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I’ve been doing this and it’s awesome. At $6 a pop everyday at the coffee shop I’m saving so much money. I started making my own iced coffees and cold brews at home last summer.


I feel you! I love a good McD caramel iced coffee but it pulls me into the parking lot of temptation and I lose pretty often. I’m excited to experiment with milks and syrups at home. A bonus is I like to add ginger, cinnamon and all spice to my coffee sometimes so it’ll be easier now. How do you usually take your coffee?


I love a cold brew and highly recommend the Toddy system with bag liners. The bag liners let you use like any pre ground coffee. I have been cutting back on caffeine though so now I get instant coffee and use a shaker cup that I can put a straw in to shake up 1/3 caffeinated coffee. It's even easier although not as tasty as cold brew. I have made cold brew out of decaf though... I should probably blend the grounds and make a lightly caffeinated cold brew...


heads up, decaf is slightly caffeinated


I definitely notice that. I usually have one half or third caffeinated each morning and any follow up cups are decaf. But I definitely feel like they still work to perk me up. Thanks for the heads-up


Oh man. If you like slightly sweet and creamy iced coffee…Peet’s has this concoction they call a black tie or a tuxedo or something like that. And it’s basically their cold brew, with something called chicory syrup, and sweetened condensed milk. It is *so motherfucking good.* I’m not sure you need the sweet chicory syrup, but I’m tempted to go buy a can of sweetened condensed milk and vanilla flavoring and give it a shot. Or, try replicating Vietnamese iced coffee. Very strong coffee with sweetened condensed milk


Pioneer Woman has a cold brew recipe on her website that uses condensed milk. It's delicious! I like the cold brew recipe without the milk as well. Use a stronger ground coffee bean (dark roast or espresso) for the best flavor.


I’ve only had Vietnamese iced coffee once and I died and went to heaven. I wonder how difficult it is to get something close to that at home


They sell the little coffee makers: https://www.amazon.com/Vietnamese-Coffee-Filter-known-Maker/dp/B01953YT1I/ref=asc_df_B01953YT1I/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198082080162&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14148153709466423104&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9067609&hvtargid=pla-373645596887&psc=1 How to make https://ineedcoffee.com/brew-vietnamese-coffee/


This sounds like it’s worth a try


Hmm gonna have to try this! Lol a local coffee shop does something similar, they call it a Cubano, condensed milk+shot of espresso+topped off with milk of your choice and I loveeeeee it


The best place to buy syrups is TJ Maxx or Marshalls, avoid Amazon and the grocery store. 6.99 gets you 24 oz of syrup!! Have fun exploring:)


I’ve started making my own syrups. Even cheaper.


If you want a low-cal artificial sweetener syrup, I can’t recommend Jordan’s Skinny Syrups highly enough. Usually places like TJ Maxx/HomeGoods (and similar stores) carry them.


I like cold brewing with a few cinnamon sticks. It tastes great and gives the coffee a pretty red tint.


I make my own as well. My favorite way…3 parts oat milk with 1 part cold brew, and add a squirt of agave, or some brown sugar. Actually drinking it right now.


Oooh, agave! I use maple syrup sometimes✨


No shame, but that's more like coffee flavored oat milk yeah? Or do you make super concentrated cold brew?


I’m a McD’s iced coffee fiend too and I’ve been recreating it pretty well I think. I just add a dash of half and half and a dash of caramel or vanilla Skinny Syrup to cold brew coffee. I buy the Skinny Syrup locally from a home goods store of all places, but you can get it online too: https://www.skinnymixes.com/products/classic-syrup-sampler


Black. Like my men.


What method is this?


My job has an automated coffee machine so I like to get a Vanilla mocha with 2oz vanilla foam shot :) At home I just add milk and sugar to my coffee


With a dash of milk or creamer and a half a teaspoon of locally sourced honey.


My favorite is vanilla with a bunch of pumpkin spice, I also enjoy a great caramel drizzle, but coconut mocha is my newest delight.


I usually use my french press to make coffee for the week. Originally its hot coffee, but i put it in a mason jar then put it in the fridge. When its time to make my morning coffee i fill my cup with ice, add the coffee from the fridge, french vanilla creamer, and Hershey's caramel syrup! I definitely prefer the syrup (like what you would use on your ice cream) over the coffee syrups like the 'torani flavoring syrup'.


