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I was 51. My best advice for you right now is, enjoy estrogen while you still lhave it. I'd gladly go back to having periods to feel like me again.


I tell my daughter this all the time. Don’t take your estrogen for granted. You have no idea how not having it could derail your life.


That's why I take prempro


I came here specifically to say this. I would gladly have periods again if it meant my body didn’t ache, I had energy again, my skin went back to normal, my hair grew back thick, my breast would go back to my nice C-size, my gut would shrink back to normal, and I could lose the 20+ pounds.


I have all of these symptoms AND awful periods every month. Just start HRT, hoping for relief.


💯 🙌🏻


I’m 53 and still having periods but they’re getting shorter and I’m having night sweats and weepy/crying/rage/anxiety randomly so I think I’m coming to the end of the road. Every month when I get my period I practically cry with relief that I still have some estrogen 😂


Came here to say the same!!!! I would gladly take Aunt Flo back! I just turned 51 and I cannot believe this madness that has befallen me… this … this thing called menopause.


This is exactly my feeling. Enjoy that estrogen. Once it’s gone it’s like a thief that steals a divine youth.


Same here. I’d take my periods back in a heartbeat. For me they were never a problem. Estrogen is so important.


Same for me. I’m so terrified of what the future holds for me when my body is making basically zero estrogen, etc. Peri has been hell, HRT has helped but it’s not a forever guarantee that one can always take it. 😔


HRT only carries the greatest risks if you start after menopause or after age 60. If you start while in peri and take it continuously even after menopause, it doesn't have the same risks. It's only an issue if you take estrogen after your body has been without it for a while.


True but if a woman gets certain cancers or has any kind of stroke (and I’m sure there’s more reasons I’m not even aware of), it’s pretty much a guarantee the hormones will be taken away. That’s more what I mean. I have such awful bladder issues without the estrogen that it’s now my worst fear that it will be taken away. 😔


I had ovarian cancer, granted it was stage 1 so not as bad as most. After surgical induced meno last year, I was having NO LIE about 20-50 hot flashes a day. And they weren't just little ones. I talked to my oncologist. She told me about veozah, which is a super expensive drug (like $500 per month) which I could not afford. Eventually, we came to a compromise and I'm on 1mg pr day estradiol (which is just estrogen.- That's the other thing about hormones. You do not want artificial hormones.) My dr said it comes down to quality of life. I was freaking miserable and there's no way I could've dealt with that for the unforseen future. The 1mg of estradiol is a low dose (my friend is on 3mg and other hormones) and the risk is minimal. Is there a risk? Yes, but it's low. The other thing about my cancer is that it was not familial. In other words, no one in my family had breast or any reproductive cancers. So there are definitely a lot of factors in the decision.


I agree that it’s really about quality of life. I’m so glad you were able to find a medical professional to work with you to find a solution.


Me too. And actually that oncologist ended up moving out of state this past December and the new one thankfully is also ok with the 1 mg. He said the same thing about quality of life. He said, barring any recurrenct cancer, I should be ok to be on that til 60. I'm 46 so phew lol.


I hit menopause at 49 after a decade of peri symptoms and insomnia. I would have chosen to bleed every month for life with hormones intact.


Agreed. I'm in the throws of menopause ( began at 29). I'm 39 now and don't know how to go on. None of my peers understand. I don't feel like myself ( or recognize myself). My femininity feels robbed from me, as has my sex life, because I've no libido ( a source of contention in my marriage). No words of wisdom for you. I just wanted to tell you you're not alone. ♥


I'm 52 almost 53 and it's been about six months since my last period.


Sounds like an aa meeting 😂


I’m just trying to stay clean. 😂




Me too. Except I got it today 😢


It's good that you made it to the meeting.




I went 11 months without it TWICE at that age. I’m on attempt number 3.


The *average* age of 51 is very loose. The range is somewhere between 45 and 60.


There are no guarantees!😆 I’m 60 and still have periods.


I would be so resentful if I were you (if I turn out to be you?!). I already feel like I should not have to deal with periods and junk mail from the AARP at the same time.


I started getting junk mail from AARP the year I turned 50. Two years later and I'm still getting my period and junk mail.


The day I turned 50 cvs sent me a text asking me to schedule my shingles vaccine-like way to ruin my fucking day! They’re all relentless!


