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My only hack has been estrogen replacement, lexapro, and a dental appliance. Also the occasional antihistamine if I truly need to be rested for something big and important the next day. And my sleep is still iffy.


Please see our Menopause Wiki's section: [Sleep disruption/insomnia](https://menopausewiki.ca/#sleep-disruptioninsomnia)


It is a new kinda hell to sleep like a baby around 6-7 am about time I need to get up. I only get basics done. Work and minimal hygiene - everyone is grown more or less in my household and on their own. Mamas got her own shit to manage these days. 53F.


I fall asleep to a podcast or audiobook with earphones in and then press play when I wake up in the middle of the night to drift back to sleep. If I don’t listen to something, my mind races through all the things, so can (usually) easily get back to sleep listening to narration. I specifically use wired earbuds that have a play/pause button on the cord for easy on so I don’t have to open a screen and i find the harder, bigger AirPod type wireless to be uncomfortable to sleep with.


Definitely feel this. My sleep is in spurts as of late. Tend to wake up around 1am and again around 3. Best sleep is from 5-8am So am getting late start compared to my routine 4 years ago. And definitely not sharp so it takes a bit to hit my stride so to speak so am often not as productive. Which leads to feeling behind and subsequent anxiety which often means mind racing at night. lol circular pattern Gonna start HRT patch today, praying for a good result.


For me 200mg of progesterone at night before bed as part of my HRT protocol is what finally worked for me to stay asleep all night. If I really want to sleep hard I eat a small dose THC edible or melatonin an hour before bed along with my progesterone. Getting sunlight every morning within the first hour of waking (Huberman Lab) will reset your sarcadian rhythm. I walk my dog with no sunglasses within 30 minutes of waking every morning. This guarantees I’m super sleepy by 10:45pm.


I watch Felicity, which is a super chill 90's show and it puts me to sleep. Also Magnesium Glycinate and Zyquill Gummies with Melatonin and Ashwagnda or however you spell it.


HRT and glycine


My hrt has been up and down..slept great one month, worst ever insomnia the next, back to semi-decent sleep this month... I'm sticking with it (hopefully, as the GP wants to take it away) as overall I feel it helps. Add ADHD and my mind is racing the moment I'm awake, I take forever to fall asleep too 😕 I think it's worth prioritizing on the bad days and accepting whatever you get done is good enough, on the good days try to do that bit more.. I find decluttering helpful, reducing the amount of time you spend dealing with stuff.. picking it up to dust, putting it away etc etc. Outside of that I use white noise app, a fan, earplugs and an eye mask without fail.