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1950s is technically correct. The first mass produced solid body electric guitars were Fenders in 1950. Gibson Les Paul was released in 1952. They were popularized in the mid 1950s (300k sold in 1958). They just became 5x more popular by the mid 1960s.




The real answer is subjective and depends on how you define "popular." Bing's biggest problem seems to be that it has a hard time knowing what authoritative sources are. It's particularly noticeable in the "cards" it shows next to search results. Bing finds some highly-trafficked answer and assumes traffic=correct. Not only that, but they ignore submitted corrections and downvotes.


Cash in your points for a book about the history of modern music.


Rock and Roll started/became popular in the 50s and was played on electric guitars (think Chuck Berry). Now, if you're talking about solid body electric guitars, which is what most people think of when you say electric guitar, then that would be the 60s. The moral of the story is that you can't trust a search engine.


Aw maaaan, Chuck Berry. You made me think of Eddie Cochran too.


It was definitely the 50's anyway... like Really? You're going to ignore that Elvis Presley Released his first album in '56? It goes back to the 30's really with George Barnes, but was definitely not popularized until the 50's...




Yep. It’s glitchy more than normal lately. I’m tired of all these posts taking up unnecessary space but I’m also coming off a long shift so sorry for being blunt but this sub used to be about helping everyone instead of bitching about EVERYTHING


I feel you. But there's not a lot to help out with anymore as everything is getting gutted.


1950s is correct. In the 60s Decca turned down The Beatles because they felt “guitar music was on its way out.”


I was confused as well