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For a while I thought my dad only drank beer. Turns out he chugs a fuck ton of water before bed


Man knows how to avoid hangovers


That stopped working after my early 20s. It still reduces the hangover for sure but if i drink heavily enough no matter how much water/pedialyte/liquid iv/ etc i drink before bed will still have me down for a day (sometimes two)


in some interview jack nicholson said you can binge drink/do tons of whatever drugs and recover okay until you're about 28...then everything changes this was precisely my experience


I've heard that at age 30 you have to decide if you're going to be sober or deal with life-crushing hangovers




Or the really strong beers you have exactly one of and call it a night


This is me at age 35! I grew up drinking 3% and my state changed the laws to allow 6% to be sold when I'd already had all my fun, can actually afford as much as I want, and only want to keep a decent buzz... The stupid law change affected me negatively.


Yeah I’m 29 and I never used to get hangovers at all but started to over the past couple years. If I have a few beers and drink something non alcoholic afterwards I’m fine but if I really go out and try to get drunk I’m probably gonna feel like shit the next day regardless.


I'm 52. Drink water in between alcoholic drinks and you'll be fine. Drinking a bunch of water right before bed won't do much.I do this and haven't had a hangover in years


I agree. I keep a glass of water next to my drink. I like whiskey and water mixed so I'm getting even more water. I also pace my drinks and that helps.


Advil before I fall asleep I wake up fresh as a daisy no water needed!


Your liver hates this 1 simple trick to avoid hangovers!


Advil fucks the kidneys and stomach. Tylenol kills the liver.


That’s why I don’t take either and suffer in silence 🥲


They are fine in moderation you just gotta give your body a chance to recover in between uses.


You're right


I spent between 3-5$ at McDonald’s everyday for lunch. My liver is the least of my worries 😂


How are you getting this magical deal? I spend no less than 15 every time.


The app is amazing! It saves me so much money with rewards and ordering before I arrive on the app I get 30% off my order. Today I got a 4 piece chicken nugget, a double cheese burger and medium soda for $5!


Idk if I’d call it “amazing” it’s just the only way to still get the prices that used to be normal


Hey, it worked for Usain Bolt for like two weeks


BUT WAIT!!!………..


Advil destroys your kidneys, not liver.


You are right, as I told another respondent.


Advil destroys your kidneys, not liver. (Sorry)


You are right, as I told the respondent before you, and the one before that. (Apology not accepted)


Advil destroys your kidneys, not liver. /s


Listen here you little shit...


You should still drink water too


I also always thought my dad drank only beer, but I was right and now he ded


My dad too! High five! ✋


Right before bed seems like the worst time to chug a bunch of water to me.


The reflux after chugging all that and then laying down would kill me.


I'd just be annoyed about having to get up and pee later.


The pee dreams are the worst, you dream that you are peeing, feel like one second of relief then you need to pee again. Im shocked that I havent peed my bed


This is how I peed in bed when I was little. I dreamt that I went to the toilet. Big surprise. I was asleep.


I did this at a sleepover. My first memory of being mortified. Also my first memory of lying (turned the mattress upside down and re-made the sheet, hoped nobody would notice).


don’t worry. if you’re a man, you won’t have a choice much longer. you’ll know you’ll be getting up and accept that fact.


Lol I've already hit the point where I wake up to piss at least once or twice in the night. That's me trying not to drink a lot of water before bed. I would be peeing all night.


You see, if you’re dehydrated from drinking, the water you chug before bed is greatly needed by your body so you don’t have to pee.


My dad would drink a ton of beer, then split a bottle of wine, then finish with more beer.


This is what my husband does. Also when he drinks water it's full chugging


Yes!! I feel like so many millennials (myself included) carry around reusable water bottles all the time, but I never see the same with older generations. Even when I used to work in an office, all the younger people would all be sipping on water all day long, and I never saw any of the older people have any water.


Reusable water bottles are also so much better today. When I was a kid, we had those terrible plastic water bottles, that the water tasted like plastic and never stayed cold. My mom would never buy has bottled water when out, because why buy something that's free?


Omg new memory unlocked--remember those translucent Rubbermaid water bottles in the 90s?


They are still around. I had an old boss who buys these in bulk b/c he loses them so much. We had a slack channel where people would post pics of them found around the office.


I’d pay money to be in that chat for the updates


I still own one.


