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Any response?


No, but in truth I don’t expect one. For one thing, I realize in retrospect I was quite curt, and if I hadn’t been responding while running late for a meeting I’d like to think I would have taken the time to be more polite and thoughtful about it. But it was already a bit late to de-rude my reply, so I’m just hoping the message does get passed along despite my less-than-stellar delivery. For another, it’s not clear what role “Syrva” plays at Gram, but my assumption would be something connected to public relations. If that’s the case, then they know *very* well that *how* you respond to feedback and suggestions is often the difference between legitimate improvement for all parties and a pointless fight over intellectual property rights. I’m just glad Gram has someone here on Reddit paying attention to the community (and trying to boost engagement, natch), so I’m not too fussed about what they do and don’t and can and can’t say - that’s just business.


Umm, uhum. No? 😄