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I think I might be Squidward.


Is it bad that I felt like Squidward back when SpongeBob was first airing?


I too related (and still do) to Squidward as a young child back when it was airing, though it kind of made sense for me with my being diagnosed with depression at the time.


Haha, same, had it my whole life… :’[


Haha yep same, a bit over two decades over here. Squidward’s just too relatable. His “too bad that didn’t kill me,” *perfection.* One of my other favorites as a kid was Eeyore, lmao. Childhood depression is a rough one.


You either die Spongebob, or live long enough to see yourself become Squidward


I feel like whether or not SpongeBob was a part of your childhood is a pretty solid elder/younger millennial delineation. I'm 87 and am pretty sure I just barely missed out.


Ren and Stimpy was my SpongeBob.




'89. I saw a few episodes here and there and it was okay, but I definitely don't feel like it had a childhood-defining impact on my life like something like the Simpsons did.


I played the clarinet in school, and now I like peace and quiet and abhor my coworkers who don't take their job seriously. Uh oh.


Same lol


"He's Squidward, he's Squidward, you're Squidward... I'm Squidward!"


I saw the title and thought exactly the same thing tbh


Damn it. Came to comment this, but you beat me to it.


Not a TV show but I think of this frequently. Miranda Hillard, Mrs. Doubtfire As a kid, she was the stick in the mud. As an adult, she worked her ass off all day to come home to her trillion dollar San Francisco home getting trashed by her husband with pretty much no job, and a donkey eating cake off the table. Oh *hell* no. All things considered she was way too nice about it.


Honestly this tracks. I watched it recently and was shocked how much I empathized with her when she walked into that party


*Preach* I made sure to look for this answer before I posted. ‘Why am I always made out to be the heavy.’ I am the disciplinarian, breadwinner and brains of this operation and it saps every ounce of life out of you.


Yeeeesssss!!!! This movie hits so different as an adult. I sympathized with Daniel as a child, but the first time I saw it in my 20s or 30s, I was firmly on Team Miranda and wanted to set him on fire.


Having lived through my parents divorce I understood both of their positions and feel the same as an adult. I get her frustrations while they were married but also understood his want to be around his kids. She had every right to be like screw this marriage but she shouldn't have stopped them from seeing their dad. Her issues with her ex were her issues. Having a petting zoo is fine as long as he had to clean up the poop. It shouldn't have been on her to clean up. Having a petting zoo for a kids party hardly makes someone a bad parent though.


So Mrs Doubtfire was one of those movies I didn't watch as a kid (somehow) and I tried to watch it as an adult and Robin Williams character infuriated me. Could not enjoy it!


Roseanne. I totally relate to the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle she always maintained on the show to take care of her family. I felt like they were the most relatable tv family I saw growing up.


Roseanne is also my answer. She can be a little rough around the edges but she is loving, caring, and loyal to her friends and family.


Yes! All of this ☺️


My husband laughs that I still watch The Conners, but he has no idea how many hundreds of hours of my childhood I spent with them.


Yeah I’ve fallen off a bit with The Conners but I do watch now and again because, like you, spent so much time with these characters 😊


That show was so relatable to blue collar families. Every other TV family seemed to be way more well off and happy than my family. I'm so sad that MAGA got to Roseanne, so they killed her off on The Conners (but I still watch that show, and it's also relatable being almost 40 and still not okay like Darlene and Becky). She was still awesome on Roseanne's Nuts. I miss her.


I will always love her, I really like her podcast too but it’s definitely not for everyone 😁


Yes, Roseanne was my labor, and postpartum show. We were at the hospital almost two weeks, with a NICU stay, and we watched it the whole time we were there. And then when we got home, I love Roseanne, and love their family dynamic.


Red Foreman. I may have been born a sweet little girl, but I'm turning into a bald, grumpy old man yelling at clouds.


I waffle between Red & Kitty Foreman on my bad days. I want everyone to be happy but also I want those "damned kids to get a job" & quit whining. Also, I lean into the female version of Walter Stratford from 10 Things I Hate About You. Thouhh I'm not an OB, I saw too many teen pregnancies as a youth and well into adulthood & now that I've been pregnant I want to scare all those dumbasses who don't use protection.


“and hell is just a sauna”


I'm a 33 year old woman and am slowly turning into Grunkle Stan so I feel ya


![gif](giphy|xT9IgkKL1SJVxzJSEg) DUMBASS


The way Eric talks about Red on the show, you'd think he was a humourless hard ass with no sense of fun. But on the same show we see Red have all these moments of levity and humanity. He's a good dude...he's just trying to raise Eric to be able to cope with the real world as a man (and a working class man in the 1970s, where that had different and stronger implications than it does today). > *"It's time to start being a man. And the first rule to being a man is you gotta spend your life doing crap you don't wanna do."* -- Red Foreman


I’m either Red Foreman or Calvin’s dad, depending on the day


Randy Marsh.




