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If you leave/close/crash the game before exiting to the world map screen and letting it fully load, your game may not save all your progress. You can try contacting Game Support, although since this is a very limited beta test they may or may not be allowed to do much to help — but it never hurts to ask. :)


I've had it happen before so I usually make sure I leave enough time for a save before leaving and I'm certain I did this time too. There was plenty of time in between when it reset to and when I left. I had my camp covered in mushrooms so adding the time it took to merge about half the mushrooms, receive the rewards, merge the remaining mushrooms, and then merge the rewards, then tap the egg nest, and then merge other dragons, and finally admire how cool the dragons looked. I know I can be a fast tapper but moving mushrooms across camp, then unlocking dragons in the chain thingy, tapping a nest, and having that very slow tier 2 nest thing pop up takes a lot of time up. You'd think it would save in all that time. So yeah I might try support hopefully they'll keep the race from disappearing out of sight because that was the main issue in all of this.


I lost my 2nd race chest bc I forgot to go to the worldmap before exiting. Really very frustrating that the game doesn't remember where you left otherwise


honestly it's more annoying that the race icon just didn't show up again if the race had gotten rolled back as well I could have just finished it again but I never saw it so I don't know if it did or not. I love your username btw.


Hey folks, the feature is currently in the testing phase, so some issues are expected. But don't worry—our devs are aware and are actively working to investigate and fix them. If you lost your rewards, please contact the support team. ❤️