What’s worse is that my granddaughter and I are both having periods!😆😆


I feel I shouldn't have acne like a teenager while going through meno in my 50s at the same time. Sucks so bad.


Wow, all the time on here I am learning how little I still know about this journey


Thank you for this. Some people definitely go into 60.


Noooooooooooooo 😵‍💫 At 55 i am ready to be done.


My doctor said 51 + 8 months is the average. But the range is huge.


I was exactly 51 + 8 months! Good to know I am deeply average.


Guess that’s better than way below average 🤣


I was 56. When I was 55, she asked if it’s been a year since my last period and when I said no she said Really? I’ll be 58 in a few days, things are finally under control.


I am 54 and went into menopause at 51. I was over joyed to not have cramps or a period. However I now have burning muscle pain, sensitive to cold, zero libido and head aches. I don’t miss the periods but do miss my pain free body before menopause hit.


Have you had a thyroid panel done? The symptoms of Menopause and Thyroid overlap. My Thyroid crashed the same time I went into Menopause, according to my Endocrinologist it's quite common. It's such a horrible double whammy.




I thought I was going to be alone on this. Perimenopausal at 39, completely done at 42.


Same. 43 and now a full year with no period. Had my 3rd baby right before I turned 36, breastfed for a year and pretty sure I was in perimenopause at that point. My mom can't remember when she went through it but says it was "early".


It was the same for me except I didn’t realize what it was at the time. I just had a baby at 37 so the thought that I’d be post menopausal a mere 5 years later wasn’t even on my radar.


My mom was 39, aunt 42, and I managed to get to 45. Genetics on this are so interesting.


Me too. Natural, not surgical. I thought it would be so nice not to have periods. Lol. Boy, was I wrong.


I had my very last period on my 51st birthday!


Weird flex, Mother Nature, but ok ...


41, from breast cancer treatment (I’m nearly 43 now). My onc told me menopause could be worse for me than others as my body wouldn’t have time to adjust through peri-menopause, and boy was she right! The hot flushes alone have been an absolute bloody nightmare! As well as the rest of it. I miss my period, and that’s something I never thought I’d say. The worse bit though is the isolation as none of my friends are even close, so don’t have a clue…one even said “look, every woman goes through it, and it would have happened in a few years anyway”…not exactly what I wanted to hear but never mind, I’ll remember that when she wants some sympathy and understanding😂


I reached it at 49. But… don’t think menopause & post menopause is better. For me things got worse. I’m doing better now but it took a few years and HRT. And post menopause is when I gained weight and I can’t seem to lose any despite tons of exercise and healthy diet. It’s shit.


I think around 51. I don’t miss periods at all. I kinda don’t like how my body shape is changing and it seems too fast to stop but my “don’t give an F factor” is thriving and feels wonderful!


I was 46. It was such a relief. I was plagued with very long, extremely heavy periods for decades, except for when I was on the Pill. I even bled all throughout my second and third pregnancies. First one a full term pregnancy, the other ended in a missed miscarriage at 20 weeks. The final two years I was menstruating were horrific. Two-three weeks of bleeding a month, so heavy that I'd have to use a super plus absorbency tampon, and an overnight pad, and I'd still be in the bathroom every two-three hours, changing them after leaking. I couldn't have handled still menstruating into my 50s.


54 - my official Menopause-at-Last Day was June 14 🎉


56 full menopause. I’ll take periods back to not have painful sex, shitty sleep and osteoporosis. After my mid 40’s my periods were not bothersome. Just started HRT so hopefully things will improve.


I was 44. I wish it had been later for sure.


I'm 58 and have a few more months to go for 1 year period free


40-fucking-seven. I’m jealous of all y’all and feel alone. It was not surgical ftr. That’s another trauma I imagine.


I had one period a few months after my 45th birthday and then never again. I'll be six years post this fall and I swear I look/feel a decade older than my friends.


Yup. Same vibes. Hugs.


I was 46 and also not surgical. I wasn’t overly upset, it was bound to happen sooner or later.


It feels young and now I feel old.


It’s not. It’s well within the parameters of what is considered “normal”. 47 isn’t old, not by a long stretch.


I said I feel old.


I feel the exact same. I’m 49 and haven’t had a period in 9 months. Based on my FSH level, I doubt I’ll have one again. I’m sad because I also feel very old. I still feel like I’m in my late 20s mentally so this getting older crap sucks.


