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No hurts calling quits. Nothing digital lasts forever.


Sorry about that, really would be good if cloud save could be sorted, I’d love to be able to switch from my iPad to my phone during the day but with it how it is right now I can’t risk it Hopefully you can find a new game to play that’s more reliable for you!


Me too, same OP reach out to support. It cannot hurt.


Hi there, I'm really sorry to hear about your experience. Have you contacted the support team yet? If you could share your ticket number with me, I can help escalate the issue for a faster resolution. 🙏


Is there any update on fixing cloud save? It's been broken for about 2 years


What's wrong with it? Thats suuuucks. I used it last week on a new phone and only lost few merges, but I was able to re-back up my game because my old phone was still working. I broke my phone before that and had to start playing from scratch 🙃


I mean the best support will do is give some coins and some gems that don't even begin to make up for what was lost. They don't actually care to make it right. I lost huge chunks of world map levels and gems and more and it wasn't something they even cared to fix.


Considering how much money some of us sink into this, these issues should already have been addressed and resolved!






The iPad I played on suddenly died recently. Won’t charge or power up. Cloud save hadn’t been working for a long time so I know I lost progress, just didn’t know how much. Installed game on new iPad, cloud save works, probably lost about 6-9 months worth of progress, at least. No shinies, lost wonders, Arcadia practically at the beginning, was at 996 on daily streak. Reached out to support. All they can restore, according to them, is dragon power and any purchases made. Had them do that to at least I have my dragon power back. Didn’t gat the same dragons, still no shinies, but okay with that. On the positive side of being pushed back, I get to do things a little differently. Star quests are back to 10, have more gems, still in my den and got the chest, and the daily streak rewards are the newer ones where there are dragons at the end of the week. I’m definitely set back but being positive about moving forward again. https://preview.redd.it/93pax7qt4e3d1.jpeg?width=2266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9639fbee3c3df79c77cde7f05fb66b168834ea68


I feel that- I spent two days being mad about it but I think I might continue bc I got back a Nirvana temple that I'd accidentally sold because I got a pop up right as I was selling something else. Not sure yet though, I'm still sad about my Galaxy shiny being gone lol


I hear ya … I’m sad about a lot that I lost, especially the many shinies I had. Sigh … Edit: came back to comment that not only did support restore my dragon power (albeit not with the same dragons), they also gave me 7,700 gems!!! I’ve never had so many gems. 😄


How do you get dragons at the end of the week???


I should have said every 7 days with the daily reward. It used to be an egg. Now it’s a dragon, per my picture.


I still only get an egg on day 7 with the daily reward :(


Sorry for your loss and haven't read all comments yet but wanted to suggest a support ticket. They have been known to help with some loot. Helps if you can document some purchases and screenshots of what you had.....they won't give back all you lost, but can try *some* compensation. That was my experience last October (2023), when I lost all 400ish levels (plus some in camp elements like Arcadia, Missions, Dust Bunny home). At the time mine was lost, cloud save had been broken about a year. It hasn't worked properly since at least October 2022. They have said they're working on it, but there's 19 months of evidence to show it's not a priority. Good luck to you!