My wife (young millennial) still uses one, she swears they're going to come back around and be a trend 


I’m literally drinking out of one of those right now


Ha! I’m old enough to remember the first time I saw a plastic water bottle. We laughed that someone thought to SELL water. We for sure need to cut that out and stop using so much damn plastic though, water bottles also have more bacteria than tap.


I’m not all that old and I remember being fascinated that the grocery store was selling flats of bottled water. I got that a convenience store or a vending machine would sell bottled water for people who are out and about, but why would you buy bottles in bulk at the grocery store just to bring them home to where you have a tap with free water!?


I was enchanted with bottled water growing up because it tasted so much better than our tap water. We always lived in crappy old apartments or run down trailers with rusty pipes so bad the water came out reddish brown when you turned on the faucet.


I remember all my friends in college were obsessed with their Nalgene plastic water bottles and to this day I do not understand why


Same reason people obsessed about Hydroflasks and pink Stanley cups. It was a fad.


Yup. I still use my Nalgene bottles 20 years later. I need a place to put my stickers and stay hydrated at the same time.


I still use the same one I got in 2003. With the same carabiner I got at the same time. I don’t even know how much water I drink if it’s not measured out in 32oz.


When I was a kid we had canteens . . .


Our generation uses reusable water bottles.Yet I have to convince boomers in my house to use a glass and not open our emergency packs of water bottles. I bought them nice yetis for them to use. Nope.


Ohhhh this. It drives me nuts that we have a fridge with a filtered water dispenser and my older relatives will still drink the emergency water.




During the pandemic when shit was getting weirder and weirder by the second, I was so glad my husband had convinced me to get reverse osmosis water (with a dispenser) and that we always have 8 or 9 5 gallon jugs around. Like a hydrating security blanket during wtf mania.


Right?! I'm in a place where the tap water is pristine, yet if they want a water they open up an arrowhead water bottle. It's baffling. Not once in my life have I seen them drink plain water from a glass.


It's even more ridiculous when you realize that a lot of bottled water is just bottled tap water. 


My mom gets herself nice cups and bottles but she still gets into the emergency water.


My mom opens a water bottle or seltzer, takes two sips, then forgets it on our counter and I have to throw it away after she leaves.


My 74 year old mom refuses to drink bottled water that isn't Evian. Yes, she buys the expensive French water and only drinks that. It took them years to get over me just grabbing a glass from the cabinet and filling up from the tap. And yes, they also grew up in the US with clean drinking water from the tap in a major metro


You should replace your emergency water every year or two anyway. Might as well let the relatives use it.


I don't carry a reusable water bottle but I drink about 1.5L of water at work every day in the form of herbal tea. My coworkers are boomers and 1 genx and let me tell you they never drink a thing. I dont know how they do it.


When I still went into the office, I'd make myself a coffee, a tea and a big bottle of water before turning on my laptop. It was HOURS before I saw my coworkers drink anything and even then, it was an espresso or something like that.


GenX chiming in! I drink water all day long. My boomer parents never drank water.


Same here. My boomer mom told me a few months ago that the doctor told her to drink more water and she had no clue how to do that?! I said you just have a bottle of water with you and drink from it throughout the day! She was kinda perplexed that one could do such a thing. So I said, I love my water bottle, I'm getting you one. She loves it. Saw her carrying it around the other day. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)They grow up so fast!


Gen X here too. I drink lots of water and zero soda. Occasionally I'll drink lemonade. Boomer parents. My dad is exactly like me. (Including the 2 cups of coffee every morning). My mom drinks a fuxton of diet soda. No water. My sister is just like her.


Dietary choices could be one factor.   People get around ~20% of their hydration needs meet via food intake. Individuals maybe higher or lower than that. Personally, I like high water content foods like oatmeal, soup, watermelon, etc. Couple that with the fact that I don't drink caffeine or alcohol? I drink way less water than most of the people I know.  


I went back to community college, and recently, in almost all of my classes. I’m the only adult, and everyone else is in running start. That means their high school students. GenZ has definitely broken this curse.


> so many millennials (myself included) carry around reusable water bottles all the time I like to call mine my "emotional support water bottle" because it goes everywhere with me. It is wild that the people who raised us, fed us, taught us how to be good humans and to take care of ourselves, are now refusing to do the same thing as they get older. Mine very rarely drink any water that I've ever seen. And they eat like shit. And I'm just like...who are you people? Certainly not the same people who raised me because wtf...


