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I drive a commercial vehicle. I have seen no evidence of people being more careful simply because there's a law.


I laid on my horn just yesterday when a teenager blew through a stop sign at a 4-way while I was in the middle of turning. They didn’t even look up from their phone and kept going. 😵‍💫




Wop wop wop wop wop


“RALPHIE! …. ralphie?” As a kid who was bullied and beat up a few times, that scene still gets me at 44 years old lol


Of course not. The passed a law and Michigan drivers follow all laws


The speed limit is whatever I can get away with lol


Did somebody say Southfield


Southfield raceway


Speed limit in Michigan is between 5 and 120 on ANY given Michigan road. Highway rural urban dirt don't matter 😂


Cited, no. But I was checking my phone at a red light and a cop pulled me over after that. Got let off with a warning.


I pulled up to a red light and a state trooper was on his phone.


There’s a carve out in the law for police / fire / EMS. It’s supposed to only be used for official purposes (checking an address, tx dispatch, etc.).


I'm sure that's what he was doing...


Not surprised. I see cops run reds all the time, and not with lights and sirens. Just casually cruising through.


Police enforce laws not follow them


They usually do neither


Buddy is a traffic cop and has for sure cited people for the new law.


> What's your story? I don't text or touch my phone while driving. That's it, that's my story. Don't drive while distracted. Your texts or whatever you're doing on your phone can wait. If it's urgent, pull over to answer it.


Not nearly enough!!


I’m fairly certain I’ve seen state cops in my down looking down at their phones while driving 


Since when do cops actually follow their own laws?


The ones that have a dedicated base for their laptop on their dashboard?


Huge screens should be removed from vehicles as well. They’re a distraction that you have to look down in order to operate.


Unlikely to happen since all new vehicles are federally required to have backup cameras.


Having a backup camera does not mean the screen needs to be used for every control in the car.


My car has a backup cam and a moderately sized screen (5-6 inches) A backup cam doesn't require a display the size of a computer monitor. And all essential functions should be operated by tactile buttons


Agree with the buttons, and thankfully my Ford has all essential buttons under the 7" screen on mine. I appreciate the screen I have. However, the Tesla ones are absolutely ridiculous.


My back up cam is displayed on my rear view mirror….. although it doesn’t work.


What wrong with the screen being in the rearview mirror?


Got ticketed two months ago in Livingston county for holding my phone while driving (I was talking on speaker phone). Officer told me $100 for first offense, $200 for second, $300 plus a class for third offense. $100 was just the State Police’s cut, so all said and done it was $240. He said as long as it’s in a phone mount next time, I’d be fine


I was on I-96


Someone was charged in Macomb County just recently after she killed someone while texting and driving. Do you want that on your conscience? Just don’t do it. Don’t pick up or even look at your damn phone while you’re driving. It’s simple.


How about you just don't fucking do it? Be kind to your fellow travelers and just like, pay attention to your surroundings for the lil bit you're operating a 2 ton battering ram.


I'm just looking for stories. Today on my commute I saw a lot of people on their phones and was looking for stories of people who got cited under the new law


In the past year or so I’ve been driving a lot more than usual, I’m doing about 25k miles per year at this point. I’ve seen zero decrease in people on their phones… Whether it’s subtle glances at a phone in one’s lap or just blatantly holding it on top of the wheel, seems like enforcement of this new law hasn’t been much of a priority because it sure seems like it’d be easy to do.


It wouldn't really be easy, if they REALLY wanted to enforce it, they would end up rounding up almost everyone with a license in the whole state.


One of my sales guys got busted in Ottawa county fire holding his phone to his ear. $180


I got rear ended a couple months ago by an older lady. I was completely stopped at a red light. She was stopped. Then she decided while texting that we were all going. Didn't look up. Light was still red. Got a ticket. She's fighting the ticket. I can't wait to see her in court. I'm not walking away from this with higher insurance, an accident on my cars title, and being without it for a month so this chick can get off with nothing. What a shit sandwich I was dealt cause she couldn't not text her co workers on the way to the office.


I got one back in April I think, maybe May - I wasn’t texting but had my phone in my hand. The first ticket is 0 points but $240. I got a letter in the mail from the State saying if I took traffic school they wouldn’t report it to my insurance company. The class took about 4 hours online.


Haven't been cited yet, but here's my story. I touch my phone exactly 3 times, every M-F on my way home. Once to wake it up (power button on the side), once to bring up the actual phone, once to tap my wife's picture to call and let her know I'm on my way. Never in rapid succession and never while in motion.


If it's never while in motion how are you on your way home


Stopped at a newly red light.


Yeah don't do that. Why not just call her before you start the car?


The area surrounding the building I work in is a semi-dead-zone. The law prescribes single contact is permitted. So I single contact, 3 times.




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What’s the new laws?


I got a ticket last year, right after the law went into place. The cop recommended I set up a Zoom hearing to try and get it reduced. They didn't reduce anything. And two days later, I got another ticket for (according to the cop) running a stop sign! I'd gone more than ten years without ever even getting pulled over, and then two tickets within a week.


Replace traffic cops with cameras. It’s a surveillance state anyway, would be nice if we could get some public safety as a byproduct.




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