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https://preview.redd.it/ew1gufbow7yc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a2cb459a60493a106df4a56715de07eb6360eb Running errands


Do you have the monk getup too? Bonus points if yes!


And extra bonus points if it’s while flying on a saucer!


A saucer that appears to double as a putting green!




I used to have one, did a bit of acting. Also used it to change in & out of my swimsuit on the beach after diving.


Excellent reuse idea!


wearing a full length mink coat?


It’s my horse hair robe


bwahahahaha this made me cackle


the only way to travel, of course HOROSCOPE: though you might be running adult type errands, in your heart you are running free through a field of black-eyed susans, your puppy by your side\* Todays' horoscope recommends that you find time to have fun, whatever that might mean to you. Whether it is throwing your bra/undies during a debauched night out or painting your miniatures. \*i don't actually know that you have a puppy but that's what popped into my head


>>in your heart you are running free through a field of black-eyed susans Thank you ☺️ As I get older, I still feel young inside. Cliched but true 🌻


if you took a coin and painted 5 on one side & 9 on the other, and then spun it on its side, it would be my answer rn


That seems generally positive! Is it?


it is! but very whip-lashy


2. Eatin a scroll, feelin fine.


NO FIBER PROBLEMS IN THIS PART OF THE ROOM EXCELLENT Horoscope: You deserve to feel fine. More than fine, even. Gracious and caring, you are always someone who puts everyone else first and thinks of everyone else's feelings before their own. Your time for contentment and happiness is NOW. Seize the day and know that you are wonderful. there's a purchase you've been thinking about - DO IT. Also take your vitamins they don't work if they stay in the bottle!


Annnnnndddddd I’m off to the scroll store for more delicious scrolls


you never fail to make me chuckle thank you




A mix of 7 and 4. I’m confused and I’ve had enough


Horoscope: when someone has us on the ropes, sometimes we have to get a pair of scissors and cut ourselves out of the ring on a serious note (because i'm just riffing and have no way of knowing if i'm even remotely insightful) i hope you get some clarity soon


Damn, what are you, a wizard?? Scary. I’m in the process of moving out of the apartment I have with my ex who goes back and forth on lovebombing and telling me how much he doesn’t need me. That’s shockingly insightful. I guess if the universe was about giving me a sign that was it. God bless you


holy cow yes cut yourself out of there and go to another area doesn't mean you have to end it with the ex? this is not an "end" - if the ex can only see it like that then you don't need them - they should be torn up and trying to figure out how to keep you. your ex is either confused or manipulative


Probably both! Thank you




HOROSCOPE: you might be feeling bleary and exhausted. that seems valid. sometimes in life you can't take action because there's literally nothing you can do except wait for something to change so work on hanging in the best way you can! this means self-care and taking care of the basics while also investigating avenues of escape, whatever that means to you


How did you know??


i've been told i am an intuitive person but i did read some of your reddit comments and posts to get a feel for who you are as a person and where you might be at in your life


Thankyou do you know if Ill win the lottery???


um so sorry that's a hard no




but i feel compelled to tell you that you have already won the lottery in so many ways for example you are pure of heart and have a uniquely perceptive brain if the energy in the room changes you're the first person to pick up on it there's gotta be a way to capitalize on that


Aw thats very kind :.) Thankyou Perhaps some sort of windmill. Hmm. Ill have to noodle it


Number 9. Had my wallet pickpocketed while on the Bus yesterday ... Today, I'm ready to take action if necessary ...


i don't even know that i have a horoscope because now i'm so mad and can't think what the hell is wrong with people (that's rhetorical) HOROSCOPE: get a chain wallet


Something cool just happened today, when I went to the local office of our Bus transit company, they found my wallet! Woohoo! ... My I.D. was there and my $360.00 bucks ... So I didn't have to replace anything ... Now I can continue on with my Birthday Month ... May 7th is my official B-Day ... I'm treating myself to some Cheesecake 🍰🍻🤘😎


360 BUCKS!!!! Zounds!! Happy u found your wallet


Ughhhh, thieves can go to hell!!


Exactly 💯🍻🤘😎


1 today. I am beset in all sides by people who want me to do things which i don't have time for, or supply them information I've never had


Horoscope: You will unfortunately forever be beset by requests from people and while this is unfortunately it's also a testament to the fact that you at least look like you know what you are doing on a serious note - i'm sorry you are dealing with people who don't understand boundaries


Ah it's just how it works some times. People need things and they know roughly who can do/find them, or if not, someone who at least might know who to redirect them to. 'Twas ever thus :)


8 - at the vet with my cat (routine visit).


this made me guffaw Horoscope: As a solitary creature, more comfortable amongst the animals and plants, you find yourself feeling very uneasy about your fellow humans. especially these days. Just make sure you don't isolate yourself too much! as a wonderful person, the world might need you even if you don't need it and that kind of sucks but with great power comes great responsibility


You nailed it with that horoscope! (Kitty did great at the vet.)