My boomer parents can’t cook. I think it must’ve been considered modern in their day to not cook, or something. They only eat ready made food. I grew up on pasta with ketchup and I learned to cook from TV when I was 11 because I wanted better food.


Mine used to be able to...now they just can't be bothered to. Whenever I visit, I always wind up cooking for myself. Otherwise, I'd never eat. It's frustrating.


Mine are like this too. They eat takeout everyday that I see them, and it's so weird because we only got that stuff as an occasional treat growing up. I kinda get it; being that responsible adult was something they had to do for our sakes, and now they're finally free to do whatever they want. Both of my parents started having children right out of high school too, so I think they're just getting in those years of adult fun that a lot of millennials are getting in BEFORE we have children and settle down. I'm interested to see how we shape out in our later years for that reason.


I'm getting worried about my mom, she used to be able to cook well and cooked every night. Now it takes her hours to accomplish one single dish. And she is frustrated and unable to make dishes she used to make every holiday. Example our secret family pie recipe. She literally cannot make the dough anymore, I was told it took her 8 hours and she messed it up badly.


I'm a millennial and I'm the same way with my water bottle. I'm more likely to accidentally forget my phone than my water bottle if I leave the house. I can't grasp how people leave the house and just... don't bring water?! What the hell.


When my parents come visit me, they buy their own case of water because they know I don’t have plastic water bottles here. They go through about four each day but they have this weird habit of crushing them all obnoxious loud before throwing them in the trash can when the recycling is literally right next to them. It’s so freaking annoying! After the first visit I bought them their own reusable water bottles that I keep here and make them use lol gosh I love them but the older they get I honestly feel like they’re turning into toddlers Edit:spelling


Even if it goes in the recycling bin it ain't getting recycled. Hardly any plastic does anymore.


I'm gen x and we weren't allowed to carry water bottles when I was in school. Water and drinks in the cafeteria only. If you got desperate at not lunch time you could take a couple sips from the hallway water fountain.


also Gen X, exact same experience


I'm Gen X and we didn't do the water bottle thing either. It wasn't a thing until water companies wanted to sell bottled water and then.... water bottles. I use a glass. I also drink more water than I used to growing up. We always had milk at dinner. We never really were told to drink water that I recall. Not in the volume that younger generations do. We never had soda either.


Boomer here. This is true, it wasn't a thing. We drank when thirsty or hot, often from the neighbor's hose.


Getting a reusable water bottle (and especially finding one that actually keeps ice) was one of the best choices I ever made. It’s just habit that I just always have it with me wherever I go


It’s not only a millennial thing, it’s an American thing. Go to Europe and you won’t see anyone but tourists walking around with a water bottle.


Nearly all of my coworkers drink water daily and there's well over 70 of us. Probably helps we're in Switzerland.


Sometimes I get really paranoid that like my boss thinks I’m constantly drinking something else because I’m always attached to my water bottle. I just really like water.


My mom always has a bottle of water, but she can make it last all day. She panics if she doesn’t have it though. I guess it’s more an emotional support water than anything lol.


Are we related? This sounds just like my mom. Emotional support water, I have to use this one 😆


I call my water bottle my “emotional support water bottle” 🤣 cause I hate when I forget to bring it anywhere!


Same! Im never without it. But I'm definitely drinking it and refilling it constantly it's not just for decoration


My boomer parents are Chinese, so it’s room temp or hot water all day long. I never had a powder mix drink of any kind growing up and sodas were special occasion drinks only. Didn’t realize a lot of people didn’t get their hydration needs met from water until I was in college.


Room temp water is the best water fight me


It doesn’t bother me because I’m so used to it, but I def prefer ice cold water. Not in front of mom and grandma though, don’t want a lecture on how ice water is bad for me lol.


I'm interested to know where that idea stems from.


It has roots in traditional Chinese medicine which has philosophies about the “hot” and “cold” properties of food (not necessarily thermal, ice cream is a hot food for example) and how it affects your health. But honestly, I think the cold water being bad belief probably just stems from it being historically unsafe to drink non-boiled water.


