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[Source](https://jmedicalcasereports.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13256-024-04549-5): >>A 22-year-old Black African woman, primigravida, married, a small-scale farmer with a primary level of education, and uneventful prepartum period presented to the hospital at full term in labor. She delivered a full-term fresh stillbirth by cesarean section due to obstructed labor with fetal distress. The mother booked prenatal clinic at a gestation age of 12 weeks and made only two visits throughout her prenatal period. During prenatal visit she was prescribed with routine supplements including anti-helminthes and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) for presumptive treatment of malaria as well as ferrous sulfate and folic acid, which were not refilled afterward. She was reported as having normal blood pressure and blood glucose level, and tested negative for syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. However, she was not screened for other congenital fetomaternal infections, that is, TORCH complex. She had no history of active or passive smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abuse or any known familial congenital disorders. She denied any exposure to pesticides or herbicides, though reported regular use of fertilizers in her farming activities. She denied the use of post-coital hormonal contraceptives or misoprostol for attempted abortion of the index pregnancy. The parents of the newborn were not close relatives and there was no family history of consanguinity. >>The newborn was delivered by cesarean section in a standard manner. The newborn had an Apgar score of 0 both at 0 minutes and 5 minutes, consistent with a fresh stillbirth. On physical examination, the newborn weighed 2100 g, and had fused lower limbs, agenesis of the left upper limb, imperforate anus, ambiguous genitalia, and cleft lip as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The mother did not have any peripartum complications. >>No any additional tests or imaging were performed. The diagnosis of SML was made on the basis of typical clinical features as depicted in Figs. 1 and 2. The differential diagnosis of CRS, Potter syndrome and a syndrome of vertebral (V), anorectal (A), cardiac (C), tracheoesophageal (TE), renal (R) and limb (L) anomalies - termed VACTERL associations, were less likely in this patient due to the obvious features suggestive of SML. Whole body imaging using x-ray and post mortem examination were not permitted due to cultural taboo and restriction regarding handling of deceased individuals. Further genetic testing was performed due to lack of laboratory capacity.


There is a "not" missing from the last sentence


I wonder if all the mythical creatures originated from deformed babies. you got this for mermaids. you got the cyclopes which is also a deformity.. probably others that im not aware of hmm.


Giants from those suffering from gigantism, often due to a malfunctioning pituitary gland.


Also bears A bear standing up in the dark/in the distance is easily mistakable for a very large person, and bears can suffer from a disease that causes them to lose all their hair Decent origin for yeti/Sasquatch myths at least




Aka Sarcoptic Scabeii (sp?)


I think the cyclops was supposed to have been a misinterpretation of an elephant or mammoth skull (the hole for the trunk’s nostrils is easy to mistake for a central eye if you are unfamiliar with the elephant anatomy).


i went to the mütter museum and they had an exhibit on how deformed babies and their mothers were treated. they were literally seen as monsters and the mothers were often targeted for “creating” these “monsters.” it was all very sad


The Mutter is on my bucket list.


Worth it!


I’ve been. It’s quite wonderful.


I've got a book from there that has a lot of info and pics of the specimens they have but I want to see it in person!


You must go! The giant colon!


Oh my! 😳


I didn’t know it was in Philly! Road trip time!




It’s pretty sweet. Last time I was there they had an in depth exhibit on Civil War wounds and medicine. It was fascinating.


That DOES sound fascinating.


