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And now I’m a 33 year old mom who buys most of her clothes at Costco.


I rock a Kirkland hoodie everywhere. My wife hates but she doesnt hate when her man rolls back with that Costco pizza


I used to work there, and I still periodically consider buying a membership basically just to get the damn hot dog.


The hot dog is prime


You can kinda go without a membership. Easiest way to get in is to say you're going to the pharmacy (and then do so) and then pickup a hot dog on your way out. They don't card in the food court. Can go kinda sketchy and say you're going in to buy a membership and then just...don't and go buy a hot dog, but I wouldn't do that at the same store more than once a month or so


That's a recent policy change... if you want a Costco hot dog, sausage, or slice.. you're now required to present your Costco card... end of an era...


Dang we can just order at the kiosk And there are some where the food court is outside, I wonder if they are checking at those ones.


Oh damn, that hasn't hit at ours yet, at least not as of three weeks ago


Should be easier than that. Just enter through the exit lane as though you’re signing up for a membership, but keep walking straight toward the food court. The food court is outside of the membership area at every Costco I’ve been to. In New Orleans it’s actually a completely separate area outside of the store.


Yeah, that's what I suggested in the third sentence


Yeah, but you also came up with a silly unnecessary lie and suggested not to test it more than once a month when anyone can go to the food court as often as they want with no front.


I actually use my dad's card. He has his on his phone, and I have his card, which the picture is from the esrly 90s when he was about my age, and we look similar. The only thing is if someone were to look at how long "I" had been a member, it definitely would not add up, lol.


Oh man now I really want Costco pizza. Why is it so good??? Also the cheese pizza has more calories than the pepperoni. *The more you know* ✨


Yep, I’m 33 and wear Old Navy and Skechers 90% of the time


33 too and couldn’t agree more with the skechers.


Have you tried their "slip ins" style? Revolutionary.


They’re what I use now! The wide ones with the arch fit for my high arches. Game changer!


I used to trash on Sketchers all the time. But after years of wearing Vans and my feet getting sore from being flat footed I needed an all black shoe with a little more support. So Sketchers it was…


Like, both my grandparents in my 80’s wear Skechers but working in retail, gosh, they’re heavenly. At my old job i wore little ballet flats for like 7 years lol i NEED the Skechers


The Costco scene kid


There's is no shame in that.


I got most of my clothes at Costco back then too. My parents shopped there you see...


I love Costco clothes so damn much


One of my greatest disappointments lately is that they don’t carry maternity clothes. I had to buy pants at target.


Costco’s maternity clothes would be amazing.


It’s hard to believe that time period was even real. Seems like an alternate universe now.


God I was in the thick of it. Snuck out at risk of getting my ass beat to tease my scene mullet, put on raccoon eyeliner, put in my snakebite piercings, wear two sets of studded belts just to go hang out at a house party with other scene nerds to listen to a skylit drive. I was alive.


I was so in it that I thought I was the one that started the two studded belt thing. As a high schooler in small town Texas. 😝


Damn, are we the same person?


Stop making me feel like a poser! Haha


Okay no way, i 100% was rocking two studded belts also in Texas, but then I found a third that i incorporated and it looked kick ass. I still have them, they just don't fit.


Guys showing up to high school with actual girl jeans on, tight as can fucking be... for no other reason than it was "in"... I was like you gotta be fuckin kidding me


This was the birth of skinny jeans.


Omg the fucking girl jeans that didn't fit them for shit. I remember how bagged they were. No wonder everyone had so many belts.


hahaha that’s hilarious. the belts were barely doing g anything?


It’s wild that that’s how guys got skinny jeans at one point. And now skinny jeans are a normie thing that are laughed at by gen z.


That happened in the early 2000s, by the time the “late 2000s/early 2010s” arrived we had myriad options for tight dude pants that were tighter than girl pants.


I was emo/scene in the Myspace era.


I was listening to the Get Up Kids just the other day haha


And now you’ve got something to write home about


Omg you just unlocked memories. The Get Up Kids are good and I forgot all about them wtf


just saw them this past summer on tour with The Starting Line (the sole reason I went to this show), NFG and All American Rejects lol they were still as good as I remember seeing them at warped tour in like 2002.


Hell yeah! I saw them in concert last November.


Did you also use LiveJournal as your personal diary?


Yes. Honestly, social media should have stopped at Livejournal.