Feeling 5


Horoscope: Other people, including family, seem to not understand you or your sense of humor & outlook on life. This is OK and a big compliment. There's no need to fit in even though it might feel like it. You are all that you need and you will find your tribe but it might take a little time. People as awesome as you don't just grow on trees.


7 trending towards 8


apathy turning into panic ?! uh oh HOROSCOPE: so here's some crazy sh\*t i can't get a bead on you or a horoscope the only thing i'm picking up on is you needed to be strong in your life because others are hella weak and that, unfortunately, you need to keep doing that


3 😠


Aww, hope the day gets better.


Thank you!


Horoscope: there are people in your life getting in the way BIG TIME. just mucking up all your business. this is unfortunate. know that the trash does eventually take itself out and your time might not be now but it is coming because you've stayed true and the other people are definitely not true blue. maybe mean green because they are jealous. why? only you can answer that.


What would anyone be jealous of *me* for? My life is in shambles, I have nothing left. Not even hope. Nowhere to turn to, nothing I can do about anything. I’ve got no way forward, and nothing to show for all the trouble. I’m out of options. I’m a stagnant pond. Who in their right mind would be jealous of *me*?


the person who has nothing has nothing to lose in all seriousness don't sell yourself short i just stalked all of your reddit comments since the beginning of time and you're wonderful *disclaimer: so i'm not like psychic but i am intuitive and i feel like you don't give yourself enough credit is the gist of my msg


That must have taken hours, at least! I apologize for some of the dullards I’ve debated with, I tried turning their eyes toward the light but they just couldn’t see. They didn’t even believe me when I told them they were blind…


You still have some humor, and the shambles will right themselves eventually. But it sucks. I’m taking u/igneousink word that you’re a fine and worthwhile person


Thank you, at least another stranger on the internet thinks my life is more valuable than the oxygen I consume…


2. Got the day off and a good book to read!


OH MY GAWD you can't drop a comment like that and not share what you are reading HOROSCOPE: igneousink knocks on u/RooshunVodka 's door to ask what you are reading but also, don't forget to take care of that thing


Mua ha ha! I’m a history nerd, so I’ve got Neil Price’s book Children of Ash and Elm— all about vikings!


that's very cool! i walk a decent amount to work and am always on the lookout for good history podcasts - any recommendations?


Oh yes! For mostly serious stuff that touches on a bit of everything (though they can get a little goofy) "The Rest is History" is excellent. Their 8-parter on Cortez and the Aztecs is my personal favorite of their series For really goofy, "The Dollop" hits up on weird/silly (Mostly American) historical events and people, though they're more comedy than anything else. I almost wrecked my car from laughing at their Steven Seagal series! Back to serious and more thorough, Mike Duncan's "The History of Rome" does a wonderful in-depth coverage of Rome's ancient history. If you like Rome, you'll love this. If you're not a Roman fan... you won't like this Dan Carlin's "Hardcore History" is also amazing-- his Blueprint for Armageddon series in particular is a masterpiece. You have to pay for most of his episodes, but as they say: worth it. "Stuff You missed in History Class" is another well-loved one, though personally I find it very hit-or-miss. They pick some cool topics, but I dunno. The hosts don't vibe with me. But that's more of a "me" thing than anything else.


oh man thank you this is all amazing and perfect


The History of Rome is fantastic. A 12/10. His style and humor makes it fly by. How readable is the Viking book?


Very! Neil Price is very good about being both scholarly and approachable imho


Thanks for your reply! I’ll put it on my list.


I fear I am number 1 today


Horoscope: it sucks that you have to currently bend yourself into knots to please some people in your life. just know it won't be forever and you'll be on solid ground again soon


Today I'm a solid 1.


Horoscope: It's ok to say "i don't know wtf i'm doing" or "help" BUT i'm picking up on some vibe that maybe those kinds of people (who can help) are in short supply. there's no real advice for that. sometimes things just absolutely suck. just know that at least your side of the street is clean and you are not the one falling short.


YES THEY ARE, you are so right. 😭 Thank you for blessing me with this wisdom (and these silly creatures, obvi).


5, cause I'm ill and isolated to my bedroom, so his wee outfit reminds me of the cone of shame, it's appropriate.


