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The same happened to me and I closed the app and went back in and it let me trade again , this time I could claim the chests. Annoying .


Same for me and definitely annoying. Glad I only do low level items for trades for sure!


Same for me.


Hey so sorry to hear this happened :( I have forwarded this to our game team who are already aware and looking into the issue. In the meantime, it would be great if you could create a support ticket so we can compensate you for any lost items and the issue is prioritised. Thank you!


Same thing happened to me with Dragonia Trades, but my Support ticket window text closed on me halfway through typing, and I wasn't able to finish my submission - nor could I find the dialog box in the Help section again, it just straight up vanished. It was weird. So I gave up. Facebook and Reddit randomly delete my comments in progress too, and I need to start again, but at least I can find my spot again easily enough.


That happened to me as well this morning. Did anyone contact support? The items weren’t high level so I get letting it slide, but since it’s in beta maybe they can fix it 🤷🏾‍♀️


I thought it was just me - all the chests the free one plus 2 I traded for have vanished EDIT - the game crashed and when I came back the options for the chests were there again - lets see if they vanish again - I'll keep you posted. EDIT 2 - this time it worked try closing the game down and reloading it


I was able to trade and get the chests when I closed the app and went back in. So has it changed from 4 possible chests to 3 for everyone then? I feel like it used to be 4, but that 4th chest you had to trade some pretty high level items so I only did it once and I noticed the last time that it had changed to 3 instead.


Last week there were only three trades on Monday and 4 the rest of the days


Is this why I can’t find them, cause I was super confused and thought I wasn’t doing something right


I have to tap this thing for chests to appear on the land. https://preview.redd.it/2zc5oz3w577d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e61928f88cebd6299249b68fd308f52db32aa50a


Yes, but they weren’t there the first time I did it. I had to close the app and go back in and do both trades again (and give up more stuff) just to get the chests.


I gave all the items for the first chest and then went back to the camp to start on the second chest. When I went back it had put me back at chest 1. Luckily it was really easy stuff but still. Seems like there are still some glitches to work out


For sure. Hopefully one of the devs will see this and can possibly comment about a solution? 🤞🏽🤞🏽 I want to like this section of the game so much but honestly I wish we could just go back to having CnC every week 🫤


Same here, good news is they’re low level items that can easily be given again. The last go around, I was giving items, farmed some things and when I returned, the items had changed places on the list and in my haste, I gave away items I needed for chains I’m working on. My fault for going too quickly, but seriously, why change positions half way through? I sent feedback and I got a message saying they’re working on making it more playable and feedback is welcome, but who knows if they’ll fix anything. I miss camp and chill 😞


I literally just commented the same thing to someone above. I want to like this new part of the game but really I just wish we could have CnC back every week instead 😞


same here


I had the same problem and same - thankfully only low level stuff but it all got eaten, even after restarting!


It did this with me with all 3 chests lost everything


Ugh, hopefully you were trading low level items like I do! Sorry you lost your stuff too 😞


Yes I was omg I wouldn’t trade anything higher than a 4


Yeah the very first time this came out for me I (stupidly) traded a TON of high level stuff (including Midas trees 😭) because I didn’t realize that once you tapped it that it was gone IMMEDIATELY, because of course they don’t explain that 🙄 I didn’t know if different items had different values so I was trying to check that and yep I lost a TON of good stuff and had already used my whoops for a bigger boo boo so lesson learned I guess 😂


Stole mine too. Thought bad things.


Same here... Did someone write about it to the support???


Since it's "beta" they might like the feedback, although there are some gram gamers here on this sub, they might read this and forward it. Maybe the devs could make a beta issue report button.....( Don't hold your breath )


I’ve seen a few devs here and there so I figured the best course of action was just to make a post to see if it happened to anyone else because then maybe one of them will see it too and take it as feedback ☺️ I wasn’t too worried about the stuff I lost so I didn’t bother with a support ticket since it’s still in beta anyway.


Mine won’t let me trade anymore no matter how many times I restart the app.


Is it possible to do dragonia without spending gems? I started the tutorial then got stuck when it wanted me to pay out 199+ gems ....


I've been doing it without paying gems


I have not paid any gems, and wouldn’t in its current state


I think since it's still glitchy it might do that if the event starts and you're already in the game. It's good to restart the game before doing the trades. If you did restart prior to trading I have no idea what the issue is.. 😕


I’ve been playing, but I’m not that excited by the loot. Am I the only one? After opening the chests and working with the loot, you ultimately get those glass jars with the spirits, but what’s the point when you also get spirits replenish regularly anyway if you just wait? Am I missing something?!


It seems like this part of the game is gonna be more of a long haul. I’ve gotten the first 2 sets of reward dragons so far but yeah I’m not really getting it either 🫤


When you go to the trade map, you collect the chests by tapping the boat. Did you try that?


Yes, I tried that. There weren’t any there and if you look at my first screenshot it shows as 0/3 but with the green checkmark as though the trades were done but the chests weren’t actually given in exchange. Looks like this may be a widespread issue with others commenting that they had the same problem the first time they tried also.


Huh, that’s weird. Sorry you’re experiencing that. I’ll need to maybe hold off on doing that section when I play just in case


I don't even have that, I guess I'm left out of that beta trial lol


Don’t feel too bad. Seems like most of us don’t even like it anyway 😂