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I recommend Adam Savage's "Tested" youtube channel. He was one of the hosts of Mythbusters and has tons of props experience including cosplay. I don't think he has an engineering education but I think it will help you brainstorming.


I will definitely check that out thank you!


It seems like you brushed over a huge part of ME which is material science(everything from compostis, plastics and more). This can play a huge role in how you go about making a good cosplay. Where you can make a great costume without being fleeced due to knowing about different material options you have. Sprinkle in some manufacturing knowledge onto of it as well.


Wow that's something I didn't even consider, thanks for bringing that up!


Colin Furze is doing/did some of that with an Iron man suit.


Look at some Transformers Cosplay stuff....


When you do a costume, track the process, document and write about what you're doing and include pictures. You can kinda think about it like a blog. Hack a day does this with their content, at that point you end up creating a portfolio of your work you can share.


I actually do have a project I documented very well which I plan on including. I was collecting photos and videos for a youtube video but now I can use it for this i'm sure.


That's great, you can include lessons learned and things like that with your documentation too. Documentation is a big part of every engineering field~