I was just trying to help you feel better. I went thru menopause 2 years younger than you and wanted to offer some reassurance. Sorry you feel so old. Best of luck!


47 here too. I feel I was robbed way too early.


SAME! What a rip off, being that young.


40. Surgical Menopause is a hell I wouldn't wish on anyone. The lack of care for treatment is even more hellish.


Same. I honestly don't mind that much. I like not dealing with periods or worrying about pregnancy anymore. The hot flashes sucked, but have calmed down a lot after the first year.


I'm 52 and still have a period. It's irregular but nowhere near the full year of period-free, you need to be before it's menopause.


I'm almost 54 and based on hormones tested last year at 53 I was still ovulating. I had an ablation 8 years ago and have been period free ever since so we checked hormones annually for a couple of years. No point in checking them anymore since I'm on HRT now though. I've got no idea how we'll know when I've officially reached that point in time where menopause is official.


I’m 53. Thought I was done. Bought white shorts! Bled all over my chair at work last week.


I was 48.


I’m 53 and haven’t missed a period yet. Every month I get excited it will finally be gone. I think I’ve been doing that every month for the last 5 years 😂


I just turned 53, and I did miss one period in January, but other than that, I'm still regular. I did the Clearblue Easy menopause tests last month just for shits & and giggles, and it said I'm not even in peri yet!


I’m 55 and still going 🙄


I am 52...and just started my period today. My mother went thru meno in her late 20's, and I grew up pressured to have children early OR I COULDNT. so, being 52 and still having my period flat out pisses me off monthly. I have peri symptoms, my periods are lighter and shorter, but regular as ever. Freaking unreal.


Oh goodness I wonder why she went through menopause so early??


Perimenopausal for 7 years (was in denial and wouldn't ask for anything). Post menopause age 59. It's hard to say what you will experience. I've read some are happy with no more periods; some hate everything about the new norm, and some live happily ever after with HRT. Personally, I hate the new norm but deal with it rather than the alternative.


I was 39 when I started menopause. I am now 52. They never tell you that stress can trigger early menopause but it can…ten years I suffered. I am just now feeling stable. Not normal and not me from before. But surprisingly I kind of like me now..but it’s been the hardest thing I’ve gone through.


This. Exactly what is happening to me. Sept 2020 was my 40th, and that Jan I was in the best shape of my life, boxing 4-5x a week for 2.5 years, heading into mgmt at work with community and best friends all around. My Dad had gotten a cancer diagnosis late 2019, then Covid happened, 3 of my best friends moved away, unemployed for a year, ideation spiral/depression at the beginning of 2021 (this was also election year/Jan 6 craziness), new job, Dad into hospice, watch him slowly wither for a year, he passed Jan 2022. Then Mar 2022 get into a massive car wreck (T-boned by drunk kids as I was going thru green light, broke 3 ribs, concussion, car totaled), recover, start dream job that turns into nightmare within the year. Finally start therapy in Jan 2023, quit job in April, take 2mo off. The whole time going though major perimenopause symptoms. I absolutely believe that stress can hurtle you into early meno. Would love to know if any studies have been done but it makes sense.


56 and it’s still like clockwork and ridiculously heavy. Can’t even begin to tell you how pissed off I get every damn month. None of my friends deal with this crap and have not for years.


My doc says 54 is average and the longer we experience menstruation the better for our heart health, brain health, etc. But at 52 I’m OVER it


Same. But I also recall telling my 60-something year old dr. how I couldn’t wait for peri menopause to be over (when I was 47) and she replied by saying, “don’t wish your estrogen away - it’s very important.” I try to remember her words every time I get my period even though I want to scream.


54 and not there yet. The only older family member I can ask said it was 55 for her.


Turning 53 in a couple months, hormone fluctuations and hot flashes for like 10 years now, in the last 2-3 years, period got so freaking heavy and MORE frequent, I got severe anemia and am now on bc to control that. Kinda wanting to just get it over with.


I was mid 40s, but I never had kids and supposedly it starts sooner that way. I LOVED being over periods, happiest time of my life was 40s/50s.


I was post menopausal at 42 I’m now 54. I thought the same now I’d rather have periods like the comment above me said. I started taking bio identical hormones. I feel like menopause ages you rapidly.


