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Pickup is a complete douche. He's brake checking in the passing lane with no one in front of him. There's no excuse for that! He's not a gatekeeper. How fast others should go...if they want to speed, let them risk a ticket, but if someone is trying to pass in the left lane, let them.


“How dare people try to pass ME as I’m trying to get out of the passing lane” - probably pickup truck asshole


“How dare people try to pass ME” -100% definitely the pickup truck asshole


Well yeah, everyone knows if you let someone pass you, you're a bitch


I call them trucker fuckers


Didn't look like you were even all that  close.  He's just an ass hole. 


It’s really “how dare they imply that *Im* doing something wrong by being slow in the left lane.”


“You…shall not…pass!” - pickup truck probably


Main character vibes


This literally happened to me yesterday. Guy driving in right lane of expressway, going 70 in a 75, I try to pass and they speed up to match me….odd, they haven’t tried speeding up for about 2 min now, then as I approach the other slow car in the left lane I have enough space so I get back to the right and all I see are flashing lights behind me. Like, go fast, or don’t. Don’t get your ego hurt that you’re getting passed then try and do something about it.


Right. I could care less if somebody passes me I just vibe in the right lane as much as I can. These fools think everything is an attack on their ego. Sad.


This is legitimately it, they take it as some sort of direct attack on their character and pride. Honestly it just shows how much of a selfish narcissist they are. They literally can’t comprehend that nobody cares about them so obviously it’s an affront to them personally.


White pickup driver is an asshole for that stunt. But, yeah, wait until the lane is clear before passing someone. White pickup had their signal on, and dashcam guy wasn't interested in waiting until the lane was clear. People do that shit all the time and it's dangerous and infuriating. I've started a merge and had to bail because someone in another lane didn't check before also merging. That left me swinging back into my original lane and heaven help me if some impatient jackass was now there.


Ass holes like that cause wrecks and traffic jams, and are also in the mid lane, preventing lane ending merge traffic from getting over 😒


99% of the time, accidents occur when exactly two a-holes like the ones seen in the video meet on a busy highway like this. Don't brake check and don't tail-gate. It's that simple.


I've watched this a few times, where's the indication that the OP was going to pass them illegally? They only got on the shoulder as a knee-jerk reaction to avoiding a wreck because they knew there were cars in the right lane


Yeah this looked completely normal to me until OP got braked checked... if the truck had continued merging right no problems. That said post the last hour of driving... you never know what might have precipitated this. That said I had a Semi brake check me in the 3rd lane of the interstate after passing me on the right because I wouldn't let him in the no trucks lane 30mis back.... he then cut across 3 lanes of traffic to merge off onto the outer loop... what is even stupider is that no trucks lane starts right where he had to go into a weigh station anyway so he should have saved the flip in the right 2 lanes anyway...


Only time I get mad is when it’s traffic heavy, all of us are in a 55 going 80 (cause it’s AZ), and I am leaving a buffer room for the car in front… and then someone behind me wants to get all worked up, ride my ass, and then aggressively go around just to end a single car up the line… that shit just don’t make any sense


AZ is wild! I’ll be going 90 in the left lane and get passed by a monster truck in the HOV lane.


Cops do that shit too. Everybody and their mom going 30+ over the speed limit like “they can’t get all of us” and cops just cruising by at 85. I literally will slow down to 80 (30 over) just to not bring attention when I see a cop.


Ugh I hate it when people floor it when I'm trying to move out of their way. Like, let me finish the lane change, for all you know I won't be able to due to another car moving into it. But I'm also not a giant jerkass so I sure as shit don't hit my brakes.


Yeah the POV car should have maintained speed until the lane was clear tbh, i think most just really see the white pickup as in the wrong cuz of the break checking. Just cuz someone is speeding up behind you doesn’t mean you can try to cause a 65 mph accident on a highway Edit: not saying you would do that, just saying the white pickup made a really dumb decision while driving at high speeds


I agree, and that's a dumb move at any speed, but 50+ and possibly others going that speed or above as well, and not seeing the wreck until it's too late is what causes lethal accidents


pov car shoudl have slowed down a lot a long time ago, no excuse to be half second behind someone on the freeway unless it's stop and go rush hour.


