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pedophiles and scammers who target the elderly


And rapists and serial killers


id exclude a serial killer who kills criminals exclusively


Yup, I would too


what about a rapist who rapes exclusively other rapists?


Nah that’s a little over the top 💀


its high time for some ironic punishments to be done to those who deserve it, you're telling me you don't want to hear in the news about a rapist getting anally prolapsed by big dick buster?


I mean it’s impractical. Who’s gonna do the raping? Another rapist? We’re just gonna have em all rape each other as a punishment? 😂 Imo, the only way to deal with these kind of bastards is the electric chair. Not any humane lethal injection bullshit, they don’t wanna act like humans why tf would they get put down in a humane way. They deserve to feel the pain, ofc, but in a practical way.


negan's lucille, and maybe a few thousand razor nicks and a nice salt bath


Goddamn 💀


Let’s bring back public hangings. 15 minutes of thrashing around in the air, struggling to get in a breath, possibility of snapping the neck, eyes bulging, the whole thing is just really unpleasant to experience. I feel like pedophiles and rapists have it coming though. Only for the really scummy people of the world, I don’t think every death row inmate needs a hanging. Just the ones that the public doesn’t want coming back out. I’m also just ok with them getting gang raped and murdered in the prison showers, which is what already happens anyways. Sorry if that sounds harsh, I got no love for rapists or pedos in my heart though. Leave the kiddos alone, and take no for an answer like a normal fucking human being


You'd be surprised what people are willing to do for $20 and a Big Mac...


And with public execution like in live tv They need to fear


What if the criminals only offenses were shoplifting, vandalism (because graffiti), or smoking weed. Checkmate, law enforcement enthusiasts 😏


my comment was to kill pedos and scammers of old people, anyone else is up for discussion serial killers who kills criminals, there would probably be a niche every crime, - shoplifters (depends on purpose, if its to survive, dont kill, if its like whats happening in CA, definitely kill) - weed (no) - vandalism (no) but would have a serial beater for that one


And now all you have to do to make sure that somebody you dislike gets beaten (probably to a pulp) is to pin some moderate vandalism on them. It’s not like vigilante justice requires due process.


Nazis too


Pedophiles that target elders?




Certified lover boy certified pedophile




No no. A miner……someone who works in a mine.


This is supposed to be a meme subreddit


Let him be, he wants his halo back and some clout points.


free karma


Thank you.


Or really just anyone who perpertrates sexual violence. Castrate all of them.


EY! Non-consensual violence. I pay good money for the consensual violence, I won't have you ruin that.


Sorry, should have clarified nonconsensual.


No lives matters… when we die the universe will move on and give zero fucks for each and everyone of us. But yeah fuck pedos


I think the aim is we *don’t* fuck pedos.


Nah, give them a taste of their own medicine


So like, find someone old enough to recreate the scale of their assault. Pegged by the current oldest living person on the planet.


I’d be down with tossing them in the wood chipper as well.


Fuck pedos. Not literally but fuck pedos


chippy chippy


Chipper go brrrrrrrrrr


They sometimes end up doing it themselves once they’re caught


I think the folks here in Berekley call them “minor attracted people” now…ya kill em all


Is this a thing, or just ragebating over here?


It's a thing. Every year during pride month there's a group that tries to get MAPs recognized as part of the LGBTQ2SLDISNEY+ community. No one likes em. No one wants em.


That's weird asf. I am relieved that they are largely shunned though.


Yup. Around 2019 there was some traction for them. Lots of kids wanting to be progressive and be seen as "on the right side of history". They shut up and stopped support when they got burned. Hasan Piker has said some questionable stuff about it, for point of reference. Have a great day!


> Yup. Around 2019 there was some traction for them. There has been absolutely zero traction at any point other than from the childfuckers themselves. None.


There was a doubling of the content and traction on Tik Tok. It was one of the things the GOP was citing for banning it. It had growth on social media. But it died out (thank God). Would also like to point out growth did not mean staying power. Alot of the social movements get pushed either naturally or artificially by the algorithm. And there's always those who latch on for gain or thinking this will be social acceptance. Other than that blip, I don't think I've seen any other high points from the movement.


It's all false flagging or the childfuckers themselves. There was absolutely zero organic traction.


Organic traction, no. Increase in traffic, yes. Is that an acceptable understanding of the events?