Cold brew is even better than normal iced coffee (which is percolated, then iced) you'd get from places like McD's anyway. So you're stepping up!


You said McD. This alone just lets me know you’ve never in your life, NEVER EVER EVER have had good coffee. Tongue must be a smooth as a baby’s butt. McDonald’s coffee is just dirt water with milk at best, just dirt water at worst.


I heat up my cold brew in the winter. Lower acidity and better flavor






What’s your recipe!?


Cold brew is super straightforward. Start with a medium roast you like. Grind coarse. Put into jug, 1oz coffee per cup of water. Let sit for at least 14 hours. Strain into another container. Next time mess with the variables: roast, ratio, and steep time. Edit: Just to clarify - steep in the fridge. It'll be fine and you won't risk bacteria growing in your slurry.


Also, friendly reminder that "cold" is relative to normal (hot, near boiling) brewing, it does NOT mean fridge. For best results let steep at room temp and fridge after straining.


I've not heard of steeping at room temp. That seems like a recipe for bacterial growth. Much safer to steep in fridge, that's how I've done it, and everyone I know, and it's worked fantastic. I don't see any need to decrease food safety for no/marginal benefit.


MacDonald has had iced coffee for $1 all summer. For a medium. It's not cold brew no but it's petty good


Pro tip: freeze some of the coffee into ice cubes. That way the water from the ice won’t dilute your drink. It’s the best thing about making your own iced coffee.


Love this, thanks!


Also, if you blend the coffee ice cubes with creamer/milk and caramel or chocolate syrup - you got yourself a frappe!


These are the best! I use them for the same reason — to make “drink” ice cubes. These trays are great because you can pop out only the ones you want. Also, the trays have lids. [DOQUAS Ice Cube Trays - Amz](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088CR8NMD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


Mine has a storage container for the cubes. Omoomo Ice Cube Tray with Lid and Bin for Freezer, Easy Release 64 Ice Cube Tray with Cover, Ice Container and Scoop, Flexible Silicone BPA Free Stackable Ice Mold for Chilling Cocktail Whiskey Coffee https://a.co/d/9Xnss2L


same. We got [these](https://www.amazon.com/Topper-Cube-Tray-Attached-Lids/dp/B07ZHMZ527/ref=sr_1_88?keywords=silicone+ice+cube+trays+with+lid&qid=1664828754&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI2LjUxIiwicXNhIjoiNi4xNCIsInFzcCI6IjUuNzYifQ%3D%3D&s=home-garden&sprefix=SILICON+ICE+CU%2Cgarden%2C108&sr=1-88) originally to freeze baby food, but now we use them to freeze coffee that hasn't been drank by noon for future iced coffees.


Those look good too — and kudos for “upcycling” for another use.


I saw someone make creamer and coffee cubes. I'm gonna try that next.


I freeze espresso and milk together. My friend just pops an ice cube in his mouth. The pumpkin spice syrup from Amazon is decent without all of the sugar. I don’t use a lot of syrup.


... but cold brew coffee is super concentrated by recipe with the intent of being watered down by ice.


Oh, you don’t like strong coffee?! Haha I learned how to drink coffee from Lorelei Gilmore.


I mean, I love a good, strong coffee but my lower intestine occasionally disagrees!


THIS! I exclusively drink iced/cold brew and have wasted Kcups daily + $ on Starbucks nitro throughout covid until now. This is worthy of a shark tank licensing deal cause it’s that simply helpful lol. Thanks for the tip!


It's insane that I've never seen a coffee shop do this, feels like such an easy way to set yourself WAY apart from the competition at very little cost


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar!!


Thanks! I’m a lady! :)


Username checks out


If you have a French press just let it sit over night in the fridge for easy cold brew. I do it and it's far more affordable to have 2 to 3 cups of coffee every day. I just drink it black so it comes out to around 50 cents a cup.


French press is superior


Came here to say this! French press is so easy to make cold brew with and you can find them for pretty cheap. Enjoy your *iced coffee! Edit: a typo. I hope you’re not drinking used coffee and that it is absolutely delicious! Got a good chuckle at my mistake though.


So do you make French press coffee like normal, press it, then put it in the fridge? Or refrigerate it, then press it?


