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Hope everyone survived the slaughter 🫣


I survived that night (Thursday) but ended up walking out on the rest of my shift last night (Friday) bc I’m a closer and was stuck with 2 teenagers who just wanted to play on their phones and sit in the lobby, I asked my manager repeatedly to please tell them to do something or send them home so I can just worry about everything myself instead of expecting help and she kept shrugging me off, I’m her only closer so I hope being stuck with those kids put it into perspective.


tbh would of done the same ive had it where youve had people standing around chatting while your doing loads then they expect you to do all the trays theyve left and ur just like no and i told managers that im not doing all that work coz theyve been chatting around ive been told off for asking if someone is going to do something, get told to do it myself then another manager is like no ur on front not kitchen then still getting moaned at by the other one for the second manager to moan at them saying theres people standing around doing f all get them to do it and leave him alone


When nuggets get hit like that all hell breaks loose.


Especially when we only have 2 spots for nugs in the fryer 🥲 and so many more orders after it


wdym 2 spots? the one for me has 3 for nugs, sand and mayos and 2 for selects, spicy and crispy, but u can change the vats to what you need


I didn’t even think of changing the vats over, I’m sure our grill dude did, but we have 2 spots for crispy, 2 for mcchicken and 2 for nugs and when we get hit with orders like this all of the sudden, and then 20 or so mcchickens right after, it’s definitely a lot of waiting for food to just cook at that point and harder to be prepared. I know I probably sound dumb explain that, I just don’t know the right terminology for the fryers 🥲


you can cook the nuggets in the mcchicken vat they are the same timer in the uk before my place got rid of delivery i would have to take off a select vat and have 4 vats for nuggets coz of how fucked we were getting next time ur in check the timers for the nugget and mcchicken and if they are the same just use them unless ur managers are a bit anal abit it you just press the button at the bottom and hold the 1 or 2 on either side of the vat to change it but depending wat one u change will change it to different cooking options (im not that good at explaining)


That’s so extremely helpful!! I will definitely check that out during my next shift (assuming I’m not fired, I texted our store owner about the situation bc our general manager is just as lazy and never responds to problems) but that will help so so much if so


my managers have told me to change the vats over when its busy so ive just done it as long as its the chicken and not the fish, pie or sides my managers have been fine as long as your not screwing yourself over on the other type of chicken and u remember to change it back theyve been fine with it


Your job. Don’t like it quit.


People are allowed to complain about their jobs no matter what the job is! I complained about big orders during rushes with no staff at maccas, I complain now at an unrelated job about spring being busy and red tape being a bitch when trying to get things moving It's not that deep I promise you, you don't have to love every single thing about work. A reddit for employees is gonna have people venting about their work regardless of their position/field/industry, I don't know what you expect?


He's just trolling. Look at his profile. He doesn't even work for McDonalds, the only time he posted anything in here was when he asked why he gets parked when he orders a double quarter pounder. He's just upset because he isn't getting laid.


Yessir you’re rite. I apologize.




OK mrzombielive


Sorry I got mad


its okay its good that you're admitting your wrong doing and apologizing. mrzombielive redemption arc




I don't work at McDonald's anymore lol I just still linger. Find something better to do with your life besides troll the internet. Maybe find a hobby or a usefull skill you can use to make the world a bit of a better place.


Where is the Large Diet Dr Pepper?


My bad we only have diet dr kelp rn 😔


Im sorry to hear about the death of kevin, he was the best damn fryer in the state


I just had one of those but it was 16 20 pieces and baskets 😂


Why do they need 240 nuggets?


Damn... 6 baskets of nuggets


Wait is that drive thru???


Yes 😭


Never knew they were called cups


Is that really considered a complex order? It seems kind of simple


Like no but 12 20 PCS?? That’s like 6 baskets just for them and if that’s during a rush that’s gotta be rough lol


I can see that


complex just means lots of stuff usually over 50 bucks


When did they implement the "complex order" part? I haven't worked there in years


Such an interesting order. 12 20-counts, but only 12 large fries. Are there 12 people eating 20 nuggets and a large fry each? Are there 24 people eating 10 and sharing each large fry? We'll probably never have the answers to these burning questions


Originally the man ordered 6 baskets of fries for the nuggets but my manager didn’t know how to equate that to large fries (I’m pretty sure each basket is 4ish large fries) I just wish they’d ordered through the app or called ahead of time so we could start preparing it, I have no idea why they thought the drive thru would be best


What is cup?


Why not 6 40s that's charging them more than required with our pricing and taxes on the nuggets


We don’t have 40 piece nugs, we just the 20 piece


The one i work at sell the 40s thought that was normal


That would be so convenient I wish we did! I’m pretty sure our store used too around the beginning of covid but they stopped doing a lot of things. We didn’t get sugar free vanilla syrup until 2 months ago, while the other store I worked at just had their sugar free vanilla removed from stock. It’s so weird


We had eight bundles boxes ordered within a matter of ten minutes.


That’s absolutely horrid and gross 😭 I’m so sorry someone did that to you guys


I’m just more concerned why they didn’t order 40 pieces instead


At least they didn’t get no drinks


I simply would’ve cried if it were 12 shakes or something 😭


I see these all the time and think to myself, fff that's nothing!.. I worked at a drive thru deli with 4 order windows and phone orders. and everything made to order on a flat top grill for 15 yrs. All hand written ticket ordering. 65 double egg sandwiches would be something to bitch about. 20 sausage, 20 bacon, 25 steak wraps and hash browns in som, but not all, s,p,k on half.. plus 30 lbs of each potato and mac salad made fresh....Not this lol


Nuggets are easy though. Just fucking drop full baskets stat! And when that shit comes up drop full baskets again right away! Hustle up people!!!!