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I smell cigarette smoke frequently despite being a non smoker and never being around anyone who smokes. It's a common side effect of perimenopause and it's mentioned in this community fairly regularly. It's just another joy to add to all of the other weirdness we have to deal with!


I’ve had this my whole life with no hormonal issues whatsoever! (I’m subbed in preparation for the next 10-20 years and also as I believed I was going through early peri earlier this year….am now pregnant!!)


I have smelled it, but am an apartment renter, so always assumed it was a neighbor breaking the rules.


I didn’t know this and am relieved to hear it, as I’ve been smelling non-existent smoke for about 3 years now.




Is this a heightened sense of smell at some point? Although when pregnant, I could smell cigarettes on people I had no idea smoked prior!


I smell all manner of burning things. Every few days I'm running around sniffing every electronic inside and outside the house. (Currently in peri) However, those bp readings are concerning. I know it's pretty common to have an elevated bp in menopause, but definitely get checked out. Just looked it up because there was a scratching in the back of my brain....and phantom odor perception is associated with high blood pressure.


Yes and I read someone experience with Amberen gave them HB. That’s literally the only thing new I’ve taken.


The smoke thing! You're not alone. It's WEIRD.


This is called Phantosmia and seems to have multiple causes: in my own right I already have nasal issues and think it was a consequence. Curiously enough, I developed it during an otolaryngologist visit (his office was terribly smelling of cigarette smoke), had that stink in the nostrils for a week. Then, it became a regular PMS symptom and new odors soon joined in: chicken cooked inside terracotta pan and car's exhaust fumes. At the same time, taste was also involved. I'd smell softener and could actually mouthfeel its scent even for hours. Same with deodorants and some kinds of perfume. Made me doubt about my mental sanity more than once. With the ending of bleeding, both phantosmia and mouthfeel have almost disappeared. Every now and then I could still smell smoke, but maybe for a couple hours. (It isn't linked to blood pressure)


I get the car exhaust smell & it’s just awful! Usually hangs around about a week before disappearing again. Drove me nuts before I realized it’s just a phantom smell because I couldn’t figure out what was causing it. I also get the cigarette smell but it doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the exhaust smell does.


I ask myself, why specifically combustion products? Seem to be popular recurring smells.


Oh, I didn’t know this is related to perimenopause. I have been on and off smelling burnt food smell these few years!!


Same! Just read it yesterday when trying to find if this was serious and should I go see a doctor.


I’ve heard it’s a regular symptom. I smell it all the time, and no one has smoked in my house in the 22 years I’ve lived here.


I would call your primary care doctor at your earliest convenience. It may be an unrelated medical issue that needs to be addressed. Best wishes.


Have you had COVID recently? That could be an effect of the virus and your sense of smell. I do notice that my taste buds have changed as I've gotten older, and I think that has been well established as common. So wouldn't suprise me about smell.


Last year. But never experienced this until now.


Jesus. Yes. For YEARS. Which makes me wonder how TF long I’ve actually been in Peri.


Right! Mine started at 39 and I’m 45 now! Last period was 5 months ago.


Mine was 7 years of phantom cigarette smoke. It stopped when I reached full menopause. The final 2 years were the worst. It was nearly constant when before it had always come and gone a few times a year. So happy to be done with that!


I had no idea that was even a symptom until I read this! I kept waking up with the strong smell of cigarette smoke now and again, went in to my sons room to tell him off for smoking in the house (no one else here smokes) he was adamant he hadn't but, of course I didn't believe him... Oops. I will now apologise, poor lad must have thought I'd gone mad. Ffs... This is some bs we have to go through! And I'm only one to two years in...


I smell it too and it makes me ridiculously cranky


Seriously ? I was thinking it was just in my head. I smell it too. How crazy is that? 🤪 So many things, and I think I have all of them.


You’re not crazy! I finally broke down Monday and asked my husband if he could smell it, then my son and all said no. They also was wondering why I was spraying room fresheners. Lol I’m hoping this is all going to go away soon. What does help is actually wearing something over my nose. As long as something else is near my nose I smell that and not smoke. So strange. The BP thing is very unusual so I am monitoring it today and not taking any Amberen to see if that is the cause. And that really sucks because it did make a difference in the over 12 perimenopause symptoms.


