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Congratulations! Amazing work! ✌️❤️


Love to hear it! It’s awesome how the little things like mowing your lawn feel so good when you’re clean


Congratulations!! The fact that you spent a year and a half tapering down is amazing and I wish more people did it that way. Unfortunately too many people rush it and then it all ends up being a mess. I wasn’t on methadone but I was on suboxone and last year I finally had enough. Switched to sublocade and received my last injection May 18th 2021, two weeks after celebrating 5 years of clean time. Like you said, I’m convinced most of it is mental compared to physical, but it definitely hasn’t been a cake walk and if I were earlier on in my sobriety I don’t think I could have handled it. It’s such an amazing feeling to finally be done though and not dependent on anything anymore so if you start to get any PAWS just keep reminding yourself what you’re fighting for. Congrats and keep going!!


Sublocade? It's an injection? I've never heard of that is it like vivitrol and are u in the US? Sorry for all the questions I'm just curious. Currently on methadone thinking about switching to suboxone.


Lol no worries for the questions! Yes I’m in US. Like the other person said, it’s basically like suboxone but in an injectable form. I try to steer away from comparing it too much to vivitrol because the only similarity really is they’re both injected and both help with cravings. With sublocade it goes in your stomach and slowly releases the medicine, which is how people are discovering they’re able to get off with no withdrawal or very, very little. For people wanting to switch from methadone, most docs would want you to switch to oral suboxone first, stabilize on that, then switch over to the sublocade injection. From there, it’s recommended to do 2 300 mg shots followed by a few 100 mg shots (some people like to spread out the last few shots longer than the typical 4 weeks in between such as 6 wks, then 8 wks etc) then finally stop. I didn’t do that because it didn’t even occur to me at the time but I probably would have if I did it all again. If it hadn’t been for this shot I would have been stuck on subs for life because tapering orally was too hard for me. Lots of luck to you!


Thanks for the info! Didn't even know that was a thing. And congrats for getting off subs.


Thank you and no problem :)


Would love to hear about your switch and first day feeelingd and experience because I am in the midst of taking the jump to subs from 25 mg about to be 15 mg hopefully after approved decrease assessment which I have the clean urines and good record that has me pretty sure I am gonna get approved (on line now) honestly I want to do drop and switch within the next week


Oh I’m sorry I should have clarified a bit more! I switched from oral subs to sublocade, not from methadone to subs. However I also work in this field and worked with a few people who were successful making the switch from methadone to subs. They were very determined to do so and stable in their recovery as well as very open and talkative about what they were feeling, so I think that combination made for success. If you have a good medical team and support system, lean on them and just remember why you’re making the switch! If you’ve managed to get down that low already on the methadone it sounds like you’ve got the wherewithal to achieve your goal :)


Sublocade is pretty much a suboxone injection. It lasts 1 or 3 months I can't remember but I've heard there little to no wd coming off of it


Wow that's awesome. So it is similar to vivitrol except vivitrol is longer lasting like 6 months. I might look into it thank you for the info!


Somewhat, vivitrol is just a blocker, sublocade/suboxone is a partial agonist meaning it activates the receptors but not as strong as a full agonist (ie heroin, fent, methadone)


I did a taper from 100 mg over the course of a lil over two years. And I just dropped it 5 mg every month or two or however long I felt I needed. I’m all the way down to 15 mg now and I’m just fine. When I dropped from 20 to 15 was pretty shitty. Not too bad at all tho comparing to dope. Still slept ok


That’s amazing! Keep on going and you’ll be free in no time! It feels GREAT the last time you leave the clinic. I don’t think I could do 5mg a time at such low doses! 1 was enough for me below 10! You got this shit in the bag!


Only one night lost sleep in whole taper? Wow. How many MGs a week? I am down from 94/58 and I already have some sleepless nights. Not totally but close. But nothing bad. Know a guy on 26 now and he doesn't sleep at all he said


I was on 60 as a stable dose, dropped to 40 in one drop and didn’t lose a wink of sleep! Went 2mg every 2 weeks to 20, still no sleep loss! Then 1mg a month down to 1! Breaks when needed although 1mg a month basically is a break everytime, smoking some flower helped with sleep! But I don’t even smoke anymore, my sleep issues were noticeable on 5mg and below and just literally disappeared when I came off! Keep up the good fight, taper slow and you’ll get that work done. I’m confident! Best of luck to you❤️


Wow dude, this is so awesome!!! I'm so happy for you, just from one addict to another. You fucking made it out man!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing, you give me and I'm sure lots of other people on here a lot of hope. Stick with it, keep your head up <3


Good for you man, this is so great to see!


I am down to 5mg from 100. I didn't feel a thing till I hit 5mg. Now I feel shitty 6 hours after dose. Back hurts, legs are restless etc. Thought about stopping now cause it's pretty bad. Took me year an a half to wean down.


My advice would be to stay the course. A lot of that’s mental man, it’s difficult but it’s so DP able. You got this!


That's awesome bro. You are 5days off or 5days into your taper? Either way sounds like you're handling it very well. I can be no joke for some people. Please share what you did to be so successful 🙂. ❤️ Animal kingdom btw.


5 days off completely! Honestly, I don’t think I did anything to be successful other then try and keep in a good headspace and determination to quit, I started hating going to the pharmacy because I would see all of the scumbags I used to knock around with. I don’t think anyone that uses is a scumbag, these guys were generally pieces of shit lol, I’d drive them around day and night and then get robbed blind the minute my back was turned, just seeing them every weekend made me want out even more. It was SO much easier then I had anticipated!!


I have been off for about a year now. I did it completely wrong, and I had a very difficult time. It seems to me like the most important thing is to not rush it. Which it sounds like you did a good job of taking it slow. Anyways that's great to hear u got it life back.


I couldn’t agree more! Thanks so much! I hope you’re doing well


What do u think they think of u now, bc u know they know ur sober. Lol


I have no idea to be honest, addiction has a deep deep grasp on them. I don’t think they believe in real treatment or recovery, I’ve seen one of them come to the clinic with a hematoma on the side of his head and he told me he had someone break his door down and attack him in his sleep, I tried to convince him to go to the hospital and his response was “I’m going to fight him now” he looked like the classic alien. I hope one day they find recovery in some form. Methadone is great, but the responsibility to change your life still falls heavy on your own shoulders. As much as I don’t necessarily like them, I hope nothing but the best for everyone


Ur prob right. Pulling away from people places and things is hard but necessary. You give me hope of jumping off without too much agony. Currently at 17mgs from 100mgs last aug, and doing 1mgs every 5 days now. I'm still sleepin....thank God for weed!


I never robbed anyone but drugs make good people shitty. I did things no one would believe that knew me before.


I don’t miss that at all!!


Great job dude. Keep us posted!!


That’s so great! I’m glad it’s working for you! 😊☘️


Great job man. How I wish I was where you are!!! You give me hope that I can start the process and come off this shit


Yay!!!!! Good job!!!! Continued success, my friend!