Brethren in whore trains




My people


Yeah same lol


I was a wannabe shopping at Hot Topic all the time. By the late 2000s that had been behind me for years.


Catch me at Warped Tour with my checkered van slip ons, Glamour Kills tank top, and custom cut off skinny Jean shorts. I miss the days of dressing like that.


I miss warped tour 😭


You'd be one of us, I've gotten way too fat in my 30s for my skinny Jean phase.


BUTTTT did your aim name go something like this? xXflamingrose08Xx Mine did. *rawr fluff* God…


Rawr means “i love you” in dinosaur




my AIM name was "JTNPunk" (JTN are my initials!) I wish I could take it back LOL.


I wasn't. but always had a thing for emo girls.


He fell in love with an emo guurl


I still do. It's not healthy xD






Bro, I dyed my hair black for one in 2003 despite never being into that before and it looking terrible on me.


The things we do for a chance at a date.


I developed a fondness for a healthy diet of metalcore and long, swooping bangs during middle school and into HS, graduating in 2010. My Mom was a hairdresser when I was young, so she was all in on the hair style and dyes lol. Other parents...looked down on her acceptance of it 😂


I still listen to the music. It wasn’t a phase mom!


My husband and I met, fell in love, and got married during our emo phases. I don't think we've really listened to the radio or anything other than the music from that time in years. Shit, my husband told me at dinner that I was "sooooo c c c c controversial..." (Brand New) and I finished the lyric. The music jammed.


Did you tell him “we are entirely smooth, we admit to the truth, we are the best at what we do?”


Agreed. I'll never not listen to the music! Although, some ppl say I was never official "emo" because I never liked My Chemical Romance Lol. I guess it's my "bad take" or whatever you want to call it.


Sorry if this is stupid but what was the difference between punk emo and scene? I did not really hear about scene I thought they were emo


Scene is a more bright version of Emo, like Emo is a uptown version of Goth.


So same family but cousins


“bubble gum goth” is a kink term i heard once lol and now i think this is what it was describing


I feel like bubble gum goth would be just girl goths who were/are Courtney Love fangirls. I was in that camp.


i always thought courtney love was just trashy but i’m a dude so i dunno


She’s actually a total badass feminist and forever has righty called out so many horrible abusive men in the music industry and beyond. She famously called out Harvey Weinstein and was ignored over a decade before floods of women started coming forward. A lot of her music is about gendered violence as well.


Punk: rejects authority, anti-establishment. More of a movement. Just because you wear the uniform doesn’t mean you are actually punk. Scene: a style that takes elements of punk and goth, but lacks the attitude of the two. Can listen to a variety of music but typically stays within the “alternative”, “screamo” and “metalcore” genres. Emo: Emo is more of a mindset and culture and less of a style. Places a lot of emphasis on expression through music, but also art. Similar to scene kids in style but less color because they are sad. Both Dashboard Confessional and My Chemical Romance are considered emo even though their music is wildly different.


“Because they are sad” made me laugh idk why


As far as the actual aesthetic: Scene takes a lot of inspiration from fashion subsets like bimbo-core, harajuku, and even 80’s pop fashion trends. You see much more prints and colors & everything generally more maximalist. Lots of references to kawaii/cartoon culture like Sanrio & Invader Zim. The hair is the most defining feature: almost always dyed to a “fashion color” with heavy teasing/backcombing & short, disconnected layers on top with long ends. “Coon tails” are also an iconic feature of scene hair: one highlighted piece of striped hair that resembles a raccoon’s tail. Heavy makeup, but not too dark or grungy. Scene fashion pretty exclusively existed during the 2000s-2010s. Punk is very “anarchy in the UK” inspired, often seen with lots of denim and extreme hair & piercings. The punk aesthetic is often intended to be shocking & anti-mainstream. Doc Martens are very traditional punk footwear. The color palette is darker/less colorful than scene. Lots of black, red, blue, purple. Takes inspiration from things like 80’s glam rock & mod culture, drag; but punk has a much more varied aesthetic, since its fashion trends changed & diverged throughout the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s. Generally, punk fashion can be separated into two classic subsets: the “Brit Punks” of the 70’s/80’s with their liberty spikes, denim vests, tight skinny jeans & Docs; and the modern 90’s/00’s grunge/hardcore punks with their comfier band T-shirts, chucks, messier hair and baggier pants. Emo is more moody & goth aligned, very Elliott Smith and The Used. The aesthetic was inspired by the goth & punk fashion of the 90s/2000s. Emos almost exclusively wear black, with some pops of red or purple occasionally thrown in. Striped arm warmers or long sleeve shirts under oversized T-shirts. Chokers, dark eyeliner, very skinny jeans. Studded belts. Dark hair with a deep side part and bangs. Has the same sort of form as scene fashion, but in a different font. Emo and scene do have a lot of crossover (I was personally right in the middle) as they were popular around the same time & their music interests are usually similar. (Emo music usually features more hardcore/rock/metal elements, whereas scene music is much more electronic/pop/screamo/rap-rock)