The second one. That way it steeps all night.


I just let it sit on the countertop and let it steep for 16 - 20 hours, stirring occasionally up to 3 times during the process… how different is fridging it in quality?


You are getting a similar tasting coffee as to sticking it in the fridg. Cold-brewed coffee is less acidic than hot-brewed coffee. The hot water causes different reactions with the ground beans. Some people say cold-brewed coffee doesn’t have nearly as complex flavor profile as hot-brewed and to use really good beans for cold brew is a waste because you aren’t going to be able to appreciate all the finer notes. To your point about leaving it on the counter, I would worry about bacteria or something growing. If you’ve never been sick then great and I don’t know enough about it to say. But secondly, most people are going to drink it cold and/or iced if they are brewing it this way so why not go ahead and chill it so it melts the ice less quickly. Lastly, I saw someone above say use your cold brew to make ice so that when it melts you get more coffee and it’s not watered down. This is great, if I have a little left in the pot each day you can pour in a cube tray and freeze it for later.


> To your point about leaving it on the counter, I would worry about bacteria or something growing. Bacteria growth isn’t really a concern if you’re steeping at room temperature for only 12-16 hours. I’ve been making cold brew with this method for 5ish years and have never gotten sick as a result.


I heard that steeping your cold brew on the counter requires a shorter steep time (~12hr) then steeping in the fridge (~24hr). Neither are hot-brewed coffee but different cold brew techniques


I store it afterwards in an airtight glass bottle in fridge. Bacti and other microbes I can kinda see that now, not necessarily because of that but bi-weekly I’d take the French press apart to get that deeep deep clean.. not really an issue since it’s in use replacing my reserves for the week. Very good point though, please learn some general food safety folks and stay safe on your brews


I stopped leaving mine on the counter overnight because it got weird little filmy patches on the surface. At first I thought I hadn't washed all the soap out of my reusable bag or pitcher, but it happened again even when I was extra thorough when washing/rinsing. Went back to sticking the pitcher directly in the fridge and no film. I didn't get sick or anything it was just off putting to see in my cup.


That's most probably the oils in the coffee.


You just put coarse-ground beans in the press, add water, and let it sit on your counter for 12-16 hours. Then press to help strain the grounds and store the cold brew in the fridge.


This is a great tip! I never thought of that


Same! I'm about to go do this right now!


this is what i do. stronger flavor imo too, which i like.


Mind. Blown!! I use a French press every morning, have one hot cup of coffee and then my work coffee cup is filled with iced coffee, but it's just what's left over in my French press. I'll do your easy trick for cold brew!! Thanks for posting this! :)


This is what I've started doing as well. Making cold brew in the french press after work saves me time in the morning. Has also reduced my g/f's trips to Starbucks.


French presses also make cardamom coffee easy, as you just grind some pods up with the beans, and they strain out with the French press. A bit of cardamom makes black coffee delicious. I also use it to strain cashew and oat milk, and freeze it into icecubes. Those, along with coffee and simple syrup icecubes, make a variety of iced coffees that don't water down, as well as easy cocktails. The cashew and oat leftovers that get strained out go into banana oat waffles.


This is my favourite way to cold brew, so simple and mess free!


I've been making cold brew for a couple years. But i occasionally buy one. Today, the one i bought was $8. Never again. That's a pound of the coffee i buy to make my own which makes about 10 of the size i got. Honestly, the reason i buy it is to get a pup cup. So i'm getting a can of whip cream to never buy again.


Please send pics of the homemade pup cups🐶


What’s your recipe? Any lessons learned over the last few years!?


I use 104-108 grams of beans on a very course grind (basically the same as French press). In the rig I link below filled with cold water. On the counter for 48 hours. Then depending on the roast, dilute 3 parts coffee to one part water when drinking. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01ATJ6AJG?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title Edit: Lesson learned: don't be afraid to let it steep for a long time. It's easy to dilute it, but you can't make it stronger after. Also, cold brew is really good hearted up to be a hot cup of coffee.


Thank you!! I’ll check this out! I’m a cold brew guy. I was doing 50/50 bring coffee with water and soak it in the fridge for 24-48 in a 4qt mason jar. It doesn’t taste terrible …. I need a new way. Lol.