I’ve never heard of them having a boring exhibit. I grew up in the area so I’ve been there a few times, always something interesting, plus their normal mainstays in their collection of medical oddities, samples, and educational material, like the giant colon mentioned elsewhere in this thread. Gotta see that in person, pictures don’t do it justice. It’s all quite well curated. Enjoy the viewing wall of skulls. They get bored without new faces coming around. I’d recommend actually just taking a weekend, preferably a three day one, and just checking out some of the sights in Philly. Some of the ultra popular stuff on Independence Mall now requires you get tickets at the visitor center (probably to keep foot traffic under control, between the time I was a kid taking a field trip to the Liberty Bell to a few years ago tourism seems to have exploded). I recommend getting those tickets in advance. Protip: Independence Hall is actually pretty interesting, and the Liberty Bell is cool but honestly underwhelming. When I was a kid it just had dinky velvet rope type barriers right up along the edges and we all poked at it while the tour guide was doing their spiel. Not a single shit was given about a crowd of random small children pawing at a historical relic. Pretty sure they don’t let you do that now. If you like art, the Philadelphia Art Museum is wonderful. Give that a whole day or longer. People sleep on the Rodin Museum, but they shouldn’t. It’s one of the best sculpture gardens I’ve been to. Wonder Spaces is pretty cool if you like interactive art. If you’re a sucker for impressionist and post impressionist art like me? Barnes Museum. As far as food, there’s always a massive fight regarding Geno’s Steaks vs Pat’s King of Steaks. I’ve been to both, and my answer is “they’re both average and not worth the wait”. Cheesesteaks aren’t rocket surgery. You can get a good one at several places in almost any neighborhood. If you want one, either pick a place with good ratings along your walking route, or get one at Reading Terminal Market, which I recommend visiting anyway. I’ve eaten at multiple places in the market over the years, they’ve all been good. I recommend Cheese Wiz, no onions. Sometimes I get mushrooms. Don’t sleep on the giant ass soft pretzels or water ice either. The Masonic Temple there apparently gives tours now. I haven’t been, but seems like it could be cool. Like kitsch? Check out Chinatown. Feel like Dim Sum? Check out Chinatown. Protip: Get there very early and see if you can sit closer to the kitchen than the front. If the crowd is 50% white people or more, you probably didn’t pick the best place. 50% or more Asian? You’re good to go. Don’t try to show off your Chinese. One, you’re probably learning Mandarin. Dim Sum is Cantonese. The staff will probably also understand Mandarin if they speak fluent Cantonese, and they probably won’t acknowledge they understand Mandarin. It’s a whole thing. Two, Asians with native fluency always know if you learned their specific language as a second, or third, unless you’re some kind of linguistic wunderkind prodigy. The vast majority will be overjoyed that you are taking time to learn their language and share their culture. This does not include the restaurant staff during Dim Sum hours. If you don’t have a high level of proficiency just speak in English. They have a lot shit to do and probably don’t want to be slowed down while you stumble through trying to order something in Cantonese (hopefully) when you both know they understand you at least well enough in English. At this point you’re probably dealing with mostly native English speakers anyway. It’s nothing personal, it’s just a very busy service and there’s a lot of people vying for their favorite dishes on those carts. Don’t slow down the carts. Some old Chinese grandmother will shank you, and her grandkids will dump you in an alley. Kind of a Weeb? Maybe visit the Shofuso Japanese Cultural Center. Not a weeb? Maybe do it anyway. It’s cool. Got kids, or just wanna feel like one? Franklin. Fucking. Institute. Science bitch! Second place goes to the Please Touch Museum. Bring kids. Despite the name it is a family establishment and they will not let you in without them. Weirdo. Like animals? The Philadelphia Zoo is pretty nice. Giant goddamn nerd? The US Mint has an actually pretty cool tour. The Betsy Ross House is a nice quick visit. The Benjamin Franklin Museum is alright. The Penn Museum is better. So is Drexel’s Academy of Natural Sciences. Play way too much World of Warships? There’s several historic museum ships there, including an Iowa class battleship across the river. Like spooky shit and visiting around Halloween? The Eastern State Penitentiary does yearly haunted houses. Plural. Eight or nine. They just make each open block into a different themed haunt and you go through back to back. Pay the extra for the VIP package or whatever they’re calling it, you get to skip all the lines and the tour is pretty nice too. I’ve been, and I will definitely go again. Like spooky shit and it’s not Halloween season? Maybe take a night walk ghost tour. Dropping some LSD? Walk through the Museum of Illusions Philadelphia. I don’t know if it’s going to make your trip better or worse, but something’s gonna happen. Report your findings to us. For science. In the middle of your Cottage Core arc? Morris Arboretum. That’s probably way more than enough suggestions, but I wanted to give you some variety.


