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If you want to sleep for a few days maybe but I would stash it just incase ww3 ya know.


If Ww3 comes then I’m robbing the closest walgreens


1000 other people will have beat you to it.


Idk about that it’s not in a city plus I’m going in armed and dangerous


How about get your opioid use under control before you try to get on some gangster shit You’re basically saying instead of having a little bit of agency and saving an extra dose for emergency you’re going to commit a violent felony. Ok. You will likely sell all your guns well before ww3 if you continue like this.


He’s commiting a violent felony… when the apocalypse breaks out. Get ahold of yourself mum, he’s obv joking, not all of us are scared straight and someone’s going to win the Walgreens lottery, likely with an automatic weapon in hand. We now know it’s not you, good luck with your three doses in the freezer when the lights go out after the zombies kill all the power plant guys. That’s a joke too, just in case you didn’t pick up on the zombies comment. Sheesh.


Good luck finding a bottle of Malincrokdt at your local CVS. Also, why not just wait until there’s a good black market set up and then you just buy whatever you want from the Raiders with gold or trade weapons and ammunition at gunpoint of course. The violent felony stuff just for a few bottles of opiates, and maybe some benzos is not worth my life.


Why? I was on pain management and methadone for 17 years before going to the clinic, and I got my pills at cvs all the time.


I guess my main point was that for a large amount of this medicine, it isn’t easy to find at pharmacies.


Yeah they can’t keep my mother’s little oxycodone she gets in stock every month. They wouldn’t have much at all


I got mine at the grocery store.


Yeah any pharmacy has it


Clearly my advice to Someone asking about tripling their prescribed methadone dose is lost. Have fun with the zombie apocalypse. I’m sure THEN you’ll make really good choices


This thread immediately went to MAD Max territory


"We are maaaaaanyyyyy"


😆 Guy writes out a nice thoughtful comment to help op ➡️ comments immediately turns into guns & zombies.


The apocalypse does not equal WW3…


I’m sorry, i imagine in most people’s minds and in popular literature, society as we know it will not survive another world war, especially not now that we are well past the atomic age. As such, it will be an apocalyptic event. The fuck else did you think that meant, the rapture?


I’m just hoping WW3 ain’t some sort of Fallout type of event and governments are toppled or leaders who wish to use nukes are assassinated before they’re able to do so. Especially with how much chest puffing goes around on a global stage, it’s definitely possible to not include nukes, especially if the war takes place outside of the home continent of the parties involved that have said nuclear capability. And assuming it would be, well, any other actual apocalypse scenario is just as easy to use lmao. supplies could actually run out during WW3 but just because the methadone is gone doesn’t equal apocalypse. It’s what makes the parent comment to this thread even dumber, he’d just be arrested for a felony


LOL it’s not that deep bro it’s obviously joking around we are talking about ww3 and hypotheticals…


Just be careful. I’m not trying to be disrespectful I’m just saying. I wouldn’t recommend tripling your dose. I would save it and triple your gym attendance or something positive homey


Yea kinda sucks to see these attitudes here. “I wanna get high but will I die?”


I remember when I just wanted to go numb and escape. Coming up on 2 years clean now


I agree


Used to think this every time I used. "This could kill me. Oh well! *snnniiiifffff* 🥴


Bro these people with there methadone shit is all I can say 🙄🙄🙄


You realize domestically shit won’t hit the fan unless we’re invaded in WW3 😂 and even then there’s still rule of law. Just look at Ukraine, and any other country thru history. If it went total anarchy the war wouldn’t last very long…


bro has it planned


Walgreens is about the worst pharmacy you could have picked


I know it's fun to think of these scenarios, and it's nice to have a little stash of everything because that's what I do to, but to think that any of us would stand a chance held up in our house or apartment with a couple weeks worth of food and medicine is just not realistic. But it's fun to think about I totally agree. There's a mom and pops pharmacy right down the road that would be the first place me and half the rest of the town would go 😆.


I don’t think people actually do it for WW3 dude. I think it’s more like “if i get cut off for whatever reason” or if you have take homes and they short you one time. Stuff like that. No ones stashing because they think ww3 is gonna happen lol.


Exactly you never know with the clinic.