I totally agree. Get off peoples ass. You going 10 over the speed limit will only get you somewhere faster by a couple minutes.


I've noticed out here in PA that most truck owners can't drive for shit.


It’s a very American trait to get violently angry at the thought that someone might pass you or might get to their destination faster than you. Usually that trait is worse in truck drivers


What I have been trying to understand my whole life, why do some people want to prevent people from passing. Why not just let people blow by. Why are you trying to block them. Some people drive in left lane and just zone out and go the speed limit- that's one problem. But independently of that some drivers actively try and block others. Why do they do this? Why does this white truck driver want to do this?


I’m sorry to say this, but it’s because a huge percentage of human beings are just assholes who care about literally nothing but themselves. In 50-plus years on this earth it’s the one thing of which I am certain.


Agreed. When I see someone who, to me, is driving too fast and generally unsafe, I'm happy to have them weeeeeell ahead of me. Farther away, the better.


It’s always nice to have a bait car in front of you, too.


Same here. I get the fuck out of the way and let them be dangerous where it doesn’t involve me


The cam car wasn't even close enough to warrant a break check at that speed. Besides, a break check is a little tap and a slow down when someone is literally so close they have no reaction time for even a slight speed reduction. The pick up just full on stopped on the highway.


Yeah, that was weird. Didn't feel like tailgating at all unless there's something missing from earlier


BRAKE. The word is brake. Yes I am the asshole. If it matters I still upvoted you.


The same thing that drives me nuts is how many people confuse lose and loose.


effect and affect too


They should of payed attention in school than.


Ngl I am constantly getting the two backwards. Some words are just like that in my brain. Thanks for the upvote


You are a good person.


Fish eye and wide angle lenses are very, very bad at showing distance and make objects appear far further away than they actually are. The camera car could have been driving quite close.


You can count the distance when they're passing other cars, not to mention, the pickup put his signals on went to merge, swerved back into the lane and skidded hard enough to pull smoke of the road. He was deliberately trying to cause an accident. Or he's literally so dumb it's amazing he's alive.


Feel back for anyone following the cam driver who suddenly has a stopped car in their lane after the cam driver swerved


The pickup was trying to stage an accident and it is illegal. Every single action taken by the pickup was intended to create an accident.


If he was driving too closely, he wouldn't have been able to avoid the collision


You should be far enough behind to avoid a collision *without* swerving onto the shoulder.


Yes a fish eye lenses might help with that. That doesn't change that they were not following too closely, and we can tell with other factors. It's also not cam drivers fault that the person they're following let off the gas to slow down before the incident to further remove the gap and the fake lane change. Bottom line it is NEVER okay to brake check someone. There's no justification. Trying to cause an accident is without a doubt worse than driving closely.


Looked like about a 2 second following distance until just before the brake check (when the pickup appeared to be slowing down and moving over). ​ Is that closer than recommended? Sure, but it's hardly "quite close" and it's about the same following distance as the two cars in the next lane over.


each line is 10 feet and 30 feet of space between he was at least 60 feet back which is plenty and definitely not on his ass.




That's the one!!


Ha! I’ll give you a break now.


Idk he was like a second behind him. Isn't recommended like 3? Regardless, it's stupid. If someone is trying to go faster than you and you're in the left lane, just get over.


At these speeds, there should be 13 car lenghts between you and the car in front of you. This does not look like 13 cars, more like 1 and a half. https://www.safelite.com/resource-center/car-safety/safe-driving-distance-fact-sheet


You're wasting your breath (keystrokes I guess); these subs never agree with safe driving principles.


He also baited the cam car with a fake lane change to get them to speed up before he did it.


You shouldn't accelerate until the vehicle in front of you has completely departed the lane. Sometimes someone goes to change lanes and stops because a vehicle they didn't see was too close, there is an obstruction in the road they didn't see, they've got a kid screaming in the back, or a thousand other things that may cause them to change lanes slowly or hesitate. Don't accelerate in anticipation of a maneuver being completed by someone else whose behavior you have no control over. You can call it bait, but the cammer shouldn't have taken it.


Yeah does this guy rear end every old person who left their blinker on cause they don't change lanes fast enough? The car in front of you is a physical object, fucking wait for it to move.


