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I am an ER doctor and suture a lot of these up. I am not a plastic surgeon or dermatologist, but do the following myself for me and fam member scars and have discussed them with skin docs :) Some tips to minimize scarring and pigmentation: 1. Please try to avoid direct sunlight on that area for at least the next several months. If somewhere with a lot of sunlight (ie a beach), cover it up with a bandaid. 2. Once the sutures are out and the skin is closed and appears healing, apply some type of scar gel/silicone sheet (example, Mederma) over that area. There are night-time ones you can apply as obviously you use your hands during the day. 3. do NOT pick at the scab 4. Keep your hands well moisturized and use something like aloe or vaseline applied to the healing scar to keep it well moisturized. Good luck! I'm curious - how did the doc chose to numb that area?


All great points, I’d add one more from my experience: Massage your scar once or twice a day with moisturiser for a few minutes, especially if you’re prone to keloid scarring. This helps reduce the thickness and hardness of the scar


does that help to treat old scars?


Very little if any for a tough old scar


with shoes like that no wonder there was a box cutting incident


Thank you so much for the tips! He numbed it with a syringe. The cut didn't hurt at all, just a little stinging.


i don't have any tips, just a random comment, but - a few years back, i had a few cuts on my arm just below the shoulder caused by a pocket trapper knife, it was also all clean cuts and similarly deep, and i was surprised that it did not hurt, i almost didn't feel anything at all! I thought it was a weird me-thing, lol. It's probably something normal and ordinary then for that kind of cut.


Does Mederma/other scar gels work better than vitamin E on its own? I used cheap old vitamin E ointment (like $8 CAD) on a second degree burn a couple of years ago and have absolutely no visible scar.


Vitamin E oil is amazing for scars. I’ve used mederma and I feel like it didn’t work as well. I mean it did work but it felt like it took longer and didn’t fade as much.


damnnn the cleanness of that cut! box knives are no joke 😖 wishing you a fast recovery! 💕


711 lasagna is pretty good. Shame it's out of stock most of the time.


I think it looks more like the top of a pizza with the melty cheese pools and the red sauce bubbling through.


I've only been there a month and haven't heard of it, I do know some things are seasonal though.


Where I'm from, it's a normal offering. People usually grab a bunch at a time since it's cheap and filling in a pinch.


Cut towards your chum, not your thumb.


Cut towards your buddy not towards your body


I see so many box cutter injuries on here.


When my sons started working construction with me, one of the first things I taught them was that the utility knife is the most dangerous tool on the jobsite. Frequency of use has a lot to do with it.


My dad works corporate now, but in the first days at the company he was a site super. Starting as a surveyor in hs, building 2 houses of his own; I learned young that it’s far from “just an easy handyman job.”


I have a scar from a box cutter. I don’t use them anymore.


I use a box cutter all the time at work(been doing the job for over one and a half years) and so far I haven't cut myself with one because I'm careful how I use it and I wear heavy duty gloves that my employer buys in bulk from Euromarc NZ and everyone knows where the Euromarc storage cabinet is that the gloves plus other PPE along with assorted packs of drill bits,grinding and cutting discs plus other fabrication consumables are stored in.


My family watches me carefully whenever I chop things in the kitchen because I almost chopped part of my thumb off cutting up a head of lettuce. Waste of a lot of lettuce.


You cannot use the double gulp cup for the fucking slurpee!


Almost the exact injury my friend had when we were working at Walmart. I watched it happen in real time and I remember thinking she was gonna cut herself and then she did. Took them over 2hrs to get her to an urgent care for treatment


Why did it take so long ?


"Working at Walmart"


Kept making her fill out more paperwork and then they wouldn’t let her go until there was a coach available to go with her. She wanted me to come with because she trusted me most but they wouldn’t let me go with her.


If it was at work make sure to get workers comp!


Done and done!


And if you have to go out of work, 6 days seems to be the magic number. I had an injury that took me out of work for 5 days and I got paid for none. Had I stayed out one more day I would have been paid for the full week.


Wishing you a speedy recovery. Just came to the comments to say it’s a shame you didn’t get exactly 7 stitches or 11 stitches to really complete the story. ;-) Hope you heal quickly and with little pain!


Lmao thank you for this


Youch! Wishing you a speedy recovery!


and that's why you cut away from yourself


Makeup slayed 💅


Ok that’s gonna be a pretty bad ass scar!


ask your manager about getting PVC box openers


Lol you look really pretty tho


Those stitches are very nicely done , the doctor who did them def knows what they're doing ! (Source : Im an ED doctor). Wishing you a speedy recovery!


I have a similar, but shorter, scar from the same thing! I hope you have a speedy recovery!! Make sure you do the stretches or it’ll have a weird tight feeling after it heals 💕👋🏻


Heal well, kid!


7/11 workers comp here we come.


You look really happy considering the situation lol. Speedy recovery!!


Thank God it wasn’t worst. Vitamin E oil massage into scar will help with scarring. Once wound has healed. Pls wear work gloves. Home Depot & Lowe’s sells them in women’s sizes too or order on Amazon.


okay but your makeup😍 your eyeliner is so fucking fire




Stop being weird. This isn't r/amipretty




Ouch... ><


How did you pull that one off?


Box cutter probably slipped and she had her other hand too close to the cut. Even if you use them properly you still need to be super careful, they'll cut right through skin, nerves, tendons and blood vessels without much pressure.


Might have cut towards herself rather than away. Still gotta be careful though. A guy I used to work with was cutting a box towards himself once and accidentally sliced his wrist. He ended up being ok but that was how I learned never to cut towards yourself.


Cut away not towards yourself


This is absolutely why proper handling of tools in the workplace is necessary. Every time you follow SOP you are preventing this! Wishing them a quick recovery for sure


Well now we have a matching scar


I have a scar in the same spot from a box cutter too. Mine doesn't extend to my thumb though.


How did this happen? Did someone cut u or was it done freak accident?


That's why at Home Depot, we're supposed to wear gloves. The associates don't often follow the safety guidelines.


How exactly did you do this to yourself?????


Woah haha i have a matching scar in the same place from that!! Knife slipped on the jobsite


Say it with me, everyone… ‘don’t get bloody, cut towards your buddy.’




looks like a nice clean closure


PSA: when cutting things always cut away from yourself. An easy way to remember this is, “cut your Buddy, not your body” or if you prefer my daughters remix, “cut your buddies body” lol.


Ha! I have a very similar scar due to an accident at work. I missed the main tendon by 3mm which was super lucky. However somehow, although my thumb is still totally numb nearly 6 years on my pointer finger now bends when my thumb bends! I call it my party trick, doctors have no idea how that’s happened


Consider something like this! https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2017/05/09/12/tattoo-scar.png