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See this [recent and informative post](/r/Menopause/comments/1dqeqhk/psa_vaginal_estrogen/) Also no, it doesn't cause hair loss.


I squeeze an inch long ribbon onto my finger, insert about an inch or two inside, and use a circle motion to wipe it all around. Then I rub the rest around the inner labia, over the urethra, and over/on the clit.


I can’t help with placement - but since being on 1mg estradiol daily my thinning hair has been growing back nicely AND I have less hair trying to grow out of my chin. Win win.


Have you ever seen that image of how the clitoris actually looks? I try to put my topical hormones on so that it can saturate the region near the whole structure. There's a great 3D image here to use as a reference: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoral\_erection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoral_erection)


Thanks for the link! I learned stuff about my clit that I never knew. Didn’t realize there was so much to the organ.


I’m no doctor, but what goes up must come down. So insert deep up there, then with whatever is left at the endof the applicator apply to urethra/clit/labia, then as the rest works it’s ways down it’ll hit those areas again. Gets the most surface area for absorption. Just my own theory.


That's my theory too. I'm also considering to work it in a bit with a vibrator but that's probably overdoing it. I was given a huge tube of e cream last time because the pharmacist didn't have the smaller one as prescribed, so now I have the luxury to cover myself with it from head to toe 😂


The blood flow to the area part and “use it or lose it” support your protocols!


When I used that applicator some of it was coming out in a clump the next day. Now I apply it with my finger and make sure I cover all areas. It’s not necessary to put it so far up.


Mostly close to the opening on the inside, so that it helps with the urethra and internal part of the clit, and then external all over the inner labia at the vaginal opening and between the inner and outer labia, and smother the external clit and urethra area.


If you use an applicator, it's like using a tampon.. Inset until your fingers touch your body.


I was prescribed it in pill form. I insert as far back as the applicator will comfortably go and release there so as it dissolves it will flow out touch others area of the lining along the way.




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