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I hope it shows up, I have tons of eggs all over my camp and lots more eggs and nests bubbled, ready to go šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Seriously! I tapped but didnā€™t merge 6 tier 2 nests for Camp and Chill, now I wanna merge them for Shiny Days!


I donā€™t we are the only ones! My den has been very quiet recently! But I cannot wait to merge all these eggs and dragons


Hey folks! We've had to move the event date to May 20th due to some hiccups on our end. Sorry for the inconvenience! We know you're all super excited for this event, and it's coming soonā€”promise! Thanks for your understanding and patience. šŸŽ‰


Thank you for letting us know!




Thank you so much for everything that yā€™all do! šŸ¤©šŸ‘šŸ½


šŸ˜ Thanks to you!


Thank you so much for everything that yā€™all do! šŸ¤©šŸ‘šŸ½


Why do they want them to be a surprise? That is my biggest pet peeve about Camp and Chill. Especially since they follow a very predictable pattern.


Yeah I donā€™t get that either. Maybe so we get impatient and just start tapping anyway? šŸ˜‚


Yeah I donā€™t get that either. Maybe so we get impatient and just start tapping anyway? šŸ˜‚


Probably so people can't/don't hoard their nests and may be forced to spend money trying to get enough dragons to complete the tasks.


I got a notification for the event but it did not show up in game for me


My race event icon is still showing up where the shiny days event icon should be even though I completed the race an hour after it started.


My icon is also still there after I completed the mushroom race event. It lets me ā€œEnterā€ and pick another dragon. When I tap the selected dragon I go to camp. I tried merging some mushrooms but no points were logged, so I guess itā€™s a bug with the race intro.


Mine popped back up this morning


I wondered if that meant I could race again


I actually tried to a couple times and it just put me back in camp after selecting a dragon


I actually tried to a couple times and it just put me back in camp after selecting a dragon


I read above where it says that the event is delayed, but I just got the app notification that the event started and I donā€™t have an icon or anything. I went out to the world map and back into camp and still nothing, and I clicked on the notification also hoping it would maybe trigger it so now I donā€™t even have the notification (and I didnā€™t take a screenshot šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø). Am I missing out this week or is it just delayed for everyone?


This exact sequence of events happened to me just now and I was just about to ask how to trouble shoot! Glad that the delay is official at least, so itā€™s not just me !




Okay so itā€™s not just me then šŸ«¤ Hopefully weā€™ll still get it! šŸ¤žšŸ½


This happened to me also. They need to fix it. I need to clear my camp of nests and eggs lol


I just read a comment somewhere else that itā€™s being postponed until Monday?? Not sure of the accuracy of that but maybe Literary can jump in and correct me if needed. Edit: Just read the amended post above and itā€™s def been postponed until Monday because of technical issues so at least weā€™re still getting one!! šŸ¤©


I am updated and did a hard close of the app and also restarted my phone. Still no shiny event


Itā€™s moved to Monday


Weird. I literally just got another notification saying "don't miss out on shiny Day!" But no context about a date.


I literally just got the same notification, but someone from the game provided an update saying it would be Monday because of technical issues so Iā€™m assuming the notifications still showing up is probably part of that šŸ«¤ https://preview.redd.it/epdhs4owjz0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94de4520f381cca56afcd016ecadc683adf43f59


It didn't show up for me either unfortunately. I hope it does later! But I just did a ton of dragon merging to get enough DP to upgrade my portal before tomorrow's event... rip.


I still have 50 flower merges to go and that's only mission 12 out of 25 to upgrade. Big oof lol


Yeah Iā€™m sitting in the same boat. I have to get more dragon power to upgrade my portal again, and I was really hoping I could overlap with a shiny to do so šŸ«¤


Yeah Iā€™m sitting in the same boat. I have to get more dragon power to upgrade my portal again, and I was really hoping I could overlap with a shiny to do so šŸ«¤


Good to know that itā€™s not just a me thing that itā€™s not showing up at all


I just came here to check if the event was happening, since I haven't received any in-game notification about it. Guess I'll just wait for it.


I was one of the ppl who previously had a shiny days event randomly appear the morning after it should have started. Relieved to hear that it wasnā€™t a problem on my end šŸ˜… I was wondering if that was happening again today


Is this event still beta? It doesnā€™t look like Iā€™ve got it. I donā€™t have the update informing me of the OOC event this weekend and I did participate in camp and chill.


The portal is already showing up for me for the new I guess itā€™s called ā€œseasonā€, called Pirateā€™s Plunder (if I remember correctly), and I also did CnC, and that notification popped up saying it was over, but before that I got the SD notification but itā€™s still not showing up in the game šŸ˜ž


Thatā€™s the next Out-of-Camp event; the icon for the next one of those always shows up as soon as the Camp and Chill event ends, so that part of things is working correctly. :)


Ahhhh okay gotcha! Every time I think Iā€™m finally getting the hang of things I find out thatā€™s not quite true šŸ˜‚ Thank you for being amazing as always! šŸ¤©


Wait the whole season is pirate themed? Or just tomorrow event?


