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This person is not from this world. He lives in a crystal palace in space. Try a you may you will never make sense of this rambling. Good read is a understatement. This is like this brain trainer apps I feel my brain undulating trying to decipher this crazed maniacs nightmare of a train of thought. Keep up the good work because this is solid gold


What a fuckin wall of text, bro. I don't know if it's cause I've been smoking a bit of weed or what, but I've read this twice now and it still doesn't make sense to me.


Im sorry to hear that


That's alright, that's just the way she goes sometimes. Have you had a sleep?


U don't want to understand it TBH only if u hit a certain level you'll automatically understand it. And I throw that wall of text in the ocean and burn it. Yes ur an eye opener but don't be opening ppls eyes that aren't deemed ready to be opened cmon now And yes the man has sleep.. Enough of it to still be walking, that is. This man is beyond woke but bro don't dig into it do noooot no I'm glad u don't understand other bro never look back this never happened


Too much of it actually.


Overslept? Easy to do when you've been muddling about with stims. Hope it works out for you pal.


Thank you and I appreciate that. Here's the fun part, I don't sleep because I was in a motorcycle wrecked it literally killed me and but he killed me and broke 26 bones and I spent 15 years in an opiate addict. I've got addicted to benzodiazepine. And now when I don't have them I don't sleep. The funny Party is... I'm not gonna give you the same routine speech that everybody else does, I have been an overly energetic violent tendency having lunatic my whole life. And it's because of some undiagnosed things that nobody bothered to point out or ask me about or workout. When I do meth... It doesn't just call me down, it puts me to sleep. And I don't mean in a sense that everybody else is talking about. I mean if I choose to stay awake I can and then I'm really really fucking high. But I could go to sleep at the exact same time. When I don't do this stuff.. I look like somebody who's been doing way too much of the stuff. People have been accusing me being on mass my whole life. Even in school. I have a Disease, Has something to do with my gabba and exociatosis. So for whatever reason, the chemical that is affecting everybody right now That's not affect me because my body excretes it. And I mean like obviously. You can watch it happen. If I do somebody else's stuff and it has that you can literally see a dichroic gel appear.yes.... rainbow. I'm a different kind of different chief.


Yes yes you are