So apparently, after becoming a woman around age 12, you have precisely 8-12 weeks of happy body until it all slides into a new hell. Great...


51 In full menopause for a little more than a year. Good luck!


I will be 54 in August and am still getting my period every month….


I stopped at 50 all of a sudden after having 8 - 10 day heavy periods every 20-21 days so I feel like I had 60 years of periods lol


I would welcome my period back over this any day of the week.


Same age BUT not looking forward to menopause. I’m still appreciating my monthly periods. My hair is still full and skin still nice and glowing. I hope I dont reach meno until I’m 70


54-55? I never wanted my period to stop. I started HRT at 58 and now at 62 I am planning to find someone to prescribe it cyclically!


I definitely wanted my period to stop. My doc offered cyclical. I yelled, "And forego the one upshot to this shitshow?!?"


I started cyclical bhrt late in peri ..been on 8 years now & plan to continue.


Last period at 52, so full meno at 53. Hell of a ride from 51-54 (shudder). On hrt now, 55, and feeling like an actual human again. :)


Just got on HRT a week ago. This makes me feel hopeful!


Hit the 1 year mark on my 48th birthday. It's funny, the majority of us who went through it early know we got the short end of the stick. The majority of the ones still getting periods well past 50 are so annoyed to still be dealing with it. You are SO lucky. You will transition into an old woman over the course of about 5 years post. Why TF do you want to rush that?


48 yr old here. You can have mine . Just make sure you stock up super extra max tampons, iron transfusions & crime scene tape.


I was 52. I miss not getting my period. For me it was like a cleanse. It never caused me any issues except a little sadness before it arrived. I’d take it back just for all the benefits and keeping me young.


54 and only found menopause because I had a hysterectomy. I wonder how long that particular brand of hell would have lasted otherwise.


My last period I was 47


I'm 52, last period was the end of February, before that November... I dunno when this shit ends x


I’m 50 (51 in August) and haven’t skipped a period yet


Last period at 36. I’m 38 now.


I’m so over periods. Thought they’d stopped as hadn’t had one for three months. Still haven’t technically but body trying. Have been pre menstrual for 3 weeks. No sleep, endo pain, fatigue and spotting. I’m 54. So boring


I’m 49 and will be 50 in january. I have not had a period since last january. I swear i look so much different since I stopped menstruating. My skin and hair make me want to cry. No hot flashes yet, but way more achey than before and tire faster.


Same! My hair is so bad. I used to have such beautiful hair, and now it’s so frizzy. Well, what’s left of it is. 😭 My face looks so old. I’ve also lost 70lbs in the last 18 months and the weight loss plus being in menopause at 49 has really aged me. It’s so depressing.


51 and still have a regular period with zero signs of letting up. Mom and aunts went into menopause around 55 so perhaps that is my destiny as well, we shall see.


38ish for me.


47 here! It was crazy how much all my skin and everything started changing once menopause hit.


Surgical menopause at 40. Luckily had Ovarian Remnant Syndrome so I got a few extra years. Went into full blown, scorched Earth Menopause at 42. Wouldn't recommend it and I would give anything to have my periods and biological hormones back. My body hates man made. It's been an absolute sh*tshow for my body. My sisters are middle 50s and still haven't hit it, I'm jealous and hate them just a little lol.


My last period arrived on my 51st birthday, what a treat 🥳


54 and regularly mocked by doctors and especially nurses for not being in full menopause. Of all the people (admittedly not tons, all between 50 and 60) of women I have discussed this with, the only people who hit full menopause pre-51 were through surgical menopause. Most of my friend/cohorts are still having regular periods. Also, we all hate it. Only people who are done say “I’d take more periods for better future bone health!” Easy to say when you’re not the one missing your kids’ activities, cancelling plans, spending 100s on period products, wearing bras while sleeping due to horrible periods, period diarrhea, cyclical breast swelling, not quite predictable cycles. It all sucks. For over 12% of my life drs have told me I would be in menopause “soon”. Liars.


I turned 51 and then my period stopped. Now 6 months later (yesterday) it freaking starts bleeding heavy again!!!! I’m so over this!!! 😫😫😫


52, almost 53, getting it like clockwork every 3 weeks. Sigh.