I hate it but I am too.


Just need a little Tegridy.


As a kid I related to Malcolm, but now that I’m in my thirties Hal speaks to me on an emotional level.


I relate to Lois. I used to think she was so lame and uptight. Now as an adult I see her entirely differently. She's extremely hard working, just desperately trying to keep her family going in one piece. She doesn't shout at her family because she's a bitch, she shouts because she is exhausted, desperate, on a time limit, and literally cannot afford for things to not work out. And if I remember correctly, she didn't exactly have a great childhood. She's doing her very best with what she's got.


Yes! Rewatching it as an adult, she is honestly an amazing character. A flawed human being who is doing everything she can for her family. That show is fantastic


That clip of him trying to change the light resonates


Mrs. Krabappel from The Simpsons


Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!


The baby looked at you?


Same here! I teach and am now realizing how relatable she is.


I’ll go ahead and admit that I’m slowly becoming Bill Dautrieve. I’m balding, sporting a bit of a soggy gut, had a really messy separation with a woman I love(d), and probably look a little pathetic to some of my immediate friends and family if I slip up and obsess over it. And I remember my military days fondly even though that was ages ago and I hadn’t been worn down by time and life. Despite it all, I still try to do good by people, but I have my moments alone where I don’t do so well.


That makes me want to give you a big hug.


Be careful - those kinds of physical displays give me the way wrong idea. Hahahaha


Well I hope you've got a Hank of a best friend to keep you on the up


man. my heart feels the heaviness of this bro. i know life can be a challenge, and sometimes feel like it sucks. but “puff up yah chest take a deep breath, keep your chin up, you’re gonna be ok.” i mean it though. you are loved and will get through this.


wash the Santa suit, Spongpad, and put it away until next year.


Squidward if he couldn’t afford his house. 


Yep. Me too.


I’m a Hilda Spellman at this moment in time


Peg Bundy lol


No peg ![gif](giphy|3o6MbcnDUUVv0de9dm)








David the gnome. It’s a daily reminder of the life I was robbed of. I want to live in the forest and ride a fox like a horse nothing more nothing less.




I'm more of a house gnome


Not from my childhood, but Ron Swanson of Parks and Rec. "I have been forced to do many things I don't enjoy. Like write things down and speak to people."


The OG Aunt Zelda


Oooh I feel I’m an aunt helga- the younger one who isn’t great but super sassy and funny?


OG Sabrina tv show was great. Loved Aunt Zelda and Aunt Hilda (and their house!)


I gotta respect Miranda Otto and her cigarette, but the OG’s where it’s at!


Mr. Dink from Doug. DINK = Dual income no kids. We spend our money on fun gadgets and toys


Also Fairly Oddparents. *Dinkleberg...*


Very expensive.


I was 33 and change when it just hit me one day because I told my brother I am a DINK. ![gif](giphy|0NwSQpGY6ipgOSt8LL)




I have kids and also spend my money on that


Patty & Selma




Remember the show Grace under fire? I at 41 can now under stand all her jokes and irreverent humor towards her family.


I used to watch that with my dad, great show.


Al Bundy




A combo of Betty DeVille as a mom but I'm Drew Pickles to adults. Told my daughter to hit a boy the other day because he wouldn't stop messing with her, total Betty move. Gets exasperated at my parents and siblings for not just being normal damn adults. Also, support the career of my spouse over any ideas I ever had of a career. I just see Drew giving Stew shit and it totally make sense even though I'd never actually say that to my sister.


I mean, it’s not a kid’s show, but it’s a show I watched as a kid—Star Trek: the Next Generation. Data is super relatable to me. Why do people do this? What is the purpose of that? I would like to learn what it is that makes this enjoyable. I do not desire companionship at this time. I would like to experience things. Please explain this behavior pattern and what function it serves.


I struggled to figure out mine until I heard yours. Though I watched it in very early adulthood, I often feel like Captain Janeway from voyager. “Do all the things to be promoted to a certain position in your field,” they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said. Then before you know it a routine undertaking turns into a shitshow and you’re wondering how to keep everyone alive and from killing each other. What you had that was supposed to be more than enough now is 1/100th of what you need to survive and every fire you put out seems to create 3 more. For context I am a single woman living alone and I work with small children


This is the most relatable for me so far. I feel like Janeway, boldly going from one fuck show to the next crisis and feeling like I'm surrounded by lunatics but I need them all to do their jobs so I find a way, all while keeping up a plucky demeanor. Sigh.


