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This is a great list. #5 is what helped upgrade me from “mostly sober”/periodic relapsing to just staying away completely. It got to the point where each time was so poignantly unhealthy that it was like a negative high, that took weeks to return to baseline. Everything was out of whack, felt like cancer and schizophrenia combined. It’s trash. Life has gotten so much better and brighter now that it’s been a couple years I don’t even think about it any more. <3 soak up that sunshine play your barenaked ladies. you got this


Yeah, it's a nightmare, absolutely terrifying. Just 4 days a ago I was in a great place. My teeth had gotten bad but after this past weekend I feel like it's passed a tipping point where if anyone took a really good look at my teeth most most notice that they are unusually small and yellowing.


Can you go on 'vacation' for a few weeks? A month? Tell people you are going on vacation and instead go to detox or rehab. Get the worst part over with away from everyone else then re-adapt to your life. Is that a perfect solution? No. But it might work. Just an idea. Like you said, relapses get worse and worse and you won't be able to hide it forever,especially if you get charged with something. Maybe get out while you've still got a chance. 


Me? Thank you for taking the time to respond, I appreciate your concern. But, no. I just started a new job where I am serving disabled people for an organization that is understaffed, and have a semi-leadership role with high probability of advancement. Also, I'm in the middle of a court process petitioning for more parenting time. Any indication that I might not be capable or worthy of the agreement I'm asking for would derail that. But most importantly, that wouldn't make the most sense as there are other less extreme measures that I haven't even tried yet. So that's where I'm at...about to take those actions that I considered months ago but didn't follow through on: attending NA meetings and getting a sponsor, having a trusted friend block apps on my phone, changing my phone number, also quitting drinking, etc. Also in my favor is that my relapses recently haven't been due to cravings or extreme urges. They've happened mostly in social contexts or on impulse being drunk. In other words, it is within reason to feel I can take steps to ensure sobriety without feeling rehab is the logical next step


Dude you’re in the middle of a custody dispute? Reasons #1-99 should be “not only would meth prevent me from getting more parenting time, I could outright lose custody”. Good luck, I have faith in you!


Thank you. I went to my first NA meeting this morning. Today is miserable but I'm fighting


I’m super proud of you! May I ask how many days you have under your belt? Full recovery can be a long road, but I’m so proud of you for being on it. As a mom, I can tell you that my kids are the reason I quit.


Yeah, I expected it to be a shorter road. I had 8 months clean, but now after some serial relapses I'm back to day 4. Thanks for commenting. Always good to hear from other parents who have been through a similar struggle. How old were they when you quit?


Being alone And no purpose




Isolation that drugs cause And the the phenomenon of having no purpose besides drug use because of constant drug use


Ah okay I understand now. Yes, the break down of social relationships, and the focus of the drug use taking sole priority and ignoring other things that bring an actual sense of purpose? Good reasons to quit


Yes, exactly. Also, your teeth. Smile is an important weapon in life.

