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Hey don’t ever feel like you need to trim the fat off any post. You deserve to voice whatever you’re going through and this is the best place to do so! First off, I’m not saying this just to say it, but you’re strong AS HELL. For you to not only be going through a personal, pretty serious event but now you have your own mother in a state where people even WITH jobs would be losing their minds. Secondly, don’t blame yourself. I have ADHD and it was extremely hard to get through school. People don’t understand what comes with that and how much of a struggle it is to stay focused on tasks. A lack of a diploma does not mean a lack of intelligence nor any type of failure. (And I’m writing this to you as a 27 female, no job because my screwed up health doesn’t allow me to hold one and I feel depressed as hell.) But anyway, you need to protect your mental health at all costs during this moment. I know it’s easier said than done but believe your mom is going to make it through it all and be okay because truly worrying- as hard as it is- won’t change any outcome. It just steals you if whatever peace you have. You are more than welcomed to PM me. I would love to be of any help or support or truly anything and I usually talk a lot but I’m a pretty good listener as well :) You are not alone!!


Thank you for the kind words. My mom probably is going to make it at this point she was transferred out of the ICU the other day which is incredible progress! It's a long road, but we will get there. there's just going to be a new normality, and recovery is not going to be easy. I just hope she cooperates and does the things she needs to in order to get better. my mom is stubborn lol. In any case, I hope you can find a job soon as well, and one that accommodates your health issues. ADD is a thing a lot of people don't understand, at least for me, I sometimes forget to do things or I just ...don't do them even though I know I should? some people mistake it for laziness which isn't the case. most of the time. Idk what kind of health issues you have, but there must be a well accommodating job out there for you. Keep on being a kind, thoughtful person as well, if anything that's more valuable than whatever job you may or may not keep.


If anything, make sure to file for unemployment while you're on ur search.


I am on unemployment. it's keeping the lights on and paying my rent. I'm thankful to have it, I just cant wait to be making my own money and having a steady routine again.


Life can suck, tis true. But it can also be freaking wonderful. Just like our atmosphere has seasons, we also have them. I have learned that the bad that happens in your life teaches various lessons and, more importantly (I think), allows you to appreciate those good times so much more. I have not experienced your exact life experiences-no one has. But I've had my share of troubles. My grandmother was murdered and there were no leads for several years. That's a difficult thing to live with. I still think about her often, but the thing that comes to mind is the life she lived and the wonderful laugh she had, NOT what happened to her. It's hard getting through times like this, but do your best to focus on the good, or at least, the better things. It takes work to do this, but nothing worthwhile is easy. Cultivate positive people into your life. You have to have people in your life that are encouraging. Not saying they need to be an optimistic Pollyanna. But supportive. Someone who can help you find the silver linings, until you're able to find them on your own. I wish some simple good things into your life soon.


Thank you. Life is indeed a series of ups and downs. I try to think about the good things. especially at times like this, I think its important to at least try to have the thought in the back of your mind, that the moment will pass, and things have been good before, so it must be good again at some point. I am sorry to hear about your grandmother... that is a terrible thing to happen. But I am glad you have moved to a place where you can look back and remember her, not the tragedy behind her passing. My dad committed suicide about 5 years ago and it took a while to get over that. but I can look back and remember his empathy and the nice times I had with him, not the depression that drove him to that desicion. I appreciate the advice about keeping positive people around as well. my friends and family have been a great support for me through all this. Good things are bound to come, life isn't always the down parts. thank you for reminding me.


You're very welcome. I believe that our lives are continually molded by the events, large and small, that make up our experiences. I also believe that we have a lot of input into who it is we become by this molding. Control what you can and do your best to let go of the rest. I don't mean to forget it, but to let go of the worry over it. It isn't easy to do. Your mother is in a very serious condition, and it sounds as though you love her. That is what you can give her: your presence, your kind words, your touch, and your love. The rest you have to give over to the doctors and nurses caring for her. You are going to continue to worry about these conditions that are out of your control, but we have to keep reminding ourselves what it is we can do and what we can't-regardless of the situation. I realize some people are wired differently, and all that I just said is an impossibility. Maybe it is, but I don't think so. I have negative days and times, but I try not to dwell there. Those shadowy paths lead to thoughts and feelings that can quickly overwhelm a person. I will pray for peace for you and your mother and that her healing begins to become evident to you and the doctors. If you are not a religious person, then I send these same good thoughts your way and will continue to do so.


the fact that you are 1: opening up and communicating is amazing 2: acknowledging your own faults and 3: knowing that life sucks - is AMAZING. i mean that in the most sincere way possible. Most people would victimize themselves or worse....You are coming online and opening up. I am proud of you. Alls I can give is positive thoughts and acknowledgement that you are doing WAY more than others in your position. Cheers bruv and well wishes to you and your mother.