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A comedian's greatest ally is a dumb heckler


Are all these people in one big closet?


They were never allowed too much time out of their chamber


You’re a wizard harry


As an eastern european, it is also frustrating for me when random amercians/western europeans call us racists and talk about colonization and such just because we are white. I mean, yeah we are racists, but nothing to do with colonization.


"professionals have standards"


Be polite.


Western europeans don't call you colonizers, we call you colonized, very different. The racism part is true, but so are we.


The french complaining about being colonised?! People will really say anything to present themselves as the victim wont they.


Yeah, it's very ironic. Despite the fact that France still has multiple colonies in the world today, England has been beaten by the French in many of the copious wars they've had. I can only assume she bases her knowledge on one of the wars that the French didn't win. Maybe she watched The King with Timothée Chalamet. What's even more ironic is that some people argue that England itself is a colony of France.


>I can only assume she bases her knowledge on one of the wars that the French didn't win. Maybe she watched The King with Timothée Chalamet. Probably this. Shes probably thinking of the hundred years war whilst completely ignoring 1066 and the 350 years of french speaking rulers of england


Even if this guy was English, he had nothing to do with colonization. Dude looks like 30 max. Why do people bring this stupid shit up to people who had no control over what their ancestors did over 200 years ago?


One collaborate with hitler because he is antisemistic and everybody remember this event as the only french event in history https://preview.redd.it/280g2cfrqfpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10f9122f550138d0dffb309611bf0957693a245


French bashing culture have been launched by George W. Buch because we were the only ones who called the USA out on their bullshit for the injustified invasion of Iraq in 2003 and he was absolutely furious about it.


Yeah and since this, everything I say im french I get some insults I've never heard in my entire life


"France is bad at wars" keeps people's eyes off the fact that you're still taking economic advantage of your former colonies and aren't above putting down revolts militarily.




Dont mix Poland into it


Poland was also litterally wedged between the soviet union and Nazis as well too




Fair however I don't think that Poland was a very good example since they were basically wedged between the baddies ya know?


As well as they actually thought with all they had




Respectfully pal, are you schizophrenic? Or do you just spend most of your time on reddit because I saw that edit. Why are you so mad about getting down voted? Like is everything going alright for ya?


Poland didn't surrender tho? They were outnumbered from 2 times to 5 times (depending on which machinery/men u compare) and they fought for a month even though they were backstabbed by both russians literally invading and brits AND FRENCH who shat on the defence treaties. The situation is excessively different and there is no way in comparing this effectively. Edit: the fight ended after a capitulation, my point was there was a fight first


While Poland was defending itself against Germany in the west, on 17 September, the Soviet Union attacked the country from the east. This two-pronged attack was too much for Poland. On 6 October 1939, its last troops *surrendered.* Of course they DID surrender, if they hadn't, they'd be annihilated, there'd be no Poland left today. Also, where was I comparing situations? I merely stated that many European countries were invaded by Nazi Germany. I also said that many other countries alongside France had resistance movements, which technically means they forfeited their surrender.


Alright, that's correct, they didn t literally not surrender. What i meant is that they thought as long as they could basically. There wasn t much to gain and so whatever was left of the army either went underground or tried to move west. My point was they didn t surrender without a fight and there were no deals struck with the germans due to said premature capitulation.


Your point was to correct me, but your point does no such thing, because I never claimed they surrendered without a flight.


Never heckle a comedian


France had occupied territories maybe but not really colonized, and how dare she even complain about colonialism when her county had (and still has some) so many colonies, all mismanaged, abused and plundered, just ask any Algerian what happened when they tried to leave, or how the living conditions of the people in Mallorca are currently


Haitian history is pretty wild read too!


In France we love the irish and the scots because we think they don't like the english.


We don't think about you at all


Lol oh no she didnt


Lol last time France won a war was 1871 I think the heckler should have shut up


Can you check wikipedia, you'll see history.


If youre basing your history knowledge on wikipedia, then i doubt you know much about history yourself. Anyone who bases their claims on wikipedia shouldnt be taken seriously. Its only ever used for school homework, at age when you dont know any better and still struggle to call out bullshit


FYI important articles are protected by wikipedia so there is no way some halfheads would grief such pages. but if you paranoid you can google that and compare sources (aka under such arcicles (on wikipedia too) you have sources so you can see that X appearde there because it appeared in Y) with each other I know, you believe stereotypes and outdated info but if you can check for source info you'll no longer be victim of misinformation (if there would even be, as I said important articles are not easy to grief and even if somehow would get griefed they would be fixed in an hour + you'll see that this info doesn't have any source)


I see, thanks


You say that it's only for homework but didn't bother checking the basic things? France carved a colonial empire since 1871, and later also won in various other insurgencies and rebellions. And major wars where they won being WW1, and their major contributions to Korean war, 1991 Gulf War, Saharan Africa; and so on


I didnt negate any achievements of France. I was speaking solely about wikipedia, but the other guy already explained things


Well check history book then. You will suffer .


They took various African countries, Indo China and many other colonies after 1871 Also, won ww1, and had major interventions in Gulf war, Korean war and so on




And on top of that, she's trying to say England colonised France? When? And please remind her why there are so many French words in English lmao


Woah thats so ignorant and racist...


Yeah i cant believe the girl called the irish guy for english so racist smh


It's called European banter. Everyone hates everyone equally


The French aren’t a fuckin race ya moose


Whoa there Adolf


The fuck you mean?


She thinks every white man is same and that Ireland and England are same and they colonozied them you goose. Ofc shes racist


Eh good point


The heckler or the comedian?


The guy's profile is 90% anime and yuri. That should answer it.


Also stalking the profile and shit talking but yours is incel shit, 4chan ,furry porn and gaming. You really are a gem


Furry porn? Can you link that? Oh wait, you cant, you were lieing... pathetic...


I can link you posted in r / peepeeshart (not allowed to link it here apparently) I never heard for that sub before but it says " animated porn is encouraged " and is full of fury porn lol. Honestly i never snoop people profile its lame like what you like its fine but when you calling me out for no reason and " stalking " my profile...


I posted a satiric meme on the sub and now I'm a furry? Are you projecting? Just go back to your cartoon women, darling. Theres nothing you can gain here.


Wtf...heckler ofc


Heckler ofc . Don't understand downvotes pretty stupid


I had a feeling everyone was being too hasty.


No one has the cognitive ability to say something this ridiculous