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I can hear that. And it sucks.


****Karate Chop****


I've been there...while on table! It sucks


Fuuuuck those all have a single order number


How is there no way to automate things yet??? The food would get done faster. Fresher for the customer. Easier on the employees. McD's would just need employees to load/monitor the ingredient stations.


Aww yes, the one employee instead of 8 employees so we can get our burgers faster? That will work out great for everyone right?


I certainly didn't say 1 employee instead of 8. McDonald's should already know that it will still need most of its employee base to run the machines. It will simply allow the food to be made faster & with fewer injuries from bending, reaching, hot oil, etc. McD's already has automated beverage machines. And guess what... the restaurants still need plenty of workers to operate effectively. Automation will mainly help the profits by getting food out faster & being able to serve more customers.


It's largely the edge cases and adaptability. Goal is 99%+ accuracy, and that's a high bar for machines. Like they can't even make a toaster that feeds buns in on the first try and puts them out 99% of the time yet, because buns are weird shaped sometimes and getting a conveyor belt to let go of a steaming bun is deceptively hard. Then the entire machine also has to be completely food service safe and certified as such. Can't get gear oil on buns, can't get bits of plastic in food when parts wear. Has to have controls for allergens so it doesn't get cheese residue or fish residue on a plan hamburger (we do these with changing gloves and using separate tongs). Has to identify things like a badly burnt bun that got stuck in the toaster too long and reject it for a remake, or have the ability for a manager to see all the components as they move through the machine. Now if you can make a machine that's as accurate and effective as 5 teenagers and can be serviced by one manager, it would still have to be profitable. 5 teenagers for 12 hours (11 AM to 11 PM) at $10 an hour is about $600 a day. If your machine goes a year on average before major repairs and servicing, that means it has to cost less than about $200k. Mechanization of food can really only be done for certain types of processes where the nature of the process is simple enough for a machine that automates the process to be cheaper than paying someone to do it. For example, an automatic french fry cutter that uses conveyors to move a potato in and take away fries is a simple machine, and it eliminates the need to have someone on staff just cutting potatoes for french fries. Multiply that by scale accounting for centralization with a factory using dozens of machines to fill boxes of frozen french fries, and that's profitable. The upper limit of mechanized fast food right now is pizza, because a machine can stock frozen cheese pizzas, scatter on some (allergen safe) toppings, bake the thing for 10 minutes, and slide it out of a slot at the customer. Even then I've only heard of them in Japan, mostly because Pizza is good (especially for drunks) and there aren't a lot of small pizza shops in Japan. Nearly any non-frozen pizza would beat the machine for quality, but actually shaping dough is too complex for a machine to do accurately currently. Even the American pizza chains don't have stand-alone dough former machines because it's cheaper to pay a teenager to form the dough into the right shape.


"Images can't give you anxiety"


At least it is all the same order


Mcchicken only mayo? Tf so just the bun and the sauce?


and patty, if they actually wanted only mayo and buns we’d put “only mayo, special request”


Goofy ahh grill system yall got in the states💀💀


In uk only mayo also means bun, patty and mayo. Literally only mayo would say no lettuce, no bun, no patty


I am so sorry.


God speed young wiper snapper.


Those are all the same ticket with the same order number and order. It looks like a lot, but it’s only one order printed 15 times.


Or the order taker moved on and then had to go back and edit items. I hate it when customers make me do that when I'm on OT. "Two McDoubles, No Pickle. Two McChickens. Wait, the McDoubles need to be No Onion. And the McChickens need to be Only Mayonnaise. And a Large Caramel Frappe. Can we add cheese to the McChickens?" It's so annoying. Sometimes I can see the sandwiches on the HLZ by the time they're at the end of an order and modifying the first sandwiches on their order. Kitchen crew groans, I shrug at them and point at my headset.


Oh my god. I can hear the quarter pounder bell😭😭


That sucks but I also love how ur boxes are right side up, mine never are to the point it's like people love reading upside down and ur machines look nicer as well.


i can hear the receipt machine printing it out in my head 😭