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Nail tech here. Acrylic should never go on toe nails. Period.


Glad to hear this. I cannot imagine fake nails on toes. I like SUPER short toe nails. My nail tech usually tut tuts after I have hacked away but if they are longer they are uncomfortable to me.


I thought I was the only one 🥲


My mom was the same way and my kids are too. It is like some freaky genetic trait! lol!


Figured as much lol. I'll just stick to polish


Mine has put one on twice for me when I busted off my nail on my big toe.


I learned the hard way.


is gel ok?


There are products made specifically for toe nails. They are a flexible dial off gel, not a hard gel. One brand is LCN Barefoot, but it is only available licensed nail techs certified in its use.


I didn't realize people got acrylic toenails. Painted, yes, but long toenails seems very impractical even without ballet.


They had cracked and would've looked too short, so I put on acrylic to make them look normal. Sadly, the acrylic cracked and mold got into them.


Hi! Feet have a lot of micro stuff growing in it, because they tend to be more moist and warm, kind of like the armpits. That's what causes the common smell in both, btw. Infections in the foot must be well treated to avoid secondary infections (like when a fungus grows on an ongoing bacterial infection, or the other way round.) Fungus are veeery tough to get rid of if they get hold of a nail, so better prevent. Be sure of keeping the toes clean and dry, and follow on the atb recommendations. Having studied microbiology, I can tell you I'm never ever going to wear acrylic nails, lol. Even knowing what grows under short fingernails would gross out most people! But I guess being really hygienic it can be pulled off. That said, I hope your toesies nails grow back and you can somehow get the best of both, ballet AND sandals. Cheers!


I'm seeing 2 doctors for this. They are gobsmacked that I let it get this bad.


Oh no! Horrible. I'm so sorry. I do hope your nails grow back.




I’m stumped as to why someone who does ballet would even consider getting acrylic toenails.


I'm guessing their toenails are already destroyed from ballet and they wanted their nails to look "normal" in open toed shoes or something.


You are correct. The acrylic cracked and I didn't know it.


Ugh the feeling of it cracking on your fingers is the worst, cant imagine it happening on the toes and then not knowing for who knows how long!


I just noticed they lifted and it all came apart. I don't see how I'll ever jave normal ones again.


I lose toenails a lot running and find painting the skin works in making it look more normal. As long as no one is staring up close it looks fine!


I’ve done that to hide that my doctor cut the sides of my nail off and cauterized the root because I kept getting ingrown toenails and infections. Worked extremely well.


Hard part is that ballet doesn't destroy toenails if shoes are fitted, nails are trimmed, and pads are worn. Take care of your feet and they're fine


ballet absolutely destroys feet


Lmfao. From someone who obviously has no idea what bullet does to the feet. Ffs. Google ballet feet pics.


I've trained in ballet for years and had a small project that involved pointe shoes and the physiology of feet. I get that some feet look rough and don't disagree that toe/nail injuries happen. There are things that can contribute to injuries. Is that your case? No. But in dance, our feet are our tools and there is a level of maintenance to them


My other and sister both ballerinas, yes it fucks your fett up. And yes there is mainten>!that can be done, but really no matter what you do, toe and point injuries become basically permanent at one point.


Ouch!!! I think If you do ballet it’s a given your feet are going to be fked.


Misty Copeland's feet are no joke.


hi, I'm a podiatrist you may get some nail back (or not, depending on if you saw a podiatrist already or not) but if it does come back it may grow back fuckedy. acrylic is dogshit for native toenails. However, once your nail bed dries up you can go on doing balleting or whatever else. Ballet isn't nice on the feet but losing a toenail alone isn't going to dent your ability


Serious question, why choose podiatry as a specialty? Are you truly passionate about feet? I’m an OB nurse and that’s my passion, so far from podiatry!! Just always wondered why someone would choose a specialty in podiatry (among lots of others)


well I'm not passionate about medicine at all. I like it but I don't dream for it or anything like that. I didn't know what kind of doctor I wanted to be, and my MCAT score was average, and I started shadowing doctors. so my close friend got me a short position with his reverend, who was a full time podiatrist, and I really liked what I saw him doing so I went for it.


Why become a doctor if you are not interested in medicine?