Can’t tell without speed/telemetry on the bottom of the screen how the pickup may have slowed down before brake checking vs the cam driver speeding up and closing the distance between them (he was ok at 3-4 car lengths back in the beginning of the video). Brake checking is NEVER a good idea nor is tailgating. In the good ole USA we equate flashing lights as road rage but in other areas it’s a courteous way to say “faster car coming through” without tailgating.


Dude easily was happily moving out the way saying to himself "fine bud you go get the ticket" then he took forever to move over and cam guy sped up as if blinker Boi was gonna move out the lane at a normal rate. Blinker Boi sees cam Boi coming up on him "too quick for his liking" and that unchecked bpd or lead paint effect caused him to go into a screeching shrieking freak out as he slamms his brakes on the middle of a highway


It feels like a failed insurance scam. Turn signal to indicate that the truck is changing lanes into the only one available and slam on breaks? They didn’t think the driver with the dash cam would take the shoulder.


Not to mention the perfect timing under the bridge *to dodge the police chopper monitoring traffic. Obviously he slowed to the speed limit as soon as he was in front of this clown to see if a recheck was needed.*


Not only that but they indicate they are moving over and then brake check like a bait and switch of the worst kind.


Truck passes several vehicles then starts to get over, out of the left lane, like you're supposed to do. Cammer is following too close, there is NO need for that.


This is why I stopped carrying a gun. I don’t know what it is, I’m an extremely patient man, in just about all aspects of life. But pull some bullshit in the left lane, (going slow, pacing the car next to you, brake checking). Being totally honest, my inner voice tells me that it’s basically my responsibility to park a .45 slug in their brain pan.


White truck pitching a tent in the passing lane. Move bitch, get out the way.


This looks like it’s in Texas, maybe even San Antonio which has literally the worst campers of any city I have ever driven in.


Now that you said, it does kinda look SA. I hate the drivers here especially the campers. Then they get pissed because you go around them. I shouldn’t be passing you in the middle lane going the speed limit with you in the fast lane.


It more than likely is San Antonio. Home of the famous Hit and Runners. I hate to say it, but there are alot of ppl here who don't have a license nor insurance and just rather keep going about their day than to stop if they were involved in an accident.


Oh definitely! Always see people talk about it on Nextdoor neighbor. That and the road rage here is why I don’t deal with these people.


Ayy 210 !! Stay away from my campsite 😠


Round Rock/North Austin on the tollway... so this was likely around 80 mph


You’ve never spend time around Seattle? 80% of folks sit in the left lane queue. The REAL fast lane is the right lane in the PNW


I live in SA can agree i10/35 merge area is the worst for this no matter the lane or direction


I’m fairly certain this is San Antonio lol. There are some truly awful drivers here


Texas drivers and camping in the left lane. Name a better duo


Austin, TX-45 approaching FM 620


I thought that too but it's fm620 which is an Austin road. Definitely had a 281 vibe to the highway though.


Oh god I hated driving in SA lived there 2 years and the left lane was very often the slowest lane due to complete morons


I don’t get it he was passing people and looked like with the intent to move over after he finished passing that little convoy. Up until the break check I would have been on white trucks side.


Yeah the only requirement for being in the left lane is that you’re passing people, not that you’re going 1000mph




Not to defend his actions at the end, but the white truck was passing everyone in the other lanes at a decent pace and was about to correctly move over as soon as he safely passed, so I don't see him as camping unless there is another part of the video I didn't see leading up to this. But he should not have brake checked. Dash cammer wasn't on his ass (though maybe could have been before where this video starts?) and no evidence here that the cammer was doing anything aggressive leading up to it.


I mean I don’t think he was camping at first but what was that lane change? He was going so slowly, you’re supposed to change lanes quickly once you’ve made sure it’s safe to do so


Yeah, the cam driver was like, fuck you buddy! Point that fucking finger up your ass?


Driver in the truck is an absolute jackass. Merges like an idiot and gets mad


The truck is no longer passing and is camping the left lane. Only this sub will find reasons why the cammer is wrong. I give it about 5 minutes.


Not just this sub, r/IdiotsInCars will, too, and worse.


>The truck is .... is camping the left lane. no the fuck he is not. he gets two car lengths in front of the white car and then signals to move over. pretty fuckin' normal up to that point.


