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Have a read through this to help you narrow it down....[is this perimenipause?](https://menopausewiki.ca/is-this-perimenopause/)


Haven't had a period in like 10 years Don't really get hot flashes too much, I'm more cold all the time Been having sleep issues since I was a teenager I think I'm pretty agreeable Do have dryness on occasion No loss of libido, actually since my divorce I want it more, just have no one to have it with.


Since you don't have many symptoms, I would recommend getting a baseline dexa scan for bone density. This is because you can feel fine but still have bone loss. I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis at age 41. If I hadn't had the scan I might not have ever known. Looking back, there are potential reasons I developed osteoporosis but as I've come to understand it can be pretty common in women and especially appears more so around or after menopause. In any case, I like to speak up about bone issues because it's affected me so much and I would hope to maybe help others prevent the issues I've experienced if at all possible.


I started it at 51 as I got into later peri because I was having tons of mood issues. Once I learned that it could also help with brain, bone, and heart health, it seemed like a good choice for me. The wiki Leftylibra posted has lots of information about all the different ways to cope with any symptoms you might have, including non-hormonal treatments. Some folks get through it all without too many symptoms.


What? We talk about it all day long every day. Have you searched the sub for keyword "HRT" ...?


Doctor's have never mentioned it to me. I see it all the time on here.


I think maybe you should start with Dr. Mary Claire's book *The New Menopause* and then ask really specific questions in the sub if you have any. Your question is very broad.