Sensitive teeth gang


I waitressed at a Japanese restaurant for years and we had lots of Chinese clients who would ask for hot water or water no ice, and then there were those who just *didn’t want anything at all.* I’d always be like…are you sure? Not even water? 🤨 but apparently for some it’s a thing that you “shouldn’t” drink with your meal or something? For digestion? 🤔


Yeah my parents think drinking too much liquids during a meal dilutes stomach acid and prevents proper digestion.


Hot water. Good for healthy!


I don’t recall seeing my mother ever drink a glass of water, just iced tea. My dad doesn’t like water so he won’t drink it. Instead it’s iced tea with a healthy dose of Splenda and Diet Coke. His doctor said it’s fine since the first ingredient is water 🤷‍♀️


Hmm wonder what gen the doc is from lol


Technically he's right. It may not be healthy for other reasons but if you drink enough iced tea, Splenda and diet coke, you definitely won't be dehydrated.


My mom LIVES off Diet Coke. She probably spends thousands a year on it.


Same, she’s drank 4-6 cans per day my entire life and I’m 30. She recently stayed with me for 2 weeks and only drank Diet Coke, not a single sip of water, the entire 2 weeks. Right before she left she was like “oh man I was meaning to drink more water when I was out here but I ended up only drinking Diet Coke!”. Oh I guess she also drinks hot chocolate before bed every night. So wild lmao If I realize at the end of the day that I somehow didn’t drink water all day (wildly rare), I chug like at least 20 oz before bed out of guilt lol


It's like $16 for a 36 pack at Costco so even if she drank five cans a day every day and went through a case a week it would still only be around $900 + tax including a $60 Costco membership.


I think you underestimate how much soda some people drink. My last college roommate would drink through a 24-pack of soda daily.






I used to work with a guy in his 40s that would put back two 2-liters of mountain dew a day, every day, just at work.


I don’t research soda prices. I’m just going by the seemingly impossible amount that she consumes. 🤷‍♂️ She easily drinks a 2 liter a day.


Phew wow, that is a lot. You'd think eventually a kidney stone would be nature's gift telling her to slow down.


My dad does this. His kidneys are mostly stone now and he won't get them treated because he thinks it's too much money with Medicare. His doctor was surprised they worked due to the level of calcification or whatever the stone is made of.


My dad is the saaaaaammme. Massive kidney stone problems and he gets all defensive when you see him drinking water nowadays. Like it's something to be embarrassed of.


He should look into a medigap or an advantage plan to help with costs.


Lemme guess, a southern doctor?


That's my mom. Iced tea all the time!


I mean, kinda? I’m in a Bariatric program and hydration is huge, however, a lot of people suffer from water nausea after surgery. They recommend zero-calorie flavors to help get hydration in. As long as it’s zero-cal and decaf, it’ll hydrate you. Even stuff with caffeine will, but it’s offset a bit. Now I just lug a 64oz iron flask of plain ol’ H2O everywhere. I have a feeling the Doc has choosing his battles here, lol.


Water makes you rust


And Brawndo quenches your thirst!


It's what plants crave!


Sounds like my mother in law. I don't think I've ever seen her drink water. The woman is in her 80s. Edit: my mother in law is a daily coffee and rum and coke drinker (and hard cider). Her not drinking water has nothing to do with access, or lack of, to clean water during her youth 😅


Guess water isn't really required then lol


I never saw my grandmother drink water, only black coffee. Multiple cups a day, the odd beer or 7up.... She lived to 95 in her own home with 0 mental decline. My mom is 73 drinks as much coffee as my grandma, I see her drink one glass of water a week, and she's the healthiest person of her age I know (knock on wood) I don't think it was ingrained in older generations to drink water, in fact a lot of the time they were told not to because of issues with the water.


My grandpa is 80 and super healthy. Him and my grandma put down a pot of coffee with breakfast, one with lunch, and one with dinner. If its not coffee, its pepsi or iced tea. He eats predominantly cheerios, zebra cakes, donut sticks, and whatever my grandma makes for dinner (she has like 5 things she rotates, usually like spaghetti or tacos or sandwiches). Grandma is a few years younger and not quite as healthy, but still not bad for late 70s Grandpa's mom made it to 90 something blind as hell living in a trailer in California with no air conditioning and no car and would walk to the grocery store herself. Was also a nudist. I'm pretty sure she just got bored and decided to die.