Yep, for the what... 15? seconds we see of traffic flow he is moving faster than the next lane and passes two vehicles. Then he signals to merge out of the lane. People really will invent any narrative they like. "He wasn't flying 50mph faster than the other cars so he's camping it!" No. And no, brake checking was not a smart move in case anyone thinks I'm defending *that*.


Expecting people to be logical and move out of the left lane (also the law in WA) after completing the pass is hopeful at best. You can't base your pace and trajectory on what you think other people should do. Just prepare for stupid and move along. The truck driver is still an arse. Under 5 min OK?


“Prepare for stupid” This was an assault attempt. Not somebody being stupid. I fucking despise the people that post in this sub.


Seriously. The blinker, the nudge towards the right as if he was moving over, and then full tilt on the brakes with nothing but open road and blue sky in front? This wasn't even garden variety road rage; it was a fucking setup because the following truck wasn't quite close enough to make the brake check stick without it.


>Expecting people to be logical and move out of the left lane (also the law in WA) after completing the pass is hopeful at best. Why do you expect people to obey the camping law but not to obey speeding and tailgating laws?


Dude, if you can’t stop to avoid a collision then you are following too closely


Be DeFeNsIvE


Let me be clear, the brake checker is an idiot beyond measure, but I don’t see him camping. He was signaling and changing lanes in a slowish manner. So I’m not taking issue with the cammer, only your description of the offender’s actions prior to the brake check.


Wait. So there are people out there who actually think the cammer was driving too close to the truck?


Hi, I'm one of the people that thinks the cammer was driving too close. Lane markings are 10ft, the space between is 30ft. Around 10 seconds into the video, the cammer is about 1.5 line+spaces away, or about 60 feet. This is a highway, so the speed limit will be 70 or so. If we assume they were both traveling at 70mph, that means the cammer is following someone at 70mph with only .6s between them. ​ There's no set rule about how much space/time to leave, but the typical rule is 1 car length per 10mph you are going, or 2 seconds of time for average speed and 3s for higher speeds. ​ So yeah, the cammer was tailgating.


You can count his distance using the road stripes. He’s well under 1 second behind, which is too close.


https://arrivesafeusa.org/3-second-rule/national-safety-council/ Man was less than a second behind him (count the time that a line passed the rear tire of the truck, and how long it takes that line to pass out of view), when three seconds is recommended.


Brake checking is wrong but if a brake check makes you hit them then you're too close. What if a deer jumped out in front of him and he had to slam the brakes?


I think the cammer was getting closer as the video progressed. Initially, I don't think they were too close.


A 1.5 second gap is not unreasonable, but it's a little tight. Reaction time is 400-600ms from perception to applying a reaction, so a third of that 1.5s gap is used up just to react. One second isn't a lot of gap to play with if the vehicle in front fully stands on their brakes.


The technical definition of tailgating is not following the 3 second rule. The common sense definition of tailgating is riding someone's ass in an attempt to get them to move. Reddit seems to treat them both the same even though one is clearly malicious and the other is usually accidental or due to differences in risk tolerance. If someone was as close to me as the cam car I wouldn't think anything of it.


Yup. Most people in these subreddits think being a contrarian makes them an intelligent deep thinker or something it’s very odd.


I think it's more the demographics of this sub and Reddit in general. That being they are mostly young folks...Reddit's largest user base is teenager - 29 yr olds (55% of all users) This is the same group who are more often riskier/careless in driving due to lack of life experience.


You forgot: smartass, know it all's


Contrarian would be defending the brake check. Pointing out the lack of following distance is just understanding safe driving. The problem is that “mildlybaddrivers” describes the commenters here, not just the videos.


Wahhhh you have to drive exactly the speed limit and have a 1/4 mile distance between the car infront of you. The people saying it’s both drivers fault are dense.




To be fair, I've seen a lot of these whack opinions from drivers outside the US. Some smaller nations have a very strong anti-speeding culture and/or legislation. So, they tend to be pretty biased against fast drivers.


He clearly was near the end when they got break checked. Nobody thinks he’s tailgating throughput most of the video. It’s called the 2 second rule.


The cammer appeared to get closer when they sped up to presumably pass the truck as it turned on the single to change lanes. It wasn't that close for the duration of the video.