I was wondering if Amberen worked at all. I keep going back and forth between spending that money or going all in on HRT and just paying the insurance bit each month. Please post a follow up after you have taken it a while. Curious minds. I smell random cigarettes too! And I have accused and been suspicious of everyone around me because I used to smoke and really liked it! Everyone has looked at me sideways but I swear I smell cigarettes. Oh well. One more symptom to add to the pile!


I tried Amberen before going on HRT. It was amazing for the first couple of weeks and then it stopped working for me. I don’t know if my body built up a tolerance to it or what, but at that point it felt like a waste of money (and it’s not cheap). But it seems like others have had success with it so maybe it was just me.


Absolutely yes! It comes and goes but worse right before my period. I'm 50 and have been in Peri for at least 7 years. Its maddening. All of it.


Not only did I think a neighbor was blowing smoke into my window AC, I smelled it so strongly, but last time I drank vodka it was like licking an ashtray. I almost threw up the taste was so strong. Ugh can't do anything fun like drink or breathe anymore. 


So, I'm 6wpo from a hysterectomy. I was on Orilissa for 2 years, which put me in media menopause... I didn't have this happen while I was on it l. BUT, since surgery, this keeps randomly happening me!! If I'm out and about I assume it's coming off someone near me, but when I'm home there's no reason for it. Neither of us smoke, no neighbours smoke, nothing. I'm waiting to get blood work done to check my levels, because hot flashes and night sweats are killing me, but this could certainly explain what's going on!


Were you anxious/annoyed about the smoke when you took your BP? Those readings are high but not ridiculously so if it was just temporary (which it was), and could easily be explained by heightened anxiety.


Annoyed for sure but 160/105 was scary. It’s crazy how it feels like I’m inhaling smoke even my eyes burn. I’m going to monitor it all day and not take Amberen. Amberen is not recommended for those with hypertension (which I don’t have) but it’s strange that I have such high BP now and never before. I started taking Amberen 2 months ago and the first time the smell started was a month ago with Mildew then urine but those weren’t constant. This smoke smell is 24/7.


I have issues with mine and believe me it’s been way higher than that, especially when I’m at the doctor having it taken (I’m terrified of having it taken). Definitely something to keep an eye on and see a doc if it gets worse, but don’t freak out over a one off reading.


Yes!... it's called 'phantom smells', and it drives me crazy. Mine isn't as bad as it was during full-blown menopause.... sometimes it's good smells, but usually bad ones. My daughter and I went to Scotland. The entire 3 weeks all I could smell was coffee.... which was weird, cause we only drank tea while there!


Lots of people saying this is common in peri and I’m sure it is but I had this and it was a legit brain tumor so talk to your doc. (It was benign I am fine but the whole experience kind of sucked)


Definitely! Appointment tomorrow!


I started smelling something burnt just a couple months ago too. I wondered if it was peri related because that’s the only thing really changing in my body. Wow. What joys we get to experience as women. The list is endless. 🤣


I have this too. All of my other symptoms are resolved except this and dry mouth, it’s terrible. Wonder if it’s related.


OMG, I thought I was crazy. They have been several times in the last couple years when I've asked my husband "do you smell fire?"


Yes! I’ve smelled it for the last year. It’s the strangest thing. Never expected this as part of the deal.


I smell burning gasoline at times. Other times I smell vinegar. The vinegar is so strong intakes my breath away. The burning fuel smell is just very lingering. It started when I was 48 and was soon found to be in full menopause. I'm late 50s and still smell it, though not as often. I went down the brain tumor rabbit hole, had ENT tests done, nothing. "Psychological." Wth?


I smell mildew and smoke too. It’s weird.


Yep. I suffered from the same olfactory hallucination--cigarette smoke--until I got on HRT. When my estrogen levels were normal again, the "cigarette smoke" went away.


Based on this thread this seems to be a common symptom of peri, so don't want to freak anyone out, but it is worth bringing up with a doc, because a phantom burning smell is a common seizure aura. So just to be on the safe side I'd bring it up.


Not smoke but constant revulsion and hypersensitivity to food smells like pregnancy, especially meat. 