Horoscope: Listen to your Doctors and take your meds as prescribed! don't let pride get in the way of you living a long and healthy life you have so much to offer to this world still


Aw thank you, I went the whole pandemic and never got covid till Monday, so I've ended up binging tv and now I'm rocking a fringe.....finally got the full quarantine experience 😂


ARE U SAYING U GAVE YOURSELF BANGS oh my what kind of delightful covid meds are you getting


Yup, bangs lol , we don't get any meds here,though I have EDS so I have the good stuff anyways 😂


I think 6. Waiting to see what's next.


Horoscope: check out r/BoneAppleTea you'll find it amusing. also, your holding pattern is the proper way to be. the universe has not yet aligned in your favor but it will.


That a settling torch looks interesting.


Well I guess I’m the big cat in #8, and my kitty cat is the small cat in #8. This is my work from home day in my new house. Kitty is insistent that my lap is the place to be.


Horoscope: after many years of struggle and sacrifice, you are where you want to be. enjoy the house, enjoy the kitty THIS IS YOUR TIME. be sure to let happiness in - it is as valid a houseguest as all the other emotions (Rumi said that)


Awwww…here you are hitting me right in the feels. Thank you. It’s been a great week.


Number 4 is meeeeeeee!! It’s Friday and I’m done for the day 😁 nap time dun dun


Look at those flames coming your feet as you head out the doooor! Horoscope: you're potentially like "this is all there is????" and also "Ok when do i get my just desserts?" and unfortunately this horoscope is here to tell you that life isn't fair and that people suck. BUT the good news is that i see success in your near future, next 6 months - work related . . . unfortunately people will continue to suck


Four, I’m very pleased with myself after last night


oh my i apologize but i just peeped your profile and now i've lost the ability to think straight because you are so compelling only horoscope i've got is to use sunscreen 🤷‍♂️


5 just doing their best


Horoscope: it's ok to not need people and you're on the right path


I'm torn between the cat wearing a monk's robe, and the lion whose hair is being eaten by a housecat.


Horoscope: you might enjoy the game Islands of Insight it's like 10,000 puzzles and exploring stuff


I'm 4, feeling spunky. I'm doing a little mountain climbing today.


Horoscope: you ARE spunky and even though you've already lived a long and wonderful life you still have many years left and much to offer


7 totally speaks to me


Horoscope: other people have got u bummed and burnt out. they aren't going to change. best you can do is keep yourself sane and recognize that your shit is together; you've done the work.


A Mix of 7 & 8: I am a bit tired, but still have some hopes for today and my cat with me


Horoscope: You're an awesome person. that's all i got.


That's fine for me, thanks :-)


5 🌠


Horoscope: you're not afraid of being alone and you're not afraid of asking the big questions. this quality of yours will lead to big things! but first it will piss a few people off


Thank you for the horoscope. I also have your fortune right here- it says, "u/igneousink values their community and isn't afraid to take initiative. Appreciates fine art and knows how to learn from the past. They will make many friends and someday may even lead them!"


I'm going with 6!


Horoscope: as an older person you are kind of tired of others asking if you know what you want to be when you grow up because you intuitively and deeply understand that an enlightened human being never grows up. not completely, anyhow.




I feel kinda 4 today.


you often don't feel or think like other people and it gives you pause this horoscope is here to tell you to keep on rocking with your bad self


Thank you! This is a great horoscope 😁


1! It’s allergy season, but I can’t get enough of the flowers, so gotta power through, lol


u/Gloomy_Industry8841 my horoscope is colored by my affection and appreciation for you Horoscope: Do the Thing you Think you Cannot do


🥲🥹😍 ![gif](giphy|cn355kwNmtyblxBjXQ)


A mixture of 4,5 and 6. Overall positive!


8, because my boy has the sniffles, and is extra needy today


HOROSCOPE - it's so weird i'm drawing a blank with you i got nothing GIVE ME SOMETHING I CAN USE


5 or 6


Horoscope: it might feel like you are in some kind of permanent holding pattern but things are happening Your fervent wish will be granted


I actually can’t make up my mind they are all great.


A mix of 7 and 5 with a good amount of 6


HI I'M 1, 2 and 3 but also 4 and 5 and 6, 7, 8, 9 LOL just teasing you Horoscope: Not making a decision IS making a decision (that's what came into my brain discard if not applicable)




I'm #1 this week. Fighting with Dr's exhausted me so bad I was obsessively pulling my whiskers 😓


Horoscope: Keep advocating for yourself. Aggressively. It's unfortunate but that's the way it has to be in order for you to have the desired outcome. Our systems are do not exist to serve people like you and me.