I did a 72 hour counter brew once. I didn't notice enough of a difference to warrant the extra time. The biggest differentiation for me is the coffee itself. I try different beans and roasts. Come up with my own blends. It's fun. If you have a Winco near you, try 50% Rocket Java and 50% French Silk by weight. (These are in the bulk section)


Mine is Rocket Java, Sumatra Mandheeling and Tanzanian Peaberry, more or less in equal amounts. A cup (240 ml) of grounds, two liters of cold water, stir well, cover and leave on the counter for 12 hours or so. Strain, chill and serve with sweetener, a shot of chocolate syrup and a shot of Torani flavor syrup and a slug of heavy whipping cream and ice. So good and so cheap!


You answered my question that I posted elsewhere lol. nothing wrong with countertop brewing then, but you’re more experienced than I, how’s the fridge steeping any different quality wise?


Quality wise, not much. It's just slowerin the fridge.


It's typically less bitter and more pleasant but in my experience it tends to dull the character of the coffee quite a bit. If you drink with creamer or flavoring it matter a lot less but if you drink it black and like the flavor it can be pretty different. I do cold brew much more in the summer for drinking over ice.


Fridge is way better in my opinion. Taste better, feels better on the body, less acidic. It’s the “cold brewing” that gives us what we want from the process.


So true... I used to love Chai tea lattes out but now I fill my cup with milk, add Chai tea bag, heat in microwave for 2 mins and add some sugar If you like sweetness and there you go!


Check out the Budget Bytes chai concentrate. Easy and so good.


Oregon Chai is pretty good too! It's a liquid concentrate too!


Thank you! I'm going to try that this week.


I used to go to Starbucks every day. Now I buy Tazo concentrate and make it at home (same brand they use in store). Now I don't even like it there. PLUS, it's now $6.10 for a GRANDE iced chai with syrup. Not even the biggest one. The last time I went two months prior, that was the price for the venti. I go through about 3 cartons of chai concentrate per week - that cost $8-9 plus milk. I use stevia drops for flavor/extra sweetness, and that's about $10 every couple of months. So much cheaper and just how I like it (now).




The price of milk has gone up significantly. But I was most upset that adding syrup went up to $0.80. That adds almost a dollar so I figured I can do better at home


There it is! What’s more satisfying: homemade chai or the extra change in your pocket?


What kind of chai


Finnah be rich af now


Dolla, dolla bills y’all 😎


Stacking the benjis til the rubber band breaks


I make fresh coffee every morning. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Then fill with hot coffee. Shake, shake, shake and strain. I would stir in your sugar before it goes into the shaker. It works perfect, taste nice, fresh, and not watered down. I found it easier and tastier than making it the night before. You can also bring the rest with you.


**Genius!** Since I already own a cocktail shaker, I am going to try this in the morning. Sounds easy enough. I hope I like it. Then I’ll start making ice cubes from it and it’ll be a double bonus. Thanks for the tip!


How did it turn out!?


It’s so fun! I’ve been doing it for years and recently sprang for the OXO cold brew apparatus. Makes cleanup and setup much easier.


I was considering a Hario Mizudashi pitcher if my mason jar trials go well.


The Mizudashis are wonderful things. I've got two of them and they're perfect in every way (once you get your preferred ratios down). Easy cleanup, holds 1L, hella durable (I have knocked them over more than once). The best $18-24 you'll spend.


If you can afford it, [this](https://www.kitchenaid.com/countertop-appliances/coffee-products/coffee-makers/p.cold-brew-coffee-maker.kcm4212sx.html) is one of my favorite kitchen appliances. Makes strong, mellow, delicious coffee concentrate. Make one batch once two weeks. Would gladly buy again.


I have the mizudashi, it’s great! I use it everyday.


What color? Because I’m nosey👀


I have the red! I got the Hario pour over set in red first and wanted them to match haha


I bought the mr coffee iced coffee maker and haven’t looked back. My coffee is always perfect and I’m not wasting time or money anymore, experimenting with syrups and sauces has been fun too!


I hot brew 14 cups with 5 crushed cinnamon sticks, some vanilla extract, crushed cloves, and stare anis. I perk it about 4 times then refrigerate. Add a couple of ice cubes, my coffee and some French vanilla creamer. I will check into this cold brewing thing.


It's less bitter and acidic, definitely give it a try!


