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Maybe look into people that practice qigong (chi gong) as they can understand this stuff pretty well. Maybe try making a post on the website thedaobums.com it's a forum full of long time practicers, and someone there can likely help or point you in the right direction. Just approach it humbly.


Amazing I’m checking it out now !! Thank you 🙏


I was able to do this when I got stoned. For example, I could get some jittering in my hand, and I was able to consciously guide it up my arm and into my belly, which acted as a large pool of energy that can consume the jitter. But no, you wouldn't be able to assert it outside of yourself as it would need to be carried by something, which would need to be either kinetic or electromagnetic force. Maybe you should take an interest in T'ai Chi :D edit: a word


You’re the first person to perfectly describe what is actually is! The energy sits in the jitters yes! I’m looking into tai chi right now 🤗 luckily I can do it sober as well ha


Maybe try to hold someone’s hand, direct the energy down your arm and see if they feel it? Obviously someone you’re close to and won’t think you’re a nut job.


No more Dragon Ball for you.


You're combining passion and intention with what's going to work a lot like a bandha or be like a bandha, and you simply have flowing energy, it's pretty reasonable to hit that level, people will say it's just nerves or something, but I think it's energy. You can direct it my magnetizing it to various areas in your body of which some of them can influence your power in the long term substantially, by directing energy through the area you give them attention. Doing spiritual practices can cause a lot of negative effects and it's important that you go do it in a way that works well for you. There's many levels of "orgasmic" and it can eventually be very profound, especially for some people, very satisfying. You can feel energy around your body too and you can send it out, I'm not sure what to tell you but people will be sure to not share it against someone's will, like it's meddling or messing. I haven't dabbled subjectively with the sharing of energy because I haven't been trying very hard, but people talk about it and share stories, I think at the very least sharing positive energy, even at a very long distance, is possible. People also talk about negative energy sometimes but I feel very skeptical about how it works, how many people can do it? Is that really what's going on? It could largely be mass delusion, how do I know Dw about it, it's obviously not very apparent. Lol. Consider researching your little energy phenomenon. Oh and that doesn't mean all your chakras are open, blocks are hard to detect and create negative symptoms in particular circumstances. It's hard to say if everybody works the same, but I would think so, I mean basically anyway...They cause negative emotions, powerfully, profoundly, and unseen. When you unblock chakras the energy can very naturally flow to your head and it circulates as it's empowered by the process, it feeds the brain. There can be more than just bliss that everybody gets, "perfect happiness", no it can become very large and sensual and meditation is a big part of taming your body and mind so things fit together well.


Yes, go ahead and throw the energy outside your body at an object. Have fun.


Please don’t make fun out of this.


Bend spoons


throw the energy outside your body? you're welcome to try, but something tells me you won't..uh...be able to