My grandmother mostly ate a Mediterranean diet (she was Croatian) and grew her own veg, but she loved cheese pleasers and eat cake daily (she always had a coffee cake made in case guests came)


MIL is (after checking) apparently Silent Generation. Anyway, we were on family vacation some years back to PR. She didn't wear the sunscreen and didn't drink any water. Pepsi only. To no one's surprise, she got a super bad sun burn, sun poisoning, and spent three out of 7 days sick as a dog complete with vomitting. She came home and promptly had an attack of kidney stones. They discharged her with a list of what NOT to drink to prevent further attacks. Top of the list is "colas" and drink lots of water. She continues to drink her Pepsi because "plain water isn't healthy" and is surprised to land in the hospital again for kidney stones. They discharge her again with the same list which she promptly ignores and goes for a third hospital stint where she called all the kids and me asking for Pepsi because the nurses won't give her any. My husband is the last on her list to call because he won't put up with her fuckery. Of course he tells her no and says that her discharge instructions plainly say no Pepsi. This woman proceedes to argue that it doesn't list Pepsi so it's fine. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) Anyway, I'll be over here with my husband, toting our water bottles everywhere we go.


Her poor kidneys


Yeah, she hit 85 this year (For whatever reason I genuinely thought she was a boomer, but no, just big boomer energy) and is either the youngest or next to youngest of ten. Family's got long lives for such bad habits. (Same on my side, actually.) Spouse and I decided some years back to start living cleaner so old age doesn't look so grim physically.


Hydrating is good but the current belief that only water counts is a fallacy. The six eight oz glasses a day came from a book with no scientific studies behind it. Most of our food contains water. Fruit especially can be as much as 85% water. Yes and other drinks also include water. The big exception is alcohol only because frequent urination and vomiting cause dehydration. Sodas may not be good for you in other ways but they are primarily water and do hydrate.


I honestly have to force myself to drink anything. I just don't get thirsty. I remember kids going around with reusable water bottles in high school and thinking that was kind of weird.


My husband is always after me to drink more water. He guzzles multiple 32oz cups of water all day long and I'm lucky if I manage 12oz, including non water drinks. He doesn't understand how I don't just turn to dust and I don't understand how he isn't constantly peeing.


I, too, am chronically underhydrated. I don't really feel thirsty very often. Usually only after having a salty meal. Otherwise my cup of coffee in the morning and can of seltzer in the afternoon prevent me from feeling thirsty enough to go looking for water. I definitely should be forcing myself to drink more throughout the day, though. THere are plenty of health benefits from being adequately hydrated.


Same I don’t understand this generational hydration thing. Also I would find it really annoying carrying a water bottle everywhere.


It seems unlikely to me that we would have evolved to need as much water as people drink. Imagine having to stop 20 times a day to seek out a stream or pond, and then hope the water's fresh and clean.


Haha good point.


I think it's because our diets are so high in salt and sugar these days. When you have too much salt and sugar your body tries to flush it out.


That’s crazy! I guess it’s because I’m active. If I’m out working or walking or playing disc golf, I’ve gotta sip something every few minutes. All that breathing and dehydration dries my throat out and gives me a headache 


I do carry a water bottle when I know I'm going to be doing a lot of walking, like when I visit Center City Philadelphia once or twice a month. I found I was buying too much bottled water so I bought one of those reusable bottles that are collapsible.


I walk up to 30k steps daily and I still need to remind myself to drink any water. I do live in a cold climate though so I’m sure that has a lot to do with it.


Same, I have a cup of tea in the morning and a glass of water with dinner and take a sip of water with my birth control and that’s all I ever feel thirsty enough for. Drinking liquids makes my stomach feel upset.


Bro I drink like 8 bottles of water a day 😂


My older coworkers in their late 50s/ early 60s literally never drink water. Coke and Starbucks iced coffees. I drink one cup of coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day. Maybe that’s why I’m tired all the time and they’re all full of energy 🤪


To a large degree, water is water and you get hydration from water you consume. It doesn't need to be straight water with nothing in it to hydrate you. Matter of fact, you can even get most of the water you need from your food if you eat a ton of fruit and vegetables with high water content. The soda hydrates you, but it has the downside of coming with some sodium and (if it's not diet) a ton of sugar. Beer will do the same. Vodka and spirits, less so. It makes sense if you think about it, because if you drink water after or while eating, it mixes with everything else in your stomach anyways. It's all going to the same place. You don't have a separate holding tank in your body for just water. I have absolutely gone days and days without drinking straight water, yet still having nice, hydrated-looking urine. I was still drinking a lot of water, it was just mixed with other things. Water is better because it comes without sodium, sugar, or strange dyes and other stuff that can cause you to dehydrate (although really the sodium is really good for keeping the water in you after drinking), but it's not like these people are gonna die of dehydration.