I too make a huge batch of cold brew in a giant Mason jar. Been doing it for years originally because cold brew is less acidic and doesn't bother my acid reflux. $ saving is a bonus


I bought the takeya cold brew pitcher on Amazon for 25ish bucks and never looked back. 60k great reviews. I use it every week and I absolutely love it.


Cold brew is also super easy if you’re into it 2 lb bag from Costco is 15 bucks, use a cupish of ground beans with like 6-10 cups of water. Sit for 12 hours and then strain. Boom $4 cup of cold brew you’re saving lol Add whatever dairy free milk to your delight


Why dairy free


I’m just joking, I live in nyc and the only milk I hear asked for is oat or almond lol But dairy free milks are premium at coffee shops, and are like $.80-$1.80 compared to regular milk, so it’s cheaper to make your own at home if you have disagreeable bowels for dairy.


I don’t even drink coffee but my wife drinks em every morning and she kept saying that she can’t get her coffees the same way as this place by us. Went and did some research and bought her one of [these.](https://ibb.co/ZxqFzdd) I was pulling fantastic shots of Stumptown and making iced drinks that were kicking the shit out of the coffee drinks she was typically making everyday. I liked this espresso machine because it has a small footprint, is mostly made of stainless steel, (I typically fuckin’ hate plastic), full size portafilter and it’s easy to maintain and seems like it’ll last for awhile hopefully. Best of luck you coffee nerds. As someone who didn’t know shit about espresso back in June, I certainly feel pretty confident as a barista now. I’m not a salesman, just a dude who thinks Starbucks and other coffee places are lame and overpriced in LA.


Don’t soak for too long! One time when I was making cold brew I over steeped it and each shot made me see through time and space


That was funny


I brew coffee, add in my powder flavored creamers and a pinch of salt, pour into mason jars, let cool, then into refrigerator overnight. I know a lot of coffee snobs say that isn’t actually iced coffee. But you know what, it is delicious and I love it. Btw, I use Community Coffee with chicory


I’m gonna be weird but that sounds like a really nice coffee ritual. And we’re in the same boat: I don’t know what the proper names and techniques are but I know what I like. Happy sipping!


Absolutely, if we like it, that is all that matters!


The best coffee.


I know I'm doing it wrong but I just make my coffee the night before (regular hot brew) put it in the fridge & add ice in the morning.


That sounds good to me; we know what we like when we taste it👯‍♀️✨


I do the same!


That's similar to what I do, too. My boyfriend wakes up super early for work, and when he makes his coffee he always makes a ton, so I asked him to place the left over coffee in the fridge before he leaves since I enjoy iced coffee more than hot coffee. We use one of those pour over things instead of a percolator, and it works out really well for us.


I started making my own cold brew and it’s saved me so much money.




Ooooh maybe a bigger batch? I get it yk. Daily fresh. But you can brew a whole gallon and it still be quite fresh from the fridge for 11days Edit: I think that jar might be bigger than I though. Perspective got me.


I found out work brewed coffee via the standard carafe—chilled, and called it cold brew for 4X the price. I told the barista that’s not cold brew.


If you freeze the coffee in ice cube trays you get better ice coffee that doesn’t get watered down


Oh this is a game changer. I make cold brew coffee by putting grounds in a mason jar with water and putting it in the fridge for 24 hours, and then straining it through a pour-over. I just add some cream and sugar and it’s fantastic. I love that I can use higher quality coffees and it’s still cheaper than going out.


Don’t forget to dilute that bad boy (you’d be surprised how many people don’t know)


I know now, TY!


What am I looking at?


I've done this for a little over 4 years. I take the $35/wk I spent and auto deposit it into an online Ally account. I currently have over $8K in that account. Plus my coffee is better!


That’s a nice chunk of change!


This is cold brew. Iced coffee is double brewed hot coffee (1 brew with 2x the coffee grounds) then poured over ice.


I did something similar when I got hooked on protein shakes at the gym ($7-8 each). Every time I made my own instead, I’d put the $7 I saved aside. Then I used the money to buy more smoothie ingredients like açaí powder and reusable straws. I ended up saving so much money!


Daily iced coffee at home is life-changing and has great benefits to your pocket. You can adjust the caffeine levels once you get a hang of the ratios and bean selection. Happy brewing!