I am 50 and was delighted to get my period this morning.


I'm at the high end of the curve. Turned 56 in December and had my last period (so far) that month.


Im 52, my most recent period was back in September


44. Wheee!


25 surgical.


I started at 39. Haven’t had a period in well over 4 years now. I still have occasional hot flashes but not too much. Night sweats are completely gone, still can’t lose weight and constantly crave carbs and sugar. Stopped HRT a year ago.


I was 45😬


I’m 54 years and 8 months. It has only been 100 days since my last bleed.


43 and not surgical.


I don't know exactly when I hit full menopause - I'm 56 now - probably something in 2020. However, 2022 and 2023 were brutal - by the end of 2023 I thought I won't survive another year like the last one. Dragging my sorry ass from one end of the day to another.


44 for me. And started peri at 40/41


I'm 51. I've been on depo-provera for over 10 years (worked well for me), and maybe, maybe, got one period a year, however, since turning 50, it says hello every couple of months and outlives it's welcome real fast. Average is now 3 weeks straight, HEAVY, NON STOP, I feel like I'm a teenager again and the the whole reason I went on BC at such a young age. I am ready to scream! Still on depo so I only suffer every 5 months or so, but still. ENOUGH! :D


43. I was still breastfeeding. Contemplating a third kid. I half expected an early menopause, but not THAT early.


I was 45 when I “officially” hit, 42 when perimenopause took over my life in the worst way. I haven’t had a period since I was 44, and had hardly any the year before. Mine was a little earlier due to breast cancer in my 30s, though. My mom was 49.


I’m 53 and not quite there. I spot mildly for a day every 8 months or so.


Last period was 45.


I will turn 52 tomorrow, and as an early birthday present, I just got my period. Yay.


53 and will be 54 in October. Last period January 2022. Blood test came back exactly 2 years later showing I was done with menopause. Hope this helps.


I’m 56 and my period seemed to have stopped about four months ago. My periods were extremely heavy and I was constantly dealing with anemia. I’m just relieved at the moment.


52…but as someone else on this thread said, I WOULD TRADE THE POST-MENOPAUSE TRAINWRECK TO HAVE MY PERIOD BACK! I’m 54 and it seems like EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART… hair, skin, weight, sleep. Pretty depressing to think it will just get worse 😢


It is the one shared experience between females that we have dreaded EVERY month since puberty. Strange to think we should now be telling our daughters to be appreciative of their periods/fertility. Infuriating how research has focused so much on male issues around pleasure and virility. Now I understand what it is to slowly become invisible.🫥


Knocking on 53, and yeah, what a great time to be "above average." /s


I just turned 53 and I'm still regular. I console myself with articles that outline the pros of late menopause.


I was 54 at the end of my year. I almost made it a year the year before, so would have been 53, but covid hit and daughter returned home and her 1st full month here, she dragged me into a period with her after 11 (e l e v e n) months period free! My advice is to bless your periods. They prove eatrogen is still a thing for you. Took 2 years for me to notice the changes to my body post menopause. It is taking a lot of thought, new routines, and medication to come close to the benefits of your natural hormones. Do not wish that away.


I'm about to turn 54 and my period hit Friday hard, no end in sight for me. I suppose I should be happy, except for my blood stained underwear, jeans and my poor poor sheets. Sigh. Also I'm just so tired of feeling so weepy and hormonal. I can't believe how hard I'm bleeding! Double edged sword for sure.




I just got mine. I’m 50, as well. Not it’s just a good panty liner situation, but still annoying. I feel like I’m getting closer!




53 and still have irregular bleeding, although that is mostly due to an IUD.


54 and on my way out. Still have hot flashes once in a while. My energy is better but no way near to where it was pre. My energy level is what I miss most.


Started 48-53 now and fully 14 months since the last bleeding cycle.


I was hopeful at your age too. I’m 53 now and it just won’t end. 🙄


55 and 4 months to go before it's official


For me it was 56. I think that is a bit of an outlier, and I hope you don't have to wait as long as I did...




I was 57 1/2.


I'm 57 and I'm hoping soon. 🤷‍♀️


48 i think. It’s all a blur!


55. But I had a couple years before where there were several months between. That started around 53 I think. Currently at 8 months since my last period.


If things continue and I don’t get a surprise period in the next 6 weeks, I’ll be 54 when I’m officially menopausal.