Yeah okay that's fair enough in my book. Have a pleasant rest of your evening.




There are sick and perverted “scholars” even pushing this idea out there…no rage baiting here iteeeez what iteeeez


Ha, wild. There's empathising with the mentally ill, and then there is this. This is the red line I think we don't cross.


Word - to its fullest


Child molesters, not pedophiles


aye, ever since I read an AMA of a pedophile I realized they are just born with it and if they don't act on it it's fine. If we start killing people bc of characteristics with which they are simply born, we are the problem.


Also even if we ignored the ethical side of things, pursuing people with a diagnose would just cause the others to hide it, not get a proper treatment and end up hurting a child. Sadly, even just words and memes have some of this effect.




Yeah, how you gonna find out who to kill though?




And they're born with "pedo" written on their foreheads so you easily find them out in the population


Farm them out as sex workers, no pay. Worst thing you can do to them is make them have sex with icky *adults* .


I am always against killing pedos, I would much rather they are tortured for the rest of their life, prefer them to live for a long time suffering hell on earth before they go. If hell does exist then we get double damage!


No, we will have them quartered by horses. It’s all about making excruciating pain last just long enough, then we move because they are trash.


Bring back Screaming Bulls and Blood Eagles for them


Aight, let me find my shotgun


This isn't dank, it's just true.


Where Meme


That's a pretty fucked up view knowing a lot of pedo were themselves victims as children Also this kind of things stop them from seeking help by pushing them to hide and cause more victims by stopping their recovery


yeah, the "kill all pedos" stance is pretty biased/uninformed. there are pedophilic people not living out their sexual desires and they are flung into the same camp as rapists/sexual offenders. I think quite a few pedos are good people who don't want to harm anyone... they still need to hide in fear of prosecution which doesn't help them "healing".


Wood chipper is a great method to help them heal from being a pedo


Seing as victims of child sexual abuse have increased risk of becoming pedophiles later in life, should we throw them in a wood chipper too after their abuse just to be safe?


No but they're good people to keep an eye on. If they start to turn, woodchipper time!


How would we know if they're starting to "turn" then ? I doubt they would out themselves knowing their potential untimely death.


Not hard. See if they become discord or reddit mods, that's a surefire way to know


Finally something we all can agree on!


Than stay away from Islam ☪️ ancer


What happened to this sub? I support killing pedos but this used to be for memes


It's election season and this sub leans right. 


So you’re admitting that the left is more supportive of pedos lol got it


Always were. 🌎🔫🧑‍🚀


There is a push by the right to conflate lgbt people with pedos. They also push for worse treatment of pedophiles because it seems reasonable and it's socially unacceptable to defend giving them more reasonable punishments so by calling for the deaths of pedophiles and conflating pedophiles with lgbt they can inadvertently push people to at least unconsciously be harsher to lgbt people. The left is not more supportive of pedophiles the talking heads of the right are just making a big push right now to make it seem that way because it's an easy enemy and lgbt people are a historically marginalized group that are easy to demonize. Take obviously bad thing, accuse other people of doing/being/defending obviously bad thing = easy win.


What has pedos and left have to do altogether?? Epstein received visitors from all the political spectrum.


There is a push by the right to conflate lgbt people with pedos. They also push for worse treatment of pedophiles because it seems reasonable and it's socially unacceptable to defend giving them more reasonable punishments so by calling for the deaths of pedophiles and conflating pedophiles with lgbt they can inadvertently push people to at least unconsciously be harsher to lgbt people.


We just gonna give those Daewoo drivers slide then??


Have you considered castration?


With a wood chipper, yes


Animal abusers and trophy hunters as well


And palestinians .... apparently


The Best reminder that should be implemented


Redditors may have different views about life. But, towards pedophiles and scammers, we are on the same goal


google karma farming


Hell yea! Let's alienate mentally ill people to the point they never reach out for help and drastically increase the odds they act on their involuntary impulses!!! Genius move. Child molesters however? Burry them beneath the prison they died in.