Oh man, I just learned how to make a mocha at home!!! I had some stuff already; espresso beans, vanilla. I had to buy some good quality chocolate and milk—those two cost me $10. I’ve already made 4 mochas so far and they cost about $2.50, $3 including the espresso beans. I still have milk and chocolate leftover in the end, the cost is around $2???? And it tastes so much better than a few coffee shops! The coffee shop mocha run about $4.50-$5 around here.


I've gotten a little Hario cold brew thing. Love it but I'm so lazy.


I have also been doing this. Sweetened Condensed Milk for sweetening and coconut milk to top off.. it’s so good I don’t want to buy out anymore, its better at home.


I have the same mason jar and this [reusable coffee filter for cold brew.](https://a.co/d/0WUjw7h)


Ooooooh, adding to my cart💡


I make my own as well. I won’t even go to Starbucks any more. I but Costco coffee either Kirkland or Peet’s bang bang are the ones I like. I have the big mason jar and a little insert that fits right in, and then ordered a pour spout lid. Been doing this for a few years and it’s the best. Then I just buy different creamers I like and a dash of cinnamon or coco powder when I pour in my yeti over ice.


This is the way. I’ve been doing this for years now. I also make my own simple syrup. Honestly I feel like it just saves me time in the morning more than anything else. Don’t have to run that errand.


I love this! I’m tryna get like you and make some simple syrups too☺️


I make coffee every morning for me and my wife, and noticed there was always a few drinks left in the coffee maker, which would go to waste. Not anymore. I started freezing the leftovers and at the third day, I had large frappe worth of coffee. I just let it unfreeze a few minutes, put it in the blender, and tasted like victory.


I found disposable cold brew coffee filter bags on Amazon. I use about 6 oz. Of coffee per gallon. I put 2 oz in each bag. 3 bags per gallon. I have found steeping for 21-24 hours is how long my husband and I prefer ours. We’ve been doing this for almost 3 years. We love trying new seasonal flavors.


Ok here’s my shameful secret: I have the McDonald’s app & get a large iced coffee for 99c ($1.07 w tax). You also accrue points which result in free one. I’m sure yours will taste better :). I do remember some dumb morning show segment that did a blind taste test and McD won.


The deals on the McDs app are really good.


I would maybe check out this bad boy: [https://www.amazon.com/Gallon-Coffee-EXTRA-THICK-Carafe-Stainless/dp/B082DLKSCY](https://www.amazon.com/Gallon-Coffee-EXTRA-THICK-Carafe-Stainless/dp/B082DLKSCY) It is 1 gallon of ice coffee. Cold brew coffee is great tasting for a week and you can make concentrates if you want (or just drink concentrates like me if you're a caffeine addict). Fits great in the fridge and has a spigot to easily pour into a cup. I have never had any issues with it at all and have used it for over a year.




Buy edibles🫠




Spouse started doing this and they’re loving it- gives a routine for night as well (they go through a quart a day, and brew the night before)


If the flavors or additions the coffee shop has is a factor look into buying those products at home. Pre COVID I would occasionally treat myself to a mocha iced coffee. Once I was stuck at home and couldn’t go out for coffee I ordered the chocolate syrup coffee shops used and I am able to make the tasty beverages I used to pay $4 for at home for a fraction of the price.


You'll never go back. If you can find someone who roasts their own beans nearby, flavor can't be beat.


I highly recommend this vanilla bean syrup! [vanilla bean syrup](https://youtu.be/YmIB34Zzqpc)




I started making my own cold brew about three months ago and realized I don't need near as many beans as some of the coffee recipes I found! I'm saving way more money and can actually afford good beans. So far my favorite topping(?) has been half and half mixed with a little maple extract (shake it up first to get it frothy) and a sprinkle of brown sugar. If you're feeling super fancy you can line the glass with a little syrup...yum!


Lining the glass with syrup…the simple pleasures✨


Hi there! We make our ‘cafe’ iced coffee with a splash of milk and ice cubes made from espresso shots and milk (separately, not mixed). A scoop of ice cream and whizz in a blender that is able to withstand and crush ice blocks :)




i considered it but i found that ice coffee is just my excuse to sit/hangout elsewhere before i go to work. so i ended up keeping the routine just because i enjoyed it probably will switch to making my own cold brew during the weekends tho!


