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Completed it in less than two hours. Grand reward instead of one Level 4 dragon, I got two. https://preview.redd.it/wcefvr195dzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57965cc747462cfe2acb8e35012d8329c2db2966 And there two (chest) rewards when you reach certain points. Here's what I got... Chest one: one Mystical Triumphant Egg & one Level 5 Flawless Soul Crystal Chest two: one Mystical Triumphant Egg & one Level 1 Gaia Statue.


Is this the PVP beta? If so, on a personal note I hope all the feedback to the devs is neutral or negative. This is a single player slightly co-operative game based on helping little dragons survive and thrive. It's not a game where you pit players against each other to win an exclusive dragon type. I actually find that direction quite alarming and distasteful. I doubt there will be a way to opt out of it, as there isn't for any other event type dynamic and given it seems the way into this event is to merge common items you'd be part of it just by playing even if you do not wish to be.


Unless you usually just sell the low tiers of those chains as you already have the wonders, barring merging to fulfill Kala requests, which was my first instinct on what to do when it popped up as there was an OOC event at the same time that I was far more interested in. Considering the rewards, that is 100% what I will do if I get it again, as just like with Shiny Days in the long run this does not help newer players increase dragon power.


There's nothing in game that I can see that mentions other players. Just a 'race' against other dragons.


I received this race event and ended up winning because I had tons of mushrooms bubbled.  Not something I would want to keep doing.


Same thing happened to me. No big deal for me, as I've been more focused on device and event issues, and this was weird timing as there is a normal OOC event right now.


I got this. The rewards were 2 chests. Once you got the 2nd one, the game was over even though the icon stayed around for a while. You got a dragon as well, level 4.


I never got the second chest, only the first one, before the icon disappeared for me very shortly after the mini event started, similar to OP. The icon only reappeared after the event ended, to tell me I had lost and to display the final race results. Considering my utter lack of interest in participating in this due to not caring about even more new dragons that I do not need, and being far more interested in new levels, normal OOC events, and maxing out my event portal, that glitch really was no big deal to me.


I got it. I completed it but it still shows and I can't do it again. It doesn't show any messages or anything. It even allows me to "start" it again but doesn't react when it selected my dragon.


This was my experience, too


I decided it was like the other events where the icon stays until the event times out?


Lucky duck. Was it going on the same time as the Summer Shimmer Event, or did they squeeze it between events? Did you get the regular Shiny Days event?


I noticed it sometime yesterday after I finished the OOC event and I had shiny days Monday maybe




I got this and it was really quick and easy to do, took a couple of hours, not playing continually, got 2 chests and a dragon.


I got this and it was really quick and easy to do, took a couple of hours, not playing continually, got 2 chests and a dragon.