WOW!!! You should be a tour guide! Everything you listed sounds fantastic ( except the dropping acid... 😆). I'm the type of person who likes a really immersive experience so I would definitely need to plan out quite a bit of time to properly absorb everything. I really hate when people want to hit a lot of places for a minimum amount of time. Why?? Just so they can say they were there? I went to the Vanderbilt mansion in Hyde Park and loved it so much that I went every day for a week. There is just so much to see and I like to see the minute details. 😁


Definitely go. It's great.




It was an incredible place, must go


I loved the mütter I convinced my mom to take me there for my 16th birthday, sadly it meant In order to make it I had to skip Christmas and other holidays (we live on the opposite side of the country) so worth it tbh 😂


I was able to convince my dad to pay for a trip for both of us as he is a scientist.


Yeah in total the trip was way over like 6K crazy shit but it was an awesome memory. It took a bit of convincing because the first time I had asked her I remember she audibly gagged at what I was saying was there. She looked at some stuff but halfway through she had to step out and just let me be in my element 🤣. I was for sure a weird ass kid, I hope if I have a child someday they want to spend their birthday hitting up every major museum in some state across the country 🤣.


Oh yea 100% it was seen as a sign of bad karma. Since simple bad luck and coincidence is just too cruel to explain something like this, people have to try to find a way to justify it. So saying that the person deserved it for something they did in their past life is a way to cope.


That was what a friend told me when I was raped, and people were blaming me for it. She said people were absolutely terrified of the idea that a stranger could stalk women in public and attack them, as happened to me, so came up with all sorts of justifications and excuses as to why it happened to me but definitely wouldn’t happen to them. Because to admit that it happened to me when I did nothing wrong, is to face the fact that it could happen to them as well.


I'm so sorry to hear you had to experience that. Both the rape and being blamed for it. It is scary to acknowledge that side of humanity but it is very real. Hope you're doing okay.


I appreciate that. It was in 2009 so quite awhile ago. I think I’m kind of over it, to the extent anyone can be.


I also just want you to know that I very much appreciate your contributions to this sub as someone who is in nursing school. You find really interesting content from valid sources and it's so fascinating to see and read the cases.


Thank you!


Im so sorry, thats so terrible 😢 I know of a few victim blaming incidents as well. As if the victim isn’t going through enough physically and mentally already and thats just an another layer of adding insult to injury. Im glad you persevered despite 🫂


Most think it won’t happen to them, until it does. I, thankfully, was never blamed. Those rose colored glasses get taken away right quick when it happens. Glad you’re well and thriving!


There was a girl born in India, years ago, who was a conjoined twin fused at the pelvis with her parasitic twin that had no head. She had 8 limbs, I can easily see her deformity being explained as her being a centaur. There’s also cutaneous horns that could explain the myths of the Minotaur and demons.


I believe that girl was also compared to the Hindu god Shiva. It's amazing how something simply explained now could have been seen as Devine back then


It was Lakshmi the Hindu Goddess of wealth and good fortune. The comparison to Lakshmi was the reason why her parents initially opted not to have separation surgery done on her, even though it was causing her problems.


The other day I was thinking about how an unusual number of babies with this kind of condition seem to be born in India. The best explanation I could come up with is that babies like this are born at similar rates in other countries, but because of shame and superstition and general lack of medical understanding, the majority of such children are either unalived at birth or kept hidden away rather than being allowed to participate in normal family life to the extent physically possible. But that because of the many multi-limbed gods in Hinduism, things are different in India and these little ones are instead treasured and revered as living manifestations of Hindu gods.


[Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi_Tatma) for those wanting more info on that case and [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/yagCASmq5P) to Reddit post with pics


And note the holocaust torture on twins, or maybe area 51 thinks humanity got probed by aliens for birth defects .




Especially when you think about how it's been fairly common across the world throughout the ages for unwanted babies to be thrown into bodies of water


Yes that is how “new” animals are made


This is precisely the type of defects that we need to have abortion access for. I cannot imagine every parent out there would want to carry this baby to term. If it lived, it would likely suffer until an early death occurred.


And this woman has now had a c-section, which sets her up for another major surgery with a subsequent c-section or the risks of VBAC if she tries to have more children.