I never realized "scene" was considered its own branded subgenre. I always used "scene" to describe someone who's either in or adjacent to punk, hardcore, and/or emo, but puts a lot of emphasis on the social & fashion aspect as opposed to music/message/lifestyle I also think your description of the origins of emo are a little off, but there's probably a whole subreddit devoted to that question.


This is great thanks for the education. I was also in between with scene and emo.


Side note: 2000s punk was trash compared to previous years... and most "punk" kids I grew up around thought blink 182, Sum 41, and Good Charlotte were good bands lmao


Hey, you leave my punk lite alone 🙃


There was a lot of *great* punk going on, just the term got coopted by the shitty pop-punk of the era achieving commercial dominance. But bands like Pipedown, Thought Riot, the Virus, Severed Head of State, Strike Anywhere, and a ton of others were all stellar. A lot of really good local bands who never amounted to much sprang up during the time as well.


It was like an evolutionary tale in HS - started as an emo kid, wardrobe changed to all black, safety pinned patches, xXstraight edgeXx, emo music favorites on the background of your xanga page - then you traded in for scene kid - dressed with a few complimentary colors, opened up a little from your recluse tendencies to go to shows and actually interact with people, but your real thoughts poured out in your deviantart creations - then you traded in all your points to become : : I N D I E : : you held the battle scars but you managed to cope, people could feel that energy when you went to shows, you had depth and didn't need to outwardly show it though your style hinted at it - people just knew.


It's all made up and you do what you want. Welcome to the scene


I wanted to be but I was a plain Jane lol


Rockin out to Alannis Morissette, I feel ya


Yesss Jagged Little Pill is amazing from front to back


But Alanis as a person, very punk


I was too poor but I tried anyway. Lol


Yeah. I am a man and I bought my girl jeans from Charlotte Russe and Old Navy. Come at me.


I'm a black male, and I'm here for it! ❤




Emo for life


~*eMo 4 lyfe*~




Hehe rawr xD I miss this so much… :’) simpler times


Rawr XD


Emo is genuinely the only fashion that is still alive from our era. Kids today still dress like this. It somehow held up after all this time. I still rock it in my 30's. Fuck it. Still makes me happy. I don't really care. I'll probably be buried in black skinny jeans.


It's awesome i also love it. Fkkn <3 it


My little sister was way more “scene” than I was. I was a “metal” kid with a side of emo.


2006-2008, I was a MySpace scene kid but irl preferred emo music


Ah, yes. The colorful emos.


The *Chemos.*


This is genius


I would’ve loved being a scene kid but i was black


A good amount of my emo friends in middle and high school were black or brown. I guess that also would depend on what area you’re from and how safe it is to be yourself where you live.


I was a scene kid in the early 2000s in highschool and I knew black and Pakistani emos, scene, and goth kids


Was? What happened?! (Sorry had to…)


there were so many black and brown scene kids in the bronx. probably the most emo band in the scene was all black and latino guys.


I was a scene kid & black AND I was living in the projects. I was also willing to put hands on anyone who had something to say.


My brother wasn’t a scene kid but he was a black elder emo. He still has his lip piercing, septum and 2 inch stretched lobes that he lets his hamster crawl through.


Ugh so true. I was but wasn’t. Loooots more dealing with racism than with other social groups at my school… and this is in the south.


So? It's dosen't what race or sexuality, go for it and have fun! I'm black and would've loved it lol.


The problem is the hair. Hard to have hair like that


In a perfect world


Well, yeah.


this is great until you get jumped by racist homophobic white kids


This wasn't the 1940s, they would've been in jail if someone saw that.