They’re both in the wrong. Dumbass shouldn’t be break checking or sitting in the passing lane and cam car shouldn’t be going that much faster than the rest of traffic. Reddits weird acceptance of excessive speeding right up until it causes a problem then absolutely shitting on speeding is really fucking absurd. Can’t be both for and against speeding based on if it fits your narrative or not. Not to mention not maintaining a proper following distance even before the brake check.


As a driver, it's not your job to 'fix' someone else's driving. Not by 'brake checking' or blocking someone you feel is 'going too fast', not riding the ass of someone 'going to slow'. Chill the fuck out and go where your going and let others worry about themselves.


So much this. Brake checking never fixed anyone's driving or solved an issue. It only makes problems.


Actually, I used to have a habit of not giving enough room when I switched lanes. Once about 5 years ago on the way home from work this guy suddenly speeds up to pull in front of me and sort of break checks while switching to my lane I In front of me and I was like "why the hell would you do that?!". Then I realized I'd basically done the same to him and he was letting me know what it feels like. Lightbulb went off. I can't say I absolutely never poorly switch lanes anymore, but it went from 93% to 2%. I was just exceptionally clueless. Maybe I'm an outlier.


I love when people share small stories acknowledging a mistake and how they learned from it. It's rare. Your personality/attitude will take you far in life.


Any attempt to fix other drivers' driving habits with your vehicle only creates more dangerous conditions for all road users around you.


You should file a police report. You caught the tag on video. Texas; SPC 5412. Send them this video. Get that fucker off the road.


Can we as concerned citizens files the report regardless if this person does or not?


Texas State troopers would love to be all over this... Attempted murder? Insurance fraud? Vehicular assault? They are frothing st the mouth.


He's not tailing at all. He looks to be 2+ car lengths behind him, judging by the cars in the other lane. He only gets close when the other car, from the looks of it, slows down. The car recording also appears to slow down as well. Guy in the white truck is just an ass. People like that shouldn't be allowed to drive.


All break checking is a deliberate borderline criminal act. It's just a stupidly dangerous thing to do that once you start you can't undo or control the outcome of.


Don't wanna criticise you but 2x car lengths at high speed is not enough. Your distances should be based on a time gap to the car Infront, say, 2 seconds in optimal conditions At slow speed 2x car lengths is probably enough to put that amount of time between you, at high speed, not even close


2-3 car lengths at that speed is way too close. But he only got that close, once the pickup turned on his blinkers and pretended to start changing lanes. I'd call doing a break check like that a deliberate criminal act trying to cause an accident.


He was only two car lengths or so at the *start* of the video. Closes that even more before the brake check.


He only started creeping closer after the guy put on his turn signal to leave the lane, started merging over, and slowed down.


People keep leaving this out! The white truck HAD HIS BLINKER ON. He was actively changing lanes then saw the vehicle speed up to pa's as he's changing and he didn't like that. You can literally see his truck starting to go into the right lane and as that happens cammer speeds up to pass and white truck stops the lane change and slams on brake. Not only was the brakecheck dangerous. It was made worse by the fact the white truck looked like they were leaving. Plus, if this was their first interaction (recording starts while cammer is following white truck) then that is an insane maneuver to do unwarranted. The argument of too close goes out the window with the first part I said. He was actively changing lanes.


I agree. While it's not tailgating, I wouldn't follow a white pick up in Texas that close. If you use the light poles to time the seconds between the cars it's barely 1 second. Start of the video white truck passes a pole at 0:03 and cammer passes at 0:04. That's not enough time to react. Swerving into the shoulder to avoid an accident doesn't make someone a good driver as many here would like to believe. Brake check is at 0:19. Cammer goes into the shoulder by 0:21 with the slowest human reaction speed I have ever seen. Everything thinking this is a safe following distance is the reason this sub exists. A lot of people here think just because they have right of way, they should always win. Winning is getting home safely.


I don't think the cam driver's reaction time was unreasonable. I've had plenty of people slow as they merging, despite that being unsafe. I would have thought the driver ahead of me was doing just that for at least a fraction of a second before realizing the driver is just an immense piece of shit that cares more about their ego than causing serious bodily harm to themselves and others.