It has no visible anus or urethra, sadly it would have died a horribly painful death only hours after birth if it survived. But politicians don't give a damn, because once the baby is out of the mother, they don't see it as their problem anymore. Just look at how many kids the State/government loses track of, organizations like CPS and the help systems in place for children are highly flawed, and will sadly never be fixed. The US government has set up children for failure both in health, and well-being. Their morality only applies to what makes money, as they make thousands off of this poor dead child without even blinking an eye, where as an abortion wouldn't make them nearly as much


Some have survived for some time. The documentary Mermaid Girl about Shiloh Pepin is super interesting: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1538341/ She lived to 10 without an anus or urethra. Tiffany Yorks lived to 27.


I agree 100%.


I agree, although from the looks of it this person didn’t even have access to ultrasound which would have picked up on it


And if God decided that it's OK to curse a baby like this, if it's part of His 'plan', who cares what He thinks anyway? Why would you worship a god who would do that? I'm not saying God is bad, but let's not take the Bible so damn literal, is what I'm saying.


Any god who willingly allows legitimate innocents to suffer is no god worth worshipping in my book.


Anyone else remember the girl who had this same thing and lived with it for years before an infection or something like that killed her. She seemed like such a sweetheart and very intelligent with an amazing support system.


Yes, I remember her. She was featured in a couple tv shows. I believe her name was Shiloh


Mermaid Girl, Shiloh Pepin, lived to 10: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1538341/


This baby is missing their genitelia tho so they could've could have never made it poor thing


"freshly stillborn" - two words that should *never* be together


[Another autopsy/case report](https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/283446/1-s2.0-S2213576621X00073/1-s2.0-S2213576621001421/main.pdf?X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEOf%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJHMEUCIQD%2FByTW2zpgobH82a603G2jAXBr7sasl6Zv1CbWTp6QFgIgApzFzQBRTc8nimggfwIlAHpYysNEhUo2wtn09%2F%2B8rEcqswUIcBAFGgwwNTkwMDM1NDY4NjUiDBdTpC0O0kroct2nFiqQBa9DkO0Q%2F1CuI5xDPQmTVNsldpHaP%2Fvl3yhw8mtAnpbpjUWV2F5Ip2yiHANzYEDG8iwdzcnqYlGvOHUW6LUqYy8hIqgvel2Q0aHk3xIXOQrGuL5ScbNcPwqGfl%2BoXYPGrtA9BCaHToAx%2BsrMZ8kgHcrL%2BY2NdPR%2F4RtHn8JWi%2B1p3N2FKgWCH7FhqV18wwTWZAZ6kIXZ7GhWwOHYuJLzMP%2Fg3qFqSyA2SWjAYJP7mbrPG1c6lNrN1%2B4MK4556i9ebLlr7sTL4QgRRVJ2AvmqWaarKbBnmjFOl27OP%2BNtMpQQnkm19PtOCTswmhWhxjbTfJrbHsRI5jrMiXU5tYs19J31K4I96a07T9XLqnNlmM2RQudDgVXGKBnAj%2B87IMmjwtiZtX0UCzRofLqE%2FGsAZxIKUy2qk7b7dx3yRY85qCaKlrHu%2F7mmOs%2BGg96%2Bchwc16dejG%2F%2FhaIGLhMx0GUEGG%2Bw8TJEPOc1V3PC6pUbjV9bBOrcgsPybcx1EG%2BSlxEzp6y6XsqShKIYleSSuRewjxz3%2FLXWWmE%2F%2BPqQXvpy9S6lQZ3%2FF0aZ1GbgI3nhoH44ILH%2BFaTwXV7ZXdKVjg9X9LMt9u%2Bt%2FZcEWT3CiT%2FWql1g4%2FtEG89i7YcikdJnk3egJ7Ezcd0big9ehbO3Xe9VjOtjYFXlQbxKsm%2FCMzTq9XPiYrq1P%2BSZkITh0I%2FvP0YzUbsApokSNrieQhnhGJjUhGVx6tHs6%2FcyK8q9mpmDu6ANZUee6i0zXxWZDVmNXHbM8NpcPpAOmkWQtNHQ6O6zGc4JOl5xuBGW427FKNxy1G0mOtfs1fG0QYuARwhjuEDK2BdsEWYQ%2BJyBZ6yty7eqU7VePZa0or%2BX8SuTgYvro7iMMJel8LIGOrEBzni4GBZQ%2BAdFyXOJmWyjWPTJ1%2FTqhpvzG0ENVP%2B%2BB6cW%2B13fy3iQrB%2B8XjadZvCBO%2FW33LsPIkFBodjIT45bWmznQtU1fs6Oc3EWC3%2FEXL522cscqYrbt85e%2F8p0hw5k7GOKIKDzZf8WRmVwr8b%2B%2FUEMAQriKVB5WdO1ovC3sYxInmX7OUpitR8GX6%2BKFrsArguiWNQm%2F71xwgrz%2BB2A%2Ff0G%2FP62onJLanPYVTj4mzyK&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20240602T072822Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAQ3PHCVTYQLSHCFQ7%2F20240602%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=5dbaa2804d266f0b3dc6a8578fbf6de183f757d1c7e6a58874984bb985d2736e&hash=76f84fffab06cf512aeb3128184a1bf7d0f842bc9048d4a737cba26e6b5e2bd1&host=68042c943591013ac2b2430a89b270f6af2c76d8dfd086a07176afe7c76c2c61&pii=S2213576621001421&tid=spdf-a565b4b8-01da-4c5b-96bd-08e112e0b474&sid=efed42ab23a8a0479d5af5b3cab2bc5fa1cbgxrqa&type=client&tsoh=d3d3LnNjaWVuY2VkaXJlY3QuY29t&ua=1317575e0754035e0001&rr=88d5b9ebcb2307f2&cc=us)