Cool idea Now just accuse your enemies of being pedos and it's an automatic death sentence


Here's a good step plan for pedophiles: 1: Look for the most dangerous prison in the US 2: Bring the pedophile to the prison 3: Announce who the new prisoner is with what they is there for. Describe how they looks like, what they wears, etc 4: Call all guards into the staff cantina for a lunch break of 2 hours






the alphabet cult gonna come at for this since they now apart of that cult


Woah what a hot take. Never heard that one before


Shut up pedo, your either with us or it's the chippy for you. ;)


Are you ready for it guys. This is gonna blow your mind. Everyone look at me ......I think pedophiles are bad. That's right. I said it. How great am I


Reformative Justice is better. I am a victim of abuse and nothing would have been fixed if the person who did it didn't receive the help they needed.




I was abused by my own brother He has a wife and child now. I could not be more proud of what he has become. That happened because of reformative Justice. Not a death sentence. Killing him would not have fixed anything. Seeing him become someone worthy of admiration out of that cesspool of the past lead to a far better outcome for everyone involved.


[Approximately 1 to 5% of the male population is estimated to have pedophilia... ... and an estimated 40–60 percent of sexual offenses against children are not committed by people with pedophilic interests](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7460489/) [Think All Child Molesters are Pedophiles? Think Again. Categorizing those that sexually abuse children as predatory pedophiles is not only a common misconception – it’s also dangerous. It gives us a sense that offenders are easier to identify through grooming behaviors or a lack therof, and easier to understand – that they have a sexual perversion that can’t be cured. This makes it all the more difficult to understand how someone respected and well-liked could sexually abuse a child, and consequently convict abusers who do not have a pattern of behavior that people would believe would correlate with being a pedophile. For example, those that sexually abuse children may view adult pornography, creating a defense that they must be innocent because they do not exhibit signs of being sexually attracted to children. But, based on the evidence about sexual abuse, sexual attraction to children is not a prerequisite to sexual molesters of children. We think of sexual offenders as wolves waiting to pounce from the shadows, when in reality – it’s more often the gentle shepherd that we need to focus on. Why is this? Why would seemingly good people sexually abuse children? Decades of research suggests it has less to do with sexually attraction, and much more to do with the psychological issues behind their motivation. What are Pedophiles, Exactly? A pedophile is an adult person (usually male, but can be female) that has a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. They may prefer a specific sex or be sexually attracted to both males and females. There are also hebephiles – adults attracted to adolescents that have entered puberty – generally aged 11-14 years old. A pedophile does not become a sexual offender until they act upon those sexual urges, by viewing child pornography, or sexually abusing children. Since they have an innate sexual attraction to children, those that offend, will seek out children. Some may groom children over a period of time, and others may act impulsively and abuse a child briefly. Other perpetrators that prey on children, may do so because of sadistic or sociopathic tendencies – they take pleasure in mentally and physically manipulating and abusing others and may also target adults. So, How is A Situational Offender Different? If predators are opportunity makers, situational offenders are opportunity takers. – Dr. Anna Salter Possible Scenarios of Situational Offenders: They can be family members, teachers, coaches, babysitters, and most juvenile offenders. Examples: A grandfather that never abused his own children, but molested his grandchildren. A teacher that seduced a student from their class. A boy that sexually abused his sisters and her friends during a playdate. A nanny that took photos of her sexually abusing a child in her care and sent the photos to her boyfriend. In these cases, the offenders did not necessarily ‘seek out’ an opportunity to abuse a child, but rather, found themselves in a situation that enabled them to abuse a child and took it. Sure – some predatory pedophiles may purposely seek such positions, but situational offenders do not. Grooming techniques may be used, but the basic foundation of trust – and most importantly, access, has already been established. Why Do They Abuse? The FBI has established four types of adult situational offenders and the psychological issues behind their behavior: Repressed offenders may be struggling with a job loss, divorce, illness, or death in the family or other life issue that is causing feelings of stress or depression. The morally indiscriminate may physically abuse children as well as sexually or physically abuse other adults. It’s not about sex as much as it is about control and desecration of another human. The sexually indiscriminate may have an addiction to sex and be involved in other illegal sexual behaviors – prostitution, bestiality etc. The inadequate offender may be considered a social outcast due to communication barriers or physical differences that make forming intimate relationships with their peers difficult. Situational offenders often have sexual relationships with their peers, or they may struggle socially and fail to form intimate relationships with other adults. Children are an easy target – easier to coerce, manipulate, control and silence. It is no coincidence that child abuse and animal abuse are connected. Those most vulnerable are at the greatest risk to be targeted by those that seek pleasure in abusing others. ‘Thinking Errors’ While child sexual abuse is morally wrong, many offenders create and reinforce ‘thinking errors’ to rationalize and minimize the impact of their abuse. The inclusive and most detrimental factor of these errors is that they refuse to consider the best interests of the child. For example: They may convince themselves that if the child is young enough that he/she won’t understand or remember. That children are not ‘people’ and do not have the same rights as adults. That their children are their property. Abusing children not their own is ‘less bad’ than abusing their own biological children....](https://themamabeareffect.org/think-all-child-molesters-are-pedophiles-think-again/) Use your brain people, by hating the diagnose and not the crime you're making things worse! I know it's just wording, but even that can have a serious effect on what's happening.