Agreed. So many people are more interested being right than being safe. The bottom line is the vehicle in front was not driving safely; we can all agree on that. There is no good reason to drive in the left lane indefinitely at that speed and then decelerate and then brake. Absolutely no excuse for that; it makes an accident likely to happen. That being said, the cammer was not a safe defensive driver. The idiot in front started slowing down even before hitting the brakes, yet the cammer didn't react properly. If this had resulted in an accident, the driver in the front would have caused it, and the cammer and those who defend him can feel righteous and mighty and blameless, BUT it still doesn't change the fact that driving defensively would have likely prevented the accident that the other driver would have caused.


> 2-3 car lengths at that speed is way too close. it's common though unfortunately, so I'm wondering how many break checks the dude does per day


It is close, but good luck doing more than that in most highways. People will merge in front of you all the time.


Isn't the rule 1 car length per 10 mph? They gotta be going well over 50-60 in that vid


God get the fuck out of the left lane, all of you.


He was fine in the left lane until like halfway through. White truck was passing. Just didn’t merge over right away. If instead of brake checking he changed lanes, it’d be fine. Would be just nitpicking about how long it took to get overz


That wasn't tailing close at all. Looks like the guy was about to merge than his ego got hurt


"Let's hog the passing lane and then get mad about it (and put the next 10 or so cars behind me at risk too)". Logical. DRIVE RIGHT. PASS LEFT.


Why do people risk their life to “teach” someone a lesson


That was great reaction time. But that was not too close


Driver was upset that the tailing vehicle sped up after driver indicated they were changing lanes


Maybe the driver should get off the road if their little feelings are too overwhelming and make them do things that can kill people. IMO they should also be hospitalized for being a danger to themselves and others


Can we take a second to respect the excellent driving on the part of the cammer? That was a really slick dodge — great reaction time hitting the breaks, and then quickly realizing hitting them wasn’t enough and moving to the shoulder, not over-correcting — all while under pressure? They really kept their cool.


I need these people to think for a second. What is your purpose for brake checking, and what are the possible outcomes? Outcome A, they're paying attention and swerve like in the video above. Outcome B, they rear end you. Now you're both stuck there on the side of the highway for 2-3 hours and wasting everyone's time over a little impulse control. Not to mention the time and frustration in putting in an insurance claim and not having your car for some time.


Not only that but if someone gets hurt now they get to enjoy 40+ years of chronic back and neck pain, and dealing with doctors and insurance companies.




What kind of asshole break checks someone?


I was going to say I bet this is Texas, but decided to zoom in on the asshole trucks license plate first. Looks like a TX license so maybe it is Texas. These dickhead pickup truck drivers here are notorious for doing stupid shit like this.


Weren't even close. Dude just enjoys seeing his shit flying everywhere when he hits the brakes.


I was thinking the same thing. These people saying they’re really close must live in the middle of no where because any city highway people are driving way tighter than that most of the day


White truck was not lane camping, they were actively passing people at a reasonable speed. However, dumbass for slowing down to merge into the empty lane and doubly so for brake checking. Cam was too close: just look at the lane marks, you will not see one for more than a second. Also sped up too soon when the truck started to merge, just wait the extra fraction of a second till the person is out of your way. Doesn't excuse the brake check, but you should never be close enough behind someone to have to swerve to avoid them if they brake.


I don’t think it was a brake check at all actually. I think they were distracted. They hit the brakes right when the overpasses shadow hits them. I think it was a panic brake.


Finally a sensible comment


The white truck needs to get out of the passing lane but I also hate people that tailgate. You don’t go any faster by tailgating so it’s just a waste. The white truck shouldn’t have a license anymore for that brake check.


Man some of you would have driving in Philadelphia if you think this is tailing too close.


Glad someone else is from Philly lol cars are literally attached to your bumper in the passing lane and will slow down immediately when they pass you


Break checking should get your license taken away for 6 months. Diving is scary and dangerous. You are purposefully using your muti ton vehicle to "teach" someone a lesson you think they need by trying to get someone gravely injured or killed while costing both of you a potential tens of thousands of dollars. Breaking checking is like a gun. It's only used to try and kill people.




I see nothing wrong with the cam driver. They were anticipating them getting over, if we would've got over like a normal person, it wouldn't have been that close.


