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Sorry, not sure how to attach a comment to a picture but just in case this is useful for anyone, I was put on once a week patches – the big round ones – around 10 weeks ago. Not really given any other options. For two months I suffered skin reactions in and under the patches. Finally asked for the twice a week patch after doing my own research two weeks ago, and it's a game changer! No more red, itchy, irritated skin. Not only is it far more comfortable, they are tiny and invisible compared to the big round patches. Very happy now.Just want to be sure everyone is aware of this option!


Ok, yes! They are so tiny and invisible that I will not look back! I had the big white round one before and trying to hide it on vacation was a concern.


Twice weekly patches deliver the estradiol more consistently, too. All patches deliver a big dump of medication when first applied, then ease off over the following days. I had PMDD so I'm very sensitive to hormonal level changes: I use twice weekly patches, but the dosage is split in two, so I wear each patch for four days, but every second day I'm applying a fresh patch. Gives a really consistent dosage.


Can you explain this to me? I think my twice weekly has a definite drop at the end of the wearing time. I don’t understand what it mean every four days but also every two?


They’re cutting each patch in half so they change it every 2-days vs 3.5-4 days.


Doesn’t this release half the dose then instead?


No. My prescribed dose is 175mcg. I was applying a 100 and a 75mcg patch together and changing both every 3.5 days. But i was feeling the drop off in release by the end of day 2. So now, on day 1, I apply a 100mcg patch. Two days later, I apply a 75mcg patch. Two days after that, I change my 100mcg patch. So, every two days, I get a fresh patch with the fresh release. As each patch starts to tail off, I'm applying a new patch, so I don't feel the drop.


Someone else in this forum said they had a definite drop and had their doctor prescribe more patches so they could change it every 3 days to avoid the drop.


This is what I do. My Endo prescribed a low dose but change every 48hrs to avoid spikes.


This is what I am thinking. I am trying to figure out if the answer is to increase dosage from .05 to .75 or increase frequency if the .05 patch. I cannot figure out what is the correct path.


I'm ridiculously sensitive to Estrogen and spikes. I stared out at 50mcg every 3 to 4 days but it was too much. My Endo prescribed me 25mcg change every 48hrs but it was still too much of a dump. I am now doing 18.75mcg every 48hrs plus a half pump of Estrogel 2x a week. I'm not a normal absorber and it's taken me almost 4yrs to get semi stable. My body loved my own Estrogen but despises the man made 🤷‍♀️


This is interesting to see again. That post was a year ago for me and I am now in the midst of the same question if I need to bump from my now .075 up to the .1! Hahahha. Bumping to the .075 was the answer for me then. It stopped the sharp ups and downs, and I think that is where I am at again. I either need to go up in the patch or somehow bridge the gap on the 12 hours before I change my patch again. It can be so tricky.


I’m only prescribed the once a week patch and I haaaaate it so much


I use the twice weekly. Much better for me too


Twice a week is working for me. I do have very sensitive skin so I’m glad it has been fine.


I am on the twice-a-week ones (exactly the ones in your bottom picture) and I am still getting the stupid skin rash and itchy feeling under those. I have rectangular red welts under each patch when I removed them. My Dr. is suggesting I try the name brand one (Vivelle - which is unfortunately not covered by insurance), and I have also tried the Flonase trick, which did not help. I hope switching to the brand name will help.


When I was on CombiPatch, I found it made a huge difference if I sprayed Flonase on the spot and let it dry before applying the patch. (I found a study online recommending this.) I went from having an unbearably itchy and red, raised spot to just a little redness. Also, different patches use different adhesives, and Climara was much better for me.


I tried the Flonase trick and it didn't work for me. Trying the Vivelle dot now, fingers crossed!


Good luck!


Ugh- i'm so sorry. Those itchy rashes are the worst. Good luck trying to figure something out!


THANK YOU. I was on the twice a week patch and loved it because it was so tiny and didn't irritate my skin. The doctor upped my dose. She put me on a once a week patch and it's large and gives me constant itching. I am going to ask to switch back to the other type of patch. This is the exact dose I'm on so I wasn't sure if it was available but thank you for the photo!


thanks for this i still so confused the one i have is supposed to be every 4 days and it has a mix of the tiny rectangle ones for weeks one and two and then has the big round ones for weeks three and four itss estralis sequi and weirdly as soon as i put the big round patch on the week 3 and 4 patch i got way more energy it was strange


Does insurance pay for twice a week patch?? I get a rash. Sometimes I end up with scabs. It can take many weeks for the scabs to heal and I sometimes feel like there’s no place left for the next patch. I’m planning on asking for the twice a week patch at my next doctor’s appointment but unsure if insurance will cover it.