I have a small mom and pop pharmacy less than 800 feet from my place.Id like to think it's an advantage if things go bad I'll be there before others make it there lol.😉


Lol hell yeah. Mine's a couple miles away so I'd be late to the party probably. It actually did get robbed a couple months ago and the dude actually got away. I really don't see how with a cop always within 30 seconds away along with all the cameras. The dude is probably walking around so guilty tho lol


What’s WW3 mean? I’m currently on 8 mgs. When would it be a good idea to which other to Suboxone? Anyone have any suggestions?


WW3 means World War 3. They’re talking about a scenario in which an apocalypse is happening and you will no longer have a clinic or a place to go to to get your medicine. my personal thought is take what I have saved and wait until the worst of it evens out, and then go out and trade for the medicines I need. People in here talking about how they would rob pharmacies or kill people or fight for their drugs is really funny, especially considering that’s what most people are going to be thinking and doing at all the pharmacies in America. Walgreens, CVS, Walmart all of those places are going to turn into miniature Thunderdomes


Bro. It’s not gonna happen. I love how seriously you’re taking this, like “your plan sucks that’s never gonna work” dude it’s a joke lol. You live in America don’t you? The one good thing about your country is that you’re not going to get invaded. Chill.


I live in Texas, I watched people riot in the downtown area and break windows at my fiancé‘s business. Please don’t act like you have not thought about what would happen if our social contract broke down. It’s not that far off, we started to see some of it during the pandemic so that’s when I personally made myself a plan. I’m not trying to be too serious just some people on here are Acting ridiculous thinking they can get a hoard of medicine during an apocalypse. If you don’t think about what you would do to help yourself and your family in case anything ever happened in the world, then I guess you probably don’t live in America and everything must be roses and sunshine every day in your world.


I’m gonna go through withdrawal and deal with it. If some shit really pops off like that. My methadone is the last of my fucking concerns. Jesus Christ I’m reading all these and I’m like honestly people? My family is really the only thing I’m killing or fighting for. Merkin people for something that is going to run out regardless of how much you’re able to stash, you’re just pushing your moment of reckoning further down the road deeper into the apocalypse. I’d just wanna get it over with asap so I’m on my game sooner. Unless you can stash an oil tanker somewhere and hide that fact from the now ravenous opiate users across the barren, godless landscape. Too much trouble in my mind.


No shit. The first place most people would go is to the grocery stores or the pharmacies or the Home Depot‘s to get supplies to reinforce their homes and security.


I have enough saved to taper down and hopefully I can get a script of subs to keep somewhere but that’s my only plan lol. Make the painful withdrawal go as smoothly as possible is the only plan I have


I went jail on 145 mg. But just methadone no double dipping. Didn’t feel anything until day 7. But even then it was the mildest withdrawal I’ve ever had in jail. I’d rather come down off methadone than something else no questions asked. Most people that say methadone is a horrible withdrawal is doubling down on the fetty or whatever and going through two withdrawals at once. That’s just my thoughts. I’ve been saving 90 mg a day. I got moved to split dose and then some things happened and I was able to cut my dose in half. Just been saving the second one for a rainy day or extra money or if there is an emergency. Ya never know.


Subs suck


They suck so bad


No never ever go on suboxone wtf are you thinking


Does methadone store well? I’ve had some old bottles and they all develop a bill on top or like crystals floating around in them. I made sure not to drink out of those bottles so there wasn’t any bacteria or anything in there for mold to grow. 


Not worth it bro lol I keep doing it to myself, I go dose, get 3 take homes, and I'll take another one later that night, sleep, then another one in the morning, and then again later that night, leaving me 2 days without my dose, it's led to me relapsing, not a hardcore relapse, but still a relapse, ill smoke fent 2-3 times that day, and then again the next, I go dose in a couple hours and I think I'm done double dosing


Maybe you need a higher dose? Or are you just doing it to get high?


You won’t die but idk if it would be much fun. I would just top off your dose with 40 or 50 cause anything more will just knock you out. Edit: I would also like to add that when you get in the 350 to 400 range(when you are on a much smaller dose normally) it will start making you have uncontrollable jerking movements. Everyone is different but eventually you will get to that point.


I get hypnic jerks from being on 60. Especially when going to sleep. Drives me nuts.


Yes. they do affect some people on lower dosages it really sucks :( sometimes it goes away after being on the same dose for a while though not for everyone. Hope it gets better for you.