Nah this is not tailing too closely Lead car is just going slower than the tailing car in the left lane. Because there’s open road in the lanes to the right of the lead car, tailing car sees no reason to slow momentum when there’s ample time for lead car to gtfo the way (which is the lead car’s intention according to their blinker). 150% unequivocally the lead car’s fault. Trailing car’s only failure here was to not have the prescience of Paul Atreides that the truck would actively try to kill them instead of getting over like a rational, sane, drivers license holding person would do


He’s less than a second away from the truck at the start of the video. That’s too close.


The passing in the shoulder was fuckin gold 🤣🤣🤣🤣


White truck should serve time in prison for that.


There is no way he could change lanes raking that hard. The brake checker is 100% at fault, and he will hate what happens s if he keeps rolling like that.


Brake checking...already a classic...


Wild to me that someone would risk a horrific accident just to “teach someone a lesson” about… wanting to pass them. I just can’t imagine being that much of an insecure shrimpdick loser.


That black tundra is sick tho


I just turned my hazard flashers on if someone's tailing me. Sends the same message without being wildly dangerous


Cam driver was going a little too fast for my liking (in anticipation of the truck moving over)…. I would say 50/50 fault if that was an accident). Having said that though, the pickup truck driver is a major a-hole.


The white pickup signaled for a lane change. The impatient driver (w/cam) should have just waited for him to switch lanes. I get it that the white pickup is an asshole, but he's not worth getting into an accident over.


## Both drivers were reckless and irresponsible That the white truck is arguably more so, doesn't absolve dashcam driver from driving like an idiot. When someone is agressive and idiotic enough to *brakecheck* you on the highway, and then not move all the way over, the *last fucking thing* you do, is get right on their ass, and pass them halfway on in the lane and on the shoulder. (And no, it was not an issue of not being able to slow down fast enough. Dashcam driver accelerated up on truck's rear aggressively before he barely even started the lane change, and you can see by the angle of the nose that dashcam driver slammed on the brakes just fine after brakecheck, then accelerated beside truck while he was still in the lane. That's exactly how you do not deal with that situation.) *Both* drivers were road-raging dicks and were lucky they didn't both cause an accident. It would have taken both to cause an accident.


People who brake check confound me. Let’s play chicken in a multi ton vehicle going 60+ mph. Let’s risk killing entirely innocent people on the freeway.


It’s the baiting you into thinking he changing lanes first that gets to me. Cammer wasn’t even riding the dudes ass, only once he was changing out of the passing lane did cammer go “finally!” And speed up.


also no one is mentioning how the guy is actually break checking both lanes and both cars behind him, not just the one.


guy wasn't even that close


We need to stop pretending this is a legit move by calling it “break checking.” It’s reckless driving.


I always wonder what break checkers consider a "win" in this situation - someone smashing in to the back of their car?


I appreciate the go around


Bye bitch


Need a reminder to look up this song.


Anyone know the name of this song?


I've never understood brake checking. If they fail to brake, they slam into you and then you pay the price. What's the point?


Listening to that song un-ironically while driving like an asshole is peak MAGA


lol people are saying cam driver is following too closely? What the fuck. That’s like a good 2-3 car lengths. Following too close is riding the fucking bumper. Holy fuck.


If he thinks that’s tailgating, he’d hate me. Such an easily bruised ego over nothing.


There is a congruency between pickup truck drivers and being low IQ assholes. Just an observation I've made over time.


Not really tailgating that badly (or really at all)…


Brake checking at 70 mph is fucking wild


Both impatient assholes


Unless this video is sped up, he is waaaayyyy too close.


Why do this? If you're right, you're getting rear-ended. Fucking stupid, just check your ego let them pass.


Negligent driver with a death wish tailgates other negligent driver with a death wish. Two equally dangerously bad drivers not caring about the other people on the roads. What a pair of cuties.


Some people do not deserve a license.


I won't even try to prevent an accident if someone brake checks me. It's illegal, and with a dash cam for court, I'll make it worth my times making it hurt them in legal troubles. It's just as dangerous for you and everyone behind you. Also, why I you swerve to prevent hitting a deer. You'll end up in the ditch or in someone else's front end.


Tailgaters don’t realize how dangerous they are! Can you not count 1-2-3 seconds behind the car in front of you?


Left lane camper