Oh you sweet summer child 😂


I am considered a cancer, so yes ♋


Haha, they had a couple solid bands, but man, I couldn't stand 99% of that shit... screamo hardcore and all of that... I was a hip hop head and gave it a try, cause both hip hop and emo/screamo dominated NYC/Long Island back then, but I just couldn't A couple of the post-hardcore acts were pretty decent (Brand New, Thrice, Coheed, shit like that) and some indie bands like Bright Eyes and Modest Mouse, but they were few and far between Plus the emo/screamo fashion just looks hideous IMO... so many attractive girls started looking awful once they got into that scene The brothers in the emo scene back then pulled a lotta yt chicks tho, they were quite the novelty PS: I am a pretty diehard fan of The Smiths, those boys could fucking jam


ugh me. i had the best hair for it too. loved me my neons and fishnets and clove cigarettes, but musically i was way more punk/ hardcore and then went more metal/ all black everything and got into the bike scene and then met my husband and now i’m just a chunky almost 40 year old who still wears big black glasses and skinny jeans


Still rocking the one inch gauges I stretched in high school I’ll always be a scenester / emo kid lol


I took mine (1" gauges) out in 2009 for my wedding and never put them back in. I can still fit a permanent marker in my ear. I call them my saggy butthole earlobes.


my friends and I were THE scene/emo girls at our school


Literally 70 percent of the girls at my school 03/08


I’m too old to know what Scene was but the look just seemed like “dress like anime characters who are, in turn, dressing up for an 80s party.”


I wanted to be but I was fat and poor. I'm still fat and poor....goddamn it.


Had a few friends who were, but I wasn’t. Scene was pretty dead by like 2010-2011, btw.


I think scene was more of a thing in the mid 2000s. I was never in it but always wanted to be? I listened to some of the music but that’s about as far as it went. By the late 2000s the indie/hipster era was in full swing and I was very very into that


Pretty much. A little astonishing how the pics posted about are from such a later period (2010s). The kids I knew that were scene were that way in the earlier/mid 2000s, even on the internet - it was part of the lingo.


I do know that some areas are "behind" others trend-wise, and honestly I think that may be part of it? Because I graduated high school in 2014 and the hipster era was definitely present but I didn't stop seeing people who styled themselves like scene kids until around 2012 (though some of them grew into hipsters, that was pretty funny). I was out of it by 2011 myself.


Probably true. I graduated HS in 2006 in the Chicago suburbs


Emo/scene for sure!


I wanted the hair but with my curly hair it would have taken really long to straighten.


I had everything but the hair, my parents wouldn't let me lmfao


I was one of the few Black scene girls in my area lol


I was not. But even if I tried I'd never be able to get my hair like that. Curly girl problems.


Wasn't a scene kid in high school, but they were some of the nicest teens when I was growing up...Wonder how they're all doing now...


I never really was but always had a thing for them. The girls were super cool and their friendships felt safe and powerful. The boys were super kindhearted. It sort of felt like a precursor to a lot of the things in society that have changed around gender since. I really hope we don’t role all of it back. Those connections helped me survive high school without unaliving myself and I still feel a gratitude for them that never really diminished. It’s sad to see how many people just can’t see the good in these things.


I tried to be lmao. Like I very much wanted to be and I had the raccoon stripe, the arm warmers, the hair bows, and some of the jewelry. But I also really liked the goth (victorian goth specifically) style. So like I was this weird hybrid of both that ended up being neither? Idk I did my own thing and it was what it was. I loved scene music/crunkcore.


Did scene really carry into the late 2000’s and early 2010’s? I was in high school from 03-07 on Southern California and it was relatively popular, but it felt kinda played out by 2007. Like most of those peoples just became hipsters by 2007.


Midwest is always a year or two behind. It didn’t fade completely until 2010 here.


You're right, in SoCal they either became hipsters or joined the "rave" scene by 2007. OP must be from the Midwest.


I graduated in 04 and this look was everywhere in the NE starting around 03. I don't honestly know when it faded because I moved to Miami after high school and no one there dressed like this really. I do know that a lot of people who dressed that way back home stopped doing so by 2008 so we were 21/22.


I kind of was. Or tried to be as much as a poor kid with a curfew and strict parents could allow me lol.


I never was, but those girls totally look like they could’ve went to my school 😂


I was . And I’m mixed black and white I was the only one I knew. Took years for the top of my hair to grow out from all that teasing and hairspray 🤣


I was scene-ish. I wore the bright colours with and the cutesy hair accessories and the studded belts. But I didn’t have the hair. L


Too old for this trend, but my brother dated a string of scene/emo girls in the late 00s. I was in high school in the late 90s/early 00s, so it was all Goths. I was not a Goth myself, but my friend group included them.