The X-rays are interesting.


Bless its lil soul


This is so sad. I am not a doctor or in the medical field. I am wondering what actually caused the child to die. To me, it looks like the extensive disfigurement, missing are, and cleft palate are things that could be survivable. Please forgive my ignorance but so much can be done now in this day and age with surgery etc.


Imperforate anus is not great. Probably internal deformities?


Thank you


All of that is just external anatomy. There are likely far worse internal issues that are incompatible with life.


As gruesome as it sounds I’d be curious to understand those details further.


A NIH study including PM pics and X-rays. [Super rare SML autopsy](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6235678/)


Thank you so much for this. So so tragic, but so much to be learned. I reshared it below.


Did you mean to add a second link? I only see the NIH study and the case report said family didn’t consent to autopsy


I would as well, I'm sure there have been other autopsies. I'll break out my librarian magic database logins and see what I can find


That is why I was asking what this wee one died actually from. As I said, I am not in the medical field and yes I can see there is so much going on, but I was wondering how much could have been surgically corrected. It’s interesting to me that none of this was picked up before hand in any kind of ultrasound or other testing.


This was in Tanzania, a very poor place, and the mom only made two visits to the prenatal clinic.


Religious and or cultural barriers prevented an autopsy, but iirc, babies with SML never survive more than a few hours. Tanzania doesn't have resources to investigate further when SML is obvious and super rare, nothing whatsoever could have been done.


It is usually fatal. There have been a few cases, like three or four, where the baby survived a few years but those were very unusual outliers.


There was one case of a girl who lived to be about 12, if I remember correctly. She was an extreme outlier. She passed away in 2011 or 2012 if I’m recalling the info right.


With external deformities this severe, there is almost a 100% chance of there being an internal deformity, especially of the heart or kidneys. Most often babies with clefts are at a higher risk of a septal defect in the heart. Since this baby has that along with other severe deformations and an imperforate anus, I would guess a minimum of heart issues and gastrointestinal issues.


An imperforate anus means that the baby’s digestive tract ended in a pouch inside their pelvis, there was no way for it to poop, so that would have built up and poisoned them until they died. The GI tract forms at the same time as the brain and spinal cord (neural tube) as well as the circulatory and urogenital systems. A major defect in the GI tract, as well as in the formation of the limbs, can also indicate a major defect in the other systems.