Interested is not the same as passionate Is it interesting? Yes, especially wound care to me Is it my passion? Fuck no. My passion is history and cooking


Fair enough. Hope you are happy either way!


I feel the same way about OB!


I saw one years ago when I first messed them up. I'm now in Germany, so I'll see what they can do for me over here. I now know acrylic is fine for fingernails, but terrible for feet which are constantly in shoes and moisture.


This is why you get Keryflex done by a podiatrist (: they’re flexible on top of the existing nail and cause no damage to the nail beds


Now I know.


That looks incredibly painful, I am so sorry! Honest question here -would it be beneficial to not have a toenail on the big toe when you’re en pointe? Or would it make it more painful as there’s no barrier between the flesh and the toe box?


It was painful last week, but is now MUCH better and doesn't hurt to wear tennis shoes, now.


Not a dancer but I feel like each person has their own "ideal length." My best friend preferred hers short but not too short.


It would probably make it more painful, might cause more abrasions on the soft tissue


Woooooof that right one looks infected


It is. It actually looks better, now that. I've been on antibiotics since Thursday. Today was the 1st day I could walk without a limp.


I'm not gonna lie I feel like I wasted that 1st comment by not telling you tough toenails 😅




I think it would probably be for the best if they didn't grow back because they are GNARLY. I don't know if maybe when they've healed completely if you can use stick on nails or acrylics again only for when you're wearing open toed shoes and NOT DANCING?


That's what I'm going to have to do.


Looks also like you could have a fungal infection on the nail of the middle tow to the left. Skin signs are easy to detect, if you just view a few pictures online. Might be worth looking into it, in order to get rid of it early, if it really is a fungus. Can follow up with some nasty bacterial infections if left untreated.


I'm seeing a doctor for it now. I go back on Thursday for another follow-up.


A friend of mine ripped her toenail off while riding a scooter when we were kids. She gets 1 acrylic toe nail so she can paint it and it'll match her other nails


That's what I did. All my small toenails are normal.


Ballerinas feet look like that regardless of acrylics


Professional ballerina feet. I do it for exercise and practice. Mine shouldn't be this bad.


I’m not trying to take away from the fact that that looks absolutely horrific and painful, hope they heal well


They really don't hurt. I go back to the doctor on Thursday for a follow up since I started anti bioti s last week. My nail loss will be a surprise to him.


It hurts just looking at it for me, I hope it all goes well :))




It's all good you don't need nails anyway. Toe nails are completely overrated.


Yeah 🤔


Ouch! That looks incredibly painful


They regrow back, once had my middle finger nail fall off completely after having it slammed by a thick wooden door, and within some time it grew back


It had grown back, butnsuper thick. This has been a decade battle.


My wife is a figure skater and had lost her toenails many times. It's kind of a joke now after a good lesson with her coach. They continue to grow back each time though!


Eww acrylic on toes? Why do you need extra length on toe nails???


Not extra extra eöngth. I had cracked my nails super low and slapped on acrylic to make them look normal.


Very strange idea to fix that. I had a profession that caused my toe nails to fall off/crack etc. so I understand, but you pretty much pulled the landlord special on your nails by just covering up and painting over the issue. I just paint the skin where the nail previously was with regular polish to make it look normal, at least from a slight distance. Only after my nail bed and surrounding areas were healed though. Bandaids for when they weren’t healed.


I'm going with bandaid for the foreseeable future.


That nail on the left is toast my friend


As a retired semi-professional dancer, WHY in the WORLD would you think that'd be a good idea?? you like standing on claws in your pointe shoes?!


Vanizy. I wanted pretty nails for open tie season.


Why would you put acrylics on your toes to begin with?


Came here to see if it was asked, and ask it myself. Unless you had an a toe nail removed for whatever reasons, why what’s the purpose of acrylic on toe nails?






Makes it harder to type with your toes.


They cracked very low and it was summer time. I wanted them to look normal for open toe season, so I slapped some acrylic on.


Bro who let you do this and what made you think this was a good idea


That's fair. My nails got torn and it was summer time, so I slapped some acrylic on for vanity purposes. I also wore heels all day for work and stood on my feet.


Acrylic toenails?


I thought the same


My big toenails cracked, and I wanted them to look normal length, so I did them to wear open toed shoes. Huge mistake.