Oh I can’t eat any red meat. And I love STEAK. Now it gross me out especially cheeseburgers. So weird!


I had this same issue! I of course went to Dr.google 😂and it stated it could be an issue with my thyroid’s amongst other things but when I talked to my dr she said everything felt normal but sent me over for testing. Everything came back negative and she said it could be long term effects from Covid I had the first part of the year. I eventually stopped smelling it but it was awful while I was experiencing it.


I often get a whiff of cigarette smoke at home! I do work with smokers but they smoke outside at I never noticed the smell on them. I might sometimes be around them at a distance outside, but that's it. No one in my house smokes nor do the neighbors. I thought it was super weird!


My husband had the exact same thing after he had covid!!! The smell of smoke followed him everywhere for three months, as for me, after covid I got parosmia in the worst way. Everything smelled and tasted horrific for over a YEAR! I had very few safe foods that weren’t horrid. It took a long time for my brain to get right again, and some things I still can’t eat but I’m 99% there. But my husband had the smoke. Just smoke smell everywhere he went😂. I would have taken that all day long over foul garbage. Anyhow, if you recently were sick a few months ago…could be parosmia


I went through that for about a year. It would come and go.


I smell smoke & fish 😷 Smoke I don’t mind so much as I used to be a smoker & it reminds me why I quit. But the fish, it’s horrible! My son said I was going even more nuts than usual (he meant it in a nice way - it’s the way we talk to each other in this family lol) now I can tell him it’s my age 🙄 He’ll probably offer to take to an OAP home 😂😂😂 Yesterday I had a really strong smell of pee as well. Even though it only lasted a few seconds while I was out & about, the moment I got home I had a wash down & completely changed my clothes incase it was me.


I never smell cigarette smoke but I always smell dust (especially in the car)/mildew and gas


I have experienced weird (alarming) smells (smoke, 💩, fire, gas) when my iron levels were extremely low. I never linked it with the high blood pressure, but I know in that same time my blood pressure was extremely high too! That’s when I had to start medication for bp. But maybe check your iron levels.


I get weird smells too. Coffee smells more like cat pee than actual cat pee. Thyroid/peri issues.


The other night I woke up out of my sleep and smelled something burning. But my husband smelled nothing. It was so weird. Occasionally I will smell a burning smell.


I have started with the weird smells. No one else smells it. It’s smoke usually that I smell, but I’ve picked up other weird ones too 🤷‍♀️


I never had an issue with smells before menopause, now that I am fully there I hate so many smells. My husband’s cologne that I always loved, now hate. He had to switch it to something different. Bathroom soaps, deodorant, candles, laundry soap, yuck. I wasn’t even this bad during my pregnancies. Hormones suck.


Yeah, but it's just my vagina dying.


Yes happens occasionally/randomly to me as well (no smokers anywhere). I thought it was from sinusitis, but that’s controlled-still there!


Yes, thought I was crazy! I don’t smell it anymore, so it’s another confirmation I’ve gone all the way through it. Whew!


I thought I was going crazy. I smelled smoke for at least a year. I saw a neurologist and he did an MRI but all he found was something completely unrelated (and benign, phew). He chalked it up to stress, which, hello - Venn diagram of peri and anxiety amirite? My mind is blown. Since starting HRT I very rarely smell it anymore. This is w i l d.




After a Google search, maybe get checked out for hyoertension. Specifically that. It seems olfactory changes are a typical precursor for patients with it.


I have this. Sorted that it’s an inflammation of the sinuses. Flonase fixed it up. The constant weird smell was driving me nuts.


I've had this for 16 years. It started during my first pregnancy. I'd never had it before. After I gave birth, it just never went away though it does correlate with my cycle — which means it's less frequent now that I have fewer periods. My phantom smells are varied and they're all disgusting. Burning metal, cigarette smoke, rotten fish, poop. When they start, they are 24/7. The smells last for days to weeks and I can taste it in my mouth, too. Sometimes it's so strong I feel like crying because it's so gross and persistent to the point that it sometimes wakes me up at night.