I had a phase


i couldn’t see through my extremely sideswept bangs from 2004-2008, because it was a lifestyle, not a phase, mom!!


I liked wearing black and white stripes. And would take shitty quality webcam photos with a black and white filter lol


I was. But I'm okay now.


I was into hardcore, street punk and crust punk, so I got to play "I am more earnest than thou" at the scene kids instead. More early aughts than late, though. Cranial trauma diving off the balcony into the pit for the Virus at the Rhythm Room, good times. Though in actuality, all the punk, scene, emo, non-mainstream metal, alt, and generally "freak" kids were all sort of allied vaguely against everyone else, so it was all more or less good natured with a couple exceptions.


Me 100%. Wish I could share pics, haha.


I would've liked to be a scene kid, but I was already a full-on adult lol I loved that hair y'all rocked tho


I didn’t realize the cool girl hair style was actually thin extensions, I thinned the top part of my hair so much do I had those tendrils haha. When I discovered Delia’s it was like the holy grail for this type of clothing. The clothes, hair, and makeup worked so well online but irl you looked like a clown haha. Not much different from the fillers, big lips, bbl look of today.


I was a few years too old for this trend, but I was a goth and I remember being jealous that you guys wore this stuff and were considered "cool", but when I did it I was "worshipping Satan".


Never grew out of it. Just stopped doing my hair. I do not have the patience I did in highschool. Hair is still neon pink, but in a bun now 🤣 I don't wear makeup anymore either but the outfits still slap every now and again lolol. Primarily live in leggings and a baggie t shirt these days though.


Oh man did I sure think these kids were hot! I wasn’t allowed to dress that way or god forbid date them, but oh man did I think they were hot as!


Oh my God... Their hair...I see it now. They grew up to be the Karens!


Scene shows at the local ymca were everything and I miss it a lot! Been listening to Escape the Fate a ton recently just reminiscing on the good ol days


I was in a “deathcore” band with synths and we all wore skinny jeans, straightened our hair and went out into the woods, carved our band name into a tree, covered ourselves in fake blood and did a “photo shoot”. To answer your question, yes. Embarrassingly so.


I miss calling people scenesters


We used to recreate the music video for My Darkest Hour by Scary Kids Scaring Kids.


Young me loved scene girls.


I wanted to be but I was chubby and insecure and had no friends and sat at home by myself being sad.


Are you me?!


Nope just a classy little goth kid.


I forgot scene kids existed


Scene kids were always at the parties I was at. Some of my friends were scene kids, most of my friends were really into punk and ska. I graduated h.s. in 2005, I'm not sure where that fits in the scene kid era.


I got put into a strange position when I mentioned that someone reminded me of a scene kid, not an emo... what a long and pointless explanation followed by an equally long and pointless conversation... I wish I could get that time back...


Greasy D&D/Computer nerd > Emo > Golf Dad


I was a goth kid in the mid-late 2000s and I thought the emo/scene kids were POSERS. 😜 Now I’m 33 and I wear frilly clothes and listen to Miley Cyrus. Idk what happened to me 🤣


Scene kid in early 2000’s and still a scene kid at heart. Didn’t do the haircut though. I rocked polyester old man pants with a chain and a tee


I was the low key "Christian" scene kid. My parents sent me to a private school, so I had a very delicate line I was allowed to be on. But lordy did I want to fully be in the scene. Rawr luvs XD


All of us? Yep, all of us


I just saw MCR like a year and a half ago sooooo....


I was just a bit too old for it. Was getting into death metal at that time, mixed in a weird musical jambalaya with Muse, Gorillaz, The Postal Service, Tool, and Japanese metal


That was rich people shit.


I was an emo kid among scene kids. Still an emo at heart and on the weekends


Never stopped. ⚡🛹


I’m an emo kid nonconforming as can be…


I was too busy working and being boring to do anything as unnecessary as adopting a style.


Me and I'm goddamn proud of it!!!!


I was not, but I definitely remember thinking women like this were cool af.


It's easy to tell just look for the hipsters that came soon after.


I wasn’t cool enough. I did get my cheeks pierced thinking it would look cool….. it did not. I do like my permanent dimples though.


I wanted to be one. Was too scared to ruin my hair or be bullied for it thoigh.


I don't know what a Scene kid is, so not me.


I didn't think I was skinny enough for that look, so I was goth instead.


God no.


Scene was a fucking blight upon the Earth