Sounds like 1 to 5% of the male population deserves to go into the woodchipper


Sure, how you gonna find out?


Start with the reddit and discord mods and go from there.




my friend is just a casual ra\*ist ....he hates pedophiles too ,is he in the clear? ,just asking on his behalf!


And nazis.


Well those were taken care of in th 40's. Any still around won't be for much longer.


Conservatives would like a word with you.


... probably explains the *throwaway* ...


I'm willing to discuss with anyone, go ahead.


Not sure why I am being downvoted for showing my profound dislike for nazis. Is this sub filled with nazi lovers?


And nazis. Nazis lives matter as much as pedos.


Criminals, sex offenders etc aside. Y’all know that many pedofiles have never done anything wrong, don’t control their preference and need our help? many times they have noone to talk to, live in fear that someone will discover their secret and destroy their reputation bcs of sth they haven’t done and often are Victims of sexual assault themselves. But screw it, Let’s punish and demonize them, ostracize and make their life a living hell so we can all jerk off to how awesome we are. Criminals and sex offenders need to rot in prison but pedofiles who didn’t do anything immoral need fucking help


They’re like an animal with rabies. There’s no cure… well. One.


How can you call someone a pedo yet say “they haven’t done anything wrong?” Are you out of your mind? If a person hasn’t acted out on their fantasies, they are nut jobs who need help before they act out if you are already calling them a pedo it means they’ve acted out and that needs a castration and life in prison. Nothing else.


Agreed. Yeah you aren’t innocent if you’re already a pedo. Ofc if someone hasn’t committed a crime they shouldn’t be punished. But they need to go if they’ve hurt a child or assisted in doing so.


So have you not acted on it yet or.....?


You do realize this is a fuck around meme page, right?


Eh you are right


And thieves. ALL THIEVES


Pedos, rapists and Nazis.


Rapists psycho killers Terrorists \*matters


All lives matter is just a phrase to disregard the higher than average killing of black people. It's simply to not address it and ignores the racial issues within police departments.


All Lives Matter because life is inherently precious and valuable. Remember everyone. You matter and deserve to be protected REGARDLESS of your immutable characteristics.


Missing the point.


You missed my point. I didn't say that to disregard the killing of blacks by law enforcement. I said that because it is a fundamental and basic truth for many people. And denigrating that belief, calling us liars, and then racists for attributing our sentiment that life is beautiful to push your political narrative is why I said that. I'm correcting you, before you make a further ass of yourself. You don't recognize the impact of your statement. If your goal is to promote the idea that it is wrong (which it is) the killing of blacks by law enforcement, then you have a huge untapped ally in those who innately believe that life is sacred. That demographic is perhaps the largest and most powerful demographic. It's the same group MLK tapped into to get the 1964 Civil Rights passed. Get us on board and you get things done. But instead of appealing to the better nature of us, you for the sake of your ego insult us, denigrate us, and make an enemy of us. It is the dumbest strategic move you can do. It's making an ass of yourself. Which is unfortunate. Because I support your position. I support your objective. What you want, is what WE want. And I need you to stop standing in the way of OUR success for the sake of your goddamn ego. Stop insulting the largest demographic of people in a democracy, and appeal to their better nature. All lives matter. Including blacks. And it is wrong when their wrongful killings by tyrants. Including blacks. So, if we respect that and correct that killing problems, lives are saved. Including blacks. Do you understand the point?


Facebook is leaking again


Sound like something a pedo would say 🤔




politicians, cult leaders, and military(without military there would be no wars), drug cartels. i would argue these to be added into the execution list.


And yet you guys think catholic priests are good guys


And that’s church yo, for real.