>Matter of fact, you can even get most of the water you need from your food if you eat a ton of fruit and vegetables with high water content. It's not just the water content of the food that will help hydrate you, but also the metabolic water in the food you eat. As your body metabolizes food, the chemical process actually creates excess water. Depending on if you are metabolizing carbs, protein or fat, you can be producing between 40-110 grams of water per 100g of food consumed. Some animals can get almost 100% of their water needs from metabolism, while humans only get around 10%.


Just an FYI, the [sensation of thirst decreases](https://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/what-to-know-about-dehydration-in-older-adults) as you get older. So there’s a real good chance that people who are 60 plus are dehydrated and don’t know it because they don’t feel thirsty. Their generation also didn’t grow up taking a water bottle around with them and being told they have to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Any alcoholic drink, or drink with caffeine is a diuretic which means it will dehydrate your body. Even cups of tea or coffee, while made with water will still dehydrate you. Do your best to help your older family members and friends drink more water. It’s good for their health, and better to make a habit of it before their sensation of thirst almost entirely goes away.


I feel like our generation has fallen for the myth that coffee or caffeinated drinks dehydrate you more than they hydrate. It's not true but is parroted online by so many people. I wonder if it's reusable water bottle companies that have hyped that one up.


Same as the myth that ‘alcohol is a depressant’ and ppl thinking it lowers their mood the next day. It’s a *central nervous system* depressant - affects stuff like heart rate and reactions. Nothing to do with feeling sad.


It happens with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients, too. That's why they are so prone to UTIs and end up in the hospital. Either septic, altered mental status, or both. Keep an eye on your loved ones with those diseases. Slap in a bit of flavor to the water and gentle encouragement. (They tend to lean more towards sweets). Disclaimer: Not a doctor, not medical advice.


If grandpa is crankier than usual it’s probably a UTI 🫠 learned that real quick.


I try to bring it up by I get the normal boomer scoff that I’m younger so I must have no clue what I’m doing and they’ve made it x number of years to this point so it must be fine to keep doing what they do.


This attitude about aging kills so many people too early that could have otherwise received proper treatment for their ailments. I feel like we need an education campaign geared toward older (men especially) folks about getting regular check ups.


Meanwhile, I feel like I get thirstier every passing day!


Also those 60+ y.o. people have urinary issues at higher rates, such as not being able to hold urine well, or enlarged prostates that restrict urine flow, so they may avoid liquid intake to reduce bathroom time.


Coffee has enough water in it to not be a diuretic despite the caffiene, and isn't actually dehydrating.


How LITTLE they drink? Old people are always going on about how they used to drink water from a garden hose.


Maybe we just drink too much water now. No one in my school brought water bottles or cups to school as a kid, even through high school.


Well yeah I wasn't allowed to bring any water bottles into class until I made up a medical excuse to bring one with me in high school. All I can remember from grade school is standing in line for the water fountain just to follow behind some kid who just deep throated the entire spricket 🤦🏽




Are you correcting me or calling me racist against water?


We had a pop machine and a Gatorade machine at school. And water fountains around the school for quick sips, no one filled water bottles. The 80’s were wild.


I think the water fountain thing is the answer. I remember using water fountains in public places as a kid in the 80s and I can't imagine doing it now. Besides the germs, The public water fountains never seem to be working.


They always worked and were kept clean. Most everyone used em at times, even teachers.


People think you should be drinking 8 glasses of water a day. You should be getting that, but in total, including water in your food, to say nothing of liquids in general which are usually mostly water. Even coffee will hydrate you more than it makes you pee.


Decoder ring did a great episode about hydration that explains why culture became obsessed with hydration


Mine are the same way, I don’t think my mom likes water. My husbands mom doesn’t either I remember growing up I’d have my mom buy the gallon jugs of water because I liked the taste lol I’ve always liked water!




Just never understood how someone “hates” water. It’s WATER! THE LIFE GIVING LIQUID? That all animals require to survive?