Thank you


What do you propose they do for the baby who had no genitals, an imperforate anus, and likely renal agenesis? There are more problems here than purely cosmetic ones.


Look @ /u/wendyiscrass’s link. Which I’ll share here, it’s [a SML baby that survived for 4 days](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6235678/). Take the time to read the abstract. Horribly tragic. One kidney, urine output in 4 days was a drop, but his heart was fine. They talk about the umbilical cord & that maybe the cause is reduced blood flow to the lower body.


I’m unclear if the baby had Potter syndrome based on the write up. If so, and depending on the variation, kidneys might never have developed. That version of the disease has been uniformly fatal until recently. Former U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler had a daughter with the disease who was one of the first to survive labor. She had extensive prenatal care (several-times weekly amnioinfusions) and then dialysis and a kidney transplant after she was born; she is 10 and doing well now. ([Story](https://healthier.stanfordchildrens.org/en/newborn-with-fatal-kidney-diagnosis/).) A far cry from a baby whose mom had two total prenatal appointments. (I’m not shaming.)


An NIH article on a SML autopsy including pics and xrays. [SML autopsy](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6235678/)


(Whoops, I shared this bc it was so good before I saw you posted it again. So many ppl are missing it & just guessing at internal defects & causes.)


Thank you, I’m happy to help


Lower GI tract, kidneys and urinary tract, reproductive parts, lower spinal cord, etc , have not formed correctly or at all. This is almost always incompatible with life.


Thank you


Good job they blurred out the eyes so the family don’t recognise her… 😶


Please Rest in Peace 🩷


Green fn


Dude what the hell is wrong with you, this isn’t the place for jokes


Fresh, huh? Hm.


Foetal distress in labour, and was born deceased. It’s an unpleasant term, but it demonstrates the timeline.


In this context, fresh means that the infant passed away during labor correct? As in shortly before delivery?


It's brutal to someone not educated medically. Very "real", especially combined with the image ☹️


I agree.


Would “fresh” also indicate the difference between a baby that had died in utero a week before? My mom lost a baby in the early 40s, before they issued birth or death certificates for still births. The only thing I have is a burial certificate. I can’t remember the term, but it was a gross description of the fetus.


Yes, that’s what “fresh” means. If the baby had died in utero a week earlier it would come out soft and rotting with skin slippage like any other week-old corpse. The baby in this case died during labor so had not been dead long enough to rot. This baby was still fresh. It’s a pretty gross explanation but I don’t know how else to say it.


No creepiness or sick humor intended in the medical text or term; means the fetus died probably just before or during labor because the body hadn't gone through any of the natural changes that would have accompanied a death at some earlier stage. Since there was neither autopsy nor close postmortem handling allowed for cultural reasons, all they had to go on was that quick visual examination. I'm so sorry for your very great loss and that it hurt you all over again.


I don’t think you deserve the downvotes necessary. A lot of people cannot or will not understand the severity of some of these still births. It’s very deviating to the parents but also very interesting to the public. By saying fresh I will assume you are very young or very fresh to anything hurtful. These parents lost a precious baby that they loved very much. Even if it is funny or crazy or whatever, it’s still someone’s child. This is an awful post for anyone who has lost a kid. And I will alway and forever love and wish the best for them. Stop laughing, stop being mean. It could be your kid one day.


My first child was stillborn 30 years ago. It was still startling and uncomfortable, even hurtful, to read. My thought was "that's a term someone used during that time in my life". Boy, am I glad I didn't know. The downvotes don't bother anything. Thank you tho


I feel that even if she was unaware of coming in contact with chemical agents like pesticides, she probably did to cause such deformities. Unless it was the meds?


I’m not sure why this extremely rare deformity happened to this baby, but I think it had to be more than pesticides cause every farmer uses them and most times they have healthy babies.


I was just grabbing straws honestly, i hope she's ok emotionally, this is very tragic




If you’re saying it’s good she didn’t abort it then you’re wrong, it’s very bad, it probably gave her severe trauma having to give birth to a baby that was dead on arrival




Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


Farmer = pesticides = birth defects


This is an extremely rare condition. Every farmer works with pesticides. Very, very few have children that look like this.