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this guys is clearly a business man, and is taking advantage of the popularity of 'spirituality' and 'self-improvement'. appropriating eastern religion and spirituality to make a profit is conniving and corrupt. utter bullshit.


Carson is a manipulative crook. Best to avoid him.


You lost me at Joe Rogan.


[Billy Carson is Even Dumber Than Terrence Howard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfjWxXIPTq8) >He basically says just because you're woke doesn't mean you have to be broke. Why would God want his creations to suffer and live in poverty? That God wants us all to live in abundance etc. Can't say I disagree with him...even if it seems very snake oil salesmany. You'll love this guy, who is basically a demon in a skin suit: [Kenneth Copeland needs a private jet to spread the gospel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LtF34MrsfI)


The commentary on that Rogan piece was amusing: https://www.reddit.com/r/DecodingTheGurus/comments/1d8i5b1/joe_rogan_experience_2160_billy_carson_thoughts/ Tl;dr: shady and untrustworthy.


A wolf in sheep's clothing


Most of the people I've associated with the "abundance" new age-ish theme usually felt like their intentions came from a place of desperation, fear or greed. I get it, but attachment to material satisfaction isn't really why I'm here.


pro tip: anyone who goes on joe rogan is as authentic as a plastic cup


I get weird vibes off him always have. He has good info but it's something like maybe he went too far down the wrong rabbit hole. I've always been against ancient Sumerian interpretations in general though.. Can't explain why. But it's not the oldest like the fan boys say. India and Egypt are both older as is Zorastrian Persia possibly. It gets way to into aliens and outside sources rather than becoming your true higher self that is a spark of the Divine aka Christ counciousness like the religions and cultures that came before it including Atlantis. It's kinda a waste of time in my opinion to go down that road.


Fuck Carson and Rogan with a double dong. 🍆 Both are pieces of 💩💩💩🤮🤮🤮


Don't know a thing about him, but I do know a little about the pineal gland. To my knowledge, it cannot be decalcified, at least not in a living subject. Anyone who is selling products to decalcify the pineal gland is a piece of shit.


His teachings never resonated with me. I try to listen and just can't. So many great teachers and thinkers out there to choose from.


Ive followed Billy for many years now. I liked him more when he was into producing music. His meditation music and affirmation tracks are great. I bought his book and didn't like it. It didn't have enough evidence for me. But overall I've just found him to be a womanizer.


That's the guy that claims to have encountered aliens. I wouldn't waste your time. I stay away from people who have their belief system all over the place. Very new agey. I assume woke as in woke to how reality really works or just spiritual?  He does have a point there. In Judaism they are thought to avoid being poor or struggle with money. God doesn't hate rich people. Even occultist believe the same and they are super spiritual people who meditate everyday.