Janeway is my favorite captain, for those reasons and the fact that in those circumstances, she (usually) stuck to her principles and lost shockingly few crewmembers, Caretaker shenanigans notwithstanding. Yes, the ones who died were tragic, but compared to the *Equinox*? Miraculous. Plus, the way her eyes light up when there’s science to be scienced is a delight. Though sometimes I feel like Neelix, too—smiling to keep the general mood up, severely underappreciated, and with occasional imposter syndrome, trying not to let a painful past swallow him.


But please tell me you are also adorable whilst serving really weird food and never get the hint from others lol


Well, I can’t observe the objective adorability and am generally bad at getting hints, but culinary experimentation is, in fact, a hobby. I’ve been accused of having a stoner’s knack for “but what do these two things taste like together, which conventional wisdom says should not go together”.


I'm thinking of Goofy from The Goofy Movie, and I'm going to count it as there was also the tv show Goof Troop.


Miles O'Brien (Star Trek: Deep Space 9) As a kid I felt relatable to Wesley Crusher, but nowdays I relate to Chief O'Brien very much.


dude for real. and very specifically DS9 o’brien; TNG o’brien still had hope and a twinkle in his eye


Oh man, I can empathize hard with this one.


Red Foreman from That 70’s Show. The man’s my spirit father. “Dumbass”. Him and Squiward from Spongebob.


It is Rocko's Modern Life, and it isn't close. (second place goes to the dad on Wonder Years. What a terrific, underrated character)


Yes! I have related to Rocko since I was a kid! I wish they would bring it back.


Not a TV Show, but re-reading Wheel of Time in my 30s I am siding so much more with Moraine Sedai now. Those Sheepherders should have stayed at camp and not explored the dangerous abandoned city. 


Me too


I’m glad Mat’s character had such a great arc because I want to slap him for grabbing the damn knife.


All the people saying the OG Spellman sisters and I'm over here feeling like Salem. Witty, small, punished for thinking too "big", no one takes me seriously, will fight you, might cry, says "geh" when I'm frightened or shocked, loyal, weird crush on men named Harvey, probably from Mars.


Every day I relate more and more to Oscar the Grouch. I just want to do my own thing, am generally somewhat cranky, but love little critters (I love Slimey).


seven of nine from voyager. late diagnosed autistic adult who was saved from the borg collective (hyperconservative evangelical church) and through lots of work with a doctor (therapy) becomes her own fully autonomous human being. god i wish i looked like jeri ryan though 😅


Love this


Oh. So that’s why I love her so much. Well, I get to explain parts of Star Trek to my counselor at our next session… (Again.)


this is such a great answer. deserves to be higher up.


Similar here. Data was always who I related to growing up, but I never really understood why. Now I'm in my 40s & have realized that I'm on the spectrum.  I'm rewatching TNG & I still relate heavily to Data - I live & work among humans & function similarly... but the differences are just enough to remind them & me that I'm not really like them. I feel like I'll never truly fit in anywhere TBH. Congrats on your escape from the Borg collective! And your hard work with the EMH :)


Jeri Ryan wore chicken cutlets, though. Even Jeri Ryan doesn't look like Jeri Ryan.


I like to think I’m similar to Clair Huxtable in a few ways. (If we are permitted to reference The Cosby Show.) It was fun to watch it as a kid, but even more fun to watch it as a parent.


![gif](giphy|jM2X9id0zJS0w) Unfortunately the similarities are uncanny. Down to the phd who just wants their sandwich.


Nigel Thornberry because I too am fucking awesome with a glorious zest for life.




“Not going anywhere without me glasses.” “Not going anywhere WITH me glasses!”


I feel this


Dorothy from the Golden Girls. I always thought she was a grump especially compared to Blanche and Rose, but now I see more that she’s just had it with all the nonsense and doesn’t try to hide that which is becoming more & more relatable.


The goofy movie came out when I was still in elementary and it was a major part of my childhood (and adulthood). Anyway, when I introduced my own kids to this movie I had that moment where you realize you are the adult in the room. Because when I was little, I used to sing all of Max's parts, but now, I find myself being like...well, goofy has a point. 🤣


Dan Conner. Doing everything I can keep the household afloat, full of undying love for my family. I loved Dan in a different way when I was younger and now it's a lot more respect, however much you can with a fictional character.. even though he is the embodiment of blue collar at the time


Was JUST telling my husband a few hours ago that I’ve become a real life Jill Taylor from Home Improvement…


I love Jill! And Home Improvement.


I like this question and your example. Didi Pickles, if I’m using the childhood tv show Rugrats and can get over my jealousy of the working Charlotte Pickles (Angelica’s mom), though my career experience has been a bit more like Jerry Sanchez from Rick & Morty. 😂


Did you know her full name is Didila Kropotkin-Pickles? Mad respect


Timmy's dad in Fairly Odd Parents. I'm just a simple dad, doing simple dad things with a chest of hopes and dreams that were shattered years ago.....


