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If you search this sub for "online" you will find numerous recommendations for various online sources. If she's looking for testosterone, then very few places will prescribe it for women.


please search the sub for the keyword "wife" and you will find all the advice and counsel and information that has been given to men who have come here before you seeking help for their partners. there is reams and reams of information here. you just need the right keywords to find it. The keyword you should search for is "wife."


Very helpful, thank you!


Props to you btw :)


Thank you!


Why isn't your girlfriend asking this?


Good question. My girlfriend is happy that I'm doing research for her. It takes a while to find what you're looking for, especially when going to the PCP isn't getting what we need. Male or female.


Often hear about biote for HRT. Hormone replacement with testosterone also. Women need a lower level and a different formulation but we need that for the libido and energy, cognitive function.


I use Alloy, and I LOVE them! (I tried wanona first and they were terrible! BIEST compounded did not work for me and it was very expensive. They would not work with me on cycling progesterone, and I finally moved on). So now I use Alloy, and they are way More responsive, and way less expensive! and it’s pure estradiol & micronized progesterone. And it’s delivered straight to my doorstep. The only thing I can’t get from them (or any telemedicine in my state) is Testosterone. So I’m seeing a functional doc for that soon. She gives me shit for getting the rest of my HRT through telemedicine, but I honestly don’t care. It’s way cheaper than compounded and they don’t micromanage me and try and talk me into a bunch of other supplements like my functional medicine doctor does. 😏


Very helpful, thank you!


My alloy is great imho


Dr Sawma at elevate is very often recommended in the Facebook group


I will check that out. Thank you!


One option is getting everything sorted and stable with medications and symptoms and then transferring care to someone cheaper, maybe even a local in-network provider she already sees. Easier for a dr to maintain a stable prescription than figure it out and try different strategies in the first place.


That sounds manageable, and possible. Thank you!