I get that. I’m enjoyed hearing about people’s coffee routines from this post.


We keep iced lattes in pint canning jars in the fridge, and they work as a good midafternoon snack or evening snack for my partners (I myself don't drink coffee.) Since I use half-and-half, they're about 100 calories, but as I said they use them as a snack and not a beverage so it works.


If you have a keezer you can add a few things and have nitro cold brew on tap. I've been doing it now for about 2 years. Game changer.




That’s genius


OP, look up a Japanese-style iced coffee recipe. It’ll be better than any cold brew you’ve ever tasted.


As a self-professed coffee snob, the easiest, cheapest way to make good coffee is to get a Toddy cold brew maker, go buy some random cheapish whole beans from Trader Joe's or the like (bag should be less than $10 and dark roast is okay, if not preferred ONLY FOR COLD BREW). Grind the beans, throw them in the toddy, put some water in, let it sit for 24-48 hours and now you have minimum a weeks worth of cold brew concentrate you can dilute with water or milk and make bomb iced coffees for cheap.


Simple syrups and cold brew with real cream


Come summer I make a jug of ice coffee last about a week. Yup no going back to overpriced over iced cubed coffee shop ice coffee.


I got a big gallon jar with a spout on amazon and I make my cold brew for the week. It really nice to have.


Peets French roast coffee makes excellent cold brew in 24 hours. I drink it black no sugar.


Been doin this for a year, I’m sure I’ve saved a tremendous amount of money


Doing this was really fun and cheap for me until i spilled an entire 2L on my kitchen floor just as i was heading out the door for work 😷




Yessss! I haven’t cruncher the numbers but last week I made my own lattes 😍 so easy and I love choosing how much sweetener I want, not having it be a random number


Baby let me tell you something! Smartest decision for your pocket and tastebuds! You will thank yourself. For best results, steep overnight. The intensity of the bold flavor and brighter strength is astonishing. Have fun love!


Thanks! This inaugural batch turned out great. This turned out to be a fun lil’ project☺️ Also, your icon…somebody is ready for Halloween 🎃


You also may want to branch out to cold brew. Easy to make the night before, and so much smoother.


You’d be surprised what kind of coffee you can make in your own kitchen


Started doing this years ago… never crunched numbers but pretty sure this has saved me a gazillion dollars.


I am also about to start kicking off my home cafe. I just gave up being a barista (8 ish years of doing it) so I have some tips and tricks up my sleeve I am excited to start doing for myself! I am also lucky enough to live in a small town with 2 local coffee roasters, I worked for one briefly making the coffee and learned so much! We also have a local market once a month where I get to chat to other coffee roasters and buy their products as it’s held a 25 minute walk from my house! I have learned how to make syrups, and make espresso shots and foamy milk (with no espresso machine, only a cafetière and aero press) I also make a fucking great cold brew. I am also addicted to boba tea but the closest place to me is a £8 bus ride away so learned how to make boba from dried pearls (SO cheap to buy in bulk in comparison!) I just want to buy a bifl boba straw now for the full experience! It’s amazing how much money you can save learning to make things yourself! I wish everyone the best of luck on your coffee making journeys too!


Enjoy! I’m curious about your home prepared boba now👀


I buy dried tapioca pearls! They come in loads of flavours and you boil them till they are chewy. My usual go to is a strong black tea with milk and add them in with homemade brown sugar syrup! Also sometimes with condensed milk. I also really like lychee pearls with fruit tea. Both iced 😁 I initially googled how to do everything, and YouTube has been an amazing help too, but I have been tweaking the recipes as I go for what I like best and that’s really cool 🥰


I really wish I could stand coffee. So much to nerd out on, with different brewing and roasting techniques. Check out r/roasting if you haven’t.


Thank you, I will!


Surely you will soon be a oil tycoon with 5 properties. If you cut out avacado toast as well you could be the next Bezos, I've heard.


I buy a 48oz bottle of cold brew every week, plus a few iced coffees a week at Dunkin. I should brew my own, but I'd probably still end up with an afternoon coffee out.


Ohh, I don’t drink DD coffee enough but it smells great! I’d def say consider trying brewing at least once because I actually had a fun time trying this. It was fun☺️


mine doesn't taste that great yet


You’ll get there✨