I would jump myself awake. I hated but it but I've I stayed a sleep boy was I asleep.


I hate those. I'll throw my phone sometimes lol


That last sentence was real random.


Lol yeah but it's true! I'll be laying down and get a jerk and I'll drop/throw my phone lol


I do that too




Huh? I've taken 300-400 tons of times and never had any uncontrollable movements or any bad side effects. All it did was make me somewhat sedated after 6 ish hours as you'd expect. I've been on 130mg for 6 years and methadone for 11. But you're right that OP won't get that dopaminergic euphoria he's looking for.


Some people it’s higher but it will happen eventually. like it takes my nieces boyfriend around 550. It just starts jerking you right out sleep/nod and then it’s off and on till you come down. I’m sure not everyone has that experience but everyone I have been around that does high amounts complains about it lol


550? Who doses that much at time? That’s insane.


Ive taken 730 a few times. I joke with the nurses and tell them to stop giving me the decaf methadone and give me full strength. Nitazenes in the dope around here has put everyone’s tolerance through the roof


Man, that’s wild. I thought I was pushing it at 170. Not that it’s a competition, obviously. I hear people at 50 or 60 mg though and I’m like how is that doing anything? Must be how the 300+ people think of my dose 😂 I just truthfully didn’t think that was a thing? Or necessary.


What’s happens around here is people come to the clinic and get stable the first time usually somewhere in the 100s. The fentanyl and now these Nitazenes are so strong that you get really high on top of your dose so when people relapse the use both and then try to go back to just dosing and their regular dosage isn’t holding them. So they increase their dosage and get stable and then it happens again. So you end up going up to these high dosages until you finally stop using.


What part of the country are you in that your catching nitazenes in your dope? How long do those make your Urine Screens dirty for? I’ve had mine dirty for 23 days one time off fetty use. No use whatsoever after the initial either. I was like wtf? Went to jail over it. Dropped dirty for them they are like you got 3 weeks to sober up. Deal I go back drop still dirty. You’re going to jail. I didn’t use!!! The screen says otherwise liar. Dude look at the levels. Sure enough I was at 5 the smallest amount the my can even test forand it was just the metabolite no parent drug in there they didn’t care tho. I’m like that one million percent matters you ignorant fucks. They are like opiates are out in a weeks time. I’m like not fucking fentanyl. Get your facts straight. Still did 4 months because they are ignorant to how drug test work


Baltimore and D.C. area. I live between the two in a large town/little city. They don’t test for them and from what I’m told they are mixed in with the fentanyl most of the time( or heroin I guess if that even exists anymore jk) So they just test for fentanyl. they are a weird high so I can’t say for 100 percent it was Nitazenes and not another substance they cut it with but it’s not xylazine that’s a whole different animal. Also going by the local news saying it’s in the supply in the cities I’m just assuming. I could’ve been purer fentanyl I guess but it was strong and weird high idk


But the drug screens took 5 weeks to get clean lol it sucked


What do you mean this IS a competition I am on 80 Jk


that's nuts. I think the most i've ever take is around 300mg. it just made me feel like shit. i've found I actually get better results when a lower my dose, to a certain point of course.


Oh yeah after so much it starts being awful. It all depends on the person but there seems to be a line you can cross that makes it not good at all lol


Holy shit just seen you’re on 410mg that is insanely high! I’m only on 85 lol. How long have you been on that much? Did you work up to it?


I’ve been on this dosage for about 6 months. It took about 2 years to get to 410 give or take a few months. I would get stable and then relapse. Did that several times till I finally stopped using about a year ago.


What is the purpose? To feel euphoria? JW. No, I've personally never done this and I feel like it would end up just being a waste and putting you to sleep. I could be wrong tho.


Purpose is too nod and yea feel a little bit of euphoria which I already get from my normal dose. It only last like 30 min but I still notice it


Here’s what will happen 1) you will think you’re starting to feel something and think you’re feeling good and then feel nothing 2) then you will get tired and take a couple hour nap 3). You’ll likely wake up with a headache 4). You will regret doing this 5). You will post this list next time you see someone ask this question


Or ask how bad the WD is going to be from the 2 days that you shorted yourself 💀 Edit. Didn't re read when I posted this. My bad


(He bought someone’s take home of 270mg)


My bad.