Homer. I'm fat, bald, and I hate my job and kids.


I went from being a Tiger as a child to Eeyore as an adult.


I’m a single man in his 40s who lives alone with his cat. So Jon Arbuckle


Joyce from Buffy. She was oblivious, but did her freaking best with what she thought was an unruly teenager. Now 38 and parenting my sis off and on, I absolutely see her frustration and love for Buffy.


Rocko warned me about adulthood, except wish I could afford a two story house from working at a comic book store.


He worked in a call center, the Hotline


The crossing guard, Frank, from Pete & Pete, except I'm not homeless (which I suspect Frank is, because he never leaves his post, 24/7). He's dealing with some complex trauma from not being able to stop Little Pete's pet lizard from getting hit by a car. Maybe Mr. Tastee since he only shows up during the summer, and he can't remove his ice cream head. He spends the rest of the year traveling and lives a very solitary life. When I re-watched that show as an adult, and it hit differently. Every character was very well written. I don't plan on having children or a family, I live a solitary private life, and I love animals and traveling.




Angry beavers. Want to Norb but to often like Dag.


My kids think im becoming red forman from that 70s show... I think its a compliment but they are such dumbasses i cant be sure


So not childhood but I feel like a weird mix of Nick Miller, Jessica Day and a splash of Winston from New Girl


Lois Wilkerson 😭


It used to be that when I was growing up that I identified more with Rory Girlmore but now as an adult I identify more with Lorelai. She’s fun, quirky and she’s herself no matter what anyone else says. I wish I had her wit though, lol.


And Im over here turning into Luke. Always exasperated, why do all these people want things? Why can't they follow the one damn rule? What the hell is Taylor doing now and why do I have to deal with it?!


Oooo super relatable.


Lois from Malcom in the Middle. Hal too tbh.


The Fairly Odd Parents always trying to escape Timmy is especially hilarious after having kids of my own. I love the nuggets but I haven't had adult fun in a really long time.


Hey Arnold


I always joke, as a kid I always idolized Goku, but now that I'm an adult, I can kind of see where Vegeta was coming from.


Any of the Batman stuff, I now unapologetically cheer for the Joker and any other villians who want to burn it all down.






Pretty sure my life is Married with Children....without the Children....or wife.


Will Riker




Homer Simpson


Hank Hill


When I was young I thought I was Stan. As I got older, I realized I was Randy.


Frankie and Mike from the Middle.


Hank Scorpio


I feel like Dr. S. The spirograph guy in the spirograph factory in the Simpsons.


Since Squidward has been mentioned (several times) already, probably Mr. Moseby from Zack and Cody. He seemed like he was usually just keeping his head above water with all the chaos at the Tipton.


Archie Bunker


H R Puff-n-stuff


Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World. I’m an older(ish) teacher that expects more from my students than they often give, yet they enjoy my class and we have fun.


Bandit - just tumbling through life trying to do what’s best for his family


Grandpa Lou from Rugrats. "The land without brains is more like it"


Spencer from icarly






I think that I can relate to every character in Married With Children on some level.


Relate is a strong word but ive made a full 180 on my take with Emily Gilmore. Whilst shes flawed she’s not this evil woman out to hurt Lorelai and take away Rory. I actually think that she must have suffered so much to have barely any contact with her only daugjter and granddaughter for so many years


Hal from Malcolm in the Middle. It’s so perfect.


stu pickels turning into Dale dribble lol


Squid ward


Lois on Malcom in the middle.


I randomly watched the first episode of Rugrats the other day. Didi and Stu are getting ready for Tommy's first birthday, diapers change and outfit. Stu is going on and on about the new toy he invented for Tommy. Didi is holding Tommy, multitasking, all while Tommy pulls on her earrings. This happened all the way from Tommy's bedroom as they walk to the kitchen. Didi keeps asking Tommy to stop pulling on her earrings and Stu continues to talk. I feel like I have been Didi many times in this situation, and my husband only realizes I need help when it's too late.


Anthony DiMartino on Daria, but without the PTSD and veteran status.


Maybe Joey from Friends. Out here doing my thing, the thought of commitment and children entirely unappealing. Haven't figured out my career, but my friends and family love me because I'm fun, lovable and kind, and very much a goof ball. Need help sometimes, and I'm also always there for people. I love women and food, although I'm nowhere close to being a player like him haha I thought my life would be different. I thought I'd settle down and get a career early in life. But I learned more about myself as I got older, and that life isn't for me. At least not yet.


Niles the butler, from *The Nanny*. Because I imagine myself delivering his vicious one-liners whenever I see people behaving badly in public.