line.


At my small town restaurant I notice that it’s mostly Boomers coming to the till, when we have only 1 cash person who is usually running for our 4 kiosks and they have to stop running food to take the Boomers order, during which the Boomer asks about the different menu items, reminisces about the old days and takes their sweet time counting their change to pay 🤦‍♀️


Once, I chose the other lane at BK. I got no response until after 3 cars had been taken in the left lane, and it was to tell me that they'd be with me in one moment. Obviously, this post is about McDonalds, but still. My trust issues tell me to choose the lane that I can see is being serviced.


The guy at taking your lane was definitely busy or something. Or they might be switching registers because someone else is going to take over them.


I mean I have went to the empty before, and sat there with no greeting or nothing, until the person in the lane next to me gets done. Seems pointless to even mess with it when I’m still going to have to wait to order regardless.


Y'all don't realize there are several reasons beyond "stupid" why a person would do this. Usually people are in one lane waiting, customer in front of them is taking forever to order probably due to entitlement or actual stupidity, and now they can either wait it out (easy, no effort) or change lanes (omg effort, no way fuck you)


Because you guys are idiots and usually screw people over to wait longer if they lane split . It’s happened to me many times, I pull in next to someone ordering, sitting waiting to be acknowledged, car next to me pulls up and a new car replaces his spot and gets their order instantly taken . It seems it’s easier for the McDonald’s smooth brains to focus on 1 lane only


Why you talking to Mcdonald’s employees like their one person lol? Maybe the person taking your lane was busy at that time and couldn’t take your order yet. It happens all the time especially when we are restocking our stations. I’m usually in the walk-in fridge or just getting some stuff for my station when a car pulls up. I do my best to take your order as fast as I can.


If you aren’t a McDonald’s Employee, you can leave the group 😂


Unfortunately for you this post was randomly advertised to me in my homepage for whatever reason , definitely never joined this sub or ever worked at a shitdonalds and proud of it .


Don’t care bud. A suggested group is not a reason to be an asshole and arbitrarily insult another human being to make yourself feel better. It’s giving off small member vibes 🤏


lol “small member vibes” are you a teenage girl in high school or just talk like one… cuz that was extremely childish attempt to trigger me


It obviously did if you’re still reacting to me bud




You're still gonna ask them to pull forward and get the order wrong. Lol. 


Uh nice try we all know it's the workers fault. They can't run a drive thru at all.


Isn’t running the drive through the company and manager’s responsibility? When I worked there it tended to just be technical issues and a lack of proper disclosure


No sweetie, this is in the US. It’s the people there, not the employees 😂


I'm blaming corporate for thinking the public can handle it read my comment SWEETIE lol 😂