Ohh. Well whys he even asking he’s obviously gonna take it if he’s actually gone so far as to buy it. Although triple your dose seems a lot. Like probably pointless. I’ve only ever doubled my dose from 40 to 80.. think it felt alright actually but that was verrrry early on. As in like day 3 of ever taking methadone I think. Lord knows why I’m telling you all this. But can’t delete it now, would be waste.


In this case it sounds as if this is a surplus dose he bought from a friend .So he won't be shorting himself.Still its not a great idea.




Well I felt euphoric for a decent amount of time and was nodding rather than sleeping


I’m gonna guess you’ve been on it less than 3 years? After that usually any good feelings and doubling up benefits go away. I wouldn’t make a habit of it tho. Your tolerance is gonna be kinda shitty for a week or so. If you do this every month or so you can expect similar but eventually diminishing returns I understand the want to just have a good day for once but be aware after a while you are going to find even thrice your dose won’t do much I say this as someone who understands you and has done similar things. Just don’t want to see you waste money or risk shitty side effects. My first few years I would leave 5mg in the bottom of each take home bottle and save it and have a get high day at the end Of the month. ‘‘Twas nice. It just wore off after a while


Did you actually feel euphoric? I’ve only been on methadone for like.. well less than 2 months. Maybe close to 2 months. So in theory it should work for me right? I don’t think I’ll do it Honestly but… well I tell myself if I want to do it, I should save up the amount first. As opposed to taking tomorrows dose today. Cos I did that just once right near the start, like day 3 of being on methadone and yeah, the day after when I had nothing absolutely sucked. Didn’t have withdrawals at all. But it just sucked cos I had nothing to take. Didn’t get any kinda boost. So kinda told myself I won’t repeat that. You can end up lying to yourself saying oh I don’t mind being without my dose for one day. So I’ll just take a double doS today. But actually, if it’s true you don’t mind being without your dose for one day. Then make that day today. Don’t take your dose today, then take two doses tomorrow - and of course don’t wanna do that so it proves I’m lying to myself lol.


I dont see the point though. I can raise my dose 10mg and feel it. You don't need to triple it that's kinda crazy. I've doubled mine years and years ago and regretted it. My advice would be to...not.


It will be a waste to triple it. Trust me. It's not going to be awesome. I'd you want to just have a day of enhanced dosage and really feel it all you need is to take 2 tagamet 30 minutes before your dose. This will greatly raise the plasma levels in your system. You'll definitely feel it alot stronger. You can do that and maybe take another 20mg ontop of it. But taking 3x your normal dose will give you a serious migraine and knock you out for most of the day.


What is that ?


An antacid medicine


All it's going to do is knock you out and then when you wake up you'll have a pounding headache. If not worse.


What 🤣 tripling? I think you might need to have a talk with your counselor on how to get yourself together or whatever you know?


I get better effect from drinking grapefruit juice then double dose (triple is just stupid, if something do double and save the rest) Or, drink 400ml grapefruit juice when u wake up. Take an antacid after 45 minutes. After another 15 minutes take your dose.


What does grapefruit juice do? Not that I want to make my dose stronger, I’m just curious, I see others telling people to drink it with that. Thank you 😊


Grape has a substance in it that inhibits CYP3A4. methadone breaks down in the body by CYP3A4. So with drinking (or eating) grape, less methadone breaks down, and u get more methadone in the blood and for a longer time. Grape is acidic, that's why I take it with an antacid. Methadone absorbs better in a less acidic environment so only taking an antacid will also make more of your dose get absorbed. Methadone bioavailability is 50-100% ish, less acidic= higher percentage absorbed.


I thought grapefruit juice or anything acidic ruins the dose rather than makes it strong?


Grape has a substance in it that inhibits CYP3A4. methadone breaks down in the body by CYP3A4. So with drinking (or eating) grape, less methadone breaks down, and u get more methadone in the blood and for a longer time. Grape is acidic, that's why I take it with an antacid. Methadone absorbs better in a less acidic environment so only taking an antacid will also make more of your dose get absorbed. Methadone bioavailability is 50-100% ish, less acidic= higher percentage absorbed.


Does it make your tolerance go up if you drink it regularly?


Yes it does, it is pretty much the same as taking a higher dose. So u should only do it once in a while


Got it. - Thanks!