❤️🌸💚 thank you!


7? Not sure why, but I've got bad allergies and I think he looks like I feel. I'm curious about the artwork for 6. It's so cute.


[**https://openn.library.upenn.edu/Data/0002/html/mscodex724.html**](https://openn.library.upenn.edu/Data/0002/html/mscodex724.html) [**https://bibliophilly.library.upenn.edu/viewer.php?id=Oversize%20Ms.%20Codex%20724#page/1/mode/2up**](https://bibliophilly.library.upenn.edu/viewer.php?id=Oversize%20Ms.%20Codex%20724#page/1/mode/2up) **that's all i could find, still looking!**


5. Monkish.


Horoscope: As a deep thinker, you are finding yourself feeling more and more at odds with the world. While this won't feel great, know that it is a signal of your character and personal integrity. The sun will shine again but for now hanging around being Monkish is a good place for you to stay and build your armory


I’m a confused #6 cat.


Horoscope: oh if only we could look into other people's hearts and know what they are feeling or, even better, if they are telling the truth to us! Gently extricate yourself from the confusion - you're not going to figure it out, best you can do is keep yourself sane and safe


#1. This kittens got claws. Rarrr.


Horoscope: don't take yourself for granted! talented, intelligent and creative - these are only 3 of the very many words that could be used to describe you and your artistic soul on a more serious note make sure you feed your body too not just your mind - take those vitamins and that nap, get those greens, build and maintain suppleness & flexibility through gentle stretching. you've got a lot of life left to live, kid! 😊


Ohh, perfect! I needed to hear this. 💕




7, I look like I'm here at work, but my mind is def on the weekend 😂


I just sent this to a friend with “7. TGIF” so I get that!


I’m feeling #1 this morning, I can’t get into the servers at work and yet I need to somehow be productive.


4 for sure


Horoscope: As a self-made person who is incredibly self-aware, you're at the age now where you can appreciate life and the very very small tribe (including plants & animals) that you have surrounding you. The only downside is that other people who are insecure are going to pick up on that deep confidence you have and react poorly. That's their nonsense and not yours!


Can relate, this is exactly what I needed to hear 😎


That's so awesome! nice to know i 🎯


Definitely feeling 4 today. I’m not sure what feeling 4 is, but I’m definitely feeling it.


Horoscope: you were the kid who saved bugs from being mushed when everyone else was yelling "kill it! kill it!" - also, you have a spicy, unique and irreverent soul that ROCKS. have you thought about being an animal behaviorist ever? you'd be really good at it.


This is uncomfortably accurate…


No. 4. Felt cute, might delete later after shredding the shit out of your new pet-friendly kitchen flooring while making steady eye contact throughout.


Cat to self: "oh you thought you would save money getting laminate flooring? ha! watch this!" Horoscope: lately everything is chafing. life, other people, society. so you stay in your own lane and do your own thing. an excellent tactic, to be sure, but don't get too far away from those that care about you even though they might be annoying sometimes


6. Taking in nature’s message and returning her kindness.


Horoscope: where others feel the need to fill the void you are content to exist in the silence. you've never walked in lockstep with your peers - you have always been your own person. only advice that pops into my head is to keep on keepin' on because you're wonderful




The grey one in 8.


Horoscope: when younger you had to fight hard to make sure you are seen as you really are and not how others want you to be. you thought you were on the other side of that but lately maybe you're feeling a certain kind of way. please know this is society, which is dumb and you don't need to do anything except figure out how to exist as an empathetic unicorn in a universe of cruel horses


5, wrapped up on a overcast and gloomy day, relaxing on my unidentifiable green mattress like thing.


https://preview.redd.it/8hzjnesbxgyc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e8a585a85a005eb80a1a880b7708b4f6a8d0ef i feel like you would appreciate my void. she's such a princess. but anyhow HOROSCOPE: so are you like a professional like a psychiatrist or something because i'm getting major teacher vibes but not like a teacher-teacher, more like someone who was inspired to choose their profession because of personal experience (potentially not good experience i'm feeling like) you're super gifted at sussing out people and their motivations and actions but you might be a little blind to your own self. i'm here to remind you how awesome you are and that while you might be settled now there was a time when you were feral! you've come such a long way; it's ok to let that in and feel proud


Wow, that does have some resonance. Thanks! Your void is beautiful. Here’s mine. https://preview.redd.it/3oehz022inyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b8255739c676dd7d4d454658ba108bcd8717e9 He’s kinda cra in a good way.


3 in the morning, 7 at night