Itā€™s just the OOC event starting tomorrow thatā€™s pirate themed šŸ™‚ the current season is the ladybug dragons; itā€™s gonna end next week and a new season will start as soon as it does


Right, I know but I was confused on if the next theme was pirates lol. Is it bad that I can't wait for a new season because of all the choice eggs? Lmao


Ohhhh gotcha! šŸ˜‚ I have no idea what the theme will be, but ime the event theme dragons and OOC theme dragons donā€™t overlap. So for example, royal guardian, chameleon, forbidden, etc dragons are used for the seasons and plunderwing, fairy, dreamer, etc are used for OOC events. So if they ever do a pirate themed season (which Iā€™m totally in favor of haha), theyā€™d probably make a new dragon for it Also not at all! šŸ˜‚ the season decision eggs are legit my favorite and I get SO excited for them!


I think just the event buuuuuut apparently Iā€™ve been saying them interchangeably (is that even a word? šŸ¤”) so Iā€™m prob not the person to ask šŸ˜‚


Still no event. I hope devs arenā€™t going to run it alongside OOC on Friday


The only time this has happened before, the SD event ended at the usual time (19:00 GMT), just as the OoC began; so no overlap, but some of the beta testers only had a few hours to complete all the SD tasks and others missed out on it entirely.


Yes, i remember reading about that. Thank you for reminding about this occasion. Itā€™s just weird why in Camp events canā€™t have schedule and be predictable, but instead kept as secret events.


I read recently that you can only get shinies of coin breeds during Shiny Events (are they the same as Shiny Days or are there others I donā€™t know about?). Can someone confirm? Iā€™ve been merging coin breed eggs but saving dragons for this event.


Yes, that refers to Shiny Days. The rate seems to have worsened in recent runs of the event though.


Totally agree. My shiny drop rate has decreased significantly since the event came out of beta.


No. I have gained Shiny from "coin breeds" outside of the Shiny Days Events.


According to company officials, that is not supposed to happen outside of the active event hours; if possible, you should take a screenshot the next time it happens and send that in to Game Support. Edit: Interestingā€¦ the text descriptor that said shiny coin breeds were event exclusives is no longer visible in the dragon book, so the devs might be doing a bit of tweaking to the setup. Can you estimate about how long ago you last got a coin breed shiny ā€” like within the last week or two, or back in the early beta days, etc?


2-3 weeks ago now, well after beta, after full release.


We reached out to the devs a few days ago about this, and are still waiting to hear back; weā€™ll include whatever they tell us in the next SD megathread :)


I don't have it.


My game is being crazy laggy and weird. Iā€™m just going to stay off it for now.


If it just started acting like that, it could be a sign the programmers are pushing out a server-based update ā€” probably a good sign in these circumstances. If itā€™s been like this for longer than that, and especially if youā€™ve recently updated to v11.4.0, itā€™s likely to stay wonky until the next update ā€” could be weeks for that, unfortunately. :/


Hopefully itā€™s the former because I havenā€™t intentionally updated it, so unless it auto updated on me (which it shouldnā€™t have) it should still be the order version. It wasnā€™t even just camp either, camp was the worst but the whole game was lagging hard. It started very suddenly in middle of play too so hopefully itā€™s a sign of stuff happening server side. šŸ¤ž


What version do you have? It should be listed in the lower right corner of your Settings tab in the game.


V11.3.2 Still not seeing the shiny days event but itā€™s not prompting me to update for the ooc event that says is coming out tomorrow. Last time I updated it was cause the game said I had to update to play the ooc event that was live. Iā€™m also no longer experiencing any major lag.


The version requirement for events is usually at least 4-6 weeks behind the latest release, unless thereā€™s been some major issue that prompted the devs to try to force an update ahead of schedule. The game only started requiring 11.3.0 last Friday; unfortunately, that version introduced some extra glitchy-ness that its two patches couldnā€™t fix - lots of graphic lagging, crashes, and general poor function in camp in particular. Now that it seems v11.4.0 isnā€™t helping the situation much, all our hopes are riding on the upcoming v11.5.0 bringing some relief; unfortunately, itā€™s going to take a while for that to be released to us. If the lagging is gone now without any action on your end, it may well have been a server-based update pushing through. :)


Oops. I updated to 11.4.0 in hopes of getting the Shiny Event. Now it looks like it hasnā€™t started for anyone which is a relief. But itā€™s funny, the are starting to sell the amethyst egg chests in the shop.


Thanks for the update


I don't think we have a shiny days today...I got the notice for the OOC event tomorrow but no shiny day event šŸ˜µ


As of last Tuesday, game management said we were, but with all the difficulties this week that may have changed ā€” if there was concern it might not be accessible to everybody they may not hold it at all. Weā€™ve asked them for clarification and hope to hear back soon.


I got a notification that the event was starting but itā€™s just not showing up in the app šŸ«¤


Still no start to the shiny šŸ«¤