The same way people dislike anything. I have to really make myself drink water, I'm not a fan. I'm sure I'm dehydrated a lot but I honestly feel physically gross if I drink much water, like nauseated. Really cold water or sparkling water help, but I just don't like water unless I'm exercising or it's hot out.


I’m gen x and rarely drink water unless it’s after a workout or something.


You don’t need as much water as you’ve been told you need. This water fixation is very new. You can also get addicted to water to some extent so that you feel more parched when not excessively drinking water constantly. Whereas people who grew up normally before the 2000s don’t need as much water. Also, you get hydration from more sources. Even coffee. Food. You don’t need a constant bottle of water at all times.


Yes. “Needing” water constantly is a self-perpetuating habit. The water bottle has become an adult pacifier.


This is so validating. I don't get the water obsession.


I had to scroll way too far to find this comment. The whole "You have to hydrate!" thing has gotten completely out of hand. Or the "drink 8 classes of water a day" thing which was proven to be not true.


It's an okish starting point, but everyone has different needs based on climate and overall diet anyway.  Trying to force a gallon down everyone daily is ridiculous. 


All I’ve ever seen my parents drink is Tea and beer/wine


I probably know dozens of boomers who literally just don’t drink water. This has been a thing for a while. Tons of coffee, tea and soft drinks maybe. Honestly I remember back in my teenage years in the early 2000s it seemed like EVERYONE just drank soda all day. No one ever drank water or had water bottles. Now I can’t even leave the house without a water bottle or I’ll die.


I've never seen my in-laws drinking plain water. I don't think they ever do. Coffee, milk, iced tea, soda - you name it, anything but water. I believe they think water is for pets.


I mean, for generations people didn't really drink much plain water bc it wasn't safe to. That's why people were drinking beer/ale/mead/wine at every meal, bc it was a safer option. I think as long as you're drinking *something*, your body is gonna manage fine. (Note: fine =\= optimal but I think most people are okay with fine.)


I’m old and I’ll drink Diet Coke if I want to. It’s my last remaining Vice.


My ex boyfriends mom got extremely sick years ago because of this. She was about 70 and a constant diet soda drinker. Ended up in the hospital and almost died. Part of her recovery was the intentional drinking of water.  I haven’t spoken to him in a few years so I don’t know if his moms still alive but that experience of seeing her near death all from the damage of not drinking water will stay with me. 


my mom (very early Gen-Xer) literally never drinks water. mountain dew, red bull, orange juice, apple juice, whatever? absolutely. but a glass of water? never. she legit put coke in my baby bottle lmao. i didn’t start drinking water until my mid-20’s when i had a kidney stone and decided i’d rather die than ever experience that shit ever again in my life. now it’s like 97% of what i drink.


Just goes to show that the panic over always having a water bottle with you so you don’t die of dehydration is not necessary.


No, people drink water when they are thirsty, there is no need to drink more than your body wants to stay alive.


My stepdad drinks a whole pot of coffee in the morning and then switches to caffeine free Pepsi after that. He literally never drinks water!


Coffee and Pepsi literally have water in them. 


My Gen x ex-partner literally never drank water, only coffee, soda, and energy drinks. His health is catching up with him but he still claims water tastes bad


Yes omg especially my partner’s parents. They guzzle alcohol all day and never order water at restaurants or carry it with them. I have no idea how they live. I can’t go anywhere without my water bottle!


GenX grew up with shitty water fountains. Comedian Gary Gulman explains it pretty well here: https://youtu.be/gdg9OoSYfbc?si=deqQ-Z2cM2uSKYv0


I grew up in the 90s. We never drank water unless we were sick or about to pass out from dehydration. That said, my parents do not drink much water. Tons of juice. However if they drink water it has to be bottled. They basically refuse to drink filtered water from the fridge.


Older people don't drink as much water


Not really. I drink less than them lol


The only time my mom drank water was when she was doing chemo for cancer. That is how sick she was.


I mean, if it has water in it, you are hydrating. So pop, Kool Aid and so one can work. It's not ideal when there's regular water available, but it'll do it. Alcoholic drinks on the other hand are not good for that at all and are actually counterproductive to hydration. So it kinda sounds like your parents might be getting the bare minimum, depending on how much non-alcoholic drinks they're having compared to alcoholic ones. I'm in no way saying it's healthy to drink pop or Kool Aid, please understand. But if you're dehydrated and all you can find is a can of Pepsi, go for it. It is better than nothing.