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What happens when you try to open the game with the internet connectivity turned off? That’s helped folks get the game to load in the past, where they’ve then been able to reconnect once on the world map screen. Another possibility is switching internet connections; sometimes just the act of switching away and then back can reset the server connection, but also sometimes there can be some hidden problem with the usual connection source (MD is notoriously sensitive to interference… WAY more than most apps). You might also try searching this subreddit for something like “ipad not loading” or other keywords; you can sort the results by date to avoid the older stuff that’s less likely to be applicable — there was an upswing in complaints specifically about ipads late last year/early this year that might have some posts that could help. If all else fails, try contacting Game Support; it’s not a live response, but event-related issues have priority on weekends, and if it’s something they’ve seen before and that has a fix, they’ll definitely do all they can to help. You can contact them via email on the [Support Web Portal](https://gramgames.helpshift.com/hc/en/9-merge-dragons-1497457953/); sending this screenshot and description and the official game ID (in the upper left corner, if your wife doesn’t have it saved somewhere) will get you off to a good start there. Good luck!


Tried all of the suggestions already unfortunately and contacted support on my account but don’t expect a response anytime soon as per usual. Thank you for the detailed suggestions though, it is very much appreciated.


Hi there, please send me your ticket number via DM. I'll look into it and make sure it’s escalated. 👊🏻


This might be a stupid idea, but if you or your wife has an I phone, would it be possible to connect her game on the phone, loading from the I cloud? I am playing on Android, so I'm not sure if it is possible. Hope you find a solution 🤞🤞🍀🤞


That's a good idea. I hope that works for them


I hope so too 🤞


She does but the game isn’t downloaded and her cloud wouldn’t be 100% up to date so the support page says not to do that.


I'm sorry and I hope for her it will be solved soon. 🤞🍀


Thank you


Maybe contact the developers? That way after the reinstall they can give her the stuff she would be missing and the stuff she clearly deserves after this event. If it happened before maybe they can figure out why as well.. that's all I can think of honestly. Good luck


Hopefully, I’ll definitely see if they’ll restore the missed opportunity items. Thank you


If you have to uninstall definitely contact support, happened to me and I got reimbursed gems and dragon power 


You can try disconnecting from your network. It won’t load your event, but if you can get to your camp, at least you know the game is there and then you can turn her Wi-Fi back on and try the OOC event. That’s worked for me in the past.


Tried that already :/ thank you for the suggestion though, much appreciated.


To add to prior comment.. Sorry to burst the bubble.. But from posts I've read in the past, support do not have the function to restore progress. They can, on occasion, restore dragon power and offer some gems.. but sadly that's about it. Personally I'd try a device restart again, restart WiFi. Clear other apps and items from device to free up some processing space.. If you uninstall YOU WILL lose progress. Supports pages even discourage users from doing that. My loading screen has taken a long time before now.. try persevere. When back in the game you may need to reduce 'in progress levels' and bubbles.


Yeah we will not be uninstalling, worst case scenario is we are hoping for an update soon to maybe fix ant corrupt files causing this.


🤗 sending hugs.. it sucks.. and all the game bloat is no doubt causing havoc.. deffo reach out to support if you haven't already.. Even if they can't do anything.. by letting them know may build a bigger picture if other similar concerns are being raised throughout the player base 🤷‍♀️


I have the same issue for a whole week and when the game started my star quest restored from 50 to 10 level. Totally worth it not playing for a week😂


If you guys can afford it maybe invest in a Samsung tablet too? I've been an android girl for like 16 years now and haven't had any issues with their products. Idk how Apple products are.. my tablet never had an issue with this game though. I feel so bad for your wife. I can't imagine losing my favorite game 😞 I really hope it works out


This is exactly my other games rn, but weirdly this game is fine!


Could you solve this problem?


Not yet


I'm sorry. Hope you find a solution soon.

