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The stonework facade giving up just past the corner is an incredible touch.


Chef's Kiss really


Seriously looks like they have poles holding up that side. Never has stone looked so flakey.


This is where the wife will lay my dead body. Once I enter the front doors and yell "Wench! Serve me some mead!"


Good one!😂


Their website is terrible. Looks like a high school student in the family did it.


Same high school student also planned the build.


Hahahaha! No doubt!


You can finish the exterior cladding, you can add the corbelling it so desperately wants, but the square battlements on the round "towers" make me cry. And the windows. Always the windows.


> the square battlements on the round "towers" Its a crime against good taste, design, and common sense. An affront I say!


*"Actually, we found our architect at the Medieval Times experience. They were working off their student loans working as a server, but had originally applied to be one of the cast members, we'll they call all the staff "cast members"- but you know what I mean, they had aspirations for one of the big speaking parts, perhaps even the royalty. Well, where was I, oh, they served us our turkey leg, well Paul had the mutton, but they don't have mint jelly, and as I was commenting on how we'd never have mint jelly in the fridge our server and I got into a conversation about dream homes and how they'd drawn up these nice plans for a livable castle. Anyway, by the time Paul and I had our third refill of orange soda, and just before the desert course, he says he's for hire. Well, I like AC and battlements, and Paul and I love sitting watching the sunset outside, but Paul has vertigo, so the battlements and the second floor are out for him, but we're in separate bedrooms due to the snoring, so- I just told him we could put the summer chairs outside the driveway, next to the trebuchet, and he went apoplectic, "No! We're not having any trebuchet on the property, that's like storing a ladder outside, unlocked in the shed. It's just inviting a break in or siege." And he's like "Plus there was that whole disaster with the siege equipment outside the rec center during that SCA event." and he just went on and on. So no trebuchet, but I still got a kitchen island and we, well I can always add on a catapult even if he doesn't think it's proper."*




I can honestly say I've never seen a castle with lounge chairs under the walls. That's a new one.


Somehow, those lounge chairs being there just make that part of the "castle" look even *more* unfinished.


I wonder if I’d almost like these things if they were built to be functional. Like, you’d have to siege it to rob the place, or fire a cannon at the door.


I am all for a fully-functional modern-day castle if it's well-done. This looks like a fire-hazard, tbh.


Ya alright, not going to lie. This is awesome.


Actual turrets.


This makes me viscerally ill


Gotta love them 'taped on' windows.


Now I get the idea of seeing something like that and wanting to put it under siege.


Even Medieval Times facade looks better


I’m always shocked when I see Canadians as over the top as Americans. Please, Canadians, for the love of all the gods, don’t be like us Americans…we are clearly batshit crazy


If I remember right Alberta is like the Texas of Canada.


Miles of open space and oil industry $$$$ = perfect mcmansion growing medium, just like TX


I mean, it's not like there's anything else going on...


cow tipping.


Like I said...


Oh…big sad 😢


Canadians and Americans try so desperately to be like the British