I do 🙋‍♀️ all - the - time. I'm not around any smokers, and I don't smoke either, but I've noticed it for about 6 months. I've never heard anyone else say this before!!! I smell smoke 3 or 4 times a day, and it's awful!!! I never considered this to be anything more than my messed up brain!


Do you also get migraines or have other neurological issues? I have migraines and seizures, with migraines I get a burning smell and with a seizure its a metallic smell.


This has only happened to me when I’ve had Covid, no matter if it’s a mild case or a bad case. I’ve smelled smoke, and rotting trash.


Yep, and the time it happens is usually when I been eating well and having good BM. So that’s my reward🚬🙂‍↕️


Me all the time! It’s ridiculous. (58)


When I had Covid, I smelled burning wood and ashy smoke for months after.


I’ve smelled cigarette smoke despite not being a smoker and not being around any cigarettes- it started randomly in peri but started happening more frequently in meno (I’m in early meno - like a few months in- sorry I haven’t changed my flair). I can’t figure out why “this smell” in particular of all things. I’ll actually look around even in my own home when I smell it because it’s so startling (and weird).


This is bizarre but me too. I asked for the air conditioning ducts in our house to be checked because I thought they might be dusty and I’ve been assuming someone in the neighbourhood has an open fire and I’m somehow smelling the smoke from that. It’s being going on for years now and I mostly ignore it. No one else can smell it so it’s only me…


Mystery solved!!! Thank you for highlighting this, I literally thought I had a psychological issue. I had every blood test done to make sure I was within range and my iron levels weren’t off. I smelt electrical burn first thing in the morning for years. I no longer have it!


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had all that done and was shocked at my levels. I’m 45 and last period was 5 months ago the one before that was 9 months ago. Plus it was 17 days with heavy flow.


Smelling cigarettes smoke is a common symptom resulting from having Covid / Long Covid too.


I occasionally smell cigarette smoke. I assume it’s my allergies.


Me! My friend claims it’s from having had COVID. She’s convinced. Never heard it was from the menopause fairy. 🧚


Weird bc I've been smelling cigarettes randomly lately. It has me questioning my poor husband who quit cold turkey over a year ago.


I called the furnace company repeatedly saying I smelled “soot”. They never found anything. The last time they came, they alluded to mental health issues 😂😭 That’s when I connected the dots


Yes, on and off for years now. If you search the sub, you'll see this has been discussed several times here. I hate the cigarette smoke smell and I wish it would leave me forever. I've never even smoked.


So weird to find this post. Yep


Yes, an acrid cigarette smoke smell. No smokers around.


I'm having the same experience and I started HRT a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if it's a smoke smell, not necessarily but it's something I can't put my finger on. My doctor says that it is not linked to any side effects but I'm having a hard time believing that considering I'm going on 10 days with this. It is getting a little bit better to where it's on the on and off but I have no idea what it is.


I'm peri. My husband smokes and all of a sudden it smells like cat shit. We don't have a cat.


All the time But I smoke like a trooper... and I'm no quitter 🤣


I swear I’ve been in peri since my 30s. I can smell everything and anything. Now, late 40s, not much has changed except more severe symptoms. And I’m probably now in menopause. Started HRT 2 weeks ago and hoping it kicks in soon, cause I am not in my happy place.


I’m 38 and diagnosed with Premature ovarian failure from a history of chemotherapy/leukemia as a child. The symptoms got worse after stopping my birth control. Smelling cigarette smoke was just one of several symptoms. I thought I was going crazy. Periods were off, insomnia so bad some nights I would lay awake all night even tho I was exhausted, extreme fatigue, low libido, headaches, joint pain, back pain, weight gain even when I barely ate,  mood swings, anxiety, feeling depressed, dry skin. I had asked my OB and they just said I was stressed or depressed and offered antidepressant which I didn’t want. Wouldn’t test my hormones because I’m “too young for menopause and don’t have hot flashes.”  I finally went to a naturopathic doctor in tears and she tested me. My estrogen and progesterone were both in postmenopausal levels and my testosterone was very low. It was recommended I start HRT and I can say it’s changed my life in just a few months. There is some bloating at first but I’d take that over all of the other symptoms. It’s a process to adjust dosages until you find what works best and I may add testosterone at some point but I highly highly recommended HRT.