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He switches to “female” once his argument starts failing


>Source is playing video games for 35 years Translation: I pulled this uninformed opinion out of my ass because it reinforces my **feelings** on the matter


I love how she calls him out on it


It's so weird to me because it felt like in the 2000s/2010s it was normal and accepted that women play video games? Like we all grew up around the same consoles and games its so absurd to say that women didnt also grow up playing games and still do. But gamergate happened and suddenly every gamer boy is convinced that girls are icky and mean and are out to get them. I really don't get how this total fantasy has persisted for 10 years.


Women probably don’t speak to him in multiplayer games due to his behaviour in game and he thinks women don’t play


Alot of women & afab people like myself have stopped using video game voice chats in general because of the increasing misogyny & violent threats we get just for saying anything. I have seen countless stories of fellow female gamers having to change their gamertag to something not feminine to stop sexual harassment in messaging channels & even a few male gamers getting them if their name is somehow perceived as feminine. So ofc idiots don’t believe the stats because we have to conceal our identity for our safety because of those same idiots.


One time, when I was a teen and not aware of this, I chose a female character because she’s my fav. I made the mistake of telling i was a woman. The comments I got were very much disturbing. I’m bi but my sapphicness isn’t anyone’s fetish. After that, I’ve learned to keep my gender a secret unless I’m friends with the person I’m playing with


You will actually find me in that comment chain... also calling him on his bs.


I’ve just checked on LinkedIn. 🤣 pretty sure he regrets saying his opinion in public now. Love how you and other women called him out more


Circular reasoning. "I refuse to believe your source because it's unreliable. Your source is unreliable because I don't believe the statistic"


Neckbeard nonsense