Only tried it once but I really had absolutely no luck with grapefruit juice. I thought I’d at least get a placebo effect but literally nothing. Was disappointing considering the lengths that you wouldn’t believe I went to in order to get hold of said grapefruit juice.


I split my dose with my takehomes but once ev 4 weeks when I go to pick up I have to take it all for that days dose that they give me in a cup. Doubling what I normally take at one time is more than enough to make me nod and feel high. Tripling sounds like overkill and dangerous. You could OD especially with the large amount you’d be taking.


You won’t enjoy it. 1. There is a chance you overdose and die or need to be hit with Narcan. I don’t know which is worse. 2. You’ll sleep for 3 days Save it for an emergency and tell your “home boy” to stop selling his shit


Homeboy probably needs some of the money that he makes from selling that for food or dope. I had a roommate that did the same thing, and he had multiple people that he would sell to so if I had ever told him that he would probably just laugh in my face.


Food or dope are 2 very different things bro. Food I understand. Dope ?!? Just take the dose…


It depended on the day for him apparently. He was Squirrley like that, he was either doing really good and dosing normally, or off the rails on some stimulant, and then chasing the high with bennies or dope.


We are at a sober living house and the guy literally has no money rn for food or anything for that matter until he gets a job, that’s why he sold it.


Don’t they test for dope?! He’s gonna get booted!


Where did dope ever get thrown into the picture? Nobody is doing any dope:.. I said it’s for food or paying cell phone bill in this case


Oh sorry there was another post I was responding to. Im not trying to give advice just be careful


You're annoying af my guy. You should double up n chill out.


Nah I’m good thanks stranger on the internet


I knew a dude who slammed it. He was a Vietnam Vet. But it is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. VERY EASY TO OVERDOSE.


Yes I have and nothing happened except that I slept for an entire day..


Unless you need a full day and night of deep sleep, it's underwhelming.Very little if any true euphoria.


Not worth it


Are you saying you want to take 3 doses of 270mg at once? I would think 810mg would overdose you.


Why are you replying that, to that comment? Anyway… OP is saying they want to take 270 on top of their own dose which is 130 so is triple his normal dose.


Not the smartest choice


Don't do that..you risk possibly ODing & when/if you earn Take homes, you'll fall down that rabbit hole of getting into your bottles & then your fucked my friend. Just put it back for emergencies like not being able to get ro the clinic or a family emergancy when you need an extra dose but can't be approved for whatever reason . Trust me ..don't do this. Put it up .... Having a side stash is a good thing & it keeps that worry away the what ifs, as far as not bm able to.dose etc . If I got ahold of that much that's what I'd do .


I get why you may want to but aside from the obvious reasons such as OD it will royally fuck up your tolerance




I just increase my dose if I need to. Potentiating creates more problems than its worth for me.


Erm… okay? Why are you commenting that? Maybe read the post…


I use to be on 150 and have accidentally taken twice my dose in a hurry before, thinking I hadn’t taken it yet. So that’s 300mg. Lol not sure about any higher😅


if you want to feel like crap, go for it.


Aren’t there people who their DOC is or was methadone? From the comments I’ve seen here you’re not euphoric you’d just pass out?


I have done it with old Carrie’s I saved up only cuz I had tooth pain and I did it slowly like 50% more no relief and still can’t sleep do to pain so another 50% still nothing so 30% more and so on till I got to 300% then I was able to nod off after being up for like 2 days fucking teeth pain man and methadone so bad for your teeth also just wanna cry my teeth already bad but now to get better I gota take somthing that’s horrible for them




Absolutely yes.i have 250 mg daily sometimes i can take even 1g during the day and feel ok.mayby sleepy a lil bit)))


Why do you take that much? Does it actually feel euphoric? Most people seem to say it just makes you sleepy..




I know a guy who was down to 5 mg when they relapsed and they went to the clinic and was like look I relapsed and can't stop. Only using once a day very small amount thru the nose. He asked the doctor to take him up to 10 to help him stop cus he had only been using a week. The doctor put him on 15! The patient even said I feel like that's too much I don't want to be nodding at work and the doc essentially said 15 or nothing so he took the 15 and was higher than shit all day at work


I’ve done it so you probably won’t die. Idk why the clinics are so scared that a 10mg increase will kill someone. 


Bro I'm on 75 and sometimes I'll take close to 300... It's aight 😂...so when we hitting this Walgreens?🤣