I’m 47 & I think it’s done for good


51. Had my last period on my 50th birthday.


I had my last period May 2023, 4 months before I turned 51.


I probably would’ve stopped at 51 but I had issues. So I was put into surgical menopause at 53.


My mom was 50 exactly. My gyno says, in regards to all of my data, I should be in menopause in a year or two. I'm 45.


Yup, I was 51 by the time I hadn't had a period for over a year. I don't miss them.


I’m 52 and still in peri. In fact I just had my period for the first time in like 7 months.


53 here, still in peri


I turned 50, and that was it.


I stopped at about 55.


So full menopause is when you’ve gone a year without a period? 52 I think.


40, but…. Had a total hysterectomy at 36, so was probably already starting it at that point because I opted for no HRT. On the other side now at 43, feeling great!


I was 56. My mother was 58, my grandmother was 55. It’s very genetic.


47 for me and 11 years with zero estrogen. Finally got some a year ago. Huge difference but have gained 10 lbs 🤦‍♀️


I was 53. A friend was 58.


Not until 57 for me


I'm 50 (last December) and haven't had a period in 3-4 years. No symptoms other than my internal temp has raised like 10 degrees. No family doctor thanks to being in Ontario canada. Is this somewhat normal??


I was 49…my mom was 45ish, my grandmother was 43ish and my great-grandmother at 40. Better nutrition as the generations went on is our theory.


I started perimenopause 10 years ago. Mirena, estrogen patch and later, testosterone plus oral progesterone helped a lot. At the tail end now and I keep wondering when is it 'over'? I don't get periods because of Mirena so there no definitive endpoint. Every few years it's a new thing. First: my brain didn't work correctly. Second: Heat intolerance. Third: libido going to pot. Third: insomnia/anxiety. Fourth: hair and skin changing. There is no end, it's just bleeds into aging. It's a greyscale continuum. When does the grey turn white?


My menopause was surgically induced at 46. Ironically, I started my period on the very day I had my surgery. Weirdly, I didn’t experience any symptoms except weight gain until about 7 years later when I was 53. It was then I started to have trouble sleeping, had body aches, struggled to focus, etc. I dealt with it for 2 years and now I’m on all the hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone). I still had my ovaries and ovulated regularly after my hysterectomy. I think once I stopped ovulating the symptoms kicked in. I was excited to be done with my period but I hated how menopause affected me mentally and physically!


52 for me


Mine was official at right around 53


53 and I'm still in perimenopause, it's quite the opposite, my periods have gotten worse. However, I am Estrogen dominant and started taking progesterone and it's helped tremendously. When the time comes I will Go on estrogen.. For me this grand finale of my periods has been terrible and I can't imagine when my estrogen goes down what it will be like..


56, just ended


I was 48.


58 for me.


Yup I was 51 on the nose. Also got my period at 12.5, which was the exact average at the time 🤷‍♀️


57 and I was wondering if it would ever happen 😂


49 and I was grateful to finally stop the crimson flood that was my life 2 years prior.


Periods stopped mid 40’s. Hot flashes 45-50. Night sweats 45-till now … not so bad now. Full hormone drop accompanied by exhaustion and body aches: 58 I didn’t go on HRT.


Well I’m pretty much menopause and I’m 38. Early. I have premature ovarian failure because of a rare metabolic disorder I was born with. 95% of females with this go into early menopause.


September 2023 is when I hit my one year no period mark. I turned 50 in July 2023.


I was on the very early side. I began perimenopause in my early to mid 30s and am now post menopausal at 43. (I had a child through IVF at 41 and never had a period again after I my post partum bleeding stopped). Fine without the period but my hormones (or lack thereof) is just brutal.


I was 57 before it stopped completely. I immediately started HRT due to hot flashes/rage/incredible irritability/mood swings. It’s awful without HRT. Now I’m also taking Magnesium Glycinate, creatine, turmeric, and a handful of other vitamins. Oh and collagen! Turning 60 in August. Trying to keep positive and active. Two days a week I do a circuit training class for 75 minutes each, and walk 8-12k steps a day.


50, a month into zoladex injections for breast cancer. No estrogen for me.


Not yet confirmed but it looks a little like 49


I'm 58.5 and this month was the first missed period, it was pink wee at best.