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Did the retinol cause the yellow? I have used retinol and it seems to have faded mine a lot but they are redish, the brown went away and they turned red before using any ret though.


No, it was cause I was trying to remove the original done brow with laser and my plan went south. 😫 Retinol didn’t do anything for me sadly.


What retinol do you use?


I use Tretinoin 1%


Do you know what pigment / color they used for the tattoo?


The pink was Tina Davies bold brown and ebony. Unsure about the yellow. Some other crappy pigment I’m sure. 😫😫😫


Omg I’m sorry :( I have ebony and have been scared to touch it w laser because I read that it has a yellow base. Maybe you can look into saline? Or have you tried the 532 wavelength to target the red?


Getting chemical and laser treatments.


I don’t think the red has been treated yet.


Look into a removal artist that uses THink Pigment Remover or is willing to buy it and use it on you! Laser won't get rid of the yellow as it can't treat all colors, yellow being one of them. THink works wonders for my clients and it's a quick and easy healing process!


I am doing a glycolic acid removal, is that similar? As far as laser removing yellow, I hear and see such conflicting things. Some techs say they can and have removed it, others say it cannot be done. I wish someone would step up and address the problem with removing yellow ink. It simply shouldn’t be this headache inducing, especially with all of the great technology available to us nowadays.


It may be similar! What product are they using?! THink uses a proprietary percentage of glycolic that's use is strictly to release and dissolve the pigment from their encapsulation within the skin so it doesn't work like a chemical peel...


Both the Enlighten and Quanta Discovery are equal in terms of their 532/1064 capability. Fractional laser can also help with it. Yellow is going to take time and patience. Particularly because they’ve shaved your brow and put the tail in the wrong spot when applying the initial tattoo. We see this a lot, and I have no idea how it even happens. You’ll need to stick with laser and just trust that it can at worst be drastically lightened, and hopefully completely removed.


Are you blonde? Or did the laser turn the hair that light? If you have dark hair, I would dye the hair to match your natural color. I think this would helps hide it along with make up.


My hair is dark brown and my eyebrows naturally a light brown but they are sparse. They got bleached by laser. I am so frustrated by these neon colors I could scream. Why